"...In fact, I am already terrified that you can appear here from the outside world. Perhaps the awakening of the Minotaur today is also related to your appearance."

The old native's words made Pei Daoye feel inexplicably terrified.

Could it be that I have been discovered by the Minotaur as well?

At least from what he sensed now... the strength of those two giant monsters were at least above the Golden Core level, or even higher.

[What is the origin of the Bull-Headed God you are talking about? ]

The old native shook his head: [We don't know either. Perhaps it has existed since we lived here... We are very afraid of its existence, but sometimes it will give us new things when it wakes up.]

Footsteps were heard behind them one after another. Warriors from the Gray Blood Tribe came back and saw Pei Daoye standing in front of the old priest with a sword in his hand. They couldn't hold back their excitement.

Fortunately, the old priest rebuked them loudly and suppressed them. He then looked at Pei Daoye: [Don't worry, I have stopped their rude behavior, and I also implore you not to hurt us. Wuming Island is very large, so there are many tribes. If you want to establish your own power here, you may also need us... After all, there are many tribes stronger than us, and we can help you communicate. ]

Pei Daoye glanced at him: [Let me see your sincerity. ]

The old native fell into deep thought.

[If you trust me, I am willing to offer you a treasure. I hope you will forgive me for the past.]

Pei Daoye didn't say anything, but looked over.

The old native took out a palm-sized copper flower from his arms: [This treasure is called the "Pure World Lotus". After refining, it will be of great benefit to the soul. If you succeed in refining it, it may also be easier for you to master the language of the Nameless Island... Although there are many different tribes here, they all speak the same language. ]

Pei Daoye stared at the treasure called Pure World Lotus, but quickly looked away: [Let’s talk about the Nameless Island first. ]

[I am ashamed. The Nameless Island is very large. So far, my Grayblood Tribe has been confined to this area and has accepted the gift from the Bull-Headed God.]

The old native said respectfully.

Pei Daoye did not seem to feel any regret, but asked again: [How did you practice? ]

The old native slowly spoke: [Every tribe has its own inherited technique. We in the Gray Blood Tribe accept the Gray Blood Mark to practice.]

[Gray blood mark? ]

Seeing Pei Daoye looking at him, the old native stretched out his hands and pointed to the patterns on his arms.

Activate the pattern and blood-like flames will appear.

Pei Daoye was curious, but his curiosity was limited to this kind of practice.

[Don’t you have any natural resources or treasures when you practice? ]

[We swallowed the blood fruit, but we relied more on the gray blood mark. ]

What is blood fruit?

Upon seeing this, the old native handed over a blood-red fruit the size of a pebble. In Pei Daoye's perception, the spiritual energy contained in this fruit was roughly similar to that of the Blood Spirit Pill.

It's really good.

Pei Daoye became interested, but it was too boring to ask for one or two, so he simply took a blood fruit tree.

In addition to this, he also took away a large amount of Chen gold from their inventory.

[I am not a warlike person. I did not kill you because you are sincere. Give these to me as an apology. Do you have any objection? ]

[No comment, dear guest.]

Pei Daoye thought for a while...

In fact, when talking with the old priest, he had been using the memory images he had obtained to judge whether what the other party said was true or false.

Fortunately, the other party did not lie, which is why he did not kill them.

Although they are not of my race, their hearts must be different.

But having the guts to take advantage of a tiger is also a skill.

Pei Daoye felt that he, a big tiger, still had some conscience.

of course……

The reason why he didn't kill the other person.

It's rare to find someone you can communicate with.

Maybe he could find a way to come here more often in the future, and naturally he would have to deal with these natives.

If you can't learn the language here, you naturally can't grasp their civilization progress, let alone study their cultivation techniques.


Pei Daoye also needs to choose his own spokesperson.

[You are very good. For your sincerity, I can tell you that I came from a giant and went here to find the ruins. A person with my strength is not even average in the family. If my elders came in person, not to mention you, even the Bull-Headed God you mentioned could be easily killed.]

Noticing the astonishment in the old priest's eyes, Pei Daoye didn't say much, but just threw over a top-grade Blood Spirit Pill.

[You collect Chen gold and the magical medicine here for me, and I can provide you with this elixir later. ]

The old priest sniffed it carefully, swallowed it in front of Pei Daoye, and his eyes widened almost instantly.

The other Gray Blood warriors were a little nervous about the old man's condition and stepped forward.

But the old priest raised his hand to signal them to stay where they were and not to come closer, and even scolded them, not wanting them to come over and disturb them.

When facing Pei Daoye again, he was a little excited, but unfortunately he couldn't express it with words. He could only express his surprise through his soul.

[Do you have more of these elixirs in your possession? ]

Pei Daoye saw that his soul was shaking, and he obviously knew that he had controlled him this time, so he nodded: [Not only that, there are also elixirs that can increase the soul... If you, the Gray Blood Tribe, want them, just bring something to exchange for them.]

He knew very well that if he really conquered by killing... his chances of winning were not great.

The other side has a lot of people.

The one in front of you is just one of the priests.

The enemy can drown him with human wave tactics, and he can only resort to guerrilla tactics over and over again... It will take many battles in the future to eliminate this tribe.

But killing the other party is not the goal... Pei Daoye is very clear about this.

What he wants is resources.

The old priest seemed very excited. He agreed repeatedly, offering to exchange one hundred kilograms of Chen gold for one Blood Spirit Pill. This was what he agreed to after seeing Pei Daoye raise a finger.

Pei Daoye couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

I should have known not to show off and put a “1”... Damn!

at the moment……

Pei Daoye pretended to be a master. He sensed the news from Di Ting and knew that the vortex channel began to fluctuate.

Ignoring the old priest's reluctant expression, Pei Daoye left quickly.

Ripples spread outward in front of the passage.

Pei Daoye secretly felt lucky. If he had not returned in time, he would have been trapped here.

"So, why can I appear on the Nameless Island?"

"Is it because of the improvement of the soul?"

"Or is it because of the Dragon and Tiger Swallowing Qi Sutra?"

"The most important thing should be because of that female Taoist priest... It was because of her help that day that I had the opportunity to go to the Nameless Island." "But I can't summon a vortex channel every time... There must be some trick that I haven't discovered yet. It can't be so random."

Looking around, it seemed that he was the only one who could see where the whirlpool was.

This inevitably led Pei Daoye to have more guesses.

"This is the art of the soul... It is bound to me. The Taoist woman wanted to borrow me to go to the ruins world..."

"In that case, I might as well try to carry this vortex channel with me in the future, so that I don't have to run around so hard."

Having been mentally prepared, Pei Daoye rushed into the vortex in one step, in an environment without any perception of gravity or air.

After breaking through some kind of barrier, he suddenly fell down as if from a floating feather.

The mountain wall that had been absent for several hours reappeared before my eyes.

"came back!"

The pleasant feeling brought by the air he breathed disappeared, replaced by a gloomy feeling after the rain. He came to his senses, turned around and looked at the whirlpool behind him that was shrinking and returning to calm, and let out a long breath.

Only a few hours passed, but it felt like a lifetime ago.

It made him feel unreal.

He had actually adapted to the gravity of the Nameless Island, but felt a little uncomfortable at the moment. He moved his body to relieve the discomfort.

Remove the formation and walk out of the cave.

There was a light drizzle in the woods, but he did not have the leisure to appreciate it and just glanced at the settlement panel casually.

Discovered the "Guben Shenzhaojing" and successfully broke through.

I thought there would be room for cultivation after the tenth floor, but it turns out that the tenth floor is perfection.

I felt it a little bit.

The recovery effect is indeed several times stronger than at the beginning.

But the problem is...

Pei Daoye’s current fighting style is simply not enough!
"We still lack a recovery technique! We need a powerful one."

He hesitated for a moment.

If Xuanshanmen is not considered, then we can only turn our attention to Wanxiang Palace.

Take out the sound transmission note.

[Silver Wolf, do me a favor...]

After all, Silver Wolf is an old hand, and he must have more information channels.

In fact, Silver Wolf did not let him down.

Less than an incense stick of time after Pei Daoye sent the message, news came from his side.

[I found two techniques that meet your needs, but it's a bit troublesome... One can be exchanged at the Wanxiang Palace, but it's in the hands of the Thirteenth Palace. The other is said to be lost, but there is a successor, but the reputation is not well-known...]

Pei Daoye fell into deep thought.

Two techniques.

One of them is in the hands of the Thirteenth Palace, called "The Divinely Granted Miraculous Lotus", but given his current relationship with the Thirteenth Palace, it would be very difficult for him to obtain this magical technique.

Another method that is said to have been lost is called "Yushu Xuanke Neijing".

The quality of both cultivation techniques is very high.

It is a superior method.

[…Last year, when I was on a mission, I met this person in Yujing City, Yue State. I think he should have taken root there. However, this person is full of lies. If you deal with him, Jian Jiu, you must be careful and don't be deceived by him. ]

【Thank you. 】

【You're welcome. 】

Silver Wolf paused and said, "By the way, has the Seventeenth Palace contacted you?"

Pei Daoye raised his eyebrows slightly: [No, what's wrong? ]

Silver Wolf hesitated, as if scratching his head: [The last incident was a bit of a big deal, and also... Chaotian is missing. This guy has some background in the Wanxiang Palace, and now someone wants to throw dirty water on you. ]

[Throw it on me? Who? ]

[Don't be impulsive, Jian Jiu.] When Silver Wolf heard this, he knew that Jian Jiu wanted to start a massacre again. He quickly explained: [After all, the witch is in seclusion now. It's useless for the Seventeenth Hall to rely on that woman. It's not suitable to continue killing now, so as not to bring more hatred to us. Each hall is in a contradictory relationship of competition and cooperation...]

[I understand what you said, but I can't let people slander me without reason, right? ]


Silver Wolf understood Pei Daoye's meaning. If it were him, he would also be angry, so he said: [The problem is not that big, it's just that a few people are a little foul-mouthed. Don't worry, I will help you deal with it. There is also one more thing...

Two months later, some positions will be vacant in the Wanxiang Palace. What I mean is... you should give it a try and find a future for yourself. With a higher position, you will naturally receive more offerings, and... those sons of bitches will not dare to slander you openly anymore. 】

[How do I spell it? Do I need someone to recommend it?] Pei Daoye asked curiously.

[Recommendation is one thing. I also have a recommendation quota. When the time comes, I will bring in the master of the Seventeenth Palace. The two of us will recommend you together. Then you can participate in the competition. This is an old tradition in our palace... It is commonly known as passing five levels and killing six generals.]

When Silver Wolf mentioned this, he became more talkative: [The most popular one is the selection of the champion among the gold medal killers. Passing five levels means playing five games with candidates from the same hall.]

【What about killing six generals? 】

[Killing six generals is even more exciting. After winning all five levels, you can directly fight with people from other halls. You don’t need to fight all six games. You just need to show your prestige. At that time, as long as at least five hall masters recognize you, you don’t need to fight all six games. You will be the leader of the seventeenth hall... Of course, you can also choose other halls, but it is meaningless and will only hurt everyone’s relationship. ]

Pei Daoye thought thoughtfully: [So, Silver Wolf, you were once the leader? ]

【I worked there for two years.】

[Can this leader only be in office for two years? ]

[That's not the case. I gave up my position because of something else. Otherwise, the position of Palace Master would be mine now.]

I don’t know if Silver Wolf was just bragging, but Pei Daoye was indeed tempted.

[What do you mean by offering promotion? ]

[For example, if you ask for a recovery technique for your friend, as soon as you ask, the Thirteenth Palace... well, the Thirteenth Palace probably hates you to death. It's almost unfair, but it's not easy to offend you because you are in charge of all the assassins in the Seventeenth Palace.]

[Does this include you? ]

[Hehehe, you really have some evil intentions. 】

Silver Wolf was amused by Pei Daoye's words, and Pei Daoye was also laughing: [If I can even manage an old senior like you, then I'm making a lot of money. ]

Silver Wolf shook his head and laughed: [My situation is more complicated. I am a member of the Seventeenth Palace, but not completely. I can be considered as floating between the various palaces. In other words, anyone can ignore me, which means the witch is willing to help me.]

Pei Daoye was speechless.

[Jian Jiu, listen to me, go and sign up for the championship competition. You are the one chosen by the witch, and your future promotion path is already very clear. After that woman steps down, you can still participate in the palace examination, become a high envoy first, and then become the master of the Seventeenth Palace. Maybe you will have the opportunity to unify the Wanxiang Palace in the future. ]

[Why don’t you talk about unifying Central Continent? ] Pei Daoye was speechless after hearing Silver Wolf’s big talk.

Silver Wolf himself was also laughing: [Zhongzhou is no longer viable. Given the current situation, being abandoned is inevitable... But I think this period of time is enough for you to gain a firm foothold in the Wanxiang Palace. When the time comes, we will leave Zhongzhou after the old palace master comes out of retreat... He has the means to do this.]

Pei Daoye was startled.

This Wanxiang Palace is so... Dio? (End of this chapter)

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