Chapter 87 Infinity

At twelve o'clock in the evening, Wang Pingan entered the game.

Brother Xiaosha’s private message was sent on time, but a game announcement appeared in front of him.

Of course he wanted to read the game announcement first, and then read his private message later.

Game announcement: For the convenience of players, monthly passes are now available in the mall for players to purchase in the game. The remaining time of the monthly passes is displayed at the bottom of the mall for players to check at any time.

"Damn, even a game announcement is released when such a thing is put on the shelves."

He thought it was double experience coming again, but he didn't expect it to be this.

Wang Ping opened the mall and looked at the monthly card. It looked like a small card and was very fancy. There was a word "month" inside and the price was one hundred and ninety-eight yuan, which was the same as the outside price.

In fact, he has long known that other players need to consume monthly cards every month, but he has never recharged the monthly card. I don't know if it is because of the golden finger or other reasons.

Then Wang Ping'an looked at the bottom of the mall, where the remaining time of the monthly card was displayed, but what he displayed here was: ∞/∞

He knew what the symbol was, which represented infinity, which meant that he would never need to recharge his monthly card.

Wang Ping'an nodded, acknowledging the power of Golden Finger.

Next, he opened Brother Xiaosa’s private message.

Noble and chic brother: Taoist priest, why don't you come to the Bull Demon Temple for a cool trip? Three mages here explode mines and upgrade them faster than a roasted pig.

Wang Ping'an didn't expect that he wouldn't pay yesterday's profit from selling medicine today: "No, I'm too lazy to run because I'm doing a good job here. How many gold coins did you earn at the Niu Demon Temple yesterday?"
Brother Xiaosha: I don’t want you to run away. I’ll pull you here very quickly... I’m too bored here. Yesterday was fine. I had more than 4 billion gold coins. Today it should reach 5 billion, mainly on the fifth and sixth floors. There are too many bull magicians, and soldiers can easily die on the road here. Now it's all Taoist priests who come here.

Wang Ping'an received a team invitation from him at the same time, but he didn't answer it. He went there because he was crazy. He can get more than 100,000 experience points an hour here, so he must be faster than them.

Moreover, the gold coins dropped by the monsters were all obtained by himself and could be withdrawn in the morning. He had not forgotten that when he went to Woma Temple with them, he did not withdraw a single gold coin the next day.

The monster blood in the Bull Demon Temple is so thick that no matter how mines are, it is impossible to catch up with the Stone Tomb Formation. Brother Xiaosha just talks nonsense and wants to deceive himself into accompanying him.

Brother Xiaosha: Damn it, you really didn’t come. This hurts the feelings of the brothers so much!
The little Taoist priest with the dog: If I say I won’t go, I won’t go...

Brother Xiaosha: Then our brotherhood is gone. Anyway, it’s up to you. I’ve roped in someone. If you want to come over, message me privately.

The little Taoist priest with the dog: If brotherhood is lost so easily, it is not brotherhood.

Brother Xiaosha: Damn it...I can't talk to you. Forget it if you don't want to come over. Be careful, I will push your level further and further away.

Wang Ping'an did not continue to have fun with him, and started to pick up the gold coins that the mythical beast had beaten.

Now that the company has hired so many people, and more people will be hired later, naturally it cannot waste every gold coin.

At this time, many people appeared on the public screen, calling out to receive rewards from Shacheng members: "Is it Monday in 1970?"

But he is still in the Demon Sealing Path, and he has no intention of getting it now. It will not be too late to get it in a day or two.

After taking a look at the weight of the backpack, which was still a little overstretched, Wang Ping'an flew several times and came to the vicinity of the evil snake. When the weight of the backpack was reduced, he could go over and kill it.

"Brother Viper, please give me something good..."

Seeing that the evil poisonous snake was about to die, Wang Ping'an recited this spell as before. He had not recited this spell for a long time.

Wang Ping'an felt that it was because he didn't recite the spell that it was so dark during this period. Otherwise, after fighting so many bosses, only two or three things came out, and they were all worthless things.

The main engagement ring is also cheap. He saw someone shouting in the Fengmo Valley safe area, and it only sells for a few hundred yuan. The male and female rings together are worth two thousand yuan. The main reason is that the engagement ring doesn't even have any attributes, and it's definitely impossible to wear it after upgrading. If you want to get married, you need two more, so it's very embarrassing to only have one, and the price is naturally not high.

Gain experience +1800
Then Wang Ping'an saw a big explosion from the evil poisonous snake. Seeing so many things, he thought his spell was working, and he was so happy that he couldn't help but smile.

I picked up the equipment one by one and looked at it, and found that there was nothing. The best thing was a piece of Ares armor (female).

He didn't sell valuable clothes like this to anyone else. He threw them all in the store and exchanged them for gold coins.

Anyway, after so long, he has thrown several pieces to the store. Several times he heard the people next to him say, "Which SB would throw this kind of clothes into the store?"

He wanted to tell others, "The SB you are talking about is standing next to you, don't take advantage and act weird."

But if he said it like this, then he would really become SB, and he would have to endure it silently.

For example, the God of War armor can be sold for five to six thousand gold coins each. It should be regarded as the most expensive store equipment. Although it is said to be Zuma equipment, if it is sold in large quantities, it is not very valuable.

You can still sell some gold coins now, and after a while, other players will also sell them to the store to exchange them for gold coins.

Although this evil snake didn't explode with good equipment, it did explode with a lot of gold coins. There were tens of thousands of coins in dozens of piles.

It's a pity that the last Rainbow Scorpion Guard was killed and he couldn't find it. He didn't want to look for it anymore. He just let it happen when he was fighting monsters.

He is thinking about one thing now. Brother Xiaosha has gone to the Niu Demon Temple. Who should he find to overload his body? Is this forcing him to take advantage of his brothers?

"Let's go out and take a look later."

Of course, he could also call other drug sellers to the safe zone to trade, but the impact would be too bad.

His own guild is also in the business of selling medicine, but he even goes to find people in other guilds to buy it. Others will think that he is afraid that his guild brothers will cheat him, so he doesn't buy from people in the guild.

As time passed, the potions in Wang Pingan's backpack finally ran out, and he had to return to the city.

"The super medicine is released, three thousand and sixty-one bundles, the speed required..."

"The super medicine is released, three thousand and sixty-one bundles, the speed required..."

I saw that the price of medicine has dropped again today. In just a few days, it has dropped from 4,000 per bundle to 3,061 bundles.

He felt that the time when the super potion reached 13,000 bundles was not far away, maybe within a day or two. By then, the price of the medicine should have stabilized.

No matter how cheap it is, no one will sell it. If the profit is too little, the Shacheng members are too lazy to run away. Then everyone will suffer.

Wang Ping'an came to the drugstore and found that the number of people in the noble guild was much less than that of other guilds. This should be because Brother Xiaosha diverted most of the people away.

The price there is high, and you don’t have to travel by yourself, and you can save a town-return ticket. Naturally, everyone wants to go there. Just be careful not to get killed by monsters on the way.

"Brother Taoist, you are always here to buy medicine today. Let's collect your gold coins. You went to Brother Xiaosha's place to overload your weight two days ago. He told us."

"Damn...this big mouth."

Wang Ping'an didn't expect Brother Xiaosha, a second-generation rich man, to be a big talker. He didn't expect this.

These words made him feel very embarrassed: "The main brothers don't accept gold coins. They really deserve it."

"What's there to be ashamed of... Come on, I'll overload you, just give me the gold coins as you see."

(End of this chapter)

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