My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 44 The first guild is established

Chapter 44 The first guild is established

After replenishing the medicine, Wang Ping'an teleported to the entrance of the Demon Sealing Mine.

It may be because the family members went to Woma Temple, but now most of the people here are scattered.

The frequency of PK was higher than when the family members were around. There were fights all the time. Wang Ping'an was attacked a lot just by passing by.

After entering the Gale Palace, the disorderly battles were reduced, mainly due to the monsters in the Pig Cave. The Sanren are still having a hard time fighting them now, and there are very few Sanren players here.

As soon as he entered the secret passage, Wang Ping'an saw a group of people fighting monsters and upgrading here, three Taoist priests and three mages.

Swordsman: "Brother, there are people in this area, how about you go downstairs."

He really didn't expect that there would already be people here after just two days without coming out of the Demon Sealing Path. Then he would have to be careful in the future to avoid exposing the Demon Sealing Path.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "Okay, I'll go to the other side and have a look."

Swordsman: "Thank you brother."

Wang Ping'an flew a few random ones and found that they were the only ones here for the time being. They were fighting monsters and were on the opposite side. At least no one would find out that there was a hidden map here today.

Mainly, small bosses like Wild Boar and Rainbow Demon Pig Guard are also cleared here. There will definitely be a lot of people coming here in the future.

No one came before. It was entirely because the level was too low and it was difficult to fight here. It wasn’t because they didn’t want to come.

Smiling Ao Tianxia: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you flying randomly all the time? You Taoist priest should be able to fight after you become invisible!"

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "I want to open a clearing first and call the baby out. Without the baby, it will take too much potion."

Swordsman: "That's true, but there are too many monsters here, and it's a bit difficult to lead to an open space."

The little Taoist priest with the dog: "It's really difficult. After the random flight is over and there is still no clearing, I will go to another place. There are white wild boars here. I feel that it is not easy to fight alone."

Swordsman: "It's really hard to fight alone. It's better to go somewhere else."

After hearing Xiaoao Fengyun's words, he obviously wanted to go somewhere else, but he didn't know how to fight monsters here at all. He was completely over-worrying.

In fact, he has already set up the entrance position, and now he just needs to fly there.

After a while, Xiaoao Fengyun never saw Wang Ping'an flying randomly again, and asked his companions: "Has the Taoist priest just led you to a good place, or has he gone to another place?"

Swordsman: "I don't know, let me roar."

"Brother Taoist priest, are you still here? If so, please tell me..."

Xiaoao Shanlin: "Is he too far away to hear me? Otherwise, you can fly down to see if he is still in here."

"Okay, then I'll fly around and see if he's still in there."

After a while, Xiaoao Jianghu flew back here, and several people asked: "Have you seen that Taoist priest..."

Swordsman: "The Taoist priest must have gone somewhere else. I flew for a long time and didn't see anyone inside."

"That Taoist priest must not ask some mages to come here to fight with him. That would be a bit annoying."

A few people nodded: "It's a bit annoying, but we have already killed the white boar's head, so it won't be a problem if he calls for help."

"Yeah, who would have thought that there would be a first explosion of a white wild boar here. We are also lucky."

When they came down here, they also thought about cleaning up the people coming down from behind, but they thought that it would become very chaotic when they came here, so they gave up their thoughts.

It is difficult for the main mages and warriors to fight alone here. Even if these people are not killed, they cannot stand here.

But Taoist priests are difficult to deal with. They may kill others back for the first time, but if the Taoist priests are unwilling and keep coming to make trouble, then they won't even think about giving them a good fight. Taoist priests are good at making trouble. But now that Taoist priest is gone, that's great.


Wang Ping'an entered the Demon Sealing Path, still thinking about that team of people.

Mainly when someone enters a map, people will come one after another before long, until the map is overcrowded.

In the future, if he wants to enter the Demon Sealing Path without being discovered by others, he can't think of any good way. At most, he can only take the initiative to PK and occupy this place. He really can't think of other ways.

It was just that entering here required walking around for three minutes, which invisibly raised the threshold for entry, gave him some peace of mind.

Putting these worries in his heart, Wang Ping'an started to level up. He was now only 25 experience points away from reaching level , and he would be able to upgrade by five o'clock at the latest.

Equip the Wuji Stick and the best platinum ring, and replace these two pieces of equipment, and your mental strength will break through to 29 points, which is equivalent to twice the level at level 23.

Even if it is a ghost suit, his mental strength can be satisfied, but now his body is not heavy enough and he cannot wear it at all.

Unless you have a special weight-bearing ring, you will definitely not be able to wear it at this level.

I started to fight monsters, and I was very happy when I saw that the damage could sometimes reach forty points. (Soul Fire Talisman Damage: Mental Power +12 or Thirteen Points of Damage, Mage’s Thunder and Lightning Damage: Magic Power +33 Points of Damage)
Now don't clean up the mobs around you too quickly. After a while, all the monsters nearby will be cleared up, and the mutated skeleton will make its debut.

At this time, Wang Ping'an remembered that Brother Xiaosa and the others were attacking the leader of Woma today, and he didn't know how it was going. He sent a private message: Brother Xiaosa, how are you doing? Did you get in?

He stood there waiting for a long time, but saw no reply from Brother Xiaosha. When he was wondering if he was still angry, a private message flew over.

Noble and handsome brother: We have called in, but we are still in the small room now. The dark warriors and dung bugs are so annoying. One is remote and the other is paralyzed, killing many of us. We are very busy now, so I won’t talk about it now.

Just attack in. As long as you enter and gain a foothold, with the continuous replenishment of numbers from several major families, it will be a matter of time before you win.

Since Brother Xiaosha is very busy now, he didn't disturb him anymore and just quietly fought monsters by himself.

When it was almost five o'clock in the evening, he finally reached level 25, and then learned the Holy Armor Technique that he had already prepared.

First, I cast a sacred armor spell on myself and my baby.

[Defense increased by 89 seconds]

This only shows the time, not how much defense has been added.

Wang Pingan opened his character attributes and added four points of defense to the original ones.

That’s the equivalent of wearing two extra sturdy gloves, which is pretty good.

Sure enough, in the subsequent process, the baby's blood loss was obviously much slower.

It's about six o'clock in the morning.

The number of loudspeaker calls on the public screen suddenly increased and filled the screen.

(Trumpet) Mythology ‖ Fury of Thunder: Congratulations to the Mythology family for establishing the first guild [Eternal God Dynasty], accepting all professions above level 25...

(Trumpet) Mythology ‖ Never give up: Congratulations to the Mythology family for establishing the first guild [Eternal Divine Dynasty], accepting all professions above level 25...

(Trumpet) Hero‖ Fengqi Canglan: You guys were just lucky enough to pick up the horn, what a shame...

(Speaker) Noble and handsome brother: All brothers of the nobility congratulate the Shinhwa family on establishing the guild [Eternal Divine Dynasty]...

(End of this chapter)

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