Luo Liuling smiled, and there were countless meanings in it. txt e-book download
What kind of banquet, she wants to make the prime minister's mansion a joke here.

This joke was not provoked by myself, and I suddenly realized that I still had a devilish mentality.

Although tomorrow is an important day for the young master to return, Luo Liuling still hasn't stopped training.

Still practicing his skills in the bamboo forest, going back and forth tirelessly. [

Luo Liuling's face was not tired, but only resolute.

Just as Luo Liuling's body was dancing lightly on the bamboo, a figure stood below.

It was the ghost-masked man whom he hadn't seen for more than ten days, who appeared in front of Luo Liuling wearing the mask unique to the ghost-masked man.

"came back."

Luo Liuling hooked the bamboo and slowly fell to the ground, his clothes were flying, and he didn't know who's eyes were dazzled.

"The one-month period has come to fulfill our agreement."

I still remember the first time they met, Luo Liuling put down the words and had a competition in a month, and now it is a month.

"it is good."

Luo Liuling didn't talk too much nonsense, just acted directly.

She is not a person who talks a lot of nonsense, so she will focus on the point.

Luo Liuling soared into the sky, turned around in the air, and waved a brilliant light curtain, like stars falling from the starry sky.

Swinging the bamboo stick in his hand freely, dazzling traces of light rushed straight up, like a gorgeous silver dragon, with an astonishing and arrogant aura.

The ghost-masked man didn't panic, he stretched out his hand and pulled down a bamboo stick, blocking Luo Liuling's surprise move.

Who would have thought that an eight-year-old child would have such a talent, and it would not be an exaggeration for a genius girl.

The sky slowly turned black, and the heavy rain poured down. The two figures in the bamboo forest didn't care about the heavy rain at all.

Still dancing with bamboo sticks in the rain, Luo Liuling danced wildly in the rain, his eyes were cold and electric, the bamboo sticks were like a real long sword, giving people a shocking feeling.

The ghost-masked man dared not be careless more and more, the bamboo dance in his hand was airtight, and there was no dead spot on his whole body.

After the ghost-masked man's final strength, he made such a move that he took Luo Liuling's entire hand into it.

Luo Liuling smiled at the corner of his mouth, fell for the trick, slid to the side, then swung the bamboo stick violently towards the ghost face. [

The Ghost-Mask escaped unscathed, and the stick stabbed again, a nice turn, followed by another thrust, this time the stick slashed across the Ghost-Mask's chest, cutting through his coat, leaving a scar on his clothing. A long, bright scratch.

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