"I swear in the name of the Bull-Headed God, I will kill your entire family no matter where I am!"

The old monk with flowery arms said something that Pei Daoye couldn't understand at all, and in the next instant he was pressed on the face by a soul seal.

In an instant.

Two forces clashed.

Pei Daoye mobilized the power of the giant spirit and snatched another piece of fragment.

This time he got three frames.

Young children enter the huge tree hole that is more than 20 meters wide one after another. Blood-colored lines will fall on these children to test their qualifications.

The second picture shows him practicing some secret technique, which doesn't seem strange.

The third scene shows him leading his people in a great battle against the celestial demon. Soon a gigantic minotaur-like celestial demon appears. Its double horns can release thunder, and it can crush a mountain with just one hoof.

The picture flashed by.

Although it was very brief, Pei Daoye could still sense the other party's inexplicable fear and...excitement when facing the minotaur demon?
Pei Daoye was very suspicious about the source of this emotion.

Maybe it’s the special hobby of this tribe.

He quickly ended the battlefield and had nearly ten kilograms of Chenjin armor in his hands.

In addition, although the swords and axes of these gray-armored monks were roughly made, they were valuable because they contained Chen gold in their smelting process, so the total amount of Chen gold easily exceeded twenty kilograms.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Pei Daoye felt it all.

The vortex channel showed no sign of closing, and he was a little suspicious. It couldn't be that because his soul had been strengthened, the time the vortex channel was open had also become longer, right?

Maybe this is possible.

Of course, this is just Pei Daoye's guess.

Since there was no sign of the passage being closed, he planned to pursue the enemy and continued on his way with his sword in hand.

During this period, he met a group of celestial demons.

Just too weak.

Pei Daoye didn't even activate the ninth level of the formation defense. He just opened the sword formation and crushed the group of celestial demons into scum.

Soon, he saw many fluorescent stones in front of a lake.

After checking it carefully and making sure that it was just glowing, I took a few pieces as souvenirs.

In addition, he discovered traces of activities of large celestial demons along the river.

The blood on the ground had not yet dried, which seemed to indicate a great battle had taken place not long ago.

He activated the Qi Technique and carefully investigated, and soon saw a tribe of more than fifty celestial demons which he called Fiery Wolf Demons.

“That’s a bit too much.”

The reason why he named these wolf monsters "Fire" is because they can breathe fire.

Pei Daoye performed an autopsy.

It was discovered that these celestial demons with magical powers generally have a crystal-like demon core growing in their bodies.

The core of the Fiery Wolf Demon is in its brain.

As soon as he showed up, he immediately attracted the attention of the Fiery Wolf Demons. Amidst their roars, they were judging Pei Daoye's strength.

But soon after confirming that Pei Daoye was alone, he immediately changed his tone and became extremely fierce.

Soon the opposite side was like a galloping horse.

Pei Daoye stood there, motionless. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders he was already frightened silly at this moment, at least that was the case in the eyes of this group of fiery wolf monsters.

But Pei Daoye did not move, stroking the hilt of the sword.

I watched helplessly as these fire wolf monsters rushed from twenty meters away to within ten meters... within eight meters... within three meters.

The stench of blood was already overwhelming.

The wind and waves blew up Pei Daoye's robe...

The moment he stepped within three meters, Pei Daoye moved.

The sword intent that suddenly burst out seemed to break out of the ground, and the gathered light was like a blazing sun or star. The terrifying murderous intent released at this moment seemed to be enough to intimidate all the villains in this space.

The roar of the Fiery Wolf Demon almost turned into a shrill scream without any pause.

Within three meters, Pei Daoye seemed like a master of swordsmanship.

The flames were cut into countless streams by the sword light and were ruthlessly pushed aside by Pei Daoye.

In less than two breaths, more than fifty fire wolf monsters were completely killed with convulsions all over their bodies.

Pei Daoye let out a breath of relief and felt a little bored.

"Killing these low-level celestial demons is really not a challenge at all."

Just as he was digging out the demon cores from the heads of these fire wolf demons, there was a sudden earthquake in the distance and Pei Daoye was stunned.

"Oh my god, what kind of cow or horse is that?"

From afar, a pair of bull horns can be seen emerging from a mountain top tens of meters high, and scarlet eyes are looming in the mist.

Pei Daoye picked up the last demon core, and ran away without looking back.

Almost at the same time, the ground within a hundred meters behind him began to shake, as if it was shattered by a huge force.

Fortunately, Pei Daoye escaped quickly, otherwise he would have been "swallowed" by the collapsed ground.

It was not until they had run more than thirty miles that things finally calmed down. But when Pei Daoye turned around, he saw huge waves of dust that looked like raging flames, making people's scalps numb.

"The legendary minotaur is indeed..."

"It's so scary."

Even though Pei Daoye had been a killer all his life, he couldn't help but gasp when he saw this scene.

The shrill cries of the celestial demon were drowned out by the sound of rolling rocks crashing. The gray-armored monks tried their best to escape this disaster but to no avail.

Pei Daoye was like a bystander, witnessing all this happening.

Wait until the dust settles.

After confirming that the vortex tunnel was not closed, he quickly activated the Qi technique and quietly moved over.

Sure enough, he found some corpses embedded in the rubble of the ruins, and he quickly collected the Chen Jin on their bodies.

But soon, he encountered a group of gray-armored monks.

There were only fifteen people.

When the other party saw Pei Daoye, they also started shouting and rushed over quickly, starting to surround and kill Pei Daoye.

"Sometimes I really can't understand...Are you guys so bloodthirsty?"

"If you want to kill me, then I can only kill you!"

Draw out the sword technique.

He immediately burst out with extremely vicious sword intent towards the gray-armored monk who was rushing towards him.

The cold is approaching.

A flash passed by.


The sword pierced through, and blood splattered.

Kill with one hit.


He was like a tiger among a flock of sheep, doing exactly what he was told.

Second kill!

The third kill!


The eleventh kill!

The remaining four people screamed and retreated, and Pei Daoye only had time to catch up with three of them. The last person who escaped was so cunning that he actually burrowed underground. No one knew how he avoided his perception.

"I haven't practiced Qigong enough!"

"Go back and practice hard!"

"Practice to death!"

What Pei Daoye didn't know was that the grey-armored monk who escaped described in tears a horrific hellish scene of a demon eating people like crazy as soon as he returned to the tribe. This was also the first time that Pei Daoye got the nickname "Sword Demon" in this world.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Pei Daoye killed the invading celestial demons along the way and continued to search for corpses in the ruins. In the end, the Chen gold in his hands had accumulated to more than 30 kilograms.

It is more Chen Jin than what he got by killing people!

"With a little more, I can then create a full-body golden armor!"

"Better make another helmet."

"One hundred kilograms of Chen gold is not enough!" "At least five hundred kilograms is needed!"

How much defensive power can a battle armor made of just one hundred kilograms of Chen gold have? After all, it can be pierced by the Hunyuan Sword in his hand.

But five hundred kilograms is different.

Of course the more the better.

They continued to hunt down the celestial demons and seize the Chen gold.

But what made Pei Daoye feel helpless was...

"Where are these old guys hiding?"

He had no idea that the hundreds of gray-armored monks he had killed along the way had brought a special kind of fear to this tribe.

This kind of fear far exceeds that brought by the celestial demon, and is second only to the minotaur and giant monster.


The ground suddenly began to shake again.

Pei Daoye was filled with suspicion, wondering if the giant monster was doing something bad again. He didn't want to become a performance art embedded in the ruins.

But I never thought...


It was like a rolling thunder exploding in the sky.

All living things within a radius of tens of thousands of miles seemed to be frozen.

At this moment, countless celestial demons prostrated themselves on the ground, as if welcoming the arrival of a demon king.

Pei Daoye was no exception. He felt a terrifying pressure like a mountain pressing down on his head. This pressure tried to make him kneel down.

But there is no reason for Pei Daoye to kneel down!

The qi and blood are rising sharply.

The sword's will is as high as the sky.

Just don’t kneel!

The pressure released by the opponent from such a long distance was truly terrifying.

In the distance, another terrifying monster made a dissatisfied sound, and two transcendent forces were faintly confronting each other in the air.

But it has brought suffering to the many celestial demons and cultivators in this world.

Naturally, Pei Daoye is also included.

No matter where he fled at this moment, he seemed to be in a stalemate between these two forces.

Immediately afterwards, Pei Daoye saw a giant Thai ape taller than a mountain crushing the mountain and rushing towards him.

The Minotaur also roared towards the sky and rushed forward fiercely.


Pei Daoye, who was caught in the middle, hurriedly activated the talisman paper, wanting to leave this place of trouble.

But the storm that had arisen was beyond his understanding.

Under the huge force, he could only try his best to clear the way with sword intent...

In just three or five breaths, he was swept away by the hurricane and crashed into the mountain, speeding along at lightning speed...

Fortunately, it finally rolled down safely into some ruins...at least the battle site was some distance away from here.


Cursing inwardly, Pei Daoye noticed that there were many scratches on his body, some caused by branches and some by rocks.

If he hadn't protected his body with the sword intent, he would probably not have just suffered this injury.

As soon as I stood up, I saw a dozen natives in gray armor also fallen here.

Eyes meet.

The other party immediately shouted, grabbed his weapon and rushed towards Pei Daoye.

Pei Daoye doesn’t understand…

"Do you think you can defeat me just because you have more people?"

Although there were injuries on his body.

But for him, it was easy to get rid of these guys.

The sword blade swept across like a lotus of death.

Several gray-armored monks who were coming towards them were blown into a bloody mist on the spot.

Some people in the back seemed to recognize Pei Daoye's identity because of his actions, and they shouted titles such as "Sword Demon" and "Devil".

Of course, no matter how they shouted, Pei Daoye would not understand and would not show mercy.

In just three or five breaths, the entire passage was filled with corpses.

The blood soaked the ground and flowed continuously towards the low-lying areas in the distance.

He had no idea where he was blown to. He only knew that the sound of the two giant monsters fighting seemed to be very far away, and from time to time, muffled thunder echoed between heaven and earth.

Just as Pei Daoye was climbing along the path underground and trying to return to the ground, he accidentally caught a glimpse of an underground building.

An old man with patterns painted on his arms stood in front of a lone building swaying in the strong wind...

Dressed like this.

The singer!
Pei Daoye recognized the other person's identity.

And at the same time.

This old indigenous monk was also looking at Pei Daoye quietly. There was no one around him, as if everyone was dead.

The buildings of the entire tribe were already leaning to the ground, and even blood could be seen spilling.

He did not choose to attack Pei Daoye immediately, but opened his arms and said something loudly.

Of course Pei Daoye didn't understand what he was saying, but just by hearing the other person's tone, he could understand the sadness and helplessness in his voice.

This world is a world where the strong prey on the weak. He understands this, and Pei Daoye understands this too.

The two looked at each other.

The old native seemed to understand that no matter what he said, Pei Daoye would not understand.

He chose to take off his armor and placed it on the ground, making a gesture of their tribe's willingness to surrender.

Pei Daoye understood, walked forward, and looked down at the other person, as if as long as he wanted, he would kill the old man in front of him.

"So, you plan to submit to me?"


The old native said something incomprehensible, and he spoke slowly. But seeing Pei Daoye's puzzled look, he just pondered for a moment and then made a spell.

Pei Daoye immediately gripped the hilt of the sword, as if he was about to take action.

But fortunately...

The old native also knew that what he did would lead to misunderstanding, so he immediately activated his spiritual sense...

Only in this way can he bypass language differences and express his meaning clearly.

[A powerful human from a foreign land, I am willing to submit... It is a pity that we do not speak the same language. Please forgive me for expressing my Grayblood Tribe's most sincere greetings to you in such a presumptuous way. ]

"This method is quite interesting."

Pei Daoye also conveyed his meaning with his spiritual consciousness: [I tried to communicate with you, but unfortunately your people simply cannot understand human language.]

The old native quickly said: "I'm sorry, but not everyone can do this. Those children are just physically strong and cannot practice the secrets of the soul."

Pei Daoye doesn't care about these.

Anyway, the number of Gray Blood people he killed was at least one or two hundred, if not several hundred.

If you don’t agree, keep killing!

He was more concerned with other things.

[Is this the Ruins Realm? ]

[Ruins?] The old native was obviously stunned. He pondered for a while before saying: [It has been a long time since I heard this ancient name. This place used to be Ruins, but it is not now. We call it Nameless Island more often...]

Pei Daoye was almost confused by him, so he asked him to explain it again. After a moment, he showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

It turns out that the world of ruins is really gone.

What the old native meant was probably that this nameless island, which was larger than a hundred Central Continents, was once famous as the Xujie, and countless geniuses came to the Xujie to seek immortality.

And who knows how many years ago, the Ruins Realm suddenly disappeared, disappeared abruptly, and its whereabouts were unknown...

Before this, the world had just experienced a disaster.

The old native smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know what this disaster is. We have only remembered one ancestral motto from generation to generation: Don't go out." (End of this chapter)

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