God rewards those who work hard: Awakening Daily Practice Settlement

Chapter 323: Terrifying Increase! Gift from the Gods

Suddenly, there was a shocking sound of a great battle in the distance, and Pei Daoye secretly felt lucky.

The fluctuations caused by this kind of battle are probably at least at the great perfection of foundation building, or even golden elixir.

If he had run a little slower, the consequences would have been disastrous.

I can't help but feel distressed.

Before obtaining the House of Underground Fire, refining the elixir was just a simple matter.

But now that a divine elixir has been refined, it would easily cause some strange changes in the world.

Just to refine this god-level foundation-building pill, he was struck by lightning. It was so thrilling when Pei Daoye was refining the pill.

The lightning almost hit him several times, but with his current small body he couldn't withstand even a little bit of it.

Since the sound of strong men fighting could be heard behind him, Pei Daoye simply stopped playing around and urged the Mo Lingzhou to fly wildly.

An hour later.


Pei Daoye found a secluded area, and under the bright moonlight, began to take out the god-level foundation-building pill.

Without any hesitation, he swallowed it in one gulp.

Sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform...

Almost at the moment when this god-level foundation-building pill melted in his mouth, a glow began to flow on Pei Daoye's body. The lethargy after the wild ride disappeared, and the whole person was radiant.

A large amount of spiritual energy began to fill his limbs and bones, like thick clouds, seemingly motionless, but in fact, with Pei Daoye's perception, he could sense that they were flowing at an extremely slow speed.

Pei Daoye was greatly surprised by the explosive increase in spiritual energy.

At this moment, the lotus platform also demonstrated its great role.

Rays of light enveloped the area, gathering together the spiritual energy that was about to dissipate and continuously feeding back to Pei Daoye.

As long as they are scattered, they will gather again.

During this process, Pei Daoye was also practicing his skills at a rapid speed, constantly absorbing and refining this huge amount of spiritual energy.

The mysteries of the human body are infinite. With Pei Daoye's current level of cultivation, he is simply unable to comprehend them. Only with the extraordinary perception gained from the fifth time of spiritual refining can he sense that his body is being strengthened imperceptibly.

He was also a little surprised.

He secretly thanked himself for having cultivated an impeccable spiritual body. Now his body's absorption of the spiritual energy was much faster than before.

Thinking back to when I was practicing, it was a fluke that I could absorb 20% of the spiritual energy.

But now...

At least 50%, no, at least 70% of the spiritual energy can be absorbed and refined.

With the blessing of the lotus platform, it can be said that the benefits of this divine elixir are not wasted.

It was like pieces of spiritual energy in the clouds that kept falling down in his extraordinary perception, and it seemed as if there was thunder tearing it apart.

Strands of lightning snakes were shuttling back and forth, seemingly independent of each other, but looking at the entire thing, each of them fed back into each other, forming a huge spiritual energy net, causing resonance between each other, strengthening the tendons, blood and even finer parts of Pei Daoye's body.

As time went by and powerful force filled this body, Pei Daoye thought of the day when he was first freed by Fu Nanxing's blessing array...

is also like this.

The terrifying power came suddenly, without any discomfort, as if he was born to be like this.

At this moment, he seemed tireless and unaware of pain, refining all the spiritual energy in front of him.

If it were an ordinary person, this kind of heart-wrenching pain would be enough to scare people and make them dare not move forward.

But Pei Daoye dared.

He is too aware of his talent.

Back then, the demon slaughtered the whole village, but he was lucky enough to survive...

After walking 80,000 miles, he finally arrived at Xuanshan Gate and was fortunately admitted.

If it weren't for the opportunity, how could I have survived the chaos of this world?

He wants to become stronger!

He wants to live!

This was his thought from beginning to end!

It is also the only thought that supports his practice!

Could physical pain be more painful than life and death?


"All distracting thoughts, break them all!"

The qi and blood are burning like flames.

Pei Daoye was shocked.

The soul seemed to be pulled by a force.

He felt the cry of the giant spirit figure in the inner world...that was the cry of his will materialized.

The giant spirit shouted towards the sky! Roaring!
Pei Daoye's soul penetrated into the body of the giant spirit... and merged into one in an instant.

At this moment he is the giant spirit!

The giant spirit is him!

The terrifying power was boiling! It was burning! It was hysterically rising to a certain limit!


He looked up at the sky, where divine thunder appeared, divine fire swept across, and fairy clouds shone...

last of the last……

He saw powerful gods and immortals dyeing half the sky red and falling from the sky.



When Pei Daoye suddenly came to his senses, he had already exited the giant spirit's shadow and returned to his own body.

He was a little distracted.

His mind was still recalling the scene he had just caught a glimpse of. The tragedy of it actually affected his mood.

He felt an inexplicable sadness.

He looked up.

The moonlight was shrouded by dark clouds, and the sound of waves rose and fell...

"Is the way of heaven... so unfair?"

Pei Daoye shook his head and stopped thinking about it. For him now, thinking about these things was just futile and depressing.

"I will keep on building my own path. Time will give me the answer."

The second watch has arrived.

He looked at the settlement panel.

His eyes were immediately fixed on the cultivation column.


Pei Daoye was almost shocked to the point of swearing.

"You just broke through from the third level to the fourth level yesterday, and today you're already lying at attention in the fifth level?"

"Is the God-level elixir so awesome? Or is the God-level foundation-building elixir so awesome?"

This was not the first time he had swallowed a divine elixir.

But the effect of the elixir I swallowed last time was definitely not like this.

of course……

This is also related to his own physique.

At the beginning, I did not cultivate the acquired perfect spiritual body.

Thinking of this, he fell into deep thought for a moment.

“First, I didn’t cultivate the acquired perfect spiritual body at the beginning. Second, the divine elixir I took for the first time was only a low-level elixir… Maybe this is also an important reason.”

"It doesn't matter. Just refine the God-level Power Pill once more and you'll know the truth."

Pei Daoye originally wanted to continue refining, but the woman from the Twelve Palaces sent another message asking when he would arrive.

Pei Daoye spoke calmly, said a few random words and then sent the man away, then collected himself.

He stroked the palm-sized house of underground fire and fell into deep thought.

"...No matter whether the Twelfth Palace is colluding with the Thirteenth Palace, I have the initiative now, so I will strike first."

"I can only make the elixir later."

I was also a little annoyed.

Those guys in the Thirteenth Palace really wish he would die.

Otherwise, why would this group of people be willing to take action as soon as Taoist Huo Rong contacted them?

He narrowed his eyes.

Feel the power in your fist.

"That's perfect... use these days to offer sacrifices to the heavens."

Take out the sound transmission note.

[Silver Wolf, are the people from the Thirteenth Palace in Yue State now? ]

Silver Wolf quickly replied: [Yes, did you run into them? ]

[I haven't come across it yet, but I heard about it from someone, so I'm just asking. ]

【Did something happen? 】

【piece of cake.】

[Be careful, and contact me anytime. I am also preparing to go to Yue. ]

Silver Wolf explained that he heard that a great treasure had descended from the Kingdom of Yue, which caused a strange phenomenon in the world. Pei Daoye opened his mouth and guessed that what Silver Wolf was interested in actually came from him, but he certainly couldn't say this, so he said after choosing his words: "I was nearby at the time, and there were powerful people in the Golden Core Realm who were robbing it, and many people died."

[Golden elixir? I'll make it? Slip away. ]

Silver Wolf gave up decisively.

He asked himself if he had the confidence to fight against those old guys in the Jindan realm.

After the connection was cut off, Pei Daoye left quickly.


"Li Zi, what did Jian Jiu say?"

The tall middle-aged man asked, and then he dozed off for two hours. He had to prepare to welcome Pei Daoye, but it was almost time and he still hadn't shown up, so he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

The young woman replied hesitantly, "He said a rare treasure had come to the world and many people were fighting for it, so they are now trapped there."


Almost at the same time, the tall middle-aged man and the young man in blue on the right looked at each other.

"A strange treasure has arrived?"


The two left in a hurry.

"Hongya, do you think Jian Jiu is in Wuqing Mountain?"

"I'm afraid so. But now that the Cannibal Ancestor and the Shocking Guest are fighting each other, that damn place may have become a ruin."

"So what should we do?"

"Tell the people from the Thirteenth Palace that our mission is just to lure this guy out, and now we have accomplished the mission."

"The Thirteenth Prince really wants to kill him this time."

"Don't talk about this anymore."

"I know the pros and cons."


Wuqing Mountain.

One after another, figures blended in silently.

After the ultimate battle between the Cannibal Ancestor, Jinghongke and Le Zhenren, this mountain range has been reduced to ruins and thick smoke is still billowing.

There is a mountain top inserted upside down in the lake in the distance.

There were bloody body parts on the ground.

The nine masked figures dispersed and then gathered together again.

"did not find."

“I didn’t find it here either.”

"Have we been deceived?"

Just as a few people were whispering something, there was a loud bang in the sky, and a drop of rain as big as a bean fell on the hand of the leader.

He raised his head.

"It's raining."

There was a deafening explosion in the dark clouds, with lightning appearing and thunder exploding.

The entire ground shook violently following the thunder.

Under the dazzling light, a sharp-eyed assassin from the Thirteenth Palace seemed to have noticed something and suddenly whispered, "No! Be careful!"

A thunderstorm-like sword force suddenly broke out of the ground, an invisible force vibrated, and hundreds of sword intentions enveloped the nine people.

In an instant.

Some people were blown away.

Someone blocked these sword lights.

Someone screamed.

Life and death are decided at one glance.


Dark clouds rolled in and the rain was heavy.

At this moment, Pei Daoye stood on the treetop, staring at the few people still standing in front of him with cold and ruthless eyes.

The strong wind blew up his robe, making a rustling sound.

The heavy rain was destroyed by the sword before it even got close.


Poison Eyes looked extremely serious.

The same thing happened to the people behind him who were climbing up.

Some people looked frightened, while others were eager to try.

They are all experts in killing people in the Twelve Palaces, and they have faced emergencies dozens of times, if not hundreds.

After all, they were all experienced people, and they formed a formation to resist Pei Daoye's sword formation.

Take a deep breath.

Poison Eyes' gaze was cold and stern: "I still underestimated you, Jian Jiu. You knew we were coming? You also knew why we were coming? I'm very curious, if you knew, why didn't you run away? Could it be that... you think you have the confidence to fight against so many people alone?"

"You, the Thirteenth Palace, really have an undying desire to destroy me." Pei Daoye sighed softly.

He deliberately tested the Twelve Palaces, but he didn't expect that the other party would take the bait.

and so……

The Twelve Palaces were also to blame in this fight against him.

Since you want to kill him, then do it today... all at once!

His gaze swept over Poison Eye, Mengya, and Violent Blood one by one... but he did not stop.

He showed up today on his own initiative, for...

Just kill all these people!

"Those who kill will always be killed!"

"You and I are both part of destiny."

"Then try to kill me!"

An unprecedented sense of murderous intent rolled towards the nine people in front of him.

Poison Eyes took a deep breath and looked at the figure standing high above the sword formation. He found it ridiculous.

"Jian Jiu, I heard that you are very arrogant, but I didn't expect you to be even more arrogant than I imagined!"

"So much nonsense."


Poison Eyes’ fist suddenly hardened.


So arrogant!
"Go, kill him!"

Almost finished the words.

The ground beneath his feet exploded and he rushed forward.

Mud mixed with rain splashed all around.

The pitch-black darts hit the sword formation, as if blasting out a passage. Duyan was like a cannonball, rushing directly towards Pei Daoye on the treetop.

In the sky, the exploding thunder illuminated the world in an instant.

Under the rain.

Poison Eyes charged forward, like a warrior delivering justice to the ultimate devil.


Meng Ya, Bao Xue and the remaining nine people also followed suit.

"Jian Jiu, you will pay a price for your arrogance that you cannot afford!"

All of them have at least the fourth level of cultivation, especially Poison Eyes, who is a veteran fifth level.

Even ordinary immortal cultivation families cannot withstand a decapitation operation of this scale.

Now fully armed, everyone has entered combat status, the fighting spirit is boiling like crazy, and they rush forward into the rainstorm to kill.


Several thunders exploded in the sky, and gorgeous thunder dragons flew across the sky, completely kicking off the first battle to welcome Pei Daoye's realm promotion!

Looking at the nine figures coming towards him, Pei Daoye was not angry but happy.

The more practical it is, the higher your proficiency will be!
With an increase of eleven times, his martial arts skills improved rapidly, which meant that his combat effectiveness would also increase at a terrifying rate!

in other words.

The current him is completely different from the one who was bullied by the Thirteen Palaces in the ancient ruins!

He stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly.

At this moment, all the raindrops falling from the void seemed to be swept away by the power of the five elements and automatically spread to both sides.

There was the sound of crashing waves in the air.

This moment.

The Poison Eyes who was rushing over paused.

His eyes were stunned.

The huge sword light formed by the superposition of countless sword intentions was now above his head. The terrifying pressure emanating from him all the time was like a mountain pressing on his shoulders.

A kind of heaviness that cannot be described in words, crushed his back! Spine! In the most direct! The most domineering way, crushed all his self-confidence! (End of this chapter)

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