Du Yan was so shocked that he couldn't express his feelings at the moment in words.

He could clearly feel that as he kept getting closer to the giant sword hanging from the sky, the spiritual energy in his body began to slow down, and even his blood seemed to be cooled down.

Originally he was like an erupting volcano, but he began to calm down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The cold rain falling from the sky hit his face, making his heart begin to feel chilly.

Not just him.

There were also Meng Ya, Bao Xue and a few others, who all felt this chilling coldness after rushing into the ten-meter range of the giant sword.

"How can it be!!!"

"Jian Jiu... when did he become so strong!?"

"What kind of swordsmanship is this!"

"This must be witchcraft!"

"What kind of swordsmanship can make my blood and qi cold and stagnant? This terrifying pressure almost makes me unable to move!"

Baoxue suddenly shouted, "Everyone be careful! This is not pure swordsmanship! Jian Jiu has activated some evil magic that is subtly influencing our cognition!"


This damn guy Jian Jiu doesn't practice sword skills well, but actually practices evil magic related to the soul!

This strong sense of crisis made everyone present feel terrified.

Wait until they have rushed within five meters.

They clearly felt that the air in front of them seemed to be crushed and emptied by countless sword intentions, and the resistance that filled the air made them feel like they couldn't get close...

Even just taking a step forward would consume more of their energy.

"I'll lead the way, and you guys set up the formation!"

Poison Eye suddenly shouted loudly, and then roared to activate his secret method: "Blood Eye: Thousand Machine Break!"

In an instant.

The blood and energy in his body were stripped away, and countless bright red lights gathered in his left eye.

The space around began to vibrate.

He withstood the pressure brought by Pei Daoye and regained control of his body.

With a powerful explosive force, a terrifying blood light burst out from his left eye, setting off a monstrous killing spree, and instantly expanding the sword formation in front of him.

Seeing this, Meng Ya and others behind him formed magic seals one after another. In an instant, a terrifying blood-red Tyrannosaurus seemed to condense in the void in front of them, roaring, releasing a monstrous bloody aura, and rushing forward to kill.

Pei Daoye did not dodge or evade.

In the blink of an eye, the sword techniques in his hand had condensed again, and hundreds of sword intents condensed out.

at the same time.

A faint, dull sound began to be heard around his body.

Almost in the blink of an eye, visible ripples began to spread, colliding with the blood dragon and blood pupil light rushing over from the opposite side.

Under this hysterical bombardment that was like a nuclear explosion, the huge blood dragon that was more than ten meters long seemed to be unable to bear the burden and began to disintegrate and explode its body.

Amidst the raging fire and thunder, Pei Daoye had already grabbed his sword and jumped out from where he was.

Baoxue was the first to be hit, his arms cut by the sword, blood splattered everywhere, and he lost his balance as he rushed forward, staggered, and almost fell.

He hurriedly took out a few pieces of talisman paper.

A bright light exploded in an instant, trying to force Pei Daoye back, but he never expected that the talisman light he released would be easily destroyed by Pei Daoye.

"How can this be!"

The gold medal killer who was at the fourth level of foundation building looked at in astonishment that his life-saving method was so easily broken, and Pei Daoye's sword was reflected in his wide eyes.

Fortunately, someone stepped in and blocked Pei Daoye's sword.

Baoxue secretly cried out in relief, but suddenly he felt a pain in his arm and was horrified to find that... although Pei Daoye's sword was blocked, he still stretched out his left hand and grabbed his arm.

how come!
He didn't even notice when the other party made the move.

Before he could react, half of his body was torn apart, blood splattered, mixed with his internal organs...

this moment.

The killers from the Thirteenth Palace were all silently shocked.

In a trance.

Looking at Pei Daoye... is like looking at a demon god from the Nine Nether Hell... the murderous intent is so boiling that it makes people's scalp tingle.

"Why is this happening! Jian Jiu! Have you been hiding your abilities this whole time?!"

Meng Ya suddenly roared.

"I don't believe it! There are so many of us, but we can't do anything to you!"

He roared and rushed towards Pei Daoye.

Then Pei Daoye turned around and swung his sword.

It looked like an ordinary sword, but with the help of the ninth level of the formation control, this simple swing of the sword was like the raging sun, crushing Meng Ya's resentment and self-esteem in a domineering manner.

Meng Ya, who had just rushed forward with a knife in his hand, seemed to have lost all support in an instant. His body was covered by sword light, countless blood exploded, and he fell backwards.


A gold medal killer from the Thirteenth Palace roared.

The spear stabbed forward.

It was like a long dragon piercing Pei Daoye's body.

"It hit me!"

Everyone was happy.

Poison Eyes had just performed a secret technique, and his blood and energy were weak. He was a little frightened at first, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly felt that the advantage was on them.

Several people shouted and rushed forward.


Blood suddenly spurted out from the spear monk's shoulder, and then his face was held down by Pei Daoye's big hand.

"I don't agree!"

"I was born in a big family and enjoyed the best cultivation resources. I spent five years training my Qi and two years building my foundation! I entered the fourth level at the age of twenty-three! Countless foundation builders have died in my hands!"

"But why... would I lose to you!?"

Pei Daoye held his face down, and his voice was trembling as he desperately tried to hold on to his body...

"Bang" sound.

The head exploded.

His final reluctance turned out to be a fantasy.

Blood was still splattering in the air, carried by the strong wind, spraying all over the faces of Poison Eye and the other six people.

"Did the Thirteenth Palace send you trash to kill me?"

The people who were under tremendous pressure shook violently.


They were actually laughed at and called waste.

This is simply throwing their dignity in their faces, which makes them feel more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Sword Nine!!!"

A sturdy man suddenly roared, his body suddenly grew larger, and the clothes on his body burst into pieces under the weight.

I don’t know whether he swallowed some secret medicine or used some forbidden technique.

His height suddenly grew to more than ten feet, his face turned ferocious and ashen, and the teeth in his mouth turned into fangs like those of a wild beast, extremely sharp.

"Tear you apart! I will tear you apart!"

The ground beneath my feet exploded.

Countless mud splashed.

He rushed towards Pei Daoye.

The energy and blood in his body are as powerful as if they were inhuman.

A roar that was no longer in human language came out of his mouth, instantly surpassing everyone else and pounced in front of Pei Daoye.

"remarkably brave."

Pei Daoye said these four words expressionlessly.

He rushed over as well.

The sword talismans on his body flew out to block the sneak attacks from others, and the Nine Heavenly Talismans Techniques controlled the burly man with a green face and fangs.

The other party's inhuman roar suddenly stopped, and the whole person seemed to have lost control, freezing in place.

There was a "pop" sound.

At the heart... a hand stretched out from the back, holding a beating heart.

In front of everyone, this hand gently exerted force.


The heart exploded.

The sturdy man with a green face and fangs roared silently in pain, and his huge body fell backwards, hitting the ground heavily, splashing a pool of mud that had long been stained red.

Before he died, he opened his eyes wide and stared at Pei Daoye, his eyes almost bursting.

He just couldn't believe it... He had already unleashed such a powerful secret technique, but how come he was still no match for this damn swordsman.

At the same time, three sword cultivators rushed over and attacked Pei Daoye from three directions.

But in that instant, their bodies seemed to be imprisoned.

Pei Daoye turned around and swung his sword.

Ray Mang emerged.

In an instant, bright light exploded, killing two and injuring one.

The remaining Poison Eye and a Talisman cultivator were looking at this scene in amazement... From the time they made their move to now, it was only two or three breaths of time.

But it has been defeated miserably!
Nine people...there are still three left.

This method...

It makes people feel frightened for no reason.

Poison Eyes' face turned pale. He stared at Pei Daoye who was rushing towards him and shouted, "You guys go, I'll stop him! You must tell Wanxiang Palace that Jian Jiu betrayed us and killed our disciples! Hurry up and go!"

Amid the roar, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky and instantly fell between Duyan and Pei Daoye.

Thunder and fire suddenly appeared on the muddy road, instantly depriving everyone of their vision.

Almost at the same time.

Pei Daoye and Duyan both moved.

Two huge forces confronted each other in the air and crushed each other ruthlessly.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a loud explosion in the void all around.

"Blood Eye! Broken!!!"

Poison Eyes roared in unwillingness, and under Pei Daoye's suppression, his blood and energy burst out again, and his violent will became hysterical in unwillingness.


He who was activating the secret technique did not have a method like Pei Daoye to restore his condition.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, the powerful force from Pei Daoye's hand pressed on his face!
The soul seal is placed!

The soul devours and kills!

"Do not!!!"

At this moment, Poison Eyes let out an unwilling roar.

From the time he came here to now...it took no more than five breaths.

The tragic scene became extremely bloody under the thunder and lightning in the sky, but it also seemed to be welcoming the arrival of the king Pei Daoye.

A moment of time.

He devoured Poison Eye's memory and saw a secret technique from the memory.

[Blood Eye·Thousand Machines Break]!
But there is one bad thing about this method. If you use it too much, you will become a one-eyed dragon.

Pei Daoye felt a little regretful.

Look back.

The two men who had just been struck by lightning were now foaming at the mouth and lying in a pool of blood.

Pei Daoye took a step forward and struck out with the soul seal.

"Saw" some of the internal conditions of the Thirteen Palaces.

And finally the man woke up.

His face was full of horror.

"Jian Jiu, don't kill me... I can be useful to you... BANG!"

Soul print photographed.

Pei Daoye never shows mercy to his enemies.

Since he and the Thirteenth Palace have a blood feud, they will fight to the death!

There are also twelve palaces...

After taking all the storage bags from several people, Pei Daoye left the place without paying any attention to the people who were rushing over from afar.

Next, head to Fengyuan City.

He is a man who... takes revenge!

"There's still no news from Mengya. Could it be that they've already started the action?"

The young man in blue asked in a low voice.

The tall middle-aged man said nothing, looking inexplicably irritated.

"What's wrong?" The young man in blue couldn't help but ask, "Are you worried?"

"I have an indescribable feeling." The tall middle-aged man looked at the sky. The gloomy sky gave people a great sense of depression.

The young man in blue said in a relaxed tone, "Not really. No matter how strong Jian Jiu is, he can never be a match for Poison Eyes and the others... Nine foundation-building masters teamed up to kill him alone. This treatment is unique to him."


Just as the tall middle-aged man finished speaking, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the sky.

"Is it going to rain?"

The young man in blue couldn't help but look up at the sky and muttered a few words.

Almost instantly, the tall middle-aged man pulled the young man up and hid behind him.

There was a flash of bright sword light in the void in front of him.

The young man in blue also reacted. His eyes were gloomy. He grabbed a knife out of thin air. His violent blood began to boil, and he stared at the figure that appeared at the end of the road.

"Jian Jiu?" the tall middle-aged man spoke.

The blue-clothed young man was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Jian Jiu? He is Jian Jiu?"

"I'm alive... Are you surprised?"

Pei Daoye's tone was very calm, without the anger of being set up, and his eyes swept across the faces of the two people in front of him.

But it was this nonchalant look that made the young man in blue suddenly feel a heavy weight on his body, and his heart sank.

This guy called Jian Jiu is very strong!

"Jian Jiu, what do you mean by this?"

After all, it was the tall middle-aged man who remained calm. He looked over with a calm gaze, and even seemed to have some resentment.

"Everyone from the Thirteenth Palace told me that you wanted to kill me."

Pei Daoye walked forward step by step.

Just like strolling in the garden.

After hearing what he said, the young man in blue was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and he looked hurriedly at the tall middle-aged man.

The tall middle-aged man narrowed his eyes, still not intending to admit it, but said with a slight warning: "Jian Jiu, I don't know how the Thirteenth Palace bewitched you, but this matter has nothing to do with the two of us."

"It has nothing to do with it?"

Pei Daoye gave a sarcastic smile.

Dozens of sword beams appeared in front of him, breaking through the void and covering him in an instant.

The tall middle-aged man immediately emerged from the water to block the sword lights.

The young man in blue narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Jian Jiu, who do you think you are? Don't you know who you have offended? And now you dare to cause trouble for us, the Twelve Palaces!"

He swung the sword in his hand high, and the flaming light turned into a red crescent moon, tearing through the void and slashing towards Pei Daoye's waist.

It seemed as if he wanted to kill Pei Daoye in half!

And almost at the moment when he burst out with all his strength and rushed towards Pei Daoye, the tall middle-aged man also moved.

This gold medal killer, who was considered a veteran in the Twelve Palaces, immediately made a hand gesture and waved his hand. Dozens of cold lights turned into cold water arrows, whistling and covering Pei Daoye.

This water arrow that is activated by secret methods contains tremendous destructive power even if just a drop of water splashes out.

Not to mention that these condensed water arrows made a sharp whistle as they flew across the sky.


Pei Daoye simply activated the sword formation.

As the triple formation was unlocked.

The invisible void emitted ripples of vibration, and in an instant the sword formation blocked the joint attack of the middle-aged man and the young man in blue.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The water arrows and countless sword beams seemed to have hit an invisible barrier.

As the air was torn apart, the azure light was blown away by the rain.

as well as……

There was also the young man in blue who rushed towards Pei Daoye with anger.

His whole body seemed to have crashed into a towering mountain. Not only were all his attacks neutralized, but all the bones in his body seemed to be broken.

It flew backwards for more than ten meters and hit the ground heavily, splashing a lot of rain water.

His face was filled with horror and he looked up.

In his eyes...

Pei Daoye at this moment... is more than just a god! (End of this chapter)

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