Unlimited running group starts with eating

Chapter 99: Isn’t it OK to be attacked when you come up?

Chapter 99: Isn’t it OK to be attacked when you come up?

Of course it is ineffective. Xiong Daiyu's secret spell directly ignores the effect of C-level psychic influence. George's fear technique, as long as it is not upgraded to B-level, is weak to Xiong Daiyu no matter how powerful it is.

As for Ji Qi?

She said that the Buddhist scriptures she practiced, such as the Sutra of Hercules to Move Mountains and the Buddhist power, were the best at things like will immunity.

Twenty thoughts are one moment, and twenty moments are one snap of a finger. In this extremely short snap of a finger, time flows, everything evolves, and countless sounds and images move rapidly in the mind. The only thing that does not move is, There is only a mind that is not stained by dust.

Let all things invade and the world of mortals invade you, but your original mind will not move. This is 'not moving'!
And her bloodline, when she entered the space of the gods, she didn't even need to exchange it for the D-class first-generation noble bloodline.

This seemed to be the bloodline that spoke of her ancestral bloodline.

One of them is called Overcoming thorns and thorns, the characteristic of self-improvement, with all three types of saving throws increasing the value of the bloodline level x3.

She now has a C-level bloodline, plus an immobile +18 insight bonus.

Not counting the basic Will save value, she already has a Will save bonus of up to 24 points.

If you really want to count, her will immunity is even stronger than Lin Yun.

However, except for Xiong Daiyu and Ji Qi, in fact, the hearts behind them were also more or less affected.

In addition to them, there are also the witch doctors from Nanyan Continent on the other side and "Batman" on the other side who were not affected.

If you think about it this way, George's other goal has actually been achieved, which is to seize the initiative and at the same time test whether there is anyone who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

Although the situation is not very good right now, they are basically very strong, especially the Zhongzhou native. Is that really the pressure that a C-level player should have?

He even felt that the other party had A-level pressure.

On this side, Colson looked at the situation of other people in the conference room. Although Lin Yun controlled the momentum and did not overwhelm Colson and the others, Colson, as an experienced level 8 agent, could probably Understand the food chain relationship here.

So he looked at Lin Yun, "Speaking of which, this gentleman seems to have a unique ability to perceive types. I wonder if he can identify gamma rays?"

Obviously Coulson remembered that Lin Yun was in this room before, but he seemed to be able to "see" their situation, and he said tentatively.

gamma rays? Are you talking about the space gem, the Cosmic Cube?

The Space Stone, like the previous Mind Stone, is also an Infinity Stone, but now it is temporarily covered by the Cosmic Cube and has the effect of the legendary space.

Since it can connect all spaces, it also possesses very powerful energy.

Hydra studied this and then invented a firearm capable of energy shooting. This was during World War II.

However, after being snatched by Captain America, it was only recently dug out again and taken over by SHIELD to research energy sources.

It's a pity that they only focus on the energy of the Cosmic Cube, but they don't know that the real purpose of the Cosmic Cube is space transmission.

In the Avengers, Loki used the Cosmic Cube to expand a space tunnel in the Earth's atmosphere, allowing a huge cosmic army to rush into New York and wreak havoc.

It's just that in the original movie, these cosmic armies were blocked by superheroes, and they also closed the space tunnel and won.

Now, superheroes are basically lying on their stomachs.

"I can feel it within a radius of 3 kilometers." Lin Yun half-squinted his eyes and said with a smile.

Energy perception is calculated based on Lin Yun's perception

That is the effective range of 17X100.

And because of Bixuebing, Lin Yun's energy perception range has now been doubled. In other words, Lin Yun's perception range is within 3.4 kilometers.

And if you count it. . . . . . If Lin Yun was so fast, Lin Yun could theoretically explore the entire New York in about an hour.

Hello martial arts version of The Flash.

But speaking of it, the most ferocious thing about exploration is actually Lin Yun's momentum.

It is calculated according to the size of the energy pool and also according to the level of the energy pool.

Lin Yun is now an A-level energy pool, which is an increase of X50. In theory, Lin Yun can directly cover 93X50 with a burst of momentum, which is a blind sight range with a radius of 4.6 kilometers.

Within this range, Lin Yun can detect any movement, but... . . . . Here in New York, there are so many people. Lin Yun feels like his CPU will be burned out if he travels 4.6 kilometers. "That's great. We need your ability. Please come with me. Then you can move freely, please." With that, Coulson walked out directly.

Obviously, there were some things that were not suitable to be discussed here, so just like that, Lin Yun and Xiong Daiyu followed Coulson and walked out.

After walking out, you can see a long corridor, but the most important thing is that this is not the Trident Building, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., nor is it the handsome, but also very stupid, aerial aircraft carrier in the Avengers.

Lin Yun had already noticed this before.

Lin Yun's energy perception cannot sense things without energy, but Lin Yun also has magical spiritual and super senses, which are excellent for sensing living things.

After arriving here, Lin Yun had already sensed all life forms within 18 meters around him, so Lin Yun was able to sense Coulson who was just outside.

At least as far as the distribution of life forms perceived by Lin Yun is concerned, the distribution here is not what it should be in those two places.

But if you think about it carefully, even though there is space for gods to rationalize their identities.

At least he won't be suspected by SHIELD, who is sick and suspicious of his identity, which will cause all kinds of conflicts from the beginning.

Soon, Lin Yun and the others walked into another room, but to be honest, with Lin Yun's ability, other people might also have the ability to eavesdrop, but if Lin Yun didn't say anything, let's just treat it like that.

"Since this gentleman has such a special ability, let's let go of some information. I hope you can find this thing." After saying that, Coulson took out his mobile phone and handed it to Lin Yun. .

The phone, which looked like just a piece of glass, suddenly opened up, showing several holographic projections appearing in front of Lin Yun.

It's just smaller than the holographic projection in the previous conference room and less refined.

You can see a blue square crystal displayed on the screen, which shows some discovery times and some simple experiences.

Of course, Lin Yun could see that there were a lot of things hidden inside, but this was normal.

This should be the report shown to Captain America in the original movie. After all, the report Iron Man and Dr. Banna saw contained analysis and data. . . . . .

And here it is condensed into one sentence. This crystal contains very large energy and is extremely dangerous. According to the only information available now, it seems that a door to the outside of the universe can be opened through this crystal.

"I roughly understand the situation. Don't worry, I will pay attention. Wait, there is a high-energy reaction approaching, and the target is here." Lin Yun's expression suddenly became serious, "You all come here and surround me."

After hearing Lin Yun's words, Xiong Daiyu and Ji Qi still had their hearts in mind, and came directly to Lin Yun's side without much hesitation, even almost sticking to Lin Yun's side, one on each side.

The agents following Coulson looked a little confused.

But soon, "Just take a snapshot." Agent Coulson also took a step closer and came to Lin Yun's side.

After listening to Coulson's words, other agents hurriedly came over and were all around Lin Yun. "It will feel like it's falling. Be careful, Earth Kunlun is rising!"

Following Lin Yun's words, the surrounding cement floor rose directly, and then everyone present was wrapped together. Then, with a feeling of weightlessness, everyone fell down.

"Sir, please tell me..." Although Colson's expression was relatively calm, there was still some sweat on his forehead. At this time, he looked at Lin Yun, wanting to know more.

"There must be someone inside. Someone knows your plan and wants to kill us." Lin Yun said, shaking his head slightly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present felt a "boom" and a violent vibration, and then stopped quickly.

"Let's go out and take a look." As he said that, under Lin Yun's control, he first moved more than a hundred meters forward, and then floated up to the ground.

As Lin Yun dispersed the surrounding cement barriers, everyone saw a line of black smoke rising into the sky in the direction they came from.

"Is this an air raid? How is it possible?" Colson's pupils shrank slightly, and he could not hide the surprise on his face at this time.

After all, this is their territory in the United States. How could there be such an air raid? "No, no, that's the mourning whip?" Finally, Coulson squinted and spotted a small figure in mid-air. It was a computer and It's similar to Iron Man, but it looks obviously more rugged, with a Maozi-style steel exoskeleton armor.

"This can't be that ex-wife, right?" Lin Yun complained.

In the movie "Iron Man 2", one of Iron Patriot's missile "ex-wives" comes from Hammer Company, an arms company that specializes in plagiarism, and this is also the company that occupied the magpie's nest in "Iron Man 2" , originally wanted to recruit this mourning whip to obtain the technology of steel armor, but unexpectedly he was tricked instead.

Iron Patriot was originally Iron Man's Mark 2. Due to various reasons, it was modified by Hammer Company, and this "ex-wife" missile was so "hot" that it ended up in a fight. . . . . Turned off.

Because Sangbian hacked into Hammer Company's system, this "ex-wife" was naturally ridden by Sangbian.

(End of this chapter)

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