Who is he?
Sword Nine?

Someone from Wanxiang Palace?
This person is so strong!!!

All this happened so suddenly that the group of people who rushed in from Shengwu Hall felt an absurd fear in their hearts.

"You, the people from the Wanxiang Palace, broke into my Shengwu Hall's territory and even dared to kill my disciples. You are so arrogant!"

Someone from the Shengwu Hall stood up and shouted harshly.

Pei Daoye ignored him and took a step forward in mid-air.

There was a "clang" sound.

The entire courtyard began to shake. The sound of metal exploding echoed in everyone's ears, and the flames on the torches hanging around began to shake violently.

Dozens of sword intentions were like raging fire and thunder, ferocious to the extreme.

Pei Daoye's voice echoed throughout the courtyard.

"Sword Nine of Wanxiang Palace, come and worship the sword!"

Naturally, nothing can go wrong with Sophora japonica.

So he could only use this risky way to attract everyone's attention...naturally including Huai Shu.

As long as Huai Shu hears it, he will understand what to do.

Seeing Pei Daoye doing this, the other top assassins in Wanxiang Palace also understood what he meant and were somewhat moved...

This is a risk of life and death.


When the fierce sword light suddenly appeared, time seemed to freeze.

In the eyes of these monks of the Holy Martial Hall, there was a reflection of sword light pouring down like a torrent, rushing towards them in a whistling and rushing manner.

The air around them was crushed and emptied, and the extremely cold touch was like the shadow of death, and more like millions of mountains pressing down heavily on these people's hearts.

In a ten-millionth of a breath of time, someone reacted, and the wonderful magic circle rushed forward fiercely along with the light.

At the moment of the bombing, everyone felt that the space in front of them was jumping with countless lightning-like sword lights.

Some people were simply unable to respond and were killed by the sword in a thrilling instant.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Some people's hair stood on end, they roared silently in their hearts, their faces were distorted with horror, and they tried their best to withdraw from the range of the sword formation.

But Pei Daoye's sword was too fast.

Amid the howling wind, the sword light shone in the eyes of these people...quickly magnified, and the sword light flowing in the air burst out with a color that made people despair.


Blood splattered.

One figure after another was blown away.

On the other side.

A sword cultivator from the Shengwu Hall rushed over quickly and slashed with a sharp sword light behind Pei Daoye.

But Pei Daoye's figure as he stepped forward did not change at all.


The air beneath my feet crackled.

He just pressed it lightly.

Within five meters of him, the sword light burst out and condensed into a huge sword shadow two meters long.

It's like electricity generated in an empty room.

The back of the courtyard suddenly lit up.

The joy on the approaching swordsman's face suddenly stopped, and he still maintained the posture of swinging his sword as if to chop angrily, just standing there motionless.

It was not until the next second, when Pei Daoye took a step away from him, that the sword cultivator fell heavily to the ground.

Blood gushed out from the body with no visible wounds, and the blood trickled down, followed by the head rolling down...


A few screams were faintly heard in the dark courtyard, and the headless body of the sword cultivator was seen splattering blood in an extremely tragic way.

"Brother Lin just... died like this?"

Some people began to look at Pei Daoye in fear... The mask without any extra patterns, the silver sword, and the blood dripping like dust behind him, this image of a demon who walked out of the Nine Nether Hell is enough to scare many timid people.

Sword Nine?

Who is he?
This person is too strong! He is invincible!!!

Those who were still alive began to retreat, their bodies tensed up.

Fortunately, Pei Daoye did not continue to kill, but instead rushed into the depths of Chunyu Wutong.

In his opinion, these cultivators who were only at the first or second level of foundation building were nothing at all.

The most important thing right now is to let Huai Shu know of my existence as soon as possible.



at the same time.

In the mountains and forests twenty miles away.

Huai Shu was knocked down. When the talisman light exploded, he spat out blood again. His originally pale face suddenly turned red because of the sound coming from afar.

The scarred man on the opposite side smashed the half of the talisman paper suspended in the air with a knife, and sneered: "It's a pity that I couldn't destroy your Wanxiang Palace back then, but now we have been living in peace for so many years, why do you still want to offend us?"

"Everything is fine?" Huai Shu coughed up a lot of blood while trying to get up, and tried to hold the mask on his face with his hands: "Whether it's the bloody corpse case in Jiangnan or the celestial demon in Fengguo... is it really nothing to do with you? You were the one who plotted against us first... why are you afraid now?"

The voice just fell.

A flash of knife light slashed out from the scarred man's hand.

Huai Shu waved the talisman paper in his hand to fight back, but he was still hit by the huge force and flew backwards, hitting a giant tree ten meters behind him.

With a "bang", the tree trunks rustled.

"So, from the very beginning, you, the Wanxiang Palace, shouldn't have interfered. You don't understand why we are doing all this..."

Although Scarface was smiling, his tone was so cold that it made people feel cold all over.

"It can't be for the common people, right? Zhu Wujie, you can fool outsiders, but don't fool yourself... Selfishness is selfishness, what's the point of talking about justice. Jian Jiu, I'm here!!!"

Huai Shu suddenly shouted loudly.

Scarface immediately took action at the same time...

In just the next second, with a "swish" sound, like cloth being torn apart, at the moment when the bright light appeared, the surrounding trees that could be hugged by ten people broke on the spot.

This terrifying force also puts pressure on people invisibly.

"Bang" sound.

The knife that Scarface swung out was blocked.

The rustling dust was like waves falling, and the huge noise echoed throughout the entire forest.

The base of the thumb is numb.

Scarface's heart sank, his eyes twitching rapidly. While being alert and vigilant, he took a step forward, snatched up Huaishu, held him in his arms, and held him with his sword. He could easily kill him.

stomping on...

A tall and strong figure walked out from the shadows holding a silver sword.

"Someone from the Wanxiang Palace?"

Scarface frowned, looking up and down at this newcomer whom he had never seen before, and he couldn't help feeling annoyed.

The people from Wanxiang Palace have already rushed in... This puts him under even more pressure.

If I fail to complete this task well, how will the Palace Master view myself?

What’s even more abominable is…

Where is this guy Guan Wenjian?


Facing Scarface's malicious scrutiny, Pei Daoye only said two words.

However, it was these two words that made Scarface's originally nervous expression relax a lot, and he even sneered: "What are you talking about?"

In the dim light, the smile on Scarface's face and the sternness on Pei Daoye's clean mask formed a sharp contrast.

"You bunch of scum from the Wanxiang Palace have now barged in here, and you actually think..."


The bright light exploded out of thin air almost in an instant.

The explosive sound directly drowned out Scarface's next words...and to Pei Daoye, these words were nothing but nonsense.

The six-layer formation is unlocked!

The Thunder Breaks the Evil Sword Formation, start!

In the midst of the violence, Pei Daoye's voice rang out calmly: "I told you to let him go, and that's not bullshit!"

Scarface's pupils dilated as he watched the countless sword intentions appear out of thin air in front of him, as if in the next moment he and the Huai Shu in his arms would be pierced by these swords and turned into a bloody mist.

A fear of impending death arises.

He found it even more ridiculous.

[How dare he do that! ]

[Is the hostage still in my hands? How dare he do this! ]

[Have the people in Wanxiang Palace become so inhumane? ]

[Mad man! He must be a mad man! ]

Huai Shu, who was clamped by Scarface, had a calm look. He trusted Pei Daoye far more than anyone else... Perhaps it was since the first time he cooperated with Pei Daoye that he witnessed with his own eyes how reliable and capable this sword-cultivating partner was!

"Die—get away—" Scarface roared angrily, and his blood and energy, which had been suppressed by the sword intent and was a little disordered, was forcibly controlled by him.

The knife was slashed out and the air began to vibrate.

In the white torrent visible to the naked eye, the blade light emitted from his sword slammed fiercely in front of Pei Daoye.


Such a sword filled with murderous intent could not even break the sword intent that was rushing towards it.

This scene also made Scarface’s pupils shrink suddenly.

He grabbed Huaishu with his left hand and wanted to use him as a shield, but unexpectedly, his left hand was suddenly grabbed by Huaishu... There was an extra piece of talisman paper in Huaishu's hand, which he pressed on the scarred man's wrist.

Scarface was shocked.

"court death!"

When he roared these two words, it sounded like the roar of a tiger or a dragon.

All the muscles and bones in his body began to twist at this moment, and magical light began to burst out from his arms and torso.

He swung violently, trying to tear the tree into pieces.

But Pei Daoye's sword was faster.

He blocked his grab with incredible precision, and a sound like cracking bones came from his finger bones.

Soon after, Pei Daoye appeared in front of Scarface and stretched out his palm like lightning.

Tianfu Qishan Town!
The cloth on Scarface's shoulder exploded and his shoulder blade was broken.

not only that.

Pei Daoye grabbed his entire body with one hand, swung it out by inertia, and threw it into the air.

Scarface was shocked, but felt a little lucky.

Not being killed immediately, this was his chance.

He tried to use the talisman paper to stabilize his body in mid-air, but he didn't expect...

All this was within Pei Daoye's expectations.

In mid-air, Pei Daoye had already suddenly appeared behind him. Without being seen by outsiders, he cast a soul seal, and then two figures fell from a height of dozens of meters towards the forest below.


There was an explosion amid the rumble!

The ground was shaking.

Huaishu held his breath and stared at this scene with wide eyes... For some reason, his eyes suddenly became moist.

Is it the wind?

He rushed over.

Just as he took two steps forward, Pei Daoye jumped out from Scarface's body, grabbed Huaishu, and said angrily: "Idiot, hurry up and run!"

As soon as the two men left, a terrifying figure came over with murderous intent.

After seeing Scarface's body, the visitor turned away expressionlessly. (End of this chapter)

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