Chapter 240 (Really) Delicious
Asking for help?
No, it's a temptation.

Almost instantly, Lin Yun understood the true meaning of Jingraku Shunshui's words.

Kyōraku Shunsui is easy to talk to, but he is not that talkative. It should even be said that among the Shinigami, he seems to be the most talkative. However, the seemingly lazy Kyōraku Shunsui has his own persistence.

"Really? Maybe, in my opinion, the problem on your side should be your internal fighting, which may not have anything to do with us. And at least for now, we have not seen any trace of the person we are looking for." Lin Yun shook his head slightly and said.

They will not easily join in the internal problems of other forces. This is the consideration of most normal forces.

After all, Lin Yun and the others are theoretically not stragglers, but people with a backing.

A normal person might be willing to help if he can, or he might be timid and want to get a gold medal to avoid death, but in the final analysis, his own interests are the main priority.

As for those with backgrounds, what they need to pay more attention to is the nature of their representation.

Especially the five of them here, Lin Yun, represent five forces. If Lin Yun could just say, "Okay, then we will help you."

So basically there are only two possibilities, either these forces themselves are close to or even seeking from Soul Society, or they are fake, so that is the real question to be suspicious of.

On the surface, he trusts Lin Yun, even leaving only a god of death to watch, but he leaves, but in fact he is surrounded by people.

After a moment of silence, Jingraku Shunshui took Lin Yun and the others into the team building of the Eighth Division, found a random room, and let them settle down.

"Okay." Jingraku Chunshui heard Lin Yun's words. Although he said it was a rejection, he felt a lot more at ease.

In short, in terms of stealth ability, it is not weak.

Saying that, he left in a hurry.

In less than 10 minutes, Lin Yun felt an outsider approaching, but after Lin Yun carefully explored it, he didn't care anymore.

Besides, he is indeed very busy now, because next he needs to go to other places, such as Sifengyuan's house. . . . .

After that, they used the excuse that they had business to deal with, and if they had anything to do, just ask them to find the God of Death outside the door.

This is right.

Obviously, compared to Hitsugaya Toshiro, Kyōraku Shunsui understands better what it means to let go. How could he possibly let Lin Yun and the others show their tails if they keep staring like this?

For example, the ability to become invisible through optical camouflage such as the Twenty-Six Curved Lights of the Binding Dao. In addition, there are also clothes that can suppress the fluctuations of one's own spiritual power.

As for Jingraku Shunsui, he took his adjutant and left in a hurry.

So in most cases, the second division and stealth maneuver overlap.

On this point, Ji Qi on the side had already told Lin Yun and the others through his mind.

Because these outsiders are almost all dressed in black and look like traditional ninjas.

After they arrived, they hid aside and then monitored Lin Yun's side from all directions.

To be honest, these stealthy and mobile people are undoubtedly proficient in stealth technology. In addition to pure technology, they are also proficient in the ghost way for concealment.

And because the legion commanders are basically the Shifengyuan family, and the Shifengyuan family is in most cases the captain of the second division. After all, the second division was actually originally the assassination squad, which belongs to the fourth division. Home plot.

Obviously, these ninjas should be the ones called by Kyoryu Shunsui to monitor Lin Yun.

In Lin Yun's spiritual sense and super sense, he could see that there was only one god of death outside the door of the room, and he was also the chief official, but not the chief official who was too far forward, because. . . . . Lin Yun didn't know this guy. . . .

Those guys who look like ninjas are the secret mobile troops of the Seireitei. They were originally a separate force from the Gotei Thirteenth Division. They are mainly divided into five teams, which include execution, exploration, custody, ordering and other functions. .

However, if Class B is the "lowest level" of a captain, then in other words, if these guys' stealth abilities could reach B or above, they would not be here to monitor Lin Yun and the others. . . . .

Lin Yun's spiritual sense and super sense happened to be level B, so as long as Lin Yun sensed carefully, he could basically lock their positions.

But so what if they do these things, Lin Yun and the others have no plans to do anything at all.

The freeze points on Yunsheng's body have not been cleared yet, and Lin Yun is still recovering his innate energy.

Besides, Lin Yun is also planning to take this opportunity to try Dao Zen. If he can successfully solve it, he will undoubtedly make a lot of money.

It's just that it doesn't seem very likely.

Counting today and tomorrow, it’s only 2 days, huh. . . . . .

In fact, originally, even if Lin Yun and the others really wanted to kill a captain, for example, after directly killing Hitsugaya Toshiro and Kuchiki Byakuya like before, Lin Yun and the others were already ready to rest.

For now, it's actually just right. Apart from leaving Lin Yun and the others with no other income, luckily, Soul Society originally was mainly about making preparations for Lin Yun and the others to make a fortune.

so. . . . . . When it was almost midnight, Lin Yun and the others began to take action. Unfortunately, they found that these Death Captains were more difficult to fight than expected and could not kill those outside the door.

We can only choose more roundabout means.

Speaking of which, Lin Yun didn't decide on Plan C until he came to Soul Society.

Because Lin Yun discovered that even though he couldn't use Grace.

But here in Soul Society, through the soil here in Soul Society, you can pinch people. Unfortunately, the clay figures you create also do not have real flesh and blood, so the grace still cannot take effect.

So strictly speaking, Lin Yun can only create an "ordinary person".

If used as a stand-in, it is actually completely unqualified.

But it doesn't matter, just leave some people to cover. Lin Yun just got words from Hitsugaya Toshiro. The captain who is now guarding Kuchiki Rukia is the blind man.

Speaking of which, the blind man is also a poor man. He was originally a man who wanted to be a hero of justice but became the God of Death.

Because he is blind, he is often laughed at by others, but at this moment, there is one person who does not laugh at him. It is a female god of death named Ge Kuang. Because of this, the blind man regards her as a close friend. As for whether he has any It's hard to say if it's not about feelings.

However, it is a pity that there are fragments of the Soul King in Utamaro's body, so in order to obtain Utamaro and study it, the Tsunayashiro family made the pot king and clown in Soul Society, who is at the bottom of the Tsunayashiro family's power. Tsunaya takes Tokinada as his wife.

Then there's the problem.

Because Tsunayashiro Tokinada knew the truth about the Soul King and the so-called five nobles from the Tsunayashiro family's classics, he extremely disliked his status as a noble. What's funny is that he did whatever he wanted, killing his colleagues, and even It was his aristocratic status that caused some trouble but allowed him to get away with it.

As for Utamasakata, when Tsunayashiro Tokinada wantonly killed his colleagues, because of persuasion, it turned into a quarrel, and then he killed him directly. He even faced the emotional Tosen at Umasaru's funeral. If you want, it will be hit hard casually.

Speaking of which, if this guy hadn't been reported by Kyōraku Shunsui, even if he had done these things, he would have been fine. And even if Kyōraku Shunsui had reported him, he was placed under symbolic house arrest, but he soon came out to cause trouble again. , almost nothing.

Then. . . . . The Zanpakutō that Tosen wants is actually not his original Zanpakutō. His Zanpakutō is actually Utamasaka's Zanpakutō.

This is also one of the evidences that Lin Yun previously believed that the Zanpakuto is not completely personal.

It's a pity that after Tōsen Kaname's death, his so-called heart of justice began to twist. In addition, he was bewitched by Aizen, and he suddenly became Aizen's die-hard loyalist.

However, it is a pity that Lin Yun and the others are not good people, and Tōsen would have been killed by Aizen according to the original plot. Although it was probably because Tōsen wanted to be shaken in his beliefs at that time, as he had agreed with Aizen before, Yes, when his belief is shaken, he hopes Aizen can kill him.

Then Aizen actually hacked him to death. . . . . .

In short, booking is going to kill you anyway, so it’s better to make it easier for despicable foreigners like them.

The only problem is that before being exposed, Kaname Tosen's character is similar to that of Aizen, a good gentleman, who is also very strong and a trustworthy messenger of justice in the Seireitei. This is more troublesome.

But from another point of view, at least. . . . . If Lin Yun and the others killed him before he was exposed, they would at least let him die as a hero, instead of dying as a traitor who was hacked to death by his own people.

In addition, rescuing Rukia Kuchiki and completing the mission should be a side plot.

In fact, Lin Yun estimated that if the double death can be destroyed by then, it should also be a side plot.

But don't worry, the first thing is to restore your innate energy.

And then there it is. . . . . Knife Zen.

Lin Yun sat cross-legged, and then placed the Zanpakutō on his knees. The others still couldn't "recognize" the Zanpakutō as their master, but they couldn't do the sword Zen.

Lin Yun closed his eyes and tentatively began to establish contact with the Zanpakutō.

There was nothing at first, but after almost half an hour, just when Lin Yun thought he was about to fall asleep, a black space appeared in front of Lin Yun, but it looked blurry, as if there were mosaics everywhere. a feeling of.

But for some reason, Lin Yun felt that these mosaics seemed to be. . . . . It feels delicious?
"Practice test: Perception 35, Determination 31, Use of Willpower +14 Perfection, Formation Secret +14 Insight, Legendary Perception +6 additional success, Legendary Determination +6 additional success, settlement."


Still a little worse?

And just when Lin Yun was thinking this, he came back to reality and returned to reality.

Even half of it is not enough. It seems that it is unlikely to be possible within two days.

(Anyone who knows my style knows that if I have it, I won’t have it. Anyway, in these two days, enough is enough, and forget it if it’s not enough. Anyway, the style of play is similar.)
(End of this chapter)

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