*****Gorgeous Dividing Line******Golden Bowl********************

"Master, my subordinates did not find the little girl. Bai Xiaosheng Novels www>

On a cliff, a man knelt on one knee. In front of him, a tall man stood on the cliff. As long as he took a step forward, he would fall into the abyss.

The man was wearing a dark red shawl, which was blowing loudly in the wind, and it was untied and untied, and it was scattered behind him, smooth and smooth like fine silk satin.

Just a back view makes people dare not look at it, let alone the front. [

"Useless things."

The man slowly turned around, the corners of his eyes slightly raised, adding to his alluring charm.The vermilion lips were pursed lightly, half a smile was not a smile, her skin was fairer than snow, and she seemed to be emitting a silvery white light.

"Please punish the master."

"That little girl is really as weird as you said."

"This is the first time this subordinate has met such a little girl with extraordinary skills. Although she is only eight years old, she looks like a Shura."

"I hope that as you said, you don't let me down. It is rumored that the Fifth Miss of the Prime Minister's Mansion is a fool, but she didn't expect to be a genius. It's getting more and more interesting."

The man smiled, making the man kneeling on the ground dumbfounded.

"I'll give you three days to catch that girl. My killer organization just needs a girl."

Feng Xiliang's cold tone made the people kneeling on the ground feel as if they had fallen into an ice cellar.


The man in the ground looked up again, and the man in the dark red clothes standing in front of him was gone.

It seemed that it had never appeared before, but, at the bottom of the cliff, a dark red figure stood and fell with both arms stepping on the raised stone.

The white mist floated around him, and below was the source of life. The man's expression did not change at all, as if this was not a cliff, but an ordinary mountain road.

He is like the messenger of the dark night, like a black butterfly, so heart-wrenching.

He landed lightly and big on a relatively spacious stone, and stretched out his slender fingers to point a little on the stone wall.

A secret door slowly opened, like a dark abyss with no bottom.

He walked in slowly. In such a dark light, he didn't use any light, which shows his amazing internal strength.

After walking for a dark distance, some subtle rays of light gradually emerged.

There is actually another cave under this cliff, which looks quite big, and there are oil lamps every five meters to illuminate the surrounding scene. [

As soon as the man in black walked in, two masked men greeted him immediately.

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