"Do you know what will happen when you escape?"

The seemingly casual tone carried a sense of creeping danger.
Whenever Lord Feng asked questions like this, everyone knew that this was the calm before the storm.

"You kill us! We will not die for you."

A man with his head up, his face full of unyielding, is a tough guy, such a person is the most brainless. [

"Put them in cages."

Feng Xiliang's expression did not change, it was still as light as a spring breeze.

These people were quickly locked in a cage, the cage was not big, and the ten or so people locked in it were even a little small. "

"As long as one of you eighteen survives, the deity will let him go."

The people in the cage looked at you and I looked at you, but they didn't make a move.

"I'll give you an hour, if everyone is well, then no one will stay."

The last sentence was ruthless and ruthless.

"We are brothers, and we won't kill each other. Only you, the devil, can do such harm... ah."

Before the man finished speaking, he felt a chill in his chest. He looked down and saw a sword coming across, and the person who did it was his best brother.

"Don't look at me like that, there's no way, you can only live one."

The man behind him smiled at him, it's bullshit if a brother is in front of his life.

No longer looking at the man who was poured into a pool of blood, he turned his head neatly, and soon joined the fighting team. Those without weapons used their mouths, hands and feet, as long as they were available, they were all used. .

The cage is a confrontation between life and death. Eighteen people can only live one. This is hope, and only one thousandth of it is also a desperate struggle.

The cage was full of screams, blood was everywhere, and hands and feet were everywhere.

They were all red-eyed, no matter who the other party was, as long as they had one last breath, they would rush forward and kill the other party with their last breath.

Eighteen people, gradually only six, three, and finally a man covered in blood, he saw that he was the last one, survived and finally survived.

"Did you survive?"

Feng Xiliang played with the finger wrench in his hand, acting as if it was none of his business, and his leisurely attitude gave people no sense of danger.

"Survived." [

The people around him immediately reported it.

"Drag down and feed the wolves."

Before the people in the cage had time to rejoice, they were drowned out by this cold voice.

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