Chapter 118 Quick Freezing
Both Marvel and DC have speedsters.

The speedster on Marvel's side happens to be Quicksilver, and the speedster on DC's side is naturally the Flash.

And whether it's dealing with Quicksilver or The Flash.

The comics, movies, and even games that Lin Yun had read had many ways to deal with these speedsters.

Among them, the most effective method, besides fighting for hand speed, is this trap method.

The speed of the explosion was obviously faster than their speed.

And although they are said to be very fast, after all, they are not the mysterious Dongfang who can directly spiral upward by stepping on the left foot and right foot.

Their movement basically depends on where they can step.

Even if you are treading water, flying over walls, etc., basically you still have to step on things.

They can't take off in place by pushing through the air with their feet.

At least to this point. . . . . . Not as outrageous as the mysterious East next door.

Therefore, the most commonly used method is actually to set traps on the road passing by.

The most common ones are landmines.

An unnamed Mr. Batman does this all the time.

After all, even if you are a very fast person, you will inevitably have to pause for a moment when you come into contact with someone, and when you are running, especially when you are in a hurry, your field of vision will become narrow.

It's as if those running would suddenly trip over something.

This is the most common trap play, but there are others. . . . . . .

After Lin Yun sank into the ground, Kuaiyin stepped on it, and then Lin Yun didn't even look back, but faced Kuaiyin's direction just now. . . . . . .

"Buddha's light appears in the blue snow and ice."

With his spiritual sense and super sense, Lin Yun was able to lock onto Kuaiyin's figure without even looking back.

As Lin Yun formed the Yixin Seal, he directly consumed the green snow and ice energy instead of the innate Qi.

Lin Yun wants to use the Bixue Ice feature.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Golden Dragon Duo formed by the ice erupted directly from Lin Yun's hands, and then blasted towards Kuaiyin.

"Combat check: . . . ."

"Target defense: base 26, dodge 24, speed 34, armor 6, inner 6, enhancement 6, additional defense 6."

"High speed 6, armor breaking 12, demon breaking 6."

"Target ignores Highway 34."



When using Bixue Ice Gangqi instead of energy release moves, all damage can be given up and directly converted into freezing points.

A total of 68 frozen points.

It can be seen that, just for a moment, the surroundings of Kuaiyin Connect formed a ball of ice, and then became motionless.

It's a pity that it's not under the bright sun now, otherwise we might still be able to see its sparkling appearance.

Fortunately, Lin Yun used the Bi Xue Bing in the Hun Tian Bao Jian. Otherwise, Kuai Yin might not be like the Lava Mountain Dragon in the previous Emperor's legendary world.

The moment it was frozen, it was directly broken into pieces.

If this really happens, Quicksilver will really be dead.

"It's so cold." Ji Qi on the side took a breath of cold air, rubbed his arm, and then stood next to Lin Yun.

Of course, they didn't go up against each other completely. The situation of the battle is unknown now. If there were other battles, wouldn't this mean that she was holding Lin Yun back?
On this point, Ji Qi is still very clear. It is okay to act coquettishly, but it cannot be a burden.

But to be honest, compared to the dashing bullet time of Quicksilver in the X-Men, which is starting anew on the other side, in the orthodox Marvel Cinematic Universe, it seems to be very crotchless.

Fast, but not amazing.

Even compared to Quicksilver in the X-Men next door, in the hail of bullets, he can use his fingers to move the trajectory of the bullet, and can even pose POSS to everyone present, and then "slowly" eat a small dessert, and then reveal a cute look The expression is accompanied by melodious music.

It's also a movie, and Quicksilver on this side of the orthodox Marvel Cinematic Universe is a little bit funny, not that his behavior is funny.

On the contrary, his actions were heroic, but his exit was hilarious to those who have watched Quicksilver in X-Men.

Because compared to Quicksilver next door who saved a bunch of people in various thrilling situations, Quicksilver in this world only saved two people, and then was shot to death by a machine gun.

In terms of expressiveness, it can be said to be worlds apart. Well, after all, I don’t have the copyright, and I have to give up the benefits for a while, and of course I will die early and be reborn.

The problem is insufficient funds.

But compared to Quicksilver, his sister, the Scarlet Witch, has become a figure close to a billboard. After all, she is beautiful, and most importantly, not a flower vase, and has strong fighting power.

In the original movie, after Quicksilver died, the Scarlet Witch erupted directly. Within a range of about 5 or 6 meters, almost a dozen steel mechas controlled by Ultron were directly carbonized and eventually reduced to ashes.

In Avengers 3, Vision was killed after the Mind Stone was taken away from him, and Scarlet Witch also single-handedly suppressed Thanos, who could almost be said to have suppressed other superheroes at that time, who had five Infinity Stones.

In short, the blame can be summed up in one sentence: Lin Yun cannot be offended.

This is also the reason why Lin Yun directly froze Kuaiyin with the first appearance of Buddha's Light instead of directly killing Kuaiyin.

After all, who knows if Scarlet Witch will go crazy if she kills Quicksilver.

"It seems that someone is going to kill people and silence them." Although Lin Yun said that he could not figure out Kuaiyin's purpose, this did not prevent Lin Yun from talking nonsense.

"Save me, I can repair my mecha and then support you." Ivan's face didn't look very good at this time. On the one hand, it was because of Tan Lidou's "decisiveness" and on the other hand. . . . . .

At this time, when Lin Yun's Bi Snow Ice Buddha's Light with full power appeared, the surrounding temperature could be said to be dozens of degrees below zero. He had already lost too much blood just now, and the constant temperature inside his mecha The system has been given away.

He was wearing a vest underneath, and it was too cold. . . . . .

"No, I just need to know more information, such as your people, and that Tan Li Dou. Have you seen his power?" Lin Yun first confirmed it with his spiritual sense and super sense. Although Yin's life reaction was very weak, it was indeed frozen inside by him, and then he walked down and spoke directly.

"Okay, I get it." Ivan looked to the side and saw the big hole created by Lin Yun.

From his perspective, he couldn't see that Lin Yun had let the ground sink just now. In his view, it was Lin Yun's "palm" that made a big hole.

Shooting out a missile with one palm, no, it should even be said to be more powerful than a missile, and what is the power to freeze a person instantly? At least with the current technology, there is no way to freeze a person to this extent instantly.

Not even liquid nitrogen, at least for now.

And now it is the power of one person that caused this, is this still a "person"?
"Miss, you help with the interrogation and protect that guy. We are preparing to evacuate and I will take care of Kuaiyin." Lin Yun said quickly, then nodded slightly to Ji Qi, and then saw Lin Yun press his hands. , but saw the ice sculpture being pushed down by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun took Kuaiyin's ice sculpture, and then. . . . . He dived to a depth of less than 300 meters in one breath, then deliberately dug out a space, and then placed a camera inside.

This is a camera originally used for surveillance and other scenarios that may be useful.

I didn't expect it to be used in this kind of place.

He aimed at Kuaiyin's stubbled face, which looked like a mixture of middle-aged and young people.

Although the face was covered with thick ice at this time, it felt like it was almost hard to see clearly.

But it was enough for Lin Yun.

There is no doubt that there is no oxygen in the underground about 300 meters deep, but as long as Quicksilver is not unblocked, then there will be no problem.

Just like Captain America.

Lin Yun first folded the Bi Snow Ice Gang Qi again, and then released the cold air of the Bi Snow Ice, causing the temperature of this small cave to instantly drop to about minus 100 degrees, a temperature that normal humans cannot survive.

Use it as a refrigerator. . . . . .

This way Quicksilver won't thaw easily.

It was basically impossible to escape, and even the Scarlet Witch found it difficult to rescue, so Lin Yun resurfaced.

Lin Yun, who emerged from above, could see that the mecha was completely torn into pieces at this time. It was obvious that Ivan had given it to him in vain.

Just now, Lin Yun asked Ji Qi to kill him after asking for information. After all, this was Ji Qi's trophy.

Ivan had no choice.

"Talking while walking." Lin Yun informed Xin through the earphones, asking her to come up from the ground. Then Lin Yun and the others got back into the SUV left behind by SHIELD, and then they found a random direction and drove away.

After all, if you continue to stay, the crazed Scarlet Witch might appear, or even other prepared super villains.

Lin Yun and the others mainly focused on "sneak attacks". If it weren't for "sneak attacks", they wouldn't be able to eliminate these super villains so easily.

Although talking about this sneak attack. . . . . . Slightly less successful.

But that's not the point. The point is that they succeeded in fishing.

"How is the situation?" Lin Yun also started asking in the car.

"It's similar to what we guessed before. That Tan Li Dou cooperated with Hydra and Loki. Basically, he killed all the villains in those movies. Oh, if you really want to say it, except for Doctor Strange's Villain." Ji Qi also started to complain.

"I'm doing the math. We've got Killian, the Abomination, Deathwhip, and barely counting Quicksilver. And then the rest is Big Boss, Crossbones, the Winter Soldier, the Ice Giant, and oh, there's more. The third princess, and then the Kirita people, the most threatening among them should be the big boss and the ice giant holding the Ice Box. The third princess's spiritual scepter barely counts." Ji Qi crossed her fingers. said.

(End of this chapter)

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