My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 361 Chapter 397398 Return, potential is just potential

Chapter 361 Chapter 397-398 Return, potential is just potential
Wang Ping'an returned home, still thinking about the realm above the master.

Although this is still far away from him, and he may not be able to reach that step, he must still be yearning for that realm in his heart.

The transcendent ones are already like those immortal gods in novels. How far should they be above the master?

As for becoming a master, he is not worried at all about not being able to do it. As long as he continues step by step, even if it is the source of the original continent's rewards, he can safely reach the realm of master.

It has only been a thousand continent years since the Pope came to the original continent, and he has already become the master.

My own time should be about the same as his, at most a thousand continental years.

When the Pope brought his own civilization to the original continent, he also raised the world by three levels. He was the same as him, and the origin of the world that the original continent rewarded him should be the same as him.


"Xiao An, I heard that the world-breaking spaceship has been successfully built. Do we want to go back to Earth?" Wang Ping'an just got up, and when he came down, he listened to his father Wang Jianjun's questions.

"Okay!" Of course Wang Pingan would not refuse. He had actually thought about taking them back himself.

Wang Ping'an saw them like this, so he called directly to buy tickets.

"Indeed, this is actually the end of them. As various items expire, it is now possible to return to the pre-industrial revolution."

Wang Ping'an is not excited at all. He has even been to other worlds. He can go back to Earth at any time if he wants, so there is nothing to be excited about.

Today, we finally hope for the dawn. That spaceship must carry the people who have left, but we have to wait for decades.

Although it was the first flight of the boundary-breaking spaceship and tickets would be difficult to buy, he was definitely not included in it.

Wang Ping'an chatted with the person opposite and immediately booked nine boat tickets.

"Finally back to Earth." Qingtian and Qin Yulu took a lot of photos at the spacecraft port and posted them to Moments, attracting a lot of envious viewers.

After all, his domain is all agglomeration of rules. If they have not yet become fifth-level enhancers, they cannot resist the invasion of the power of rules. Although the harm is not great, for their own parents, it is better to be safe.

As the countdown ended, the spacecraft trembled slightly and felt like it was lifting off. With this centrifugal force, it was not as good as the roller coaster it once was.

"I'm so excited. I haven't been back for decades, and I don't know what the earth has become like." Qingtian and Qin Yulu chattered non-stop along the way, looking very excited.

Listening to the flight attendant's prompts, Wang Ping'an always felt as if he was on a plane.

But for the glimmer of hope in their hearts, they selectively lost their memory and ignored the original reminder.

"I don't know what is happening to the people who stayed on Earth now. I heard that there are millions of people who did not ascend to the original continent with the Transcendents."

Although the earth also has spaceships, it's a pity that they can't drive them. Otherwise, they wouldn't be like now, and they can only use cars to chase the spaceships.

Now the earth is like isolated islands, dividing people from all over the world. Although we know that there are people in other places, it is difficult to find them.

"Really, I've wanted to go back for a long time. My parents must also want to go back. Let's call them now." The two got dressed and started talking on the phone before washing up.

What I hope most every day is to see the people who have left come back and pick them up.

It was just that it would be harmful to include them in his own domain, so he never mentioned this matter.

As the baffle of the spacecraft shell rose, everyone became excited. If you wanted to watch the earth like this, you could only watch it through TV before. There are very few people who can watch it in space so intuitively.

"It's so fast. It's less than an hour. It's faster than taking a plane on Earth. It takes three hours to get from the Magic City to Tianfu Province."

The people still alive on the earth were watching the extremely huge spaceship enter the atmosphere. Everyone who could see it was chasing the spacecraft in their cars.

Wang Ping'an: "Then I'll ask Qingqing, Yulu, and their families if they're going back, so I can book tickets."

"The people they left behind must be miserable. Those millions of people were rich people in the past. No one industrialized production, and their lives were problematic."


"All passengers please fasten your seat belts and do not move around. The spacecraft is about to take off."

There is absolutely no step in the movie that requires hibernation. It doesn't look like breaking the boundaries at all.

There is only one world-breaking spaceship now, and the tickets have been booked for next year. Everyone wants to go back to their hometown. However, there are too few tickets, and it is not possible to satisfy so many people's requests to return home. They can only wait for the world-breaking spaceship in the future. More will alleviate this phenomenon.

"The breakthrough is successful. The spacecraft has arrived in the solar system. The baffle is about to rise. Passengers can enjoy the scenery of the Earth from space."


Now that there are boundary-breaking spaceships, it is much safer.

"We are about to break through the boundary and return to the solar system. Passengers, please pay attention to the bumps..."

"Five, four, three, two, one, the spaceship starts."

After various infrastructures failed due to lack of maintenance and repair, even online communication became impossible.

They regretted it after everyone ascended. It was really a wrong decision to stay for the sake of property.

This is just like the Spring Festival travel rush in the past. At a certain time, no matter how many trains there are, there is nothing that can be done.

Although there was no shortage of food, I was used to the modern life and suddenly returned to a place where communication relied on shouting, which was really unaccustomed.

"The earth is so beautiful."

Wang Ping'an returned upstairs, came to the two girls' room, and called them up: "The world-breaking spaceship has been built. My parents want to return to Earth. Do you and your uncles and aunts go back so I can book the tickets?"

"Well, they probably want to go back to their in-laws." Wang Jianjun saves others by himself. After all, the earth is the home of everyone in the earth's civilization, and it is normal to miss him.

It’s just that we made it clear at the beginning that if we didn’t follow them together, these people would never have the chance to go to the original continent again.

Although both parents were very excited, they still remained reserved, as they did not want to lose their composure in front of their in-laws.

Although they can't go to the original continent, as the people behind return to Earth, these people will definitely have a much better life in the future than they do now.

"This side of the earth is so dilapidated, with ruins everywhere."

"Look below, someone is driving a car chasing the boundary-breaking spaceship we are on."

The boundary-breaking spaceship slowly stopped flying and floated in an empty place.

The hatch opened, the corridor stretched out, and everyone walked out of the spacecraft one after another.

As soon as I came out, I saw the crowd waiting below the spacecraft, but they looked very dirty, as if they hadn't taken a shower in a month or two.

Looking at these people, the people who got off the spacecraft couldn't help but feel some sympathy.

You know, these people were once rich, but now they are living like this.

As soon as the retractable stairs of the spacecraft were stretched out, those former rich people rushed to the boundary-breaking spaceship in a swarm. They really didn't want to stay on the earth anymore. It was really not a life for human beings. But when they ran into the cabin door, they were blocked by a person: "Brother, please let us in."

The people blocking the hatch glanced at Wang Ping'an and saw that he had no expression, so they drove them all down the corridor of the spacecraft.

The person blocking the hatch is the escort of this boundary-breaking spaceship, and he is also a fifth-level enhancer.

When he learned that when the spacecraft sailed for the first time, Wang Ping'an was among the guests. He was extremely nervous along the way, for fear that he would be dissatisfied if something was not done well.

You must know that some time ago, more than 60 level 5 enhancers were sentenced by him, and more than 40 of them were sentenced to life imprisonment. If he hadn't just advanced to level 5, it would be very possible last time. Can't escape either.

"He didn't give us a way to survive, so we fought with him."

"Let's fight together. Let's rush together."

These people really don't want to stay on Earth anymore, but this person won't let them enter the spaceship, so they have no choice but to fight.

Although he didn't know how he was kicked off the spaceship just now, there were more than ten people on his side. As long as he worked hard, he should be able to rush in alone.

You must know that they are here on the earth, but fighting against the sky and the earth, they must be much more powerful than this person living in a greenhouse.

As for those passengers, they were selectively ignored, subconsciously thinking that they would not take action.

But when they reached the stairs, they found that they couldn't move, let alone rush to the hatch.

The people standing at the hatch found that it was really nice to imprison others in this way, just like when the transcendent imprisoned them.

I secretly glanced at Wang Pingan and found that he was chatting with several other people. He was not paying attention to himself and straightened his slightly bent waist.


"Uncle and aunt, are you really not with us?"

"No, I haven't been here for decades, let's go home and have a look first."

Qingtian and Qin Yulu's parents had no intention of leaving with them. Even Qingtian and Qin Yulu also went back with their parents, also wanting to go home and visit.

Wang Ping'an did not force them. As he stamped his feet, several clay figures emerged from the ground: "Then you take these clay figures with you. Their strength is equivalent to that of fifth-level enhancers. They can protect you on the road safely... When you need to find someone, When we are there, they will lead you to us.”

Wang Ping'an briefly gave these clay figures life, and they could exist for at least a year.

Although the earth is not in danger, it is still just in case.

"Xiao Wang, thank you, let's go then."

"Goodbye, uncle and aunt."

"Mom and Dad, let's go too." Wang Ping'an said as he watched them drive away in the car brought from the original continent.

During this voyage, there were very few people on the boundary-breaking spaceship who simply returned to Earth like them. Among the more than 10,000 people, there were only more than 100 people at most.

Everyone else has their own business, which is to build a spaceship port on Earth and prepare for the future.


Following the navigation, Wang Pingan drove the car brought from the original continent to the former Tianfu Province.

The navigation of these cars has been re-adjusted by Lao Jia, and it can still be used even if there is no network.

"Eh~ It's strange. After so many years, our former home has not collapsed. This is too strong. Along the way, so many cities have been reduced to ruins."

When the two returned to Wangjiacun, they were surprised to find that only their two-story building was still standing.

Wang Ping'an was speechless: "This house has not been built, entirely because I used the power of rules to protect it when I left. Otherwise, it would have collapsed long ago. This house has gone through a hundred years, how could it be possible?" So solid."

When he left, he knew that his parents would definitely come back, and he always wanted to leave them something familiar and something to think about.

"No's still exactly the same as before." Entering the room, the two of them looked at the small building built after the earthquake, and felt inexplicable emotions in their hearts.

It's just that after they built it, they didn't live there for two years before there was a car accident. Thinking about it now, I feel like it's a shame, mainly because my son didn't live there for many years and has been wandering outside.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but continue to curse that family in my heart.

"Where are our graves buried? Since we are alive again, it's better not to leave the graves any longer. It seems unlucky." Wang Jianjun said after walking around the house.

"Indeed, it feels very strange. I can still see my own grave. No one else will believe it if I tell you." Qin Shufen also agreed. How could she have found her own grave while she was still alive?

The two followed Wang Ping'an to the place where they were buried. Looking at their graves, there were not many traces of time on them.

They knew that this should also be the result of Wang Ping'an's protection: "Xiao An, destroy them."

Wang Ping'an waved his hand, and the two tombs disappeared completely.

Seeing their grave bags being destroyed, the two of them settled their thoughts.



After dinner, Wang Pingan waited until his parents fell asleep, leaving the two clay figures behind, and then flew towards the stars.

He wanted to visit the Eminem Civilization. Logically speaking, after so many years, they should have entered the Primeval Continent, but after waiting for a while, they did not ascend.

He didn't go there for revenge or anything, he just wanted to see what happened to them.

Even if he wanted revenge, he would wait until they came to the original continent to settle this knot for the future Wang Ping'an.

As for being in this derivative universe, forget it. The earth's civilization can ascend, but they still have to express their feelings.

Moreover, they can be regarded as the successors of the Titan civilization. They do not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. Revenge must wait until they ascend and will not die.

Following the cause and effect of the past, Wang Ping'an soon arrived at the origin planet of Eminem's civilization.

"I see." As soon as he came here, he felt that someone had passed through the Time Thunder Steps here before, but they just didn't make it through.

Titan originally said that they had the potential to become a transcendent civilization, but now it seems that potential is just potential. It does not mean that if they have potential, they will definitely become a transcendent civilization.

This is like those geniuses in novels, geniuses who die halfway, they are not called geniuses.

"It seems that it will take a long time to resolve the knot of future Wang Ping'an."

Wang Ping'an is not afraid of waiting. His transcendent life is basically the same as the world. As long as his miraculous world is not destroyed, his life span is equivalent to endless. He can definitely afford to wait.

Walking into their planet, Wang Ping'an clearly felt the extent of the technology of Eminem's civilization. If the earth's civilization had not ascended to the original continent, it would be impossible to catch up even if it took ten thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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