My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 45: A family with fancy names

Chapter 45: A family with fancy names

(Trumpet) Myth ‖ A bad year: "It's sour, someone is sour..."

(Trumpet) Never Say Die·God of War: "Oh no, every time I see the myth "Never Say Die" I want to fuck him."

(Trumpet) Never Say Die·Feng Lei: "Me too..."

(Trumpet) Myth ‖ Never give up: "Little brother, come on, let's see if I don't beat you until you call me daddy..."

(Trumpet) Never Say Die·Fleeing Time: My good son, call me again.


Looking behind, the building tilted to another place. Wang Ping'an was very happy watching these chats.

Now that the first guild has been established, other families will be established one after another.

"The Marfa world will be in chaos from now on."

Before establishing a guild, you have to be careful not to hit your own people when fighting in groups. With a guild, the attack mode can be changed to guild mode. For those who do not have a guild, it is really a dimensionality reduction attack.

Gradually, it was time to go offline again. When he looked at his experience, he found that in the next three hours, he didn't even get 30,000 experience in one hour. He went to watch them chat.


"Ding ~"


"The gold coins we got last night were too few. Excluding the money from selling equipment, we only got 11 gold coins."

After reading the bank prompt, he opened WeChat to see if Qingtian had sent a video.

Clicking on the chat history with her, there were indeed two videos and a paragraph sent in it, both of which were sent after he entered the game.

Qingtian: Brother Taoist, I will send you two videos first. When the clothes arrive, I will take some more pictures for you...

Wang Ping'an clicked on the video. She seemed to have worn these clothes during live broadcasts before, and they didn't interest him much.

He still has to go to the driving school today. Fortunately, the twelve hours of class time have been completed. He only needs to take the test subject one tomorrow.


Nothing major happened in the next two days. I just took the test for subject one on the 29th and passed it successfully.

But the second subject later takes longer. You can only practice driving for a maximum of two hours a day, one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.

Because there are other students under the instructor, it is impossible for you to take up all the time in the car while others also need it.

It will take almost half a month to take the exam for subject two.

There are more and more guilds in the game. Maybe Brother Xiaosha’s luck is really bad. He didn’t get a horn in two days.

From the 28th to today, the th, eight guilds had been established on Biqi's side when he went offline, and the same was true on Zhongzhou's side, with eight guilds also established.

It's a pity that he has been a little slack in upgrading in the past two days because he was watching the speaker chat on the public screen. As of today, he has not reached level 26, and he still lacks the last tens of thousands of experience.

He will definitely reach level 26 tomorrow night, and there will still be a lot of time to practice skills.


At twelve o'clock in the evening, Wang Ping'an launched the game.

As soon as I entered the game, a huge announcement appeared on my retina.

Game Announcement: First of all, congratulations on the number of people online in Marfa World exceeding 7 million. Double experience will be available for ten days after the game maintenance on July 1st. Secondly, many players reported that amulets, poisons and random teleportation scrolls took up too much backpack space. The game decided to add three props in the mall: super amulet (1000 pieces), super poison (500 times), and random teleportation stone (50 times).

Finally, many players responded that the equipment styles in the game were too monotonous. After research, it was decided that the mall would add ten fashion styles, five for men and women for everyone to choose from.

The above shopping mall items will be online after game maintenance.

Maintenance time: 8:00 am to 12:00 am on July 1st, please stay tuned for more exciting events.

When Wang Pingan saw this announcement, he could understand why there were so few people speaking on the public screen.

Those people should be offline now. After the game maintenance tomorrow, double experience will be enabled to start upgrading.

Mainly, they only have eight hours of normal experience every day, eight hours of 0.5x experience, and eight hours of no experience gain.

Only those who purchase the Game Warehouse will gain two more hours of normal experience and two less hours of no experience.

So you must log off now, otherwise you will suffer a lot tomorrow, but if you stay in the safe zone, you will be fine and the normal experience time will not be consumed.

Wang Ping'an hurriedly upgraded the last tens of thousands of experience points, and then went to upgrade the summoned skeleton to level three. He was about to get ten days of double experience, so preparations must be done well.

It's a pity that he only has eight hours of online time every day, and he is very angry when he is forced to use it up.

He will be going out soon, so naturally he won't practice baby training now. It would be a complete waste of time.

After using up all the potions on his body, he reached level twenty-six.

Wang Ping'an first took off the Wuji stick and the best platinum ring, replaced them with the demon-suppressing and moral rings, and then used the city return scroll.

One good thing about fighting monsters in the Devil's Sealing Path is that the bats spit out by the horn flies will burst back to the city, so you don't have to worry about not having the city to return to the city.

Returning to the safe area, there were many people standing inside. They were all people who didn't want to waste time and didn't want to go offline. There were more people than usual in the safe area.

Wang Ping'an didn't delay. After selling the equipment in his backpack, he teleported directly to Bairi Gate.

As soon as he came here, all the people he saw had the family name of the knight. He didn't know which family this family was. It was rare to see their people shouting with loudspeakers on the public screen.

"What are these people doing at the Day Gate?"

Wang Ping'an was a little curious about them here, but he didn't ask any questions and ran directly to the guard with a knife at the door.

There are also several Taoist priests from the knight family here who are training their babies: "Brother Taoist priests are also here at Bairimen. Is there anything you need help with?"


"Are you asking me?" Wang Pingan didn't understand at all, and he wasn't sure if he was talking to himself. Wang Pingan ignored him and summoned a skeleton beside him, waiting for the guards with swords to kill him.

The knight was lawless: "It turns out that the Taoist brother is here to train the baby! Brothers, make room for the Taoist brother and let him practice first."

After hearing what he said, Wang Pingan was sure that he was really chatting with him, but he didn't know him at all. He looked at him doubtfully and asked: "Brother, have we known each other before?"

Anyway, he didn't remember having any interaction with this person.

"Hey!" Knight Lawless reacted and said, "We are from a noble family. You are Brother Xiaosha's friend, so naturally you are also our friend. Because of you, our bonuses more than doubled last month."

"Let me tell you!" Only then did Wang Ping'an know the reason, and finally knew why they were at the White Gate: "Then why are the prefixes of your names different? Brother Xiaosha is the prefix of a nobleman, and you are knights."

"Knights protect nobles and princesses. Our family has three prefixes. The male boss is a noble, and the female boss is a princess."

Wang Ping'an was a little speechless: "Then you are playing tricks on your name."

(End of this chapter)

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