God rewards those who work hard: Awakening Daily Practice Settlement

Chapter 315: Social skills are also a form of cultivation


Must attend!

Be prepared for everything!

He wants the resources of Xuanshanmen and the resources of Wanxiang Palace as well!

Although there is a risk of his identity being exposed, Pei Daoye is confident that he can grow to the point where he can protect himself before his identity is discovered.

Is Shangguan Xiangling very strong?
It's just the Jindan realm.

He was now only one step away from the fourth level. If he could obtain a large amount of resources, he would have a chance to grow to the Golden Core level.

As long as Shangguan Xiangling is dealt with, no one will know that he is still involved with the Xuanyin Sect.

As for the identity of Wanxiang Palace...

It doesn't seem to be a big deal.

From the beginning to the end, Pei Daoye never did anything against Xuanshanmen. Even if the sect knew about it...so what.

He believed that his identity as the Wanxiang Palace might be more valuable.

Based on his understanding of the Censorate, he did not rule out the possibility that the other party had planted an "insider" in the Wanxiang Palace.

However, his identity as a disciple of Xuanshan Sect and his identity as a gold medal killer of Wanxiang Palace require careful planning.

Otherwise it can easily become a weakness for others to criticize.

"One step at a time."

"At worst, let them put an end to it all."

Pei Daoye intends to participate in the matter of the leader of the Seventeenth Palace, but the problem is also obvious.

He asked Silver Wolf specifically about it.

Basically, those who compete for the championship are in the range of the third to fifth levels, and it is not ruled out that some gold medal killers have the ability to fight across levels.

And he is still only a foundation-building master of the third heaven, and has only killed a few foundation-building masters of the fourth heaven...

"So... I'm not that strong, am I?"


Pei Daoye took a deep breath and said, "It's still not strong enough. This won't do. In two months, we will start the 'Five Passes and Six Generals' campaign. Even without the support of the rich woman, we have to be able to stand firm."

"What's the point of relying on a woman?"

I don’t know if he was just being stubborn, but Pei Daoye snorted a few words.

After returning to Xuanshan Gate.

Senior Brother Ma is not here.

Yu Jiulin didn't come back either.

Before Pei Daoye had a chance to rest in his residence, he received news from the Censorate and had to rush there.

It's not a big deal.

It was nothing more than waiting for the news that he had passed the inner courtyard assessment. This meant that from today on, he had officially obtained the status of an inner courtyard disciple.

The waist badges and clothes were also changed to the style of the inner courtyard. After all, clothes make the man.

"Junior Brother Pei, congratulations."

Several senior brothers from the Inspection Office congratulated Pei Daoye on his successful promotion. Pei Daoye also bowed to them one by one and said with a smile: "I wonder if you are all free tonight. Yunchuan will make the arrangements."

"That's a good feeling."

"I'm sorry to have let you spend so much money."

"Thank you, Junior Brother Pei."

Several brothers from the Censorate started to make a fuss.

Pei Daoye smiled gently, without any trace of the ferocious look he had in the early morning. When everyone saw his image at this moment, they all praised this Junior Brother Pei for being generous and kind.

"Brother Pei, what's this?"

Qin Tianjian just happened to come over to take over. Seeing Pei Daoye surrounded by people who looked so happy, he couldn't help but feel curious.

"Old Qin, don't you know yet? Junior Brother Pei has successfully been promoted to the inner courtyard... just now."

Qin Tianjian exclaimed "Ah", and after coming to his senses, he immediately clasped his fists towards Pei Daoye and said, "Congratulations, Junior Brother. Congratulations, Junior Brother."

Maybe I was too excited and repeated it twice.

Pei Daoye smiled gently, not caring about the details, and invited him to attend the party tonight.

But Qin Tianjian looked embarrassed and said with a wry smile: "Junior brother, I just accepted the mission... It seems that I will have to miss it."

"It's okay, let's meet again sometime. Senior Brother Qin, remember to bring your jar of good wine. I'm craving for it."

Pei Daoye said with a smile.

Qin Tianjian's face also relaxed: "Of course. So, although I can't go today, I must go to the party. Junior brother, please tell me when you have booked a room and I will arrange for someone to deliver the wine. This is a gift to congratulate you on your promotion. Junior brother, please don't be polite to me."

Pei Daoye clasped his fists in thanks and didn't say anything polite.

Everyone followed Pei Daoye and left amid the commotion. Before leaving, Pei Daoye did not forget to contact Senior Brother Ma.

As an outer court disciple, he naturally could not be on friendly terms with his inner court brothers from the Censorate.

But everyone present gave face to Pei Daoye and did not make things difficult for Pei's "Senior Brother Ma".

Especially after learning that Pei Daoye entered the outer courtyard, he was supported by this "Senior Brother Ma", everyone began to have a better impression of "Senior Brother Ma".

At the dinner table, "Senior Brother Ma" was very clear about his position and poured wine for others from time to time, even though Pei Daoye told him not to be restrained.

But the beaming "Senior Brother Ma" was very grateful to Pei Daoye for being willing to take him with him after he was promoted to the inner courtyard. He did this little thing of humbleness just right.

What's more...

Even though he was still addressed as "senior brother" in the outer courtyard, there was a huge gap between the outer courtyard disciples and the inner courtyard disciples.

Say something unpleasant.

If these brothers from the inner courtyard of the Censorate have no hope of achieving the Golden Elixir in the future and choose to go down the mountain, they will definitely become role models in their respective families, and one or two of them will be the future "ancestors" of the major families.

Unlike him, who is only at the Qi training stage, he can only be a local boss in a small place.

Someone came into a private room not far away and whispered, "The people from the Censorate are here today, too."

Someone in the room chuckled. He was not in awe of the three words "Inspectorate". Instead, he said indifferently, "Why are these guys here? Don't they have any mission today?"

"Before they closed the door, I vaguely heard a few words... 'Congratulations to Junior Brother Pei on his successful promotion.' Junior Brother Pei? Is there anyone in the Censorate with the last name Pei?"

The man who had just come in asked in confusion after closing the door.

The others were stunned for a moment, then tutted their tongues and joked, "Who else could it be? It must be that famous Pei Daoye. I heard that he beat up the elites of the Immortal Alliance and won praise from the higher-ups."

"Elite? Then what kind of elite is Zhu Kui?" Someone sneered.

Some people objected: "That's not the case. The three Zhu brothers are still very strong. I went down the mountain at the beginning of the month and dealt with people from the Immortal Alliance. They said that the three brothers have now reached the second level of foundation building. Especially Zhu Kui, he even killed a third level demon."


Inside the private room, several people took a deep breath.

Lin Wudi, who was sitting on one side, couldn't help but be shocked. He was a genius recognized by the elders of the main peak, but now he was only at the first level of cultivation and couldn't fight across levels.

How come the Immortal Alliance's people have already...

Some reluctance, but mostly sneers.

He is still young, and sooner or later he will surpass all these so-called elites of the Immortal Alliance.

Li Haitang also smiled: "The Zhu brothers are indeed very strong. The Immortal Alliance... is stronger than us overall. After all, the resources in the Southern Region are more abundant than ours. We have to admit that."

He had dealt with Pei Daoye before, but it was only because of his troublesome sister that he had no ill feelings towards Pei Daoye.

What's more, he had heard about Pei Daoye staying behind to guard Zhenyang City for the last time, and he admired this Junior Brother Pei from the bottom of his heart.

"Do you want to go over and congratulate him? We are from the same school anyway."

"Don't go. We are not familiar with each other in the mountain gate. Besides, they didn't actively invite you. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go there rashly?"

As they talked, they stopped thinking about the past. Li Haitang sat in the private room, taking in everyone's expressions and smiling knowingly.


The meal lasted more than an hour, and the wine sent by Qin Tianjian was not even finished. Pei Daoye left it in the restaurant with Qin Tianjian's name on it.

When everyone was leaving, they happened to run into Li Haitang, Lin Wudi and others.

"Brother Hai."

"Ah, Junior Brother Li."

The man who was hanging out with Senior Brother Ma turned around and saw Li Haitang when he heard the call. He immediately smiled and greeted him, then introduced him to Pei Daoye: "Junior Brother Pei, this is Li Haitang from Taiyi Main Peak. He is an expert in formation."

Pei Daoye looked at him in amazement, clasped his fists and saluted: "Greetings, Senior Brother Li."

Li Haitang smiled bitterly and said, "Junior Brother Pei, don't listen to him. Senior Brother Hai just likes to tease me."

Everyone greeted.

Lin Wudi's stiff face twitched the corners of his mouth slightly. Although he was a bit aloof, he didn't want to be too unique. He saluted with everyone else.

The mountain gate is not only about boring practice, but also about the ways of the world.

Lin Wudi knew this very well, but he was still annoyed... Why did everyone have to be so hypocritical? Do you have to approach and say hello if you are not familiar with them? Do you have to know them?
"After being promoted to the inner courtyard this time, Junior Brother Pei, are you going to go down the mountain to guard the area?"

someone asked.

Pei Daoye kept smiling: "It's not clear yet, let's wait for the elders to decide."

In fact, it has already been decided.

The Censorate had already said this earlier... because Duan Changhou had given a heads-up, they were not planning on letting him go down the mountain in the short term.

It’s just that this matter is somewhat “conspicuous”.

So I definitely can’t say it in front of so many people.

Otherwise, it would probably get out soon...that Pei Daoye was asking for special treatment.

The higher-ups could have turned a blind eye to the situation, but when it got out of hand, they had to start regulating it.

After hearing what Pei Daoye said, some kind-hearted senior brothers began to "offer their valuable suggestions", pointing out which places were good and which places were often in chaos.

Pei Daoye did not interrupt and just listened with a smile.

There are many good suggestions, so just write them down...

Listening to others is not a disadvantage.

More than ten figures returned to Xuanshan Gate together, which attracted considerable attention on the streets of Tianxiang City, and more cultivators cast envious glances at them.

There were also a few people staring coldly with a hint of malicious intent.

In the southwest corner, three people sitting in the attic were staring at Pei Daoye and his group as they left.

"Are you sure that the Holy Lotus of the Heart of Heaven in Xueyue Mountain was eaten by the disciples of Xuanshan Sect?"

"It has been confirmed. I have asked a lot of people to confirm it...but the disciples of Xuanshan Sect are a little suspicious of my identity, so I can't say more."

"Find out the identity of that boy as soon as possible..."

"But why do you still want to live? It's a bit troublesome."

"We can't help it. He ate the Heavenly Heart Sacred Lotus, and now it's a spiritual medicine seed. If he dies, the effect will be greatly reduced. If the higher-ups blame him, you can afford it."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and split up. This matter cannot be delayed."


After returning to the mountain gate, Pei Daoye finally calmed down.

We were supposed to move out today, but he suggested choosing a new cave tomorrow.

After entering the inner courtyard, you can choose a better cave to practice.

Either go to the main peak or to Jinyuan Peak.

There is no difference between the two, so Pei Daoye naturally chose Jinyuan Peak... After all, there are too many masters in the main peak, and he has many secrets, which will inevitably lead to misunderstandings.

Now is not the time for him to reveal his cards.

"Junior brother, when will you leave the outer courtyard?"

"The Censorate has already provided me with a place to live. I will move out tomorrow."

Senior Brother Ma sighed: "I didn't expect that in just over a year... you have already ascended from the outer courtyard to the inner courtyard."

The fact that Pei Daoye swallowed the Holy Lotus of Heaven's Heart was not actually widely spread in Xuanshan Sect, and was limited to a few elders.

As to how he was able to ascend from the Menial Services Court, there are different opinions.

The more widely accepted statement is that Pei Daoye received a reward from Elder Duan... After all, how could a master who is an alchemist not have some magic pills?

This inevitably gives people an illusion...I can do it too.

Of course, Senior Brother Ma would not be jealous of Pei Daoye. Seeing this junior brother who had been promoted from the menial work yard grow up to the point where he needed to look up to him, he felt a little emotional.

"Brother, I believe that accumulation of experience will lead to great success. With your talent... building a foundation is definitely not a problem."



Hearing Pei Daoye's affirmative answer, Senior Brother Ma's eyes brightened a little, and he seemed to have made up his mind: "Since Junior Brother has said so, I will definitely double my practice from tomorrow on."


Pei Daoye was suddenly stunned and looked suspiciously: "Why do I feel so familiar when I hear this?"

"Junior brother, it's getting late, go and rest, stay."

After saying this, he urged the fairy paper crane to leave.

Pei Daoye laughed dumbly.

But everyone has his own ambitions.

Perhaps this is not what his senior brother Ma is interested in.

Return to your residence.

Pei Daoye took out the lotus platform in the stone house and began to practice.

Social etiquette does take up time, but if you want to go further on this path, it is not easy to do it on your own.

These brothers from the Censorate, even though some of them only have the third or fourth level of cultivation, the families behind them are not small.

At the dinner table, he had already uncovered all the secrets of these people.

When resources are needed in the future, these will naturally be one of the channels.

That night.

Time passes quietly in the calm.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the second watch.

After Pei Daoye finished his training, he glanced at the settlement panel and then let out a breath.

"After today, I will be able to break into the fourth level."

"It's not in vain that I have gone through so much life and death."

"But... we need to hurry up and restore the method."

Early in the morning.

Pei Daoye cleaned up the small cave where he had lived for more than a year. There was nothing he could take with him, so he just transplanted the medicinal herbs planted in the backyard to his new residence.

The new residence is under the charge of Senior Brother Hai, whom I met last night. As an old man in the Censorate, he naturally has this authority. In addition, he and Pei Daoye are family members, so naturally he also listed some good locations that are hard to find on weekdays and gave them to Pei Daoye, allowing him to choose at will.

It was supposed to be a happy occasion of moving into a new house, but unexpectedly... an urgent message came from Wanxiang Palace.

[Huai is in danger, please save him quickly] (End of this chapter)

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