Luo Liuling's eyes showed a trace of warning, if this girl doesn't let go, then she won't be polite.
Luo Yiran naturally saw Luo Liuling's eyes, but she was always proud and used to being pampered, so she couldn't see it, and she grabbed her hair by herself, and even more and more forcefully.

At the moment of the stalemate, Luo Liuling leaned forward suddenly, and bumped his head fiercely into Luo Yiran who was caught off guard.

The old lady who was holding Luo Yiran was hit by this force and lost her balance. She fell backwards, and behind her was the stone ladder. One of her feet fell to the ground, and she plopped backwards while holding Luo Yiran.


After being stunned for a few seconds, Luo Yiran yelled loudly, causing the maids and mothers in the room to rush out.

When they saw Miss Six lying on the stone ladder with all four feet in the air, and the head of the old woman who was holding her was already bleeding, all of them panicked, and hurriedly stepped forward to pick up Miss Six, and the rest helped the old lady up. .

Hong Ma was already panicked by this scene, what to do, the young lady got into trouble again.

Sure enough, Hua Shuang came out from the inner room, her complexion was more gloomy than ever before, her eyes did not look at Luo Liuling at all, she directly stepped forward to look at Miss Six who was crying so annoyingly.

I checked the injury, it's okay, just a little scratch.

Immediately, someone carried her in again to rub the medicine. Mama Hong stood aside, and as soon as she moved her feet, she heard Hua Shuang's cold voice.

"Did I let you go?"

"Ma'am, Fifth Sister didn't do it on purpose."

Seeing Hua Shuang's unhappy face, Luo Rou didn't care about anything.He hurriedly opened his mouth to beg for Luo Liuling's mercy.

"It's not intentional. Look at this scourge. Wherever you go, you don't want to cause trouble. Go kneel in the ancestral hall. If you don't kneel for two days, don't think about it."

The ancestral hall, that is the Buddhist hall, is the place where the old lady of Xiangfu prays and chant scriptures.

The old lady is the master's mother, but she never came out, she was in her own yard, she didn't come out by herself, and she didn't allow others to disturb her.

In the eyes of outsiders, this old lady is mysterious and strange.

As soon as she heard that the young lady was going to kneel for two days, Hong Ma immediately became anxious, and her voice also begged.

"Ma'am, let me kneel on Miss's behalf. How can a young lady like this be able to bear it?"

But what Hongma said made Hua Shuang even more disgusted, and she glanced at Luo Liuling.

The cold words sounded again: "Take Fifth Miss to the ancestral hall, and you won't be allowed to come out unless you kneel for two days, tie her up and kneel, and don't give her food or water."

"Ma'am, it's impossible to let Fifth Sister kneel down like this. Fifth Sister will definitely not be able to bear it."

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