Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 239 Meeting the No. 1 Prodigal Son of Soul Society

Chapter 239 Meeting the No. Rake in Soul Society
"Ah, I didn't expect that at such a time, Captain Hitsugaya and Captain Komamura, you two would actually come to my place, and... it seems that you brought some other people with you." I saw in a room In front of a somewhat dilapidated gatehouse.

A middle-aged man with slightly curly hair, two fancy hairpins, wearing a pink feather-woven jacket with embroidered patterns, often wearing a hat on his head, and a slight beard on his chin, lay half paralyzed on the ground.

Then there was a shower of flowers all around. . . . . . .

If you look carefully, you will find that these so-called flower rains are actually falling from the second floor of the gate building with a basket of flowers from a weak-looking female shikigami wearing glasses. . . . .

But he seems to be a little impatient.

After scattering for a while, he directly threw down the flower basket in his hand. . . . .

"Captain Kyōraku." Looking at Kyōraku Shunsui, who looked lazy and unserious at this moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"Yeah, don't be so serious. However, Captain Hitsugaya, Captain Komamura, Seireitei is currently on level one alert. Can you tell me why you appear here with what looks like... A traveler. "Jingraku Shunsui looked lazy, half-lying with one foot propped up, and then put a hand on his foot, almost drinking.

"Captain Kyoraku, it's like this." Hitsugaya Toshiro quickly told Kyoraku Shunsui what they had learned before, as well as what they had inferred.

After listening to Hitsugaya Toshiro's words, Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't help but pull the bamboo hat on his head, "It seems that there is indeed some trouble this time. Could it be that... the Tsunayashiro family?" Thinking of this, Kyōraku Le Chunshui couldn't help but frown.

"I'm not interested in you Soul Society or anything. I just want to know where the guys we are chasing are. Strictly speaking, we only need to find Rukia Kuchiki and leave here. ” Lin Yun said casually.

Obviously, from the many bursts of spiritual pressure before, we can know that the meeting between Lin Yun and Hitsugaya Toshiro was not very friendly.

"Really? It's a pity that we have no other clues, so no matter what, we have to meet Kuchiki Rukia and then understand it clearly. And maybe there are other parts that you don't know about." Lin Yun Said seriously.

Even more. . . . . Can't beat it. . . .

These three people are basically the rare "serious people" among the Gotei Thirteenth Division, and these "serious people" did not restrain Lin Yun and the others, so there is only one answer.

"I will pay attention to this matter, but you travel troubles hanging around here will be a problem after all, so I'm sorry, can you cooperate a little bit?" Kyoryu Shunsui half-squinted his eyes, looking lazy. , but slowly stood up.

"Is that so? I see, Captain Hitsugaya, you made the right choice." Kyoraku Shunsui smacked his lips, already understanding what was going on.

even though. . . . . This is completely unnecessary for Ji Qi, who monitors other people's emotions at all times and has invincible telepathy.

but. . . . . If you take into account what Hitsugaya Toshiro said, then you really need to consider this issue carefully, however. . . . .

That is, if you really want to fight life and death, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

"Ah, this is really a pity. I thought at least it wouldn't be so troublesome. Well, speaking of it, the three bursts of spiritual pressure just now were the battles between you." Kyoraku Shunsui couldn't help but suppress himself. He wore a bamboo hat to prevent the seriousness in his eyes from being seen by Lin Yun and others.

"As far as I know, Rukia-chan doesn't know about the existence of those control robots. Your arrival is destined to be in vain." Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Lin Yun seriously.

The Tsunayashiro family, as one of the five nobles of the Seireitei, is notorious. Basically, they are involved in the intrigues and machinations of the nobles.

"That's right." Hitsugaya Toshiro obviously understood what Kyoraku Shunsui wanted to ask. Although it was a bit hard to express, he still said it straightforwardly.

As for Hitsugaya Toushiro, Komamura Zuozhen, and even Kuchiki Byakuya's character, Kyōraku Shunsui, the captain of the intelligence team responsible for collecting intelligence, barely understood.

"Captain Kyōband's Eighth Division is the Intelligence Division. When Rukia Kuchiki was brought back to Seireitei, the Eighth Division should have conducted routine inquiries." At this time, Hitsugaya Toshiro also said.

Although Kyoraku Shunsui thinks he can beat these "young" captains, he can basically beat two of them with no problem.

He can be called the king of pots.

"Speaking of which, little brother, are you from Eastern Buddhism? I think you seem to have some Buddhist light on your body, but you and I know people from Buddhism, it seems a little different." Jingraku Shunsui changed the topic, but said directly Start gathering information.

"We are not from the Buddhist sect. If we really want to say that, we are sent from various sects to hunt down the stragglers who control the robots." Lin Yun said seriously.

"She belongs to Cihang Jingzhai. In principle, she is indeed from Buddhism. In my words, she is from the Guangcheng Immortal Sect, in his words, she is from the Shangqing Lei Sect, and in her words, she is from the Laoshan Sanshan Jiuhou Sect. , the last one, she is our assistant," Lin Yun introduced seriously. Ji Qi had indeed stayed at Cihang Jingzhai before, and there was nothing wrong with that.

As for Lin Yun, this is all due to the innate Qiankun Gong, and with the help of the Huntian Treasure Mirror, there is nothing wrong with claiming to be the Guangcheng Immortal Sect.

Yun Sheng is simple and crude. As for Xiong Daiyu, this is a little more troublesome, but only to some extent.

As for Izayoi Sakuya, she is a local, and her tongue is even simpler.

Listening to Lin Yun's words, Jingraku Shunshui's face couldn't help but twist a little, because although he said that he knew the factions on the Zhongzhou side in the current world.

But Lin Yun had basically never heard of these factions, but each faction had the charm of the Zhongzhou sect, and the most difficult thing to resist was that the naming method of each faction made him a little confused.

But if he really wanted to say it, the least he could know was that the two here seemed to be related to the gods in Zhongzhou. The Guangcheng Immortal Sect directly had the word "xian". As for Shangqing, he did know that there were many gods who seemed to be related to the Qing Dynasty.

Of course, it was impossible for Jingraku Shunshui to trust Lin Yun and the others like this, but in a short period of time and without any way to confirm, he had no choice but to do so.

"It sounds really impressive." Kyoraku Shunsui said with an intriguing look, and then "Okay, then let me handle the rest. Captain Hitsugaya, you guys go to the Fourth Division first. Let's get some treatment, after all, if there is really a problem, you won't be able to last long in this state."

"Well, I know, then the next step will be left to you, Captain Kyōband." Hitsugaya Toshiro nodded, and then looked at the left formation of Komamura.

"Captain of the Kyōband, I'd rather..." After glancing at Lin Yun and the others, the Komamura Zuozhen clearly still felt uneasy about Lin Yun and the others.

Or should I say. . . . . This guy has no AC. This guy from the left side of Komamura always seems to think that he is captain level and everyone else is also captain level, so he can represent the feeling of other captains. . . . . .

But he didn't know that the captain's upper and lower limits were very large, and he happened to be near those lower limits. . . . .

"Don't worry, Captain Komamura, I'm very confident in holding back the enemy, so go get treatment as soon as possible." Kyoraku Shunsui smiled, but didn't say directly, "Please, you're good at it."

"Well, okay, I understand." Komamura Zuozhen said seriously.

A very interesting thing to mention is that Kyoraku Shunsui is undoubtedly older than Komamura Zuozhen, but this guy Komamura Zuozhen always calls himself me.

But in fact, if you really want to care about it, it is mainly because Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, as an old man, calls himself an old man quite normally.

So this silly dog ​​imitates Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni out of admiration, so. . . . . Also calls myself old man.

Not only the self-proclaimed names, but also the tone and way of speaking are similar, that's it. . . . . The east is imitated.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's words were full of majesty, but this guy's words sounded a bit naive.

In this way, Hitsugaya Toshiro and Komamura Zuozhen also quickly ran towards the fourth team. If it is true that the next battle is going to be a battle, their current state is obviously very unfavorable.

Seeing the two captains leaving, Jingraku Shunsui turned around and walked towards the eighth team. At the same time, he said, "Okay, if you don't mind having a drink with me, then say Tell me about your pursuit of those so-called robot manipulators?”

Lin Yun seemed to be very relieved. He turned his back to them and even said witty remarks.

"He is still vigilant and testing." From his mind, Ji Qi directly told the state of Jing Le Chunshui at this time.

"There's no need to drink. After all, this is not our territory. We still have to see whether you will become our enemy." Lin Yun said with a sneer.

"Why do you say that? I think we in Soul Society have done nothing to harm Zhongzhou." Kyoryu Shunsui paused for a moment, but quickly continued walking and said.

"Not now, but it will be hard to say later. Besides, we invaded here after all, and we have long been aware of this." Lin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Really? Well, if what you said is true, then everything is just a misunderstanding. At least I have some say here. I can help persuade and let you leave safely. Of course, if it happens then If there is some confusion, it would be best if you could help." Kyoryu Shunsui continued.

(End of this chapter)

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