My legendary coins can be withdrawn

Chapter 88 The boss’s privileges

Chapter 88 The boss’s privileges

Three people came over to help Wang Pingan overfill the backpack. The main reason was that they had some medicines sold in front of them and they didn't have a full backpack of medicine. Only in this way could they meet Wang Pingan's requirements.

Every time he gave the market price, neither less nor more.

"Okay, then I'm going to level up first." After the transaction, Wang Ping'an said to several people. They were all brothers from the same guild. It was appropriate to say hello before leaving.

"Brother Taoist priest, let's go slowly. Come back next time!" Several people gathered the medicine for him and said together. Seeing that the little Taoist priest with the dog had gone away, two of the members who had sold out the medicine used the guild to return to the city. roll.

After the transaction was completed smoothly, Wang Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to go back to Shacheng in the future, and the mythical beast could gain tens of thousands of experience points during this period.

No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat. To upgrade from level 38 to level 39, he needs 8.2 million experience points, which increased by 2.6 million experience points.

At his current speed, it would take nearly ten days to level up. If others had to fight monsters and gain territory, it would take more time.

After suffering countless beatings, Wang Ping'an finally came to the secret passage. Miracle Gold No. 19 and the others were still here, hunting a white wild boar.

Several people saw him and were obviously nervous.

It's just that he's not here to grab monsters. There are four small BOSSs in his Demon Sealing Path and he's too lazy to find them, let alone the fake BOSS below, which he has no interest in at all.

As long as No. 19 doesn't bring someone to squat on him, he won't be able to find trouble to snatch their white wild boar.

Wang Ping'an flew to the opposite side. It may be that the wild boar is really not whitened here. No one has come to occupy it after so long.

Of course, this is also convenient for him. He just hopes that no one will come here. After he reaches the forty-second level, it will be none of his business whether anyone comes. By that time, he has already gone to the Iron-Blooded Demon Palace.

But now it will take more than a month to reach level 42, so I feel a little uneasy, and I just hope to get double experience as soon as possible.

This time there are 100 million people online. I don’t know how long it will take to get double the experience, but it must be a lot, otherwise it will not be worthy of the 100 million people online.

If given more time, he might be able to rise to forty-two in one wave, without having to enter the Demonic Path every day like a thief, afraid of being seen.

Entering the Demon Sealing Path, Wang Ping'an flew for a moment, and then saw the Rainbow Demon Pig Guard. The Rainbow Demon Pig Guard was never found, but he saw it all day long.

It's just that he has just come in, and the weight of his backpack is too much, so he doesn't want to pay attention to it at all, but it doesn't care whether you pay attention to it or not, and directly pushes his big ax towards him, but he is not a cabbage that can't move. , and you can even call it an arch.

After writing down the coordinates, Wang Ping'an flew in the direction of the mythical beast. He said he would not waste gold coins, so he must keep his word.

When he arrived near the mythical beast, Wang Ping'an stopped and began to clear the direction of the mythical beast.

When we came here, there were indeed gold coins all over the place around the mythical beast, but the best wild boars were always in the minority, and they would not be lucky enough to kill one or two of them every day.

He is fast at killing monsters, and he can encounter several in one night. Like tonight, he was very lucky, and he has defeated four of them so far.

After picking up the gold coins, I saw the white tiger tooth necklace on the ground and left the mythical beast with heartache.

I can't help but think in my heart: What if this is a great item with a lucky plus three or a magic dodge of over 50? I always want to pick it up and take a look.

That's the thing about legends. If you don't pick it up, you'll never know what attributes it has. It would be nice to mark the best equipment like some private servers do, so that you won't miss any top-quality equipment.


"Ding ~"


Looking at today's income, although he had withdrawn 300,000 yuan, he added another 1 million yuan to the company account yesterday.

The balance is still only over 6 million, which is slightly less than yesterday morning. Today they all know the password to the door and will not wait outside like yesterday, so he is not in a hurry now.

If you are still as punctual as before when you are a boss, then you will still be a hammer boss.

Moreover, Zhao Tiangang was in charge of the company today, and he should arrange for them to do things, so after he got up, he tidied up his personal hygiene slowly.

My mood was not as exciting as the day before yesterday and the day before yesterday. I ran to the company without breakfast for two days in a row.

After going downstairs, Wang Ping'an drove to the downstairs of the office, but instead of going up, he went directly to the shop selling fried buns that he often ate at the hotel.

He has always thought that this restaurant's fried buns are very good, but he doesn't like to dip them in rice vinegar like others.

He just eats it without sticking anything. He actually likes the oily spicy food, but the oily spicy food here is very different from the one in his hometown. He is not used to it.

After eating, Wang Ping'an bought thirty-five fried buns for them to take back, almost finishing half the pot of fried buns.

Carrying seven small bags, Wang Pingan walked slowly to the office. There was no business in the company now, and they were cleaning the hall.

Yesterday, the two of them waited for the people in the computer store to install the computer, but they did not clean up the company. The two installation masters made a mess inside, and now they are helping to clean it up.

"Where's Manager Zhao?"

There are only six of them here, Zhao Tiangang is not here.

"He's in the office."

Wang Ping'an put the fried buns on a table: "I brought you fried buns. Eat them and then clean them up!"

"thank you boss!"

Wang Ping'an came to his office carrying the last small bag of fried buns: "What are you doing? I brought you some fried buns."

"Thank you, boss. I will put the items purchased yesterday into the computer and print them out later for Sister Zhang and the others to file." Zhao Tiangang said after taking the fried buns.

Although he had already eaten breakfast, he had no problem eating a few more fried buns.

"Then you take your time and do your work, and I won't disturb you."

Seeing how serious he was, Wang Ping'an naturally couldn't hold him back here.

Back in his office, Wang Ping'an turned on his computer and was about to start typing code. He also wanted to get serious. This was his task.

"dong dong dong"

"Boss, do you want me to clean this place?"

After hearing Lin Feier's words, Wang Ping'an touched the tabletop and found that there was indeed a layer of dust: "Then wipe the dust. There has been a lot of dust in the past few days."

"Okay, then I'll get the water."

After a while, she came in with a basin of water, first wiped the dust with a dry towel, and then wiped it with a wet towel, so as not to leave watermarks on the table.

After she went out, Wang Ping'an concentrated on typing out the code. Due to recruitment, he didn't type out much at all in the past two days, and he has only typed out 70,000 lines so far.

But for some reason, he felt something was wrong. Wang Pingan shook his head, hoping that it was his illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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