Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 119 DC vs. Kamen Rider

Chapter 119 DC vs. Kamen Rider
"It looks like that, but I'm a little worried... If that guy Tan Lito gives the Kamen Rider system to Crossbones and the Winter Soldier, it will be troublesome." Lin Yun frowned slightly. said.

"Probably not. All Kamen Rider systems in the Kamen Rider Exaid series require gaming disease adaptation surgery. I remember that this surgery itself has requirements." Ji Qi showed a disapproving expression.

"Indeed, but what Hydra is best at is transformation surgery. I think from this point of view, there should be no problem." Lin Yun touched his chin and then said.

"Indeed." After hearing Lin Yun's words, Ji Qi also fell silent.

The Winter Soldier, Centipede Warrior, and those super soldiers were all created by Hydra. Among them, what they are best at is brainwashing technology and cuimian methods through flashes of light.

"The question now is, where should we go." At this moment, the driver's heart said.

"Indeed, where should we go now? As for Hydra, unless we rush directly into the Trident Building, the headquarters of Snake Shield, the big boss, Scarlet Witch, and Loki should all be in Consortium X. I can only say that fortunately we I didn't rush in directly before." Ji Qi said with a smile at this time.

Hearing Ji Qi's words, Lin Yun nodded slightly.

Sure enough, since this time traveler has created a series of changes, there should be many people in Consortium X.

If he had entered rashly before, he might have been outflanked by the returning big boss, Abomination, Deathwhip and other super villains.

Even if you include that Tan Li Dou, not even Lin Yun can please him.

Escape is not a completely invincible move. At least Lin Yun estimates that the mirror world-like game field of the Kamen Rider system can trap Lin Yun in it.

"It's really troublesome now. As for the Trident Building, there's no need to think about it being so lively now. After all, it's about time Nick Fury took action. Let's find a place later, hide first, and then go to Consortium X. ." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and then said.

"Maybe we can wait a moment." At this moment, Xiong Daiyu frowned and said.

"Who are you waiting for?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows.

"Waiting for the other teams, according to you, this world should be the so-called Marvel Comics on the American side. If you can understand it, then those foreigners should understand it better. Some of them may notice that S.H.I.E.L.D. situation, so I helped Nick Fury absorb the firepower, but there should be others who would notice." Xiong Daiyu said slowly.

Although she said that she watched Avengers with Lin Yun back then, she only had a basic understanding of it, and she couldn't get involved in the matters in Marvel.

But she can understand other things.

"Indeed, those teams are probably not all fools. There should still be people who notice the actions of Consortium Then we went to Consortium X through Escape, and then we just waited." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Okay." Ji Qi and Xiong Daiyu also nodded slightly.

In this way, Lin Yun and the others first drove along the road to the Trident Building, then got off at a halfway point and continued driving towards the Trident Building.

Although he can't keep up with Lin Yun's fighting power, he still has the fourth level of Huntian Baojian in his heart. After all, he is still a second-rate master like Wu Xiang.

Although it is quite embarrassing to say that the military prime minister. . . . . . .

But whether it was Bai Yunyan escaping or Tu Kunlun escaping, his heart was basically fine.

So using it to lure enemies is not a problem.

Besides, if there is an emergency, Lin Yun's careful positioning should be enough for him to arrive within one minute.

And if the heart has been killed in 1 minute, then even if the heart follows Lin Yun, he should still be killed.

In this way, after finding a place to get off the bus, Lin Yun handed Ji Qi a respirator.

After all, you can't breathe while hiding from the ground. Although it can be replaced by grace, in order to avoid losing the chain at the critical moment, it is better to use grace as much as possible.

Soon Lin Yun and the others came to the vicinity of Consortium X again through Escape, and then Lin Yun began to meditate and adjust his breath.

Now that he has the Innate Qiankun Gong, Lin Yun can directly restore 15+13=12 of his innate Qi by meditating for 25 minutes.

At the same time, Lin Yun has been maintaining as wide a range of spiritual and super-sense as possible to detect the surrounding situation. As long as someone is approaching, Lin Yun will be able to detect it.

After all, a radius of 39 meters is actually huge enough.

In this way for about 45 minutes, Lin Yun had completely recovered his innate energy, which he had just consumed nearly half of.

It can even allow Lin Yun to restart the levels of the Huntian Baojian.

But neither the Trident Building nor the Consortium X side seemed to be moving at all.

Although they had waited for a long time, Lin Yun and the others did not feel impatient at all.

At this time, the other side of the heart has arrived near the Trident Building. Of course, it is a military base after all, so it cannot be easily approached.

But this is obviously not a problem for the heart.

After all, Xin also possesses the solid control ability of Tukunlun like Lin Yun.

Ability to perform escape operations at any time.

There is no chaos there now. Even if normal people know that Consortium X is the focus, they will not show up easily.

So still have to wait.

Just like this, we waited for almost 3 hours. Finally, a communication came from the heart and appeared.

I don't know if it was Nick Fury's superheroes or another team that seemed to have launched an attack. Xin was trying to investigate, but because he was worried about being followed and found her like he just did, he was a lot more cautious. The speed is naturally slower.

But no matter what, this is a signal.

Lin Yun and the others were also refreshed, and Lin Yun had even begun to accumulate Huntian Bao Jian Gang Qi.

And just as Lin Yun and the others were preparing.

On the other side, it was just as Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu had expected.

This side indeed launched an attack.

In order to regain control of the situation, Nick Fury finally took action, but he did not find all the superheroes from the Avengers. I don't know if there was another situation or because Nick Fury had other ideas.

In short, he just took Captain America and Hawkeye with him.

But he wasn't completely without help.

He found the Injustice League team for collaborative operations.

A very interesting situation is that Marvel and DC are the two most famous superhero comic series companies in the United States.

So out of respect.

In the Marvel world there are DC comics, and in the DC world there are Marvel comics.

Simply put, the Avengers know the Justice League, and the Justice League should know the Avengers.

It’s just that that’s the setting of the comics, but I don’t know if it’s the same in this movie universe.

In short, now, after losing the Flash COS and Cyborg COS, the Injustice team with only five people left began to attack.

It is different from the plot of Captain America 2.

In Captain America 2, in order to prevent Hydra from using the insight system created by S.H.I.E.L.D., they broke into the Trident Building.

The so-called insight system refers to three fully armed air aircraft carriers. Through a special algorithm, they can detect potential criminals in advance and then carry out heavy firepower and precise shooting.

Of course, this is an insight plan on the surface, but in fact it was secretly modified by Hydra and changed to shoot those who pose a threat to Hydra.

Superheroes and the like are the primary targets.

Therefore, in Captain America 2, you need to break into the Trident Building to prevent the aircraft carrier from taking off. After the aircraft carrier takes off, you have to overload the aircraft carrier and then destroy it as a last resort.

As for now, the Insight Plan has not yet been revealed, so after Nick Fury learned about the situation through the Skrull pretending to be him, his purpose was simple, to capture Pierce directly.

There's just one problem with this plan.

That is, no matter what, Pierce is at least apparently a member of the World Security Council and the main person in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury obviously also knew that if he rushed in and said that Pierce was actually a traitor and a traitor, it would be impossible for many people to believe him.

So since it can't be done openly, then just kill him by force.

Nick Fury approached the Injustice League and asked them to storm the Trident Building to attract the attention of SHIELD agents.

And he himself took his people, such as Captain America and Hawkeye, to go in and catch Pierce by sneaking in.

Of course, there was a Skrull with him.

The best case scenario is to directly stabilize the situation through the Skrull pretending to be Pierce.

This is Nick Fury's plan. As for the casualties that may be caused by the Injustice Alliance?
There is no need to worry at all, after all, while Hydra was assassinating him, it was also assassinating other agents.

In other words, there is basically no doubt that the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are still alive are from Hydra.

And in this case, it is really stupid to distinguish between friend and foe.

So Nick Fury simply asked the Injustice League people to kill him.

It just so happens that the Trident Building is not very far from the seaside, so the Neptune COS player talking to the fish can finally show off his power at this time.

The bloodline he redeemed was not the bloodline of the Sea Tribe people from Neptune's Atlantis.

What he was redeeming was the blood of the descendants of Poseidon, or should I say, the blood of the descendants of Poseidon in the movie Percy Jackson and the Fire Thief.

He can directly manipulate water to shape and attack to a certain extent, and as long as he can come into contact with water or be near water, his physical abilities can also be greatly enhanced.

(End of this chapter)

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