Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 276 Huangfuji, can you do it?

Chapter 276 Huangfuji, can you do it?
Fortunately, it's not a finger pointing to the sky and a finger to the ground.

Looking at Yin Ling's movements, Long Geer tilted his head slightly and couldn't help but turn his body slightly to look at Yin Ling.

"The Nine Heavens Thunder Sword was the name before the Nine Nether Thunder Sword appeared, or even before it became famous as Xiang Yu's weapon. It is said that it was originally a weapon belonging to the Great Thunder God." At this time, Yin Ling also explained.

And after hearing Yin Ling's words, the smarter people present all understood what Lin Yun wanted to say before?
Does this mean that Lin Yun is also connected with the gods in the sky?
So did you return the Nine Nether Thunder Sword to the Great Thunder God?
Well, these are of course what Lin Yun led them to think about. "By the way, it seems like you were discussing something before. Can you let me know what it is?" Lin Yun, who felt similar, decisively changed the topic.

"Ah, about this..." Long Geer sounded a little awkward at this time.

"Well, we are discussing whether to take advantage of this opportunity to capture Nantang." Yin Ling sighed, and then said directly.

"Huh? Oh, ah, because Li Jing didn't do anything wrong, and now the Southern Tang Dynasty doesn't talk about singing and dancing to bring peace, but it's not too bad. He's worried about dragging the Southern Tang Dynasty into the flames of war and leaving the people in dire straits. Right?" Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses.

Because in fact, after finding out about Master Yun's return to Li Jing, Lin Yun was already wondering what Long Geer was doing.

As the current royal family of the Southern Tang Dynasty, Li Jing inherited the legal system of the Tang Dynasty.

He, who started his career in the name of the Tang Dynasty, faced a real descendant of the Tang Dynasty like Long Geer, and it was like a branch meeting the master's family.

At this time, Yin Ling on the side also gave an explanation, which was generally as Lin Yun expected.

"No, he seems to be the master of Sister Feifei's mother, and his name seems to be Immortal Sword God Ni." Yin Ling glanced at Feng Feifei on the side, and then said.

Hearing this, Lin Yun couldn't help but nodded subconsciously. If this was the case, then it could be said to be the best time for them to regain the Tang Dynasty.

And because Su Fengji has too many people, Guo Wei is now wooing and killing them all, which will make the Han side very confused.

If we say that in the ordinary world, although there is legal rule, but the military strength is insufficient, it is still a bit worse.

Because of the fall of Shuangfei Fort, and in that "explosion", some people around Li Jing also fell forever, and at this time, on the Hou Han side, because Lin Yun had spread before, about Liu Zhiyuan actually using babies The matter of making the so-called elixir, especially the skeletons of those babies under the Three Jue Temple were all exposed.

Then just when Yelu Deguang thought he was about to succeed, the Black Witch Cult sneaked up from behind, and then directly forcibly manipulated Yelu Deguang through his spiritual power. Then, through Yelu Deguang, he used Khitan as a sacrifice to resurrect the Turkic country.

On the other side, that is, the Khitan side, Yelu Deguang died.

"It's actually the Immortal Sword God?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly. Should this be said that the timeline has shrunk?
According to Huangfuji's original plan, he cooperated with the Black Witch Cult, and then the Black Witch Cult gained the trust of Yelu Deguang, and then led the wolf to drive away the tiger, so that the wolf of the Black Witch Cult could kill the tiger Huangfuji, at least to the end. Its wings.

Not to mention the former lord of the Southern Tang Dynasty, who claimed to be the fourth grandson of King Jian Li Ke, the son of Emperor Xianzong of the Tang Dynasty. This is a complete nonsense.

Both the Later Han Dynasty and the Khitan were temporarily in chaos, and there was no way to intervene in the affairs of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Su Fengji, who originally colluded with the demons, was directly demoted because he was involved in the disappearance of the three demons and Liu Zhiyuan.

Let's not talk about Shi Shouxin in this world. As the former Yum Victorious General of the Southern Tang Dynasty, he had many disciples and friends, and even made Li Jing jealous. Long Ge'er alone, a quasi-super master, was enough to win the game.

But this is a "high martial arts" world, and the use of masters is obviously greater.

But soon, Lin Yun realized something again, "Huh? Yelu Deguang is dead? Who killed him, Huangfu Ji?"

In the past, the Southern Tang Dynasty mainly relied on the military support provided by Shuangfei Fort to stabilize the court.

Therefore, in theory, Long Geer can directly borrow the Imperial Seal of the Tang Dynasty and the hidden genealogy of the Tang Dynasty royal family to make a comeback and establish the Tang Dynasty.

Later, under such circumstances, Yelu Deguang was allowed to enter and kill Hu Lin as a bait to trap and kill Huangfu Ji.

"Yes... that's it." After hearing Lin Yun's words, Long Geer was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

In addition, Lin Yun killed Liu Zhiyuan at that time, and now Liu Zhiyuan is directly regarded as missing, and Liu Zhiyuan's son Liu Chengyou will be regent, although it is actually said that he is controlled by Guo Wei.

But once the group headed by Long Geer attacks.

In the original work, Long Geer "unintentionally" broke in and ruined this plan. He personally cut off Yelu Deguang's head to prevent Yelu Deguang from being controlled. At the same time, the one from the Black Witch Cult was good at using spirits. The high priest of power was also beaten into an idiot.

But now, through some information collected by Yin Ling, Lin Yun also estimated that it should be that the Immortal Sword God Ni had the idea of ​​destroying all Huangfuji's plans no matter what, so he directly killed Yelu Deguang. .

This is almost the case in the original work. After Long Geer killed Yelu Deguang, the Immortal Sword God Ni went directly to Khitan to publicize Yelu Deguang's death.

He even exposed Huangfuji as a "fake traitor" so that everyone knew that he was actually a Turk.

Afterwards, the Empress Dowager killed everyone related to Huangfu Ji.

Bureaucrats closely related to Huangfu alone killed nearly a thousand people.

It can be said that everything Huangfuji has worked hard for decades has been destroyed.

And now. . . . .

But speaking of it, "By the way, do you know where Huangfuji is now?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows, remembering one of the reasons why he came here.

"Well, we don't know much about this. There are rumors that Huangfuji is actually not a Han, but a great Khan of the Turks. So now the Khitans are crazy about chasing people related to Huangfuji. They even heard that Huangfuji has several branches. The Turkic army is causing chaos everywhere in Khitan, and now the Khitan people are madly attacking Huangfuji's army," Yin Ling also said at this time. "It seems..." What Lin Yun didn't say in the second half of his sentence was that it still hadn't changed much.

Because of Lin Yun's joining, there were no variables like the Three Demons, Xiang Wuhen and Long Geer, but even so, the Immortal Sword God Ni still achieved his goal and successfully put Huangfu Ji into such a situation.

It's really tragic.

As for Huangfuji, as the strongest master in the world, why didn't he just rush into the Khitan Palace and kill the Empress Dowager?

According to Huangfuji, the palace was heavily guarded and there were a lot of strange people and strange things, so it was easy to fall into the crowd tactics, so he didn't go up to kill the opponent.

But Lin Yun's personal feeling is that the main reason is that he cannot risk the disapproval of the world.

After all, according to that saying, if you dare to rush in and kill an empress dowager today, then there will be other emperors tomorrow.

In addition, Huangfuji's identity has now been exposed.

Maybe the whole world would directly target Huangfuji. Although Huangfuji himself could hide, the Turks could not.

At least, that's how Lin Yun feels.

In short, the most important thing about Huangfu Ji now is that almost all the masters around him are gone, and only a bunch of rotten tomatoes are left. Under such circumstances. . . . . . Lin Yun couldn't help but have an idea, maybe. . . . .

If this is the case, then it seems to be much simpler.

Lin Yun tried to recall, how did he get the words in the original work?

first of all. . . . etc.

Lin Yun's expression changed slightly, and then Lin Yun closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense and super sense to sense the surrounding situation.

There should be no one around but them.

"What's wrong?" Long Geer asked worriedly, seeing Lin Yun's sudden change in expression.

"Have you got the True Dragon Heavenly Sword?" Lin Yun took a deep breath and then said.

"I got it out, but now I have asked my master and master to cast a spell on the True Dragon Sky Sword and hide it in Long Geer's soul. Basically, it will not be taken away." Yin Ling obviously trusts Lin Yun very much. .

Especially now that Lin Yun's glory representing Nuwa seems to shine even more brightly.

In fact, it's not just Yin Ling. Although Long Ge'er said he felt cheated, that's one thing. Lin Yun has indeed been helping him, helping him recognize his ancestors, helping him gain status, and even helping him He picks up girls, cough cough cough.

So when there were basically no outsiders here, Long Geer put his hands together, and a long sword made of red, crystal, and glass appeared in Long Geer's hands.

Without Zhao Kuangyin's "contamination", this True Dragon Heavenly Sword looks a little less ferocious than the True Dragon Heavenly Sword in Lin Yun's impression. Although it still has the blood poison of the blood frog on it, The hilt of the sword looks much rounder.

A brand new True Dragon Heavenly Sword.

At the end of the Shang Dynasty, the Emperor of Heaven used a hundred kinds of extremely hard black iron, two hundred kinds of extremely soft fairy clouds, combined with crystal stones, immortal furnace pills, etc., refined them a thousand times with the true fire of Tianyue, and then tempered them a thousand times with the immortal water of heaven and earth. Refined into a magic weapon to ward off evil spirits, the sword of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is the original Heavenly Sword, which can also be said to be the most powerful Heavenly Sword, the Yuanzu Heavenly Sword.

Later, the Heavenly Sword of Yuanzu fell into the hands of Ji Fa, who subdued demons, upheld the righteous way, experienced many dangers, overcame all difficulties, defeated the tyrant Zhou, and founded the Zhou Dynasty. Later generations respectfully called him "King Wu of Zhou".

It's a pity that the immortal energy in Yuanzu's Heavenly Sword was absorbed by Ji Fa at that time, and the Heavenly Sword lost its strongest power.

Then, in the last years of the Qin Dynasty, the Heavenly Sword passed around and was finally acquired by Liu Bang, an unknown gangster. Relying on his personal wit and the power of the Heavenly Sword, Liu Bang led his troops to capture Xianyang, first overthrowing the rule of the Qin Dynasty, and then destroying Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu. He conquered the country and established the Han Dynasty, known as [Han Gaozu] in history.

It was also from this time that the Heavenly Sword was strengthened by dragon energy and began to feel like a Heavenly Sword that suppressed luck.

More than 170 years after Liu Bang founded the Han Dynasty, Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty Liu Ao succeeded to the throne. He indulged in drinking and sex, and his relatives were good at politics, which eventually led to Wang Mang usurping the Han Dynasty. Fortunately, the birth of Liu Xiu, the founder of the Han Dynasty, brought the Heavenly Sword to glory, and finally Guangwu revived and restored the Han Dynasty. Shi Jiangshan was known as [Emperor Guangwu] in history.

At this time, the Heavenly Sword became the Emperor's Heavenly Sword due to being polished by the dragon's energy.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang, the second son of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, killed his brother and father, and became emperor with the help of Mahaye, the leader of the Paradise Zongzong. He became emperor in history and was known as [Emperor Sui Yang]. Since Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, he has levied excessive taxes and indulged himself in alcohol and neglected government affairs, causing the people of the world to live in dire straits.

In the end, Li Shimin, the third son of Li Yuan, the leader of the Li clan, re-forged the Heavenly Sword and mastered the four forms of Tathagata's divine palm, overthrew the tyranny, established the Tang Dynasty, and was known as "Tang Taizong" in history, leaving behind the legend of Heavenly Khan that will be sung through the ages by future generations. .

Yang Guang himself did not have a benevolent heart, and he used the Heavenly Sword to kill his brother, father, and relatives. The blood of the Heavenly Sword made the Heavenly Sword lose its luster, and later it was directly broken into pieces when Li Jing was executed.

This made Tianjian suddenly weakened to an epic level.

Although Li Shimin, the third son of Li Yuan, the leader of the Li clan, and the bearded king of the White Tiger clan used the fragments to re-forge the "Ten Thousand Thunder Heavenly Sword", this time they re-refined it, there was neither immortal energy nor dragon energy, only pure hardness, and they could only Say it's a pity.

And now, is it the True Dragon Heavenly Sword?
(End of this chapter)

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