Seeing Aunt Xiao being helped out, Hua Shuang's complexion gradually softened, and looked at Luo Tianyu beside him, the master was taking his final measurements.Fiction Rankings
Every time the master said something, the little boy behind took a pen to record it one by one.

The appearance is very serious, and you can tell from this attitude that it is no wonder that this craftsmanship can last for a hundred years.

The meticulous appearance and serious attitude cheered Luo Liuling up a bit.

After the master master had finished measuring each young master and lady, he walked to the last Luo Liuling. [

Glancing at Luo Liuling's figure, the master master directly measured the sleeves and length, the master directly retracted the measuring tape, and said slightly to Hua Shuang.

"Fifth Miss doesn't need to measure carefully. Seeing that she is a bit fatter, she should wear a looser dress, but it doesn't look too fat."

"Well, then please trouble Master Li, Mama Li."

Hua Shuang glanced at Master Li, with a very modest attitude, after all, Master Li is also a little famous.

"Send off the guest for me."

Master Li is very satisfied with Hua Shuang's gentle attitude. The head wife of the Prime Minister's Mansion is really as good as the virtues said outside, magnanimous, modest, and a good woman.

She walked out slowly, and Mama Li followed with money in her arms.

"Very good, since everyone has measured, let's go back to the yard!"

Hua Shuang didn't want to see such a large group of children, so she just waved her hands and let their mothers take them back.

Hong Ma also carried Luo Liuling and walked back. When she stepped out of the door, Luo Yiran next to her stretched out her hand and quickly grabbed Luo Liuling's hair.

A burst of pain came from his forehead, Luo Yiran looked at Luo Liuling proudly.

The old lady who was holding Luo Yiran naturally saw it, but she just smiled and didn't ask Luo Yiran to let go.

Luo Rou, who was walking in front, happened to turn her head to see this scene, so she stopped and walked back.

Seeing Miss Six grabbing Miss's hair, Mama Hong wanted to speak but dared not. After all, Miss Six was the master's favorite lady.

"Fool, let's see if you're still proud."

Luo Yiran's eyes were provocative, and he pulled Luo Liuling's hair with his hands, and from time to time he pulled hard, and several strands of Luo Liuling's hair were pulled out.

"Sixth sister, let go quickly."

Luo Rou stepped forward quickly, speaking to Luo Yiran with a low voice, not daring to make too much noise to the lady inside, after all, it was still at the door.

"Don't let it go, why are you staring like a fool." [

Luo Yiran raised his head with an air of self-importance, looking really savage.

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