
The respectful and awe-inspiring tone is enough to see the status of this man.Remember in a second【Bai Xiaosheng Novels】www>


The man gave a grunt, and the cloak fluttered in the air, giving people a feeling of oppression. The corner of his mouth lazily said, which was regarded as an answer, and then he raised his foot and walked inside.

There are rows of cages inside, and there are many men in the cages. Yes, they are just people. Everyone has ankle chains on their feet. They are all between 17 and 20 years old. He looked very tired and had blood on his body. [

"How many people are left now?"

Feng Xiliang swept his eyes lightly, and the people in the cage were very angry when they saw his appearance, but they didn't dare to move.

Seemingly not seeing these gazes, Feng Xiliang asked slowly.

"There are 200 left as of today."

"Very good, continue tomorrow, only 30 people can survive, and those who survive are dead."

There was no warmth in the man's words. Looking at the teenagers in these cages was like looking at goods.


The person behind him immediately agreed and stood aside in a respectful manner.

Feng Xiliang walked towards the inside again, the inside was getting more and more spacious, compared with the outside, there was more fighting inside, and there was the sound of weapons symphonic.

Some rough voices were mixed with the sounds of weapons, swords and swords filled the cave, and faint figures were training hard inside.

As soon as Feng Xiliang walked in, everyone immediately put down their weapons and bowed to Feng Xiliang.

"Lord Phoenix."

Feng Xiliang showed a smile, which made everyone feel relieved. If you want people to work hard for you, you must know how to buy people's hearts.

"Everyone has worked hard."

"It's not hard to do things for Lord Phoenix."

The sound of Qi Shushu resounded in the cave, with waves of echoes.


Satisfied with everyone's reactions, Feng Xiliang nodded, and her stern face softened a bit.

"Lord Phoenix, everyone who escaped has been captured."

"very good."

Anyone who enters here and escapes will be arrested. No matter where you escape, as long as you don't die, you will be pursued endlessly.

Soon, several people came in with their arms tied. There was no scar on their bodies, and they looked very embarrassed.

The people who came in saw Feng Xiliang who was sitting on the top, twisting their bodies desperately, their expressions of wanting to eat people, in Feng Xiliang's eyes, they were just a bunch of clowns.

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