Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 277 True Dragon Heavenly Sword

Chapter 277 True Dragon Heavenly Sword
True Dragon Heavenly Sword
Grade: A
Basic attributes of the weapon: weapon damage 20L, armor breaking 24, magic breaking 24, high speed 24, 8 additional dice
Weapon special attributes: [Netherworld] [Magic Weapon] [Recognize Master]

Yuan Shen enters the body: After the Yuan Shen enters the body, in the state of recognizing the master, it can usually be combined with the user's body and hidden in the body. Taking it into the body and taking it out are both actions of 0.5 seconds.

Heavenly Sword Suppression: The holder gains a +6 sacred bonus for grace and manipulation, and is immune to A-level fate-like laws.

Salvation Buddha King: When the holder uses Buddhist martial arts, the cost is reduced by 3 points, and at the same time, the holder gains the [Mighty] characteristic.

Son of the True Dragon: The effective demeanor is at least 16, and in the hands of a person with the True Dragon destiny, the True Dragon Heavenly Sword can exert this part of its performance, causing the holder's demeanor to affect surrounding creatures, any person who can visually see ( Creatures friendly to the sword-wielding king gain a number of additional successes on all rolls and defenses equal to the legendary points in the sword-wielder's Presence. This is treated as a morale bonus and is not gained by the sword-wielder himself. This added value.

When the sword wielder makes a communication (persuasion) judgment, the number of successful judgments is given to the person being persuaded as charm points. The person being persuaded needs to make a will judgment to save. The charm points are only for the specific proposal of the persuasion judgment, and are not will overlap. If the number of Charm Points inflicted at one time is enough to put the target into a state of infatuation, the target will wish to be loyal to the swordsman rather than gain love.

This is considered an A-level fate rule.

Heavenly Sword: When this sword is in the hands of a person with the fate of the True Dragon and the Son of Heaven, and is limited to the legendary world of the Son of Heaven, its weapon damage +30, armor breaking +12, and demon breaking +12.

At the same time, obtain the characteristics of "Blessing of the Emperor" and "Protector of the Divine Sword".

Blessing of the Emperor: The holder gains a legendary style x4 luck bonus on all checks and defenses, and reduces 18 XP points when practicing Eastern-related martial arts.

In the original work, Zhao Kuangyin was the one who got the True Dragon Heavenly Sword, and because of Yin Ling's entanglement, Zhao Kuangyin carried the True Dragon Heavenly Sword on his back for a long time, and he didn't even know that the Emperor's swordsmanship existed in Yin Ling. Deliberately hidden and then handed to him on the sword-wrapped cloth.

To be honest, with Lin Yun's current ability of A-level Nuwa blood, Lin Yun estimated that as long as he "studies" Long Geer's body, he might be able to directly copy and paste it.

Although on the one hand, he was extremely lucky, it would also cause a lot of trouble, especially with the gods' dimensions watching over him. Lin Yun was very suspicious. He had just cast the fate of the True Dragon Emperor on himself. If something goes wrong, it's better to be a little more steady.

As for how to set up the destiny of the True Dragon Emperor, Zhao Kuangyin himself is the Ghost King, and he can change it into the destiny of the True Dragon Emperor through the essence of the Heavenly Sword and the blood of Long Geer.

"Oh, okay." Long Geer also took the Heavenly Sword back smoothly.

Not to mention that the world of Legend of the Son of Heaven 5 is one of the very few worlds where the Heavenly Sword has supporting sword skills.

There was really a feeling of regret. For a moment, Lin Yun wanted to get the real Dragon Emperor's destiny from Long Geer's body. Even if he could only play in this world, it would be great.

It even has a cultivation function, which is simply perfect.

A very strong sword, not to mention immune to the A-level law of fate, and. . . . . We need the ability to negotiate, we need the ability to negotiate, we need the ability to assist, we need the ability to assist, we need the ability to kill, we need the ability to kill.

"What level have you reached in the Emperor's swordsmanship training now?" Lin Yun asked at this time, as if he were an elder taking a test.

There is a very important point in the fate of the True Dragon Emperor, which is to cherish the blessings and misfortunes.

"Well, now you can use the sixth form." Long Geer said a little embarrassed.

The sixth form?

"Well, okay, take the Heavenly Sword back." Lin Yun nodded slightly and then said.

And Long Geer has actually practiced the sixth form. If I remember correctly, the sixth form is the dragon traveling in the sky and catching the stars. This seems to be 2 years later in the original work, and it can only be successfully practiced after Yin Ling sets up the star formation. Success moves. . . . .

But forget it, Lin Yun doesn't want to get carried away.

But the most troublesome thing is. . . . . The restrictions are too great. Except for attribute enhancement, all the abilities have the fate of the True Dragon Emperor. Even the later abilities are limited to the legendary world of Emperor.

From a certain perspective, the restrictions are perfect. . . . . .

Wow, the gap is really huge.

Lin Yun couldn't help but touch his chin. The process was quite fast. It has been less than 2 months since the True Dragon Heavenly Sword was cast.

Divine Sword Guardian: Three times a year, the holder of this sword allows the holder to escape from a fatal effect. When the holder is subject to a fatal effect, the sword will fly out on its own to absorb or knock down the effect, and then fly back. , the weapon does not take damage.

Until Yin Ling began to admit that Zhao Kuangyin was indeed the True Dragon Emperor, well, the main thing was that Zhao Kuangyin was a hero who saved the beauty, and then under the thin line of sky mentioned before.

Speaking of which, Yin Ling suffered a fractured sternum, huh. . . . .

In short, it was only after that time that Yin Ling told Zhao Kuangyin about the emperor's sword skills on the sword wrapping cloth, and then took Zhao Kuangyin back to his hometown, and then with the help of Ji Xian and Ling Sheng, he brought the True Dragon Heavenly Sword Integrate into the soul, thereby preventing others from easily obtaining the True Dragon Heavenly Sword, and at the same time, it can also strengthen the True Dragon Heavenly Sword to strengthen itself.

Before merging with Yuanshen, Zhao Kuangyin himself was at most a second-rate master, and needed to rely on the True Dragon Heavenly Sword to reach the level of fighting with Long Geer and the others. This caused the True Dragon Heavenly Sword to be exposed very early, which in turn led to Li Jing also knowing the traces of the True Dragon Heavenly Sword.

Compared with the somewhat unreliable legend of the Nine Nether Thunder Sword, the existence of the True Dragon Heavenly Sword is undoubtedly the weapon of the emperor. If you get the True Dragon Heavenly Sword, you can conquer the world. This is the real traditional legend.

Therefore, without too much hesitation, Li Jing directly tried his best to obtain the True Dragon Heavenly Sword. He was even very interested in the Poison Code because of the Yin Yang Judge.

At that time, because of Lord Yan, everyone from Wanyao Village was here in Lingbo Mansion.

Under such circumstances, Li Jing even took action to surround Lingbo Mansion with nearly 10,000 troops.

It was also at this time that the Shi Jiajun officially left the Southern Tang Dynasty, and then under Guo Rong's temptation, Long Geer thought that Guo Rong was the one who truly cared about the world, and then handed over the Shi Jiajun's Lion Order to Guo Rong. Then it was handed over to Zhao Kuangyin for use.

It can be regarded as a subtle realization that Shi Shouxin was originally the general of the Later Zhou Dynasty in the historical history.

Zhao Kuangyin has been following Guo Wei since then. Seeing that the time is almost up, he worships Guo Wei as his adoptive father in Guo Rong, and then helps Guo Wei up and becomes Taizu of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

"Long Ge'er, I'm very pleased that you can think of the fact that people suffer in prosperity and suffer in death, but you underestimate people's greed." Lin Yun shook his head slightly.

"What...what do you mean?" Long Geer was slightly stunned.

"I think, General Shi, you haven't paid attention to the situation in Nanchang for a while." Lin Yun turned his head and looked at Shi Shouxin on the other side.

"Mr. Lin, what you're talking about is..." Shi Shouxin couldn't help but frowned. He didn't think there was anything he couldn't detect. Nan Tang was his territory.

"Within a week, Lingbo Mansion will be surrounded by the Southern Tang Army." Lin Yun said with a sigh, "They have only one goal, and that is Long Geer's True Dragon Heavenly Sword." As he said this, Lin Yun couldn't help but smile slightly. Shaked his head.

"What? How could it be? I have always followed Lin Yun's advice and try to hide the True Dragon Heavenly Sword." Yin Ling was slightly startled and then said.

Obviously, Yin Ling is also very aware of how tempting the True Dragon Heavenly Sword is to the emperors or careerists in this chaotic era.

It's a pity that Yin Ling was indeed very careful, but... . . . . He is the mole.

Yes, unfortunately, the mole is Lin Yun.

On the way from Shuangfei Castle, Lin Yun had already created another clay figurine and found an opportunity to tell Feng Yansi.

Feng Yan was the prime minister of the Southern Tang Dynasty. He was a typical treacherous prime minister. He was good at flattery and was loyal to Li Jing.

In the world of Legend of the Son of Heaven, Feng Yan has been considered a top-notch master. Before Zhao Kuangyin mastered the use of the True Dragon Heavenly Sword, Feng Yan has even been able to overpower Zhao Kuangyin.

There is still a bit of gold content.

But in terms of intellectual gold, Feng Yanji, the great poet in history, may have a little, but Feng Yanji in this world does have it, but not much.

If I remember correctly, even a woman like Yun Piaopiao could fool him. . . . .

Although sometimes, Yun Piaopiao was deceived by Feng Yanji.

Two are worth half a pound.

After all, they are serving as a court, and Feng Yanji in this world specializes in controlling those recruited from the martial arts world, and there are even many among his own disciples. . . . . Second-rate master.

So Lin Yun, the clay figurine, followed the regular process of being a disciple and directly found Feng Yanji. When he almost killed one of his disciples, the clay figurine told him that there was great news, that is, the True Dragon Heavenly Sword was in the hands of Shi Shouxin. .

Well, from a certain perspective, that's true.

Compared with the original work, at the same time, Long Ge'er was already famous as the successor of the Divine Palm, Long Ge'er. In this world, he can basically be said to be unknown. Even the real successor of the Divine Palm, Li Wuming, has been "low-key" recently. , is rarely mentioned in the world.

Even in order to reduce the difficulty of Long Ge'er, Lin Yun deliberately asked the clay man to advise Feng Yanji to keep quiet to avoid being known to others. However, with his identity, he might be able to steal the sword from Shi Shouxin in one fell swoop. The True Dragon Heavenly Sword is brought here and so on.

According to Lin Yun's estimation, the most likely possibility for Feng Yanji is to bring all his disciples with him, and there is a relatively small possibility of informing Master Yun of Shuangfei Fort. . . . .

Yes, Lin Yun is ready to kill two birds with one stone.

(End of this chapter)

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