God rewards those who work hard: Awakening Daily Practice Settlement

Chapter 318 Dignity is never a reward from others

"Jian Jiu, thank you."

"Don't say thank you yet. It's hard to say whether you can get out today. Go on."

Pei Daoye handed over a pill, and Huai Shu was even more moved.

But he didn't have much time to be impressed, because two people appeared at the entrance of the opposite forest.

The middle-aged man was accompanied by a young man.

Both of them were wearing the uniforms of Shengwu Hall.

"Sure enough, they are here." The young man narrowed his eyes, then turned his head slightly and said, "Uncle Liu, I will deal with this guy, and you can help me to raid the battlefield, so that I can see how powerful these legendary killers on the west coast of the bay are."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment and then nodded slightly: "Be careful, this man was able to come here alone, he must have some extraordinary qualities."

Finally, he whispered, "Be careful of his sword."

Huai Shu stared at the two men with vigilance, and whispered to Pei Daoye, "That middle-aged man is quite strong, can you handle him alone?"

"It's okay." Pei Daoye urged in a low voice: "Don't worry about me first, swallow the pill quickly."

There might be tough battles to fight later... Huai Shu also understood this, and handed the talisman paper in the storage bag to Pei Daoye for use.

There are actually three medium-grade talismans.

Pei Daoye secretly sighed at this upstart, shook his head slightly and declined: "No, keep it for yourself."

He is not a professional talisman practitioner, and the power of these things in his hands is probably not even one-third of that of Huai Shu.

Seeing this, Huai Shu didn't say anything more. He just nodded. Under the gaze of everyone, he retreated behind Pei Daoye, sat down and began to heal his wounds.

The young man from the Shengwu Hall opposite suddenly became angry: "You really are arrogant. Since you dare to come to Huoyan Mountain, well, let me show you that this place..."


The ground under Pei Daoye's feet exploded with a loud bang.

The huge impact force caused countless smoke and dust to burst out like a torrent.

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

Pei Daoye's calm tone once again hurt the young man's self-esteem.


Break the defense.

He shouted and rushed forward.

The middle-aged man's face changed when he saw this and he said hurriedly: "He is provoking you, don't fall into his trap."

But the young man had already rushed over.

However, when he got closer, the sword in his hand suddenly overlapped, and it was impossible to tell clearly what was real and what was fake. While it was covering Pei Daoye, he suddenly shook a small blue flag with his left hand.

"Get into formation!"

He shouted lowly.

Pei Daoye's figure was trapped in the formation on the spot.

The young man's originally angry expression turned into a playful one: "Why, do you think I'm easy to be provoked? I just used a little trick to make you think I'm easy to control, but because of your arrogance, you are now trapped in the magic circle by me... Now you can't get any help from anyone, no matter how hard you try..."


Before the young man could finish his words, countless cracks suddenly appeared in the formation in front of him, and thunder-like light began to emanate.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

"This! How is it possible!!! How could you break my magic circle!"


Huai Shu, who was recovering from his injuries, couldn't help but look up at the young man, his eyes were as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

It seemed like a response to his question, but also like she was mumbling to herself.

"He is Jian Jiu."


The middle-aged man behind him also changed his expression and rushed forward hurriedly, but the moment the magic circle was broken, the sword intent as surging as fire and thunder blocked his way.

At the same time, Pei Daoye had already arrived in front of the young man, stretched out his hand, and placed it above his forehead.

He only said: "Is this magic circle very strong?"


There was a sound like a ripe watermelon bursting.

At this moment, it is especially clear.

In the moments before the young man died, there was only one question in his mind: Is his magic circle really not powerful?
"you wanna die!"

The middle-aged man yelled wildly, watched his nephew being killed, and rushed to kill him on the spot.

He asked himself: He had practiced in the Shengwu Hall for thirty years, and had cultivated himself from a mere warrior to a Taoist priest. He had killed no less than a dozen foundation-building masters with his iron sand palm.

He didn't believe that he couldn't control this person.

"You didn't run away and dared to attack me. Should I admire your courage or say..."

Pei Daoye stretched out his hand and pressed it gently.

"Don't know your own limits?"

The voice just fell.

Invisible ripples spread out in all directions with him as the center.

next moment.

The middle-aged man who rushed over was enveloped by the surging sword intent.

Pei Daoye walked forward, stretched out his hand and gently covered the other's head, just like an elder stroking the head of a younger person... Under the soul seal, the soul devoured and killed!


"I don't want to practice martial arts, I want to cultivate immortality!"

"Xiu Xian!!!"


Just the silent cry of a martyr.

To Pei Daoye, the memory of having no cultivation was like garbage, and he discarded it at will.

And at the moment he killed the middle-aged man, a group of people who had just rushed in watched this scene, their eyes full of horror and fear.

"This is……"

"Such a strong sword intent!"

"This man is invincible!"

"Escape quickly, please shut up the elder!"

The five men turned around and tried to flee.

However, a talismanic light flashed through the forest, and five spear lights pierced their bodies, connecting together at the tail, sucking away their life and continuously replenishing Huai Shu.

He exhaled softly.

"Finally I feel better."

When he looked up, he saw Pei Daoye looking at him with a puzzled look. He scratched his head, a little embarrassed: "This is the talisman book I bought at the previous trade fair... It records a small talisman technique."

"Blood-sucking magic? Can this magic increase lifespan?" Pei Daoye asked.

Seems somewhat interested.

Huaishu smiled awkwardly: "No, it's just to replenish some blood. Do you want to practice?"

That's the question.

He had already thrown the talisman to Pei Daoye.

Pei Daoye glanced at it. He was quite interested at first, but lost interest after seeing the annotation above. Even if he practiced to the great perfection, he could only restore a certain amount of energy and blood, which was not even as fast as his perfect-grade elixir.

He then returned the talisman to Huai Shu.

Huai Shu felt a little embarrassed when he saw that he was unable to help Pei Daoye: "Jian Jiu, do you need a technique to increase your lifespan? I'll help you keep an eye on it later."

"it is good."

Pei Daoye nodded, "How is your recovery now?"

Huaishu felt it for a moment: "It can almost display half of its power in its prime..."

He hasn't finished yet.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking air at the entrance of the alley.

Someone set an ambush.

Huai Shu was just about to use the talisman to block the poisonous arrow, but as soon as he pinched the talisman paper at his fingertips, the poisonous arrow was invisibly shattered by Pei Daoye's sword intent.

There was even a muffled sound coming from the shadows.

Pei Daoye came to the alley entrance and looked at the tiny words left on it.

Huai Shu came closer, and couldn't help but be delighted: "Heisha and the others are here?"

"All the Seventeenth Palace members are here, except those who have missions." "Ah? Oh my god, I am really crying, really, I didn't expect that the Seventeenth Palace would actually be willing to save me..."

Pei Daoye looked over with an expression as if he was asking, but he didn't say anything. He just said briefly, "Let's go. Heisha and the others are lighting fires everywhere to help us attract fire. I'll take you out first..."

The words paused.

He looked up.

An old man with a snake head on his shoulder stared at the two of them with a gloomy look.

"You shouldn't have come to Wanxiang Palace."

As his hoarse voice rang out, the ground where Pei Daoye and Jiu Huaishu were standing suddenly shattered, and countless rocks collapsed and collapsed downwards.

The shadow of a huge snake was looming in the collapsed area.

Pei Daoye and Huai Shu jumped away from their original positions almost at the same time.

A talisman paper flew backwards at a high speed, sealing off the underground area.

The other one held a sword and rushed forward without saying anything.

The old man in black robe stood there, motionless, and just waited until Pei Daoye was about to reach him, then he raised his hand and drew a virtual talisman in the air with his dark green nails.

It hit Pei Daoye's body on the spot.

Huai Shu was startled: "Sword Nine..."

"Do not bother me."

Pei Daoye's tone was very steady, as if he was not injured at all, but there was a hole on the silver sword in his hand.

In order to hide his identity, he did not take out the sword-shaped Hunyuan military talisman, but used a mid-grade flying sword.

He didn't expect that this old man's skills were so powerful that he could easily pierce his flying sword.

But he was heartbroken.

This flying sword will be swallowed by the Hunyuan Soldier Talisman in the future.

He didn't want to affect the quality of the melting.

The old man in black robe didn't seem to expect that Pei Daoye was unharmed, so he made a hand gesture and suddenly a large amount of blood appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Almost instantly, the bright red blood light condensed into a dark red light, covering all the surrounding light and shadows.

When Huai Shu saw this scene, his face changed, as if he knew who the other person was.

"Snake Taoist of Xuanyin Sect! You didn't die that year! You actually hid in Shengwu Hall, right under the nose of Xuanshan Sect!"

"You actually recognized me. If that's the case... I can't let you stay!"

There was no expression on the face of the old man in black robe, and he began to chant a spell softly.

The spell was not loud and sounded obscure and difficult to understand.

But every time he uttered a word, a murderous intent that made people feel cold all over would spread out.

Huai Shu hurriedly shouted, "We must avoid his talisman light! This man is both a talisman cultivator and a beastmaster!"

At the same time, Pei Daoye's figure burst out and rushed forward the moment he landed.

The violent energy and blood boiled on the spot.

The sword body rubbed violently against the air, and it seemed as if there was a flood of lightning, and the fire was full of violence.

Facing this so-called "Snake Taoist", Pei Daoye had no intention of retreating, and his red hair exploded with this sword.

He slashed fiercely at the dark red light in front of him.

The huge explosion drowned out all other sounds here.

It was as if two terrifying forces were confronting each other in mid-air, and the terrifying airflow was frantically washing the robes of the two men.

The little snake on the Snake Taoist's shoulder stood up and hissed threateningly at Pei Daoye.

Pei Daoye held the light in front of him, took a deep breath, and made another step forward in solving the fifth level formation!
The six-layer formation is unlocked!

Nine Heavenly Talisman Techniques, open!

With the support of the two forces, he pushed against the talisman light and slashed it with all his strength.

Huai Shu was stunned.

He originally thought that Pei Daoye would be injured when hit by the Fu Guang, but the sword intent in his body exploded, not only did the Fu Guang not hurt him at all, but it also chopped the Snake Taoist priest away with one sword!
This is this...

"Brother Nine is so mighty!"

However, this is not the end.

Pei Daoye took advantage of the fact that the sixth-level formation had not yet been dissolved, and he concentrated his energy into his dantian, and with a flip of his hand, he burst out with the most primitive sword force!
As he took a step forward.

The burst of sword light even completely stimulated the lightning, which merged with the violent energy and blood stimulated by the Nine Techniques of Heavenly Talisman.

In just a split second, the two forces merged to the extreme... He raised his hand and slashed down with the sword!

Lightning bursts out!

The airflow around became violently turbulent.

At this moment, the huge snake tail under the ground slapped towards Pei Daoye, and he punched it into the ground with one hand.

On the other side, the Snake Taoist, who was forced to retreat, saw this scene and an expression of disbelief appeared on his originally calm face.

Huai Shu couldn't help but exclaimed, "Ninth Brother is so mighty."

"I underestimated you..."

Before the Snake Taoist finished speaking, Pei Daoye's sword formation had already been activated. The sword light blew several pieces off his clothes, and his heart sank.

The little snake hissed more rapidly, as if trying to escape.

The Snake Taoist immediately used some magic formula.

The ground began to explode.

"Old man, where is your confidence just now!" Pei Daoye shouted loudly, and hundreds of sword lights appeared in his hands from top to bottom, smashing towards the head of the giant snake that rose from the ground.


The giant snake staggered, blood splattered on its head, and began to fall.

Pei Daoye approached, stretched out his hand and suddenly grabbed the body of the giant snake demon, and used the Heavenly Talisman Nine Techniques to grab the mountain...

He grasped the huge snake demon's body, not giving it any chance to struggle, and hugged it tightly, smashing it down towards the Snake Taoist.

It was like a skyscraper collapsing.

The entire alley was reduced to ruins.

The splattering rubble and bricks were like hidden weapons. Under the huge impact force, they blasted dozens of meters away. The sound of countless glass being shattered was heard, and the walls of rows of houses collapsed, triggering a series of landslides.

Huai Shu was stunned.

"Oh my god, Brother Jiu is really awesome."

He couldn't even describe the shock in his heart at this moment.

This method!
Such a strong physique!

What a brutal fighting style!

He dared to say that even if Brother Nine didn't use a sword, he would still be a powerful warrior!

"Perhaps, Brother Nine's best skill is not the sword? Using the sword is just his disguise..."

However, if Pei Daoye heard this, he would definitely repeat "I am a sword cultivator" in Huai Shu's ear a hundred times.

Among the ruins.

Two figures wrestled face to face.

Pei Daoye's clothes exploded, revealing some of his inner armor, and blood appeared at the base of his palm.

But these...


The snake Taoist was in an even worse condition than him.

The giant snake was originally controlled by him with his soul, so if it was damaged, all would be damaged... It was instantly attacked back, and the boy in front of him caught its weakness. After repeated bombardments of sword intent, his energy and blood were greatly reduced.


"If I had met you ten years ago, you wouldn't be alive today!"

"You're fighting someone and you're still talking about hypotheses?"

Pei Daoye met the Snake Taoist's cold and resentful gaze, responded expressionlessly, and pressed down the sword in his hand fiercely.

The Snake Taoist who was resisting with talismans couldn't help but feel some effort. He groaned and didn't have time to say the rest of the words.

He simply couldn't understand, was this guy really still a human being?

Not to mention being so young!

He also has such powerful swordsmanship and a terrifying physique that is so strong that it is inhuman!
He had to admit... today might be his own disaster!
"Let me go. I will forgive you and your Wanxiang Palace for what happened in Shengwu Hall today."

Swallowing the blood in his throat, Taoist Snake suppressed the chill in his heart and made his tone less fluctuating.

In terms of height, he is not as tall as Pei Daoye, so when he said these words at this moment, it seemed that he was looking up to him.

"Let bygones be bygones?" (End of this chapter)

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