Chapter 362 Clues
The Eminem civilization can also be considered a humanoid race. Their image is a bit like the fish spirit like Benbo Erba, except that they have two extra hands, two tactile senses on their heads, and they are all over two and a half meters tall.

Wang Ping'an felt it and found that they were not as blessed as the people on earth. Many of their tribesmen did not use strengthening potions.

However, their physical strength is naturally stronger than that of the people on Earth. Before using the strengthening potion, they were only slightly worse than the people on Earth who used the first-level strengthening potion.

Their tribesmen who have used strengthening potions are slightly stronger than humans on earth at the same level.

But if they only use cold weapons to fight, the Eminem civilization, even if they have a population of hundreds of billions, cannot be an opponent of the earth's population of more than 10 billion.

Humans on earth are uniquely blessed. Everyone can use strengthening potions at least twice. Even if there are only more than 10 billion people, the number of strengtheners is much greater than them, especially the lower-level strengtheners.

But counting technological creations, the earth is not even qualified to be their opponent.

As long as Wang Ping'an doesn't take action, the earth's civilization will have nothing to do with those dozen super flagships.


"It's a pity that their civilization has so many sixth-level enhancers, but not one of them has become a transcendent."

He is back, and there is no need for the clay figures to exist. If he is still in danger, then two more clay figures will not help.


Returning to the earth, the clay figure in front of Wang Ping'an's house automatically returned to the earth.

Lying on his former bed, Wang Ping'an didn't know why he thought of the realm above the master that the Pope had said.

As soon as Tai Tan finished speaking, he disappeared from Wang Pingan.

"You don't think I want to settle a score with them..." Wang Ping'an felt that he had this worry, otherwise he wouldn't have come here.

Titan and his tribe slept most of the day, and he didn't know where they got so much sleepiness. From here, he was sure that Titan would not come for no reason.

"Even if I want to take action, I won't wait until now. I'm not that stingy... In fact, without them coming to the earth in the first place, our civilization would not have become a transcendent civilization."

Wang Ping'an: "You said you're not worried. You're such a big guy, but you're actually telling the truth... Go back to bed quickly. I'll go back when I'm shopping."

Tai Tan felt that Wang Ping'an really thought this way, and was completely relieved: "It's great if you can think like this, then I'm relieved...Then I won't disturb you and go home to sleep."

"it is good."

Wang Ping'an couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you believe this? Don't worry. I'm just here to see why they haven't become a transcendent civilization yet. I have no other ideas."

Hearing the sound, Wang Ping'an saw a Titan next to him, but he didn't expect him to run over as well.

"That's it? I just felt you coming here, so I came over to take a look if I had nothing to do." Tai Tan would definitely not admit that he had been paying attention to Wang Ping'an when he returned to the derivative universe.

He was afraid that Wang Ping'an was still worried about his previous life, so he paid attention to his movements.

Although he has become a transcendent person, he actually feels more bored than before, but he also wants to know what the scenery above the master is.

It might be even more boring, but he really wanted to go up there and have a look. It's just that in the entire world, the furthest you can go is just a small step. There are still many small steps on the road ahead.

He even felt that their method of plundering the origin of the world was wrong. This method made him feel very much like a demonic path. If there really was a way leading to the Overlord, it shouldn't be possible with this method.

Wang Ping'an sneered for a while, feeling ashamed of his own overestimation.

There are so many detached people and masters in the entire mountain and sea world, but they have not found a way to become a master. Now he just feels that since he wants to go so far, he might as well become a master honestly first.

At this time, a flash of light flashed, and Wang Ping'an suddenly remembered the mythical story of the earth, which is the saying that one qi transforms into three pure things.

Wang Pingan also knows that one Qi transforms into three pure states, which is a Taoist term and does not refer to a specific person.

However, in many Honghuangliu novels, Pangu Yuanshen is divided into three parts and becomes Taiqing, Yuqing, Shangqing, or is transformed by Laozi.

Wang Ping'an didn't pay attention to who transformed the Sanqing, but it gave him an idea.

However, another problem arises, that is, how to combine the three pure things into one, and where to find the three pure things.

Wang Ping'an's head ached thinking about it, and he didn't know how to proceed: "It's really out of the blue."

"Hey~ It doesn't seem impossible."

Wang Ping'an suddenly thought of his own situation. He should not exist in the present. It was entirely because in the future Wang Ping'an had fulfilled his past self. He should be like his parents, just a shadow in history.

In other words, the figures in the past can also come back to life, just like myself, parents, Brother Xiaosha and others, they should not exist, but they are all alive and well now.

"Is it necessary to drag myself in history to the present... But this is impossible. When the people on the shadow earth began to become real, those people who existed on the same earth as the real earth disappeared directly and did not come back to life... …Even if you drag yourself in history to the present, he cannot exist.”

"And at that time, the future Wang Ping'an also left the seed of transcendence to himself, so he was actually considered dead."

"What should we do so that two selves, or multiple selves, can exist at the same time?" Wang Ping'an tossed and turned on the bed thinking about this problem.

He had a vague idea in his mind, but he couldn't catch the inspiration and didn't know what the idea was.

This is the most tortured thing. I should know it, but I just can't remember it.

Wang Ping'an looked at all the things he had experienced before, slowly looking back to where he started bit by bit.

"Did the timeline just shrink to the year before becoming a transcendent?" Without the origin of the world, shrinking one's original timeline is a very long process.

When all his world lines shrink, he becomes the master.

He started looking through his own experiences from the year before he became a transcendent person, and he was very sure that there were solutions to his existing problems.

He just didn't think of it for the moment, or he just saw the answer accidentally. Now he just wants to go through what he has experienced before, hoping to find the answer from it.

"No, still not..." Wang Ping'an browsed through his experiences in the past few decades, and found that he still couldn't find the answer.

Seeing that it was almost time for him to become an Enhancer, he still had not found the answer: "Is this answer still before becoming an Enhancer?"

Continuing to browse, Wang Ping An lived a hard life before receiving the gift from the future Wang Ping An. Now that I read it again, I still feel angry.

(End of this chapter)

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