Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 98 Are you threatening me? I am scared

Chapter 98 Are you threatening me? I am scared

"Can I ask, are there any other superheroes? Like Spider-Man or something." At this moment, the brother pretending to be Batman said in a deep voice.

"Other superheroes? Unfortunately, we can only find you at the moment." Coulson said with some regret.

"It seems that the situation is not very good." Lin Yun on this side couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

The Avengers movie is in the period when superheroes are preparing to explode. Although there are many superheroes, basically these superheroes have either not been discovered yet, or they have not yet gotten their own opportunities.

For example, Ant-Man, Falcon, Scarlet Witch, etc. who appeared in "Captain America: Civil War".

Among them, Ant-Man should be in the middle of a generation now. The first-generation Ant-Man was an old man. It would be okay to let him do some technology, but if he wants to fight, forget it.

As for Falcon, he is still just a veteran.

Needless to say, Scarlet Witch, because according to theory, she and her brother are both characters in the "Avengers 2" movie, and they should even theoretically hate Tony Stark.

And Black Panther, the King of Wakanda who uses the highest technology to fight the most primitive war, his father is not dead yet, he is still just the prince, not even Black Panther.

As for Captain Marvel, he is thousands of miles away from the earth. It can be said that water far away cannot save the fire near.

I just don’t know what happened to Doctor Strange.

It's just that in most cases, Doctor Strange is basically only responsible for dealing with creatures in other dimensions, and does not deal with the material plane at all.

In addition to these, there are also many "civilian" superpowers, including the Inhumans.

For example, in "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", Skye, the shockwave girl who even became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is probably still working as her own computer hacker and was tricked to death by her boyfriend.

In short, if you calculate it this way, there are really not many superheroes that SHIELD can find now.

After all, this is not the main world of comics. Next door is the X-Men, and on the other side there are the Fantastic Four led by the god of war.

Even in this world, Lin Yun doubted whether there was a Divine Spear Bureau representing Zhongzhou's side.

In terms of strength, Spear is much higher than SHIELD.
The director is the strongest adapter of the Phoenix, the possessor of the Monkey King Sun Wukong, the "Eight Immortals", yes, the "Eight Immortals" from the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, and the invincible Wan Zhong Xia. His body is the combined form of the five brothers.

But the most important thing is that this invincible hero has the power to gather the power of all Zhongzhou people. . . . .

Note that it is not limited to Zhongzhou nationality, but as long as you consider yourself "Chinese", you can draw strength.

Then there is an organization called "Xian", which includes the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother of the West, Nezha, Guan Yu and other mythological figures that are familiar to people in Zhongzhou.

Anyway, if there were these things in this world, it would never be their turn.

"Yes, right now, the situation is indeed not very good. There are really too few things that we can know. It is completely a secret between the enemy and the enemy. In addition, those who are controlled are basically more or less special. ability, so we at SHIELD hope that you can help us solve those troubles." Coulson put his hands on the conference table, and then glanced at Lin Yun and the others.

"It seems that the number of people is very sufficient. I suggest that instead of this, let's draw lots, spread out the old enemies of the superheroes, and then arrange them according to the teams." At this time, George on the other side also said with a smile.

"What to do with those scattered people?" the witch doctor said in a hoarse voice.

"No, only the strong are qualified to distribute." Still smiling, George said, and as he spoke, a burst of golden light burst out from his body.

"Will save: Determination +9, Composure +7, Iron Will +5 Perfect, Warrior's Heart +4 Nameless, Legendary Determination +1 Perfect, Use Willpower +6 Perfect, Legendary Determination +1 bonus for success, Legendary Composure +1 bonus Success, settlement.”


"Earn 6 fear points."

"Ignore 4 fear points, suppress 2 fear points."

"Are you threatening me?" Lin Yun raised his eyebrows slightly, then his eyes condensed, and a divine light burst out from Lin Yun's eyes.

A C-level Hong Kong comic powerhouse has almost no use. When affected by others using fear, charm, etc., it can reversely intimidate the other party.

"Coercion check: Strength +16, Coercion level 9, Versatility +4 feat bonus, Use of Willpower +6 perfect bonus, Legendary Strength +3 additional success, Coercion +3 additional success, resolve."


"Inflicts 8 fear points."

"Ah!" Almost instantly, George's expression became distorted, and his face was full of fear. Then he took a few steps back, and suddenly bumped into the teammates behind him, and only saw a pair of feather wings coming from him. emerged from behind.

It really is. . . . . Birdman.

"I told you to speak properly." With half-squinted eyes, Lin Yun burst out with momentum.

For a moment, everyone present felt as if they were sinking into the deep sea, unable to move. At this time, everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Yun in horror. The burst of momentum is based on the level of the energy pool.

Whether it is the Lihuo Xuanbing Gong, the Huntian Treasure Mirror, or the Xiantian Qiankun Gong, Lin Yun's current level is only C level, but Lin Yun's current energy value is as high as 93 points.

This is even more than the energy value of a normal A-level energy pool. Of course, it is just quantity, not quality.

But at least, among the people present now, they can feel the almost violent aura released from Lin Yun's body.

Of course, under Lin Yun's control, people like Coulson and others would naturally not be affected.

Even under such circumstances, a yellow light lit up from the other side, and the ring in the hand of the man Lin Yun suspected of having a yellow light ring was flashing.

Then a yellow tights appeared on his body to protect him, and at this time, he faced Lin Yun with one hand, trembling slightly.

. . . . . . It’s really a yellow light ring.

The yellow lantern represents fear, whether it is fear of other things or other people's fear of the Yellow Lantern, it can be turned into power.

It's just obvious that this Yellow Lantern is more about his own fear of other people.

"Calm down, Hal." At this time, a hunk with disheveled hair like seaweed beside the Yellow Lantern said in a deep voice.

But that alert look was looking at Lin Yun.

COS on the American side is true love.

This couldn't be justice, no, it was the Injustice COS team.

"Such a strong momentum... You..." At this time, everyone present looked at Lin Yun with some surprise, because Lin Yun's burst of momentum felt stronger than all of them combined. To feel strong.

And what's going on with this Zhongzhou person? Isn't it said that Zhongzhou people are the best at pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, and they are easy to bully?
Why are you so energetic!

In this regard, Lin Yun could only say that he was very sorry. Under normal circumstances, Lin Yun would probably choose Gou Yibo, but now he is a strong man in Hong Kong comics, so what are you doing?

Moreover, he had just met Ji Qi, and for some reason Lin Yun had an inexplicable feeling that he couldn't give up.

Ji Qi, this is the real name of the girl who just called herself Sesshōin Kiara. Speaking of which, Lin Yun and her first met at a comic exhibition, and at that time, Ji Qi's COS was Sesshōin Kiara's. This one is dressed like a nun.

As for Lin Yun, his spine had not been injured at that time and his physique was quite strong. Then because Lin Yun usually liked to go bare-headed, on a whim, he came to a "COS" of Dawei Tianlong. In the winter of 17 degrees, he wore Wearing a monk's robe.

Well, it is winter in Guangdong after all.

Because both of them are Buddhists, Lin Yun and the others even took a group photo together.

But at that time, they just took a group photo as a souvenir, and they didn't even know each other's names.

Soon, Lin Yun regained his breath, and then said in a deep voice, "Don't forget, in addition to newcomers, there are other people of the same level who can appear here."

"...You're right, I'm too arrogant." George's face turned green and white, and he climbed up from a female teammate behind him, with a slightly forced smile on his face.

Can he say that he didn't expect that someone would be able to counterattack?
This is not pure coercion or anything else. On the surface, it is a simple instant mass fear spell. He makes a caster check of demeanor and occultism, and then subtracts the number of successes obtained by all targets to make Will saves. The number of successes ultimately results in fear points.

It seemed like that, but in fact he had used the effect of Gabriel's power just now.

His bloodline is called the bloodline of saints.

He has the power to borrow angels, and just now he borrowed Gabriel's power, which allows him to add an additional grace + communication (holy word) test when performing some language abilities. The number of successes in this test Will be stacked on top of his fear casting.

It can be said to be equivalent to a double spell.

It can be said that at the same level, as long as the player is not determined, it will be difficult to resist his move, which will definitely allow him to take the initiative.

Now it's obvious that the main way they want to get side plots is through super villains, but there are good and bad super villains.

The two super villains like Captain America are probably the weakest among these super villains, and there is no doubt that the rewards are probably the least, so George wants to take the lead so that he can get more smoothly. branch plot.

He had even thought about it, and on the surface it was allotted, but secretly it was a sneak attack to see if he could steal someone's head or something.

It's a very interesting place to talk about.

Saint blood does not require moral values, only belief in God, and there is no degree requirement.

But now, all of this was obviously ruined by this Zhongzhou man. Not only that, except for this Zhongzhou man, the two Zhongzhou women next to him didn't seem to be affected by his fear.

(End of this chapter)

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