My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 31 Brother Xiaosa’s private message

Chapter 31 Brother Xiaosa’s private message
Little Taoist priest with dog: We have reached the entrance of the cave. Where did you go?
After a while, Miracle Gold No. 19 sent a private message: Go away, I have upgraded... so that I won’t be fooled by your kid.

Wang Ping'an didn't expect that he was not fooled. It didn't matter. Anyway, he just sent a private message and he didn't lose anything.

Since this was the case, he concentrated on fighting monsters and no longer had any connection with Miracle.


It's seven o'clock in the morning.

Wang Ping'an thought that Brother Xiaosha didn't find out and believed it. When he was secretly happy, his private message was sent over.

Noble and handsome brother: I asked someone to check for you. I found one of the legendary technology companies you mentioned. It was established in June 23. The boss is Wang Pingan...

Seeing this, Wang Ping'an felt as if he had been hit by a hammer, which made him panic and short of breath.

From here, it can be seen that the opposite world is the future world, not the parallel world he initially thought.

But one thing he couldn't figure out was why people in the future world were so unfamiliar with the game Legend.

You can find a lot of information about the legend with just one search, but they don't know anything about it. It's impossible for everyone to forget to check it out.

This was also the main reason why he suspected that the opposite side was a parallel world.

Wang Pingan then looked down.

The aristocratic and handsome brother: ...Now he is seventy-five years old. He was injected with human gene improvement injections five years ago. Yesterday, he received the gene enhancement injection type I...

Wang Ping'an now knows that it is 70 years on the opposite side. He was born in 95, and it will be 75 years when he is 70 years old.

He didn't expect that he would be very lucky in the future.

From what I heard from Du Ba Tianxia and others, this injection seems to be quite difficult to take, and my future self actually got it.

"But that's not right. I have been withdrawing cash for so many years. I should be very rich by then. Why would I still take free genetic injections?"

He was a little confused about this, so Wang Ping'an continued to look down.

Noble and handsome brother: ...The company he founded was dissolved in June 24 because the rent was due. He has been working in Shanghai for the rest of his life. He left Shanghai at the age of 6 until now.

"Ah? The company I opened will be dissolved because it cannot pay the rent next year. What kind of international joke is this? I withdraw tens of thousands in cash every day, but I will not be able to pay the rent? This is a big joke."

Wang Ping'an was puzzled.

"Is this future game closed down? I can't withdraw cash later? Or I can't enter the game, or some other reason."

He was frightened by the news about Brother Xiaosa. He had not lived a good life for a few days, but it was about to disappear. Wang Ping'an didn't want to fight monsters anymore.

After reading the message, I thought I hadn’t thanked Brother Xiaosha yet, so I immediately sent a private message: Brother Xiaosha, it’s so troublesome for you. I didn’t expect you to investigate so much. Thank you so much!
Noble and chic brother: Just a random thing, I just don’t know if it will be of any use to you?
This information is of course useful to Wang Ping'an, but it is too detailed and scares him. It would be better if it were simpler and only said whether it existed and who established it. He would not be as worried as now.

Little Taoist with a Dog: Very useful, thank you, Brother Xiaosha.

Noble and handsome brother: As long as it’s useful, let’s do this for now and we’ll talk about it later.

Little Taoist with Dog: Okay, thank you very much. Let’s chat with Brother Xiaosha when he has time.

After closing the private message, Wang Ping'an sighed and began to analyze possible situations.

"First, it should be impossible for a game company to go bankrupt. For such a popular game, it is also the first virtual game. It should be impossible for a game company to go bankrupt suddenly."

"Secondly, it shouldn't be impossible to withdraw cash. This should be my golden finger. It shouldn't be possible to disappear casually."

"The third one is that you can't enter the game. This should be the most uncontrollable, but it is related to the cheat finger. If you can't enter the game, the cheat finger will be completely useless. This should have the greatest chance of happening. "

"Then what else is there? The first thing is to rule out death and vegetative state. I have lived to at least 75 years old." Wang Ping'an grabbed the hair of the game character and felt that it was too difficult to analyze. After thinking about it, he shouldn't be dead. money to pay rent.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a possibility, whether the future development would not include Golden Finger.

He thinks this is very possible, because as long as he can enter the game for another month, it is impossible to dissolve the company because of the rent issue.

He didn't know how many levels he would be in a month later. At that time, the daily cash withdrawals would definitely be more, at least five to six million a month, and it would be impossible to dissolve the company the next year.

Swallowing his heart back into his stomach, Wang Pingan was no longer worried. What happened would soon be revealed.

You still have to withdraw cash as much as possible now. Even if the golden finger disappears in the future, you have to work harder to kill monsters and get gold coins.

Save enough for all future expenses before the golden finger disappears.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Wang Pingan vented all his emotions on these monsters.


"Ding ~"


Wang Ping'an picked up the phone listlessly. He was obviously still affected by the private message sent by Brother Xiaosha, and he was still lying in bed.

Of course his guess last night would be in his favor.

But according to the private message, he will still be on the road to work in the future, which makes him very anxious.

I took a look at the prompt and was a little surprised when I saw the cash withdrawal amount. I actually transferred so much money last night.

He wasted an hour or so on the road, excluding the Evil Viper's 40,000 gold coins, which meant that he earned 90,000 pure gold coins in less than seven hours.

Coupled with the gold coins from the equipment sales store in the backpack, it is likely to reach 120,000 to 30,000.

As soon as he thought about it, he knew that the wild boar exploded more gold coins than the monster in Centipede Cave, but it was too much.

In the future, the amount of cash he can withdraw every day will be able to move up a level, reaching the level of 100,000.

But within a few seconds of being happy, I felt depressed again.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that Brother Xiaosha's private message did not mention whether he would get married in the future, but only said that he would work in Shanghai until he was 58 years old.

"You can't be single to that age, right? You should be married, but your wife is in your hometown... Damn it..."

Thinking of the situation in his hometown, he knew that he would definitely not get married in the future and would be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

"Why is today so difficult?"

Generally speaking, he shouldn't have asked Brother Xiaosha to investigate in the game. He wouldn't be so uncomfortable today. People... just like to make things happen to themselves.

"Do something to cheer yourself up today."

Wang Pingan thought a lot, but found that he was not interested.

Staring blankly at the roof of the hotel, I fell asleep unconsciously.

This was the first time he slept since entering the game.

The originally frowning expression gradually relaxed. I didn't know what he was dreaming about. The corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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