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Chapter 309: Not-so-mature suggestions

Chapter 309: Not-so-mature suggestions


"Blood sample..."

"Ultrasonic testing..."

Inside the "Blue Planet", in a white room that looks quite sci-fi.

Uchiha Hikaru and Bulma, who were wearing white coats and masks, were guiding Whitebeard through a series of physical tests. Next to them, Tamayo and Yushiro, who were also wearing white, were taking notes with pen and paper.

That's right.

Just a few hours ago, Whitebeard agreed to the deal proposed by Uchiha Hikaru.

So, Uchiha Hikaru set off for the neighboring Dragon Ball world, picked up Miss Tamayo and Yushiro from Dr. Gero's laboratory, and then formed a temporary expert team together with Kikyo.

Indeed, Platycodon's medical skills are quite good.

However, due to the era and environment of the Inuyasha world, her research on most diseases is still at the level of "knowing the fact, but not the reason". On the contrary, Miss Tamayo, who lived for three or four hundred years in the Demon Slayer world, has been exposed to some not-so-advanced modern medical instruments, and then studied with Dr. Gero for half a year. She has already become a medical all-rounder who is proficient in both Chinese and Western medicine.

Only when the two work together can the best research and treatment results be achieved.

Originally, Uchiha Hikaru had considered bringing Dr. Gero along, or going to the ninja world to help Orochimaru.

But considering that this is just a preliminary inspection, there is no need to mobilize a large number of troops before the situation is clarified, so we will just give up for the time being.

"How about it?"

As the testing indicators come out one by one.

Uchiha Hikaru looked at the two doctors beside him.

The inspections just now went quite smoothly.

Because there was a crew member like Yamato who was nearly three meters tall on the ship, Bulma chose extra-large testing instruments when equipping the medical room for the Blue Planet. Although Whitebeard was twice as tall as Yamato, which made some instruments unusable, most of the inspection items could still be carried out normally.

And Whitebeard was also cooperative. After all, he wanted to live a few more years to protect his "sons" from the wind and rain, otherwise he would not have kept a group of doctors and nurses on the "Modibic".


The results of this inspection are not optimistic.

"……not too good."

Tamayo and Kikyo looked at each other, and then the former spoke up, "Although some indicators have not yet come out, from the current situation, this... Mr. Whitebeard's physical condition is very bad, and he is already terminally ill. If he can't get proper treatment, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to live for more than two years."


Can I still live for two years?

Uchiha Hikaru raised an eyebrow, a little surprised at the length of time.

According to her own thoughts, she thought Whitebeard would die before even a year.

the other side.

Marco, who was standing guard at the door out of concern, also heard what Miss Tamayo said. He immediately widened his eyes and questioned, "What? Only two years? Impossible! Dad is still so healthy..."

Uchiha Guangxin said to himself, "Don't you know what you are saying? Whitebeard himself might be embarrassed to say that he is very strong..."

“It’s not easy to accept, but it’s the truth.”

Ms. Tamayo sighed and turned her gaze to Kikyo.

Then, Kikyo continued to explain: "According to the CT and ultrasound scans just now, plus the results of my spiritual power exploration, all of Mr. Whitebeard's blood vessels and internal organs have been worn out to a considerable extent. Compared with the external injuries, these internal injuries are the most troublesome, and are also the key to determining the length of this gentleman's life."

"...wear and tear?" "Well, it seems that the damage was not caused all at once, but gradually accumulated over a long period of time, so I used the word 'wear and tear' to describe it. I guess the appearance of these 'wear and tear' is related to Mr. Whitebeard's ability.

"If I continue to use that ability without restraint, I'm afraid it will be a luxury to live for more than two years."

Kikyo said so.


Uchiha Hikaru narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, it is because of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit?"


The effects of forces are reciprocal.

It is hard to imagine that a superhuman fruit like the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which is centered around "causing vibrations", would have no effect on oneself during use. As one of the four emperors of the older generation who has lived from the Rocks era to the present, Whitebeard's current physical condition is much worse than Kaido and Big Mom, and this is probably the reason.

Whitebeard understood now and couldn't help but frown.

"Can it be cured?"

"of course can!"

This time.

Tamayo and Kikyo answered simply.

Although Whitebeard's illness is very serious, it is not a terminal illness that will kill him.

As long as a part of the key lesions are removed through surgery, and then supplemented with medication and proper conditioning, there will be no problem living safely for at least two to three years.

And if you want to go a step further...

"I can try to use the 'Light of Purification' to perform a purification ritual for Mr. Whitebeard."

Kikyo pondered for a moment:
"From my personal experience, the side effects of the Devil Fruit are not just physical, but also mental, like a kind of... erosion. Miss Guang, you should understand what that means, so using the Purifying Light may have some unexpected effects."


Hearing this, Uchiha Guang's eyelids twitched unconsciously.

Of course she knew what Kikyo meant -

The last few times this witch used the "Light of Purification" were all related to her. It was almost always because she had absorbed too many external souls with the "Eight Thousand Spears" and was infected by the negative emotions contained in them, so she could only use the "Purification" method to expel them.

And now...

Use "Purifying Light" on Whitebeard?
Could it be that the devil fruit also has the ability to absorb the host's negative mental power? The so-called "devil" is not a figment of the imagination, but a real thing?

The truth is unknown.

"Devil Fruit" is an unfamiliar subject for both Kikyo and Ms. Tamayo, and they dare not easily draw conclusions without sufficient data support.

However, Uchiha Hikaru did clarify a small goal because of this -

"It seems that we really need to go meet Vegapunk. There are some questions about devil fruits that only he can answer."

At this moment.

Bulma, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly noticed Tamayo's hesitant expression and couldn't help asking, "Ms. Tamayo, do you have anything to say?"

"…I have an immature suggestion."

(End of this chapter)

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