Chapter 30 Just teasing

It's a pity that there are corpses everywhere. Wang Ping'an doesn't know what exploded now, but he just sees light spots everywhere on the ground.

He didn't dare to waste time now, fearing that monsters would spawn again later, so he hurriedly ran to every shining place to grab a handful.

When he picked it up, he knew that it must be shipped this time. There was a stick in it, but he had already put it into his backpack before the attribute appeared on his retina.

After picking up everything, especially the gold coins, Wang Ping'an cast an invisibility spell on himself.

The main office will be renovated soon, and he doesn't have much money left after paying the rent.

Opening his backpack, Wang Ping'an looked at the stick-shaped equipment in the twenty-third grid.

Wuji stick

Requires mental strength: 25
Attack: 8-16
Taoism: 3-5
Weight: 15
Lasting: 23/25
Seeing this equipment, Wang Ping'an forgot all his previous doubts. He had defeated so many mini-bosses before, all of which were equipped with high-end equipment from other professions. He thought he couldn't beat his own equipment, but now he finally defeated his own profession. advanced equipment.

Wang Ping'an took out the Wuji Stick from his backpack. The stick was decorated with four rings of silver patterns, and it looked very mysterious.

After dancing for a few times, it felt like I was better at subduing the devil than in my hand.

It's a pity that I don't have enough mental power to equip it, so I can only enjoy it by holding it in my hand.

When he used to play PC games, he heard that the Wuji stick had hidden attributes. One theory was that the attack speed increased by one, and another theory was that it was holy +4. He didn't know if it was true.

He still doesn't know whether there are hidden attributes in the Marfa world, and he hasn't heard anyone talk about it yet.

But no matter what, this is the best weapon under the Dragon Pattern Sword. It not only looks good, but also has very good attributes.

At least it's much prettier than the twisted silver snake.

At this time, dead monsters were spawned one after another, but there were no evil snakes anymore.

He didn't know how many hours the mini-boss here would be refreshed, but he had no way to find the boss.

There are only seven random rolls left in the bag. Now that I have used them all, I will feel uncomfortable if I encounter danger later, so I will just push the pictures slowly and honestly.

If you encounter them, fight them. If you don't encounter them, let it go.

He ignored the newly refreshed monster and looked at other equipment.

In addition to the Wuji Stick, he didn't expect that the Evil Viper also gave him the warrior's level 30 skill book - Savage Crash.

This can be regarded as a valuable skill, only slightly inferior to the Half-Moon Scimitar and Fiery Swordsmanship.

He didn't recall and didn't realize that he already had a lot of good things in his warehouse. With the two current things, he had a little bit of Zhanfa Dao stuff.

If he only lacks a copy of Fiery Sword Art, he would have gathered all the advanced skills of a warrior.

The magic shield and bone jade of the mage, the dog book and the Wuji stick of the Taoist priest.

He didn't expect that he was so powerful.

This also benefits from the fact that he knows a lot of information that others don't know, otherwise he wouldn't have so many good things.

Especially the first kill on the map, which allowed him to hit so many good things.

There is not much to say about the rest of the items in the bag. They will all be sold in stores in the later stage, and they may even be able to sell some ingots in the early stage.

Throwing away several pieces of ordinary equipment below level 20, Wang Pingan began to fight monsters.

He didn't summon babies now, mainly because there were too many monsters nearby, and it was useless to summon them at level one. He had to use fire talismans to clear some of them first. Anyway, it was a stealth fight, so it was easy for him to single out a monster, but it cost a lot of blue pills and amulets.

After clearing a small area and before the monsters spawned, Wang Pingan summoned the skeletons to help deal some damage.

When fighting monsters, he had a guess as to whether there would be other mini-bosses in this map, such as the White Wild Boar and the Rainbow Demonic Pig Guard.

Since there is already one Evil Viper, it is very possible that there will be several more.

There are just too many monsters now, and he can hardly defeat all the monsters he just settled in, so he no longer thinks about those small bosses.

Maybe only after he reaches level 26 and the skeleton becomes more powerful will he be able to exceed the monster spawning speed of the map.

This map is considered an ordinary map and will only be refreshed one to two minutes after the monster dies.

I heard from Brother Xiaosha that the third level of Woma Temple is so fast to clear monsters. It never takes more than a minute to clear monsters. This also makes it very difficult to defeat the BOSS at this time when the level is not high.

Just like the death coffin, only six of them Taoist priests can move forward slowly. If one person is missing, it will be very difficult, and all skills must be used.

Another good thing about Marfa World is that when a monster dies, it will be refreshed according to the time of death of the monster. It will not be like the PC game. After the death of the monster, it will not be refreshed one by one. Once the monster is refreshed, the monsters killed during this period will be refreshed.

Anyway, he was here to fight slowly. If there were too many monsters, he would use a few fire charms to kill one or two quickly. If the monsters came over, he would slowly chop them with the skeletons.

More than an hour later, Wang Pingan discovered that the upgrade here was actually not much slower than the death coffin.

The experience gained from playing over there is about 30,000 an hour, but here it should be more than 25,000 and less than 30,000.

He now has 22 more experience points at level 23. He needs 30 experience points to upgrade to level 21, which is only experience points short.

At this rate, he will reach level 23 tomorrow.

But it's not easy to come in once. He's not sure yet whether he can go back to practice skeleton training tomorrow. He can only tell tomorrow.

At this time, Miracle Gold No. 19 suddenly sent a private message: Where is he coming from? Are you letting me go again?

This message made Wang Ping'an laugh out loud. The people from Miracle Studio wouldn't be waiting there forever. If that was the case, it would be so funny. There is such a person.

Since he asked this question and was such an honest person, Wang Ping'an felt sorry for himself even if he didn't tease him.

Little Taoist priest with dog: My friends will be here soon. They came from the Viper Valley and will soon go to Mengchong Province...

Miracle Gold No. 19: You... It takes more than an hour to run from the checkpoint to Tucheng... Damn it, I can't wait any longer. You're just a fool to care about him.

Although he was scolded, Wang Ping'an still couldn't help laughing. If he didn't send a private message, he would have forgotten about this incident.

Wang Pingan is now thinking about whether to wait more than an hour before teasing him and see what he will do.

But I don't know why I can't bear it, it seems I shouldn't tease him like this.

But thinking about being squatted by them, he felt angry again, and his thoughts of teasing him immediately took over.

He really didn't expect that after letting him go the first time, he would wait there stupidly the second time.

Wang Ping'an checked the time, wrote down the time, and sent him a private message after more than an hour.

Watching the time passing by, Wang Ping'an hoped that time would go faster.

At 4:30, Wang Ping'an sent the private message he had written to Miracle Gold No. 19 to see what he would do.

(End of this chapter)

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