I, Hikaru Uchiha, join the chat group

Chapter 308 Whitebeard: Yamato, be my daughter!

Chapter 308 Whitebeard: Yamato, be my daughter!

On the deck of the Blue Planet.

The leaders of the "Dimension Pirates" and the Whitebeard Fleet sat down and held their first formal meeting.

Naturally, all members of Uchiha Hikaru's side were present.

On Whitebeard's side, besides Whitebeard himself, there were also Marco, Vista, and "Diamond" Joz, who rushed over out of concern. At this time, they all stood behind Whitebeard and listened to Bulma's explanation of their purpose.

"…So, this child is the friend that Ace met at the beginning, Kaido's daughter?"

Whitebeard raised his head and glanced at Yamato who was sitting in the back seat.

Actually, the story of Ace and Yamato meeting each other actually happened before he joined Whitebeard's group. But Whitebeard had heard the name "Yamato" from Ace.

As for the identity of "Kaido's daughter"...

It is even more clear at a glance.

——Except for the face and chest, Yamato and Kaido are very similar in appearance. The horns on their heads and the mace in their hands are basically proportional replicas of the latter. Whitebeard had seen the young Kaido before, so he could naturally see some similarities in Yamato.

and so.

Whitebeard soon laughed heartily: "Gulala la la la~ So he is Ace's friend, which means he is also the friend of the entire Whitebeard fleet! It's a rare opportunity to meet friends on this sea, so we must hold a grand banquet to celebrate!"

After a pause, Whitebeard seemed to have thought of something and turned his gaze to Yamato again:
"By the way, since you have already broken up with your father Kaido in order to leave Onigashima, how about you become my son...daughter!"

"And if you guys are willing, you can also join the Whitebeard Fleet. I have some experience in this sea and can provide you with some convenience."

"……Ah I?"

Yamato was slightly startled and pointed at himself with a confused expression on his face.

Uchiha Hikaru just laughed.

Whitebeard likes to adopt sons, which is known to the entire pirate world and everyone who has watched One Piece. As long as the age and temperament are suitable, he will accept them even if they are enemies - for example, Ace appeared in front of him as a challenger at the beginning, and even tried to assassinate him hundreds of times.


Is "daughter" also okay?
Oh...that's right.

If I remember correctly, Whitebeard did have a daughter, the "Ice Witch" Wadibe who appeared several times in the original work. Although the latter later became independent, formed a new pirate group and joined the Whitebeard Group, she was indeed a crew member on the "Modibek".

In addition, Toki Amatsuki and Izou from Wano Country - the latter is a male girl, so they should be counted separately - have also been on Whitebeard's ship, but it is not certain whether they are father and daughter.

In fact, for Yamato, recognizing Whitebeard as his godfather is a good thing.

After all, this is equivalent to having a father at the level of the Four Emperors, and having an extra backer out of nowhere. Moreover, compared to Kaido, Whitebeard is more conscientious in the profession of "father".

The only problem is...

This guy is almost dead.

"… Let's talk about the banquet and the recognition of relatives later. As long as Yamato is willing to recognize you as his father, Bulma and I have no objection."

"But forget about the merging of the pirate groups. We still prefer to be free."

Uchiha Hikaru coughed lightly and spoke again: "We came to visit this time because we have another very important matter to discuss with you. It's about Ace."


Whitebeard raised an eyebrow.

"According to the intelligence we have obtained, Ace has been targeted by the Five Elders." This was what Uchiha Hikaru said after careful consideration.

Of course she knew that Ace would be defeated by Blackbeard, and then handed over to the navy for public execution in the holy land of Marinford.

However, this information could not be told to Whitebeard.

First, the source of the intelligence could not be explained;
Secondly, the Blackbeard incident was related to the death of the former captain of the 4th Division, Thatch, so the Whitebeard Group would not give up the pursuit of him. In the original work, Red Hair failed to successfully convince Whitebeard, and Uchiha Hikaru did not think that he could change his mind with just a few words.

Thirdly, Uchiha Hikaru didn’t know which step Ace was taking now.

——Has he been defeated by Blackbeard and imprisoned in Impel Down? Or has he just encountered Blackbeard? Or is he still on the way to tracking him?
If this cannot be confirmed, it will be difficult to formulate a response strategy for this matter.

and so.

Uchiha Hikaru planned to shift the topic to the Five Elders, and then let the Whitebeard Group find a way to confirm the situation.

"As far as I know, the World Government has long known that Ace is the son of Pirate King Roger, and he is also your adopted son. As long as we catch him and execute him in public, we can greatly dampen the arrogance of the pirates and enhance the prestige of the World Government."

"In this situation, what do you think the Five Elders will do, and what do you think Blackbeard will do?"


Whitebeard frowned.

Marco, who was standing next to him, thought for a moment and then interrupted: "You mean, Blackbeard might join forces with the World Government to deal with Ace? If that's the case... Ace might be in some danger."

"Dad, what should we do?"


Whitebeard snorted coldly: "Ace has always been a steady person. If he really encountered that kind of situation, he would not act recklessly... Besides, the navy can't completely trust a vicious villain like Teach."

After a pause, Whitebeard's tone softened a bit: "But Ace is really alone, so it will be troublesome if something happens. Marco, find a way to contact him and ask about his current whereabouts."

"it is good."

Marco nodded in agreement.

At this point, one of Uchiha Hikaru's goals was accomplished.

The second purpose...

"There is one more thing, which is my personal opinion."

"Senior Whitebeard, are you interested in making a deal?"


Under the gaze of Whitebeard.

Uchiha Guang nodded: "That's right. I can see that your physical condition is not good. It happens that we have an excellent doctor on board, as well as a complete set of professional medical instruments, who can help you make a detailed diagnosis and treatment report. In return... I need to collect some samples of your body tissues, such as blood, hair, etc.

“The amount collected is not too large and will not affect your health.”

Uchiha Hikaru gestured "a little bit" and then looked at the old man opposite:

"How about a deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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