Withdrawing the bamboo stick, she put her back on her back, in the posture of a heroine. www>

The heavy rain was still pouring down, drenching the two of them like drowned rats.

"Good good."

The ghost-masked man said three good things in one breath, and he, who was drenched in a mess by the rain, seemed to no longer feel the surge of the heavy rain. His mood was shocked, happy, and lost.

What shocked me was that an eight-year-old girl scratched a line on his clothes. I was happy that I met a genius girl. What I was disappointed was that I lost in front of this girl with my 28 years of skill. [

How could he not be entangled in his heart, not disturbed, not shocked.

"You didn't do your best."

Luo Liuling threw a bamboo stick and walked past the ghost-masked man. She knew that the ghost-masked man didn't use his full strength and was afraid of hurting her, but the more he tried his best, the stronger and more challenging she would be.

She won, but gave in. One day, she will fight by strength, not age.

It rained heavily all night, and it gradually became lighter in the early morning.

At the fifth watch, Luo Liuling was woken up by Ruo'er, and Luo Liuling, who was squinting, murmured something.

"Sleeping for a while."

As long as it is raining, she will stay in bed more, because it is very comfortable to sleep on rainy days.

Turning over and continuing to hug the pillow, Ruo'er couldn't laugh or cry when she looked like a little pig.

Such a young lady is really rare. It's the first time that she doesn't get up early to exercise. This is the first time she stays in bed like this.

But today is a big day, and I have to get up and clean up.

Later, the old lady will come to take the young lady to the front hall, so nothing can go wrong.

In the past, young ladies had to dress casually, but today is a grand day, so there can be no carelessness.

In desperation, Ruo'er had no choice but to bite the bullet and wake Luo Liuling up again.

Sitting in front of the bronze mirror, seeing the young lady still squinting and trying to catch up on sleep, the corners of Ruo'er's mouth twitched.

The hair with nimble fingers shuttled back and forth, the long and fine black hair was loosely draped over the shoulders, and the flat bangs made the face look cute.

There is no decoration, just a few gems.

Luo Liuling opened his eyes and looked at his face in the bronze mirror. Fortunately, after a month of hard training, his face became thinner, the flesh on his body did not loosen, and he grew tighter.

Smile in satisfaction, this is the look Luo Liuling wants. [

Wearing cute clothes, the whole body looks very kawaii.

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