God rewards those who work hard: Awakening Daily Practice Settlement

Chapter 316 My name is Jian 9, I come to worship the sword

Shengwu Hall.

In its early years, it was a killer organization in the northwest of the country.

After going through several changes twenty years ago, it became an organization focused on training warriors to become practitioners.

Although it is not well-known in the entire feudal country, it can be called a holy place for cultivating immortals in the local area.

In fact.

The glorious days of Shengwu Hall, which was notorious for its brutality, can be traced back to two hundred years ago.

At that time, it was even as famous as the Wanxiang Palace.

The fact that they have survived the dark ages of fighting between Xuanshan Sect and Xuanyin Sect and are still able to pass it down is enough to prove their ability.

It’s a pity that the lack of good seedlings led to a gap in the elite, and ultimately they could only survive by cutting off their tail.

Over the years, with the ability to help people change their cultivation, I have been able to open up a new world for myself.

This huge city located in the northwest of Fengguo borders the Yue Kingdom, and the Huoyan Mountain, which covers more than 80 square kilometers in the bordering area, is the headquarters of Shengwu Hall.


In the master's study in the main hall of Shengwu Hall.

Xu Tianlong, the hall master who had been in office for ten years, frowned as he listened to his subordinates' report: "Are you saying that the scumbags from the Wanxiang Hall sneaked into Chunyu Wutong, but one of them still escaped?"


Scarface lowered his head and said, "Palace Master, our people didn't expect that person to fake his death. He is a very powerful talisman cultivator... We haven't found his whereabouts yet, but we can be sure that he is still in Chunyu Wutong."

“Chun Yu Wutong is not big. We need to find him as soon as possible. Our secret cannot be exposed. Whether it is Wan Xiang Palace or Xuan Shan Gate, once they discover Chun Yu Wutong’s secret, it will not be good news for us.”

"Yes, Palace Master. I know the seriousness of the situation."

Xu Tianlong thought about it. He understood what he was doing and also knew that once the matter was exposed... as their old rival, Wanxiang Palace might use this secret to threaten them.

Rather than being afraid of the threat from the Wanxiang Palace, it would be more accurate to say that they were worried that the behemoth Xuanshan Gate within the Feng State would destroy them in a fit of rage.

"You can let Elder Guan go."

"Elder Guan?"

Scarface was stunned.

He naturally knew who the Elder Guan the Palace Master was.

This Elder Guan almost ran for the position of Hall Master, but unfortunately he fell short by one step.

Moreover, the person favored by the upper hall master the most is actually Elder Guan, who, relying on his extraordinary talent, created the record for the fastest foundation building at the age of twenty.

Three years ago, he successfully entered the fifth level of cultivation. If the subsequent resources had not been able to keep up, he would have already broken through the limitations of the middle stage of foundation building and successfully entered the late stage of foundation building.

But even though he is only at the fifth level of foundation building, he can still fight across levels thanks to his special spiritual body.

Last year, I heard that he encountered a celestial demon that had completed its foundation building at Xueyue Mountain, but he escaped unscathed.

This ability is amazing in the entire Shengwu Hall.

Scarface came back to his senses and nodded: "Understood, I will go and ask Elder Guan to come out of seclusion."

"Don't make a big fuss about it."


"Also, as soon as possible." Xu Tianlong said calmly.

Since we have decided to get rid of the people in Wanxiang Palace, we must carry it out immediately without any delay.

Even if it offends Wanxiang Palace afterwards, it is better than offending Xuanshan Gate, a behemoth that is so close.

Scarface nodded, quickly walked out the door, and headed towards the yard where Guan Wenjian lived.


at the same time.

At the northwest gate of Chunyu Wutong.

Wang Wang Wang!
Loud barking of dogs could be heard one after another.

At any other time, this cry would naturally attract the attention of others.

But today the boss had ordered to look for the talisman practitioner who broke in, so the barking of the dog did not seem strange.

"did you find it?"

"You think you can find that talisman cultivator by relying on a few beasts? What a joke!"

Listening to Lao Li's anxious questioning, Wang Mazi still looked weak and said: "Lao Li, are you stupid? What's the point of running out to fight? It's so comfortable to stay here. If you want to make a contribution, just go and take a look." Lao Li was drunk. He stood up and opened the door while yawning: "It's not like we are asked to go, we just need to find the talisman cultivator. This is a great achievement.——"

Puff! The almost inaudible sound flashed by.

Wang Mazi turned his head away nonchalantly, his hair standing on end and he nearly fainted from fright.

A long and narrow sword, not stained with a trace of blood, stretched out from the middle of Lao Li's vest!

Wang Mazi stood up quickly, grabbed the scimitar on the table, and slashed with a clang.

I just felt that this series of actions was the fastest speed in my life.

He couldn't let himself relax at this moment.

He watched Lao Li’s eyes widen… He could even see Lao Li’s pupils trembling, and he couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.

As he retreated, he shouted frantically, "Who! Who is it!"


Old Li fell straight down, with his eyes open.

And the person who killed him also revealed himself at this moment.

In the afterglow of sunset.

A man wearing linen clothes and a special mask stood there quietly without any other movements, holding a silver sword in his hand.

A kind of coldness brought by death arose spontaneously, and Wang Mazi's hands and feet became cold. An emotion called fear began to magnify infinitely... He really wanted to yell and say something at this moment.

But when the words came to my lips, I couldn't utter a single word.


next second.

The blood stained the screen on the door.

Five gold medal assassins from the Seventeenth Palace landed quietly behind the swordsman. The leader quickly whispered, "Jian Jiu, we have found out the news. Huai Shu is still alive in Chunyu Wutong. But we don't know where he went yet."

"Did you leave any secret code?" The swordsman turned around and looked.

"I left it, but there has been no response so far... Could it be that Huai Shu has already..."

The gold medal killer didn't finish his words, but his meaning was clear.

But Pei Daoye shook his head slightly: "If Huaishu is really dead, these people would not search so ostentatiously. Keep looking. As long as Huaishu knows we are here, he knows what to do."

"Then how do we let him know we're coming?" someone asked in a low voice.

"It's simple. I'll be responsible for attracting the firepower, and you guys act in secret."

Pei Daoye was very decisive. Staring at the group of figures approaching from a distance, he already knew what he wanted to do.

Step out.

He said loudly: "Jian Jiu of Wanxiang Palace, come and worship the sword!"

This sword is for that.

There was a "bang" sound.

The void in front of him trembled violently, and an unrivaled sword intent emerged.

Just this one sword.

He cut off the dozens of magical lights that emerged from the air!

What a terrifying sword intent! ?
Countless exploding lights twisted together, and amidst the loud noise... the people nearby seemed to skip a beat after seeing this scene.

Not to mention the group of monks rushing over from Shengwu Hall.

Even the gold medal killers led by Pei Daoye this time had a stunned expression.


In fact, in a flash, Pei Daoye's figure rushed out among the thousands of floating lights, holding a strong man from the Shengwu Hall in his hand. The other's body as big as a hill was like a doll in his hand.

There was a "click" sound.

The sturdy man's head was twisted into a strange angle as if he was being clamped in Pei Daoye's hand, and he was thrown down by Pei Daoye.

As Pei Daoye's gaze swept across to the people from the Shengwu Hall opposite, an invisible pressure weighed heavily on these people's hearts for no reason.


(There is one more chapter today) (End of this chapter)

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