God rewards those who work hard: Awakening Daily Practice Settlement

Chapter 312: "Other World" Monk's Memories


In mid-air, thunder and fire formed a piece and tore each other apart.

The rising air temperature was extremely hot, and Pei Daoye was forced to retreat three meters away.

My heart sank.

What kind of evil heresy is this!
and so!
If you want to escape the current crisis, you must kill the three chanting native monks!

I have no idea what these guys are saying, but what is certain is that these "native monks" in front of me want to eat me.

Pei Daoye's expression turned stern.

Then fight to the death!

If the triple formation solution is not enough, then use the six-layer formation solution!
The terrifying increase made Pei Daoye's blood and energy rise to the peak. The next second, the power under his feet exploded, and the ground seemed to be torn apart. He stretched out his hand and grabbed towards the void.

With a determination to either live or die, he condensed an extraordinary sword intent like thunder.

The chanting sound became more majestic.

The three archers' eyes seemed fanatical as if they were blessed by some kind of power, and their bone arrows emitted a surging aura. Although there were only three of them, they gave people a sense of madness and determination as if they were an army of thousands.

Pei Daoye's eyes were calm.

At the moment when the opponent was about to charge, the sword in his hand had already torn the air, making a sharp whistle, and even left a white mark visible to the naked eye in the air.


The native monk in armor did not dodge or evade, and was hit by the sword head-on. The heavy armor was actually torn apart.

The bow and arrow hit Pei Daoye at the same time.

But it only made him retreat two or three steps in the flash of fire.


The native monk roared again.

A dazzling burst of flames occurred during the head-on collision.

The moment the real force was revealed in the air, the native monk who had just roared to give himself courage had a bloody hole between his eyebrows.

Although another indigenous monk on the side blocked Pei Daoye's sword, he lost his balance.

"call out"

The sword light flashed.

In a flash, the bone arrow exploded.

The moment the talisman light appeared, Pei Daoye’s feet exploded with strength, and his entire body pressed against the ground.

As they crossed each other, he twisted his body suddenly, and with the help of the recoil of the ground, he thrust his sword forward, stabbing at the throat of the native monk behind him.

The sword hit the first bone arrow and cut it in half.

The remaining force cut the throat of the native monk.

Pei Daoye, who had successfully completed the target and killed the enemy, exploded again. While maintaining his center of balance, he slammed the headless indigenous monk away, and smashed his sturdy body into the three indigenous monks who were chanting behind him.

But the way of chanting was so strange that a layer of transparent ripples appeared in front of the three people.

Pei Daoye didn't believe it and rushed forward again.

The sword flashed straight ahead.

This was the first time he had fought against such an evil cultivator, so naturally he had the idea of ​​devouring his soul.

Step forward.

The sword light burst out.


One of the native monks who was chanting seemed to be angered by Pei Daoye's sword intent. He rolled up his sleeves and walked forward, and blood began to flow from his two big flowered arms.

The blood did not fall to the ground, but instead floated in the air, forming a strange magic circle and quickly hit Pei Daoye.

But they were all destroyed by the sword intent he released.

Pei Daoye was still speeding forward.

Five meters, three meters!
The next second, a majestic aura as towering as a mountain burst out and spread from his body, and with his sword... it smashed down towards the three people with the power of a mountain pressing down on them.

Sword power!!!

There was obvious shock in the eyes of the three native monks.

What shocked them even more was that under this sword, they actually felt as if their spiritual world was also suppressed.

In this state... I can't move at all!
The three of them began to roar wildly, and even the chanting voices began to become distorted.


The thunder flashed, like a god roaring.

In the terrifying and shaking air, two completely different forces continued to dissolve in the confrontation.

Pei Daoye's sword shadow fell heavily on the heads of the three indigenous monks.

It also made the singing of the three of them become louder and higher-pitched... After being dazed, they regained their clarity.

At that moment just now, their spirits were actually crushed, and this experience made them feel extremely terrified.


Even though Pei Daoye had already gotten close to them, they were still trying to save their lives by chanting.


The Nine Heavenly Talisman Techniques blasted out in an instant.

The triple formation is released.

A vast divine power that could fight against heaven and earth suddenly burst out from Pei Daoye's body, and the Hunyuan Sword in his right hand suddenly flew out of his hand and shot out.


A hole was pierced through the light shield.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Daoye's body rushed over.


The sound of flesh being torn apart was far more thrilling than the chanting at this moment.

The native monk in the middle saw Pei Daoye crushing his loved ones to death, and his angry eyes almost shot him to death, but reason made him raise the bone spur in his hand and stab Pei Daoye fiercely.

However, facing such a blow from him.

Pei Daoye did not dodge or evade.

He even stretched out his left hand, grabbed the bone spur... and broke it hard!

Broken bone spur.

The next moment, the native monk with wide eyes had his entire arm grabbed by Pei Daoye and crushed severely!

Half of his body was smashed and he flew backwards violently.

The only people still standing were Pei Daoye... and the third monk with flowery arms who turned around and ran away when he saw something was wrong.

"call out!"

The flying sword exploded and hit the man's back hard, falling head-on into the bushes. Before he could even get up, Pei Daoye had already fallen from the sky.

The soul seal condenses.

Clap it with one palm!
Compared with the previous swallowing and killing, the current soul detention has encountered problems.

When he imprisoned the other party's soul for a moment, Pei Daoye sensed a terrifying force that directly detonated the soul of this indigenous monk.


in reality.

Pei Daoye's heart sank as he watched the corpse slowly slipping from his hands.

This place is really weird.

The celestial demon is very strong... and there is also this kind of cultivator who looks like an indigenous person.

And if I hadn't used the Seal of the Soul Dial just now, I probably wouldn't have noticed that this guy's soul had been restricted in advance.

He quickly returned and beat the flower-armed monk who had just been severely injured but not killed.

Send out the soul seal again.


It happens again.

But this time he was able to snatch a small piece of soul fragment.

The memories that were devoured only contained two scenes.

In the first scene, he saw many monks dressed like this, living in underground mines...

In the second picture, all of them are kneeling devoutly, but from this person's perspective, it is impossible to determine who they are kneeling to.

But what is certain is that these people do live here. Since most of the clothes they wear are gray armor, they were named "Gray Armor Monks Group" by Pei Daoye.

These gray-armored monks seemed to follow the path of faith, but it was unclear who they believed in.

Pei Daoye was too lazy to think about it, he would know it later anyway.

He quickly stripped off the armor of the six gray-armored earth cultivators. There was melted Chen gold inside, which weighed at least three to five kilograms in total.

Suddenly, Pei Daoye looked towards the southwest vigilantly and waited for a while, and the rustling sound stopped.

Is it the sound of wind?
Pei Daoye narrowed his eyes.

"The space vortex brought me to the same place as the last time, but I walked a little further this time and encountered this group of natives..."

Since I was able to encounter six, it means that I might be able to encounter six more or even six hundred more!
"It looks like we're going to have a tough battle."

at this time.


A circle of invisible ripples seemed to burst out in the void.

When Pei Daoye raised his hand to set up the formation, he was also judging the number of people coming.


Seventeen gray-armored natives rushed over. Pei Daoye took a deep breath and stepped forward suddenly.

The quadruple formation is unlocked!

In an instant, the bones all over his body exploded with crackling sounds, and all the strength burst out, and as the sword intent was pushed and superimposed layer by layer, it was like a dragon, and Pei Daoye slashed down with the sword.

The space in front of me was widening.

The gray-armored native who rushed over raised his giant axe and chopped it down, but the axe was swept away by the sword light without any hesitation. The next second, a hand reached out in front of him.

As he stared with eyes wide open in horror, Pei Daoye's hand grabbed hold of his neck.


The sound of broken bones suddenly rang out.

As the corpse was thrown into the air, Pei Daoye grabbed the sword in his hand.

Sprint and cut!
The gray-armored native who was the first to be hit happened to look over and saw Pei Daoye rushing towards him like a tiger out of the cage, and a sword containing tremendous power fell on his face.


His facial bones were cracked, half of his head exploded, and he died on the spot with blood splattering.

There were angry roars all around.

It seems like everyone is determined to fight to the death!

This was exactly what Pei Daoye was thinking.

Since there is already a blood feud, let’s fight until death!

When the sword formation opened the way, Pei Daoye rushed forward and used the Nine Techniques of Heavenly Talisman to attack!

Under the gaze of more than a dozen grey-armored indigenous monks, the murderous aura emanating from his body was as if he had walked out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which was extremely frightening!

"Bang bang bang!"

One figure after another was knocked away.

The bodies of those who were weaker were broken on the spot.

Blood splattered in the air.

The bright sword light chased after him like a whirlwind.

The breathing of the many gray-armored monks who saw this scene seemed to freeze.


“%¥#% (This person is a demon!)”

Someone shouted.

The voice was filled with fear.

But more gray-armored monks rushed towards Pei Daoye fiercely, and the power bursting from their bodies was also filled with suffocating bloody energy.

In the distance, an old monk with flowery arms began to chant loudly.

The power of his chanting was even stronger than those of the three flower-armed monks before.

Pei Daoye quickly locked onto this person's breath.

He set his sights on the other person's memory.

Maybe you can get more information for yourself.

Dozens of figures formed a large formation, and for a moment it was like thousands of troops. Even the sword formation formed by Pei Daoye could not get any advantage.

Fortunately, the thing Pei Daoye had the most was talisman paper.

Then, a series of fire talismans were thrown out.

Amid the flickering fire, he finally found a flaw in the enemy's battle formation. He stomped his foot hard, and at the moment the stone cracked, he had already drawn his sword and rushed to the enemy.



Bright light flashes.

The gray-armored monk, whose strength was inspired by the chanting, roared fanatically and met his sword head-on.


Blood splattered.

The blood belonged to the gray-armored monk, and Pei Daoye was also stabbed several times at the same time. If it weren't for the protection of the blood armor, he would have been chopped into pieces by now.


This was already part of Pei Daoye's plan.

If you don't have the determination to fight to the death, how can you fight to the death?
He risked the fluctuations of his blood and energy being chopped off in his body in order to completely break the opponent's battle formation, and the flaw lay in this gray-armored monk.

The long sword pierced the opponent's arm, and he stepped forward and grabbed the armor on the opponent's body. When more axes and swords fell, he used the opponent as his own human armor.



The gray-armored monk was hit on the back by his own people, and blood was immediately gushing out. However, before he could even scream, Pei Daoye pinched his mouth and smashed his head.

Perhaps it was because they saw their own people die tragically at the hands of these people, everyone's expressions changed visibly.

He actually dared to be distracted in such a life-and-death situation. Pei Daoye seized the opportunity when the other party lost his concentration and instantly opened the Locking Mountain Seal of the Nine Techniques of Heavenly Talisman.

With his arms spread out, the gray-armored monks in the same direction were suddenly swept into Pei Daoye's arms as if by an unmatched force, and smashed heavily to the ground.

More than ten figures were thrown to the ground in an instant.

This was also the first time that Pei Daoye used the Locking Mountain Seal, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Rather than saying that the destructive power it caused was great, it would be better to say that this close-range hard control method was very much to his liking.


A gray-armored monk roared with great force, raised his broadsword and swung it towards Pei Daoye's face.

However, Pei Daoye was faster. The moment the sword was swung up, he punched the opponent's head and smashed it.

He freed his left hand and made sword gestures.

Hundreds of sword lights burst out like lotuses of death.

Circles of materialized ripples surged in all directions with Pei Daoye as the center.

“Puff, puff, puff!!!”

Although most of the sword light was blocked by the armor, the exposed body was still constantly covered in blood from the sword blade.

The gray-armored warriors, who were originally full of vigor, suddenly became like a beaten dog in the water, stumbling and crawling to avoid the attack.

If he was a step slower, Pei Daoye would have broken his bones.


Suddenly a figure rushed over, holding a huge axe in both hands, his muscles bulged, and a terrifying force burst out. He chopped down with the axe fiercely, trying to kill Pei Daoye on the spot.

Pei Daoye did not dodge or evade, but put his hands together and fiercely grabbed the axe.

The burly man in gray armor glared at Pei Daoye angrily, but Pei Daoye was not afraid either.

When it comes to physical strength, he is not afraid!

The strange mountain collapses and opens!

He suddenly took a step forward and there was a loud bang under his feet. The strong man was knocked away on the spot and rolled in front of the old monk with flowery arms.


Pei Daoye shouted loudly.

The old man's chanting seemed to stop abruptly, his cloudy eyes were filled with horror, and he shouted miserably:

"Jili Gulu Jili Gulu Gulu!" (End of this chapter)

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