Hearing Hua Shuang's words, Luo Rou took a few steps back, her pupils were full of surprise, she knew that her wife was not good to Fifth Sister, but she really didn't expect a mother-in-law to treat her daughter like this. www>

It's too cruel, is this still my mother?

"Those who are begging for Miss Fifth, all should be dragged to the slave room, Luorou, you also go back to your own yard."

Soon, two servants came up with hemp ropes. How could a fool kneel down peacefully, Hua Shuang naturally wanted someone to tie her up so that she could not toss about.

Without even looking at the people around her, after Hua Shuang said this, she flicked her sleeves and entered the room. [

Luo Rou rushed forward and pushed the two servants away, trying to protect Luo Liuling.

Hua Shuang, who hadn't entered yet, immediately turned her head to look at Luorou, and saw that Luotou was obviously going to fight her, how could the majesty of his wife be provocative.

"Pull the second lady away."

A few more servants came up and pulled Luo Rou aside with all their fuss.

"Ma'am, don't treat Fifth Sister like this."

Luo Rou, who was pulled by the servant, was really weak, and she couldn't get rid of it at all, so she could only beg loudly, the more she said, the more excited Luo Rou became, and she began to cry slowly, her voice became choked up a lot.

When Luo Liuling saw Luo Rou crying, she couldn't express what she felt in her heart. She really wanted to resist, but thinking that Luo Rou might be implicated, Luo Liuling silently let her servants bind her.

When the servant bound her hands, Luo Liuling hooked his fingers, the simple binding did not bother her.

Hong Ma was also crying into tears, Luo Liuling gave her a reassuring look, and was dragged to the ancestral hall by the servants.

The ancestral hall is in the cleanest place. Except for the old lady who comes here every few days, there is basically no one here, and the cleaning maids.

Once inside, the servant brought Luo Liuling in front of a bodhisattva, patted Luo Liuling lightly and made her kneel down. After all, she was still a young lady, and her movements were not too vulgar.

Seeing that Luo Liuling was kneeling well, the two servants went to the outer door to guard it.

Kneeling on the futon, Luo Liuling looked around, the ancestral hall was well built, the candles were flickering with reddish light, and the eyes of a Bodhisattva covered in gold fell on Luo Liuling. If you look in the direction, you are looking at this Bodhisattva.

After moving my body, I found that the tie was not too difficult. I moved my wrist on the back, flipped it a few times, and then it was easily untied.

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