After pulling off the other person's storage bag, Pei Daoye was about to leave, but he found that the armor on this person was quite familiar, so he went forward to check...

It is indeed Chen Jin.

“I almost missed it.”

Pei Daoye stepped forward and quickly and skillfully dismantled it.

Then he stared at the two bodies.

Without saying a word, he used a flame talisman to burn them to ashes.

After making sure that no trace of himself was left here, he left quietly.

I am quite satisfied.

I went to save Huai Shu yesterday purely out of our past friendship, but I didn't expect that this guy would actually be my lucky star.

If he hadn't triggered a series of subsequent events, I might not have met the Snake Taoist.

If he hadn't met Taoist Snake, he might not have known that Taoist Huo Rong was injured... and he wouldn't have gotten the House of Earth and Fire that he had been dreaming of.

Everything happened just right.

at the moment……

He needed to find an opportunity to refine the House of Earth Fire as soon as possible.

Slide out the settlement panel.

God Lidan;
God·Rejuvenation Pill;

God·Blood Elixir;


God·Essence Pill;

God·Small Spiritual Source Pill;
Shen·Qi-training Pill;

God·Foundation Building Pill;

The eight kinds of elixirs he obtained have been accumulated to the divine level.

If this is refined...

“Nana, why can’t I suppress the corners of my mouth anymore!!! Hahahahahaha I’ll make it!!!”

Pei Daoye was really happy.

I have been dreaming of the House of Earth and Fire for so long, just to refine the magic elixir, and now my dream has finally come true.

If it weren't for the lotus platform for training, which could allow for more daily settlement, relying on these perfect-grade elixirs would be completely useless.

Now, the spiritual energy brought by the perfect elixir is only two or three points even after being multiplied.

at the moment……

No need to worry.

The effect of a god-level elixir is many times more powerful than a perfect-level one.

Of course, he had swallowed divine elixirs.

Although it was just the most basic powerful pill, its effect was still very obvious at the time.

"As for my cultivation... I am already at the fourth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. I think the effect of the divine elixir won't be that bad."

Perhaps because he had obtained a valuable treasure, Pei Daoye began to have some wild thoughts.

He quickly shook off the distracting thoughts.

There's no need to think about these things.

As long as he refines it and swallows it, he will understand the next step.

After leaving the city where Taoist Huo Rong was, Pei Daoye randomly found a forest. At this moment, the sky was gradually getting darker.

There was no need to be too particular. He ate some dried meat, clapped his hands, and started taking out the ingredients for the Foundation Establishment Pill.

He has the ingredients for all eight elixirs.

These were all the results of his purchases at the nearby market after he went out on missions.

If not for this, he would have been able to do nothing but watch even if he had obtained the House of Underground Fire.

The process of refining the House of Earth Fire took much longer than he had imagined. More than an hour passed, and the sky outside the cave had already turned completely dark.

With a flash of light.

The originally fist-sized House of Earth and Fire instantly began to grow larger.

Pei Daoye looked excited.


"Finally it worked!"

“It’s not easy!”

Pei Daoye clapped his hands and looked around. He even erased all the marks left by Taoist Huo Rong while refining the energy.

From today on, this will be Pei Daoye's alchemy furnace.

Taoist Huo Rong?

Nothing at all!



Just when Pei Daoye was preparing to refine the elixir, the sound transmission note suddenly vibrated.

The message came from Huaishu: [Ninth brother, the Twelve Palaces said they couldn't contact you, so they asked me to ask, saying they want you to help them out once, and promised to give you 20 pieces of sword gallstones and a mid-grade magic weapon.]

Pei Daoye didn't even think about it: [Please help me reject it. I don't have time.]

What the hell is the Twelve Palaces?

I thought it was the Thirteenth Palace.

Huai Shu responded obediently.

[Okay, Brother Jiu, take care of your rest.]

As a result, half an incense stick of time passed, Huaishu sent another message: [Ninth brother, I'm sorry to bother you again. The Twelve Palaces said they really need your help. They said Jiandanshi is willing to give out 60 pieces, and in addition to a mid-grade magic weapon, he is also willing to give out a magic door for you to choose from. ]

Pei Daoye raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

He has never dealt with the Twelve Palaces.

I can't help but think too much.

After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Why is this Twelve Palace looking for me?"

[They know what happened in Shengwu Hall yesterday, and they know that Snake Taoist died in your hands. Brother Jiu, you are really famous now.]


Pei Daoye was speechless.

Why did we invite a few big mouths?

He doesn't want to make a big deal about this.

But now that I've said it, there's nothing I can do about it.

of course……

Instinctively he felt that these were just excuses.

It was naturally impossible for Huai Shu to betray him.

And the timing when the Twelve Palaces came over was very clever.

First, Taoist Huo Rong contacted the people from the Thirteenth Palace and wanted to attack him.

Taoist Huo Rong was already dead, so naturally there was no chance to notify the Thirteenth Palace.

I think the Thirteenth Palace will definitely take action.

But the key is...

What are these twelve palaces doing together?
Pei Daoye fell into deep thought... "What if the Thirteenth Palace doesn't know my whereabouts now and wants to lure me out? Either use Silver Wolf and his men to lure me out, or use the Twelve Palaces, who are strangers to me and have no connection with me, to set up a trap..."

"I hope these are just my assumptions."

Pei Daoye sighed.

He still didn't want to think that badly of people.

Then he picked up the sound transmission note again and said, "Give my contact information to the person in charge of the Twelve Palaces and ask him to contact me."

【Okay, Brother Nine. 】

Pei Daoye put away the sound transmission talisman, although he didn't know what the Twelve Palaces were up to.

Almost at the same time, the sound transmission note vibrated again.

After Pei Daoye answered the call, he found out that the person in charge of the Twelve Palaces was actually a woman. Her voice sounded very sweet, and one could not help but imagine that she was probably only in her twenties... and should have a good figure.

"Tell me what the mission is first."

Pei Daoye asked directly to the point.

The other party's tone was sweet, without any change: "Jian Jiu, I can only say that this mission really needs you. I can't tell you what the specific mission is. This is also for everyone's safety."

Pei Daoye smiled: "We don't know each other well, and you won't tell me anything about keeping it a secret. If this is a special trap set up to get rid of me, who can I complain to?"

"No, no, no, Jian Jiu, you really misunderstood."

"Don't get excited girl, speak slowly."

"I'm not excited."



The other party took two deep breaths and said, "Let me put it this way. This mission is somewhat similar to the one when Silver Wolf approached you. We also contacted Silver Wolf, but he had other important things to do."

"Didn't the Thirteenth Palace also go on the last mission? Look for them. What would happen if I went? Would they test my strength again? Do I have to show my strength to conquer them?"

"No, no, no, Jian Jiu, you really misunderstood."

"Okay, just pretend I misunderstood. To be honest, I'm not very satisfied with your offer."

"Unsatisfied?" The woman's tone was a little surprised. She didn't seem to understand that all these rewards added together were enough to make a small sect jealous.

However, she still patiently asked, "Then I wonder what kind of reward you want, Jian Jiu?"

Pei Daoye said with a playful look: "100 sword gall stones, in addition, two top-grade magic weapons, and let me choose three forbidden techniques."

"Impossible! Jian Jiu, we from the Twelve Palaces sincerely invite you, but your offer... is really inappropriate."

The woman was so angry that she almost yelled "How dare you?", but she managed to hold it back. "We are willing to give out 100 sword gallstones, but for magic weapons, at most two medium-grade magic weapons."

"What about forbidden techniques?"

The woman didn't understand Pei Daoye's persistence: "Forbidden Techniques... Do you want to practice forbidden techniques? It's not easy to practice forbidden techniques. They are called forbidden techniques because they bring great backlash. You have a good talent, don't let it get you down."

Pei Daoye felt puzzled.

I don't even know this woman.

Whatever I want, you agree to it.

There's no need to lecture me even if we're bargaining, right?

Some helpless.

I wonder if this woman is playing dumb with me...

"So do you Twelve Palaces have forbidden techniques?"

"Of course there is."

"How many are there? Can I choose?"

"Do you really want to practice forbidden techniques? I just said so much, but you didn't hear a word I said, right?"


Pei Daoye really wanted to see who this woman was back then.

He felt a little offended by her familiarity.

"So, can or can't?"

"If you're practicing, then that's definitely not possible. I don't want to ruin you by agreeing to it."

The woman was firm.

Pei Daoye was a little surprised.

This woman...

Is there something wrong?

"Can I check for my friend?"

"Your friend..." The woman seemed a little hesitant. "As for your friend, I won't persuade him. But these days, cultivation still needs to be done in a formal way. You won't be able to succeed by relying on these unorthodox methods."


Pei Daoye took a deep breath.

Nothing to say.

The woman suddenly said, "So, you agree to us now, right?"

"Well, tell me a time."

"The sooner the better."


Pei Daoye hesitated for a moment and said, "Tell me the address and I'll calculate the time."

The woman hesitated for a moment: "You wouldn't ask for the address and then say it's too far and then not go, right?"


What nonsense are you talking about, woman!
Pei Daoye said impatiently: "Are you going to tell me or not?"

After a while, the woman said carefully: "In Fengyuan City, Yue State."

Upon hearing this, Pei Daoye took out the map. The place was more than a hundred kilometers away from his current location, which was not very far at his speed.

He pondered and said, "I will be there in three hours."

"Three hours?" The woman hesitated again.

"I'm not in Yue State, and it will take at least three or four hours to get there. Miss, you have to consider my actual situation."

Seeing this, the woman didn't know what to say, so she could only hurriedly say, "Then you must come. I'll inform them of your time so as not to affect their plans."


End communication.

In an inn far away in Fengyuan City, a young woman in her twenties held a sound transmission note and cursed inwardly, "Impolite bastard."

Someone knocked on the wooden door: "Li Zi, did he agree?"


The young woman quickly put on her mask, opened the door, saw the two people outside, and greeted them.

The two men outside the door looked at each other after hearing what was said, and saw the joy in each other's eyes. After the tall man on the left exchanged glances, the man on the right hurried away.

But the young woman called Li Zi hurriedly said: "But Jian Jiu said that he would have to wait three hours to arrive here, which seems a bit far away."

"Three hours?"

The person on the right stopped and looked in surprise.

He looked quickly at the tall man.

The tall man didn't expect Jian Jiu to be so slow. He hesitated for a moment and said, "In that case, let's wait for him for three hours."

"Coming here in the middle of the night..." the man on the right muttered helplessly.

Seeing this, the young woman said, "Hongya, can I participate in this operation?"

The man on the right did not say anything, but the tall middle-aged man smiled calmly: "Li Zi, you are a talent of our Twelve Palaces. This mission is very dangerous. You should not participate. Just listen to me. Next time... Next time I will definitely take you. I also hope that you will practice well during this period and don't let us down."

"Okay..." The young woman said with some regret.

She repeated Pei Daoye's offer. The middle-aged man and the man next to him did not object. Instead, they thought it was ridiculous that Pei Daoye wanted to use forbidden techniques.

"Wouldn't he be practicing on his own?"

"We can't rule out this possibility... This person's cultivation speed is incredibly fast, maybe he has practiced some unorthodox methods."

“It’s crazy too.”

"Who cares? He's just a dying man."

The two of them left together, waiting for Pei Daoye's arrival.

I don't know.

At this moment, Pei Daoye, who was in Yue State, had successfully refined a god-level foundation-building pill.

The foundation-building pill with a golden pattern still exuded a hot breath. Pei Daoye looked at it carefully.

"If it's a perfect-grade foundation-building pill, one recipe can produce five pills, but a divine-grade pill can only produce one..."


A sigh.

However, upon hearing some noise, Pei Daoye quickly turned over and hid this god-level foundation-building pill.

With a wave of his hand, the House of Underground Fire was incorporated into the interior scene.

Just as he was about to go out, a foundation-building master rushed in.

Eyes facing each other.

There was a fierce light in the other person's eyes.

But before he could say anything, Pei Daoye had already raised his hand, grabbed the sword and smashed it down hard!
"Bang" sound.

The strong man was hit so hard that he felt dizzy and his blood and energy almost collapsed.


He was angry.

How could this person be so unreasonable!

Without even a chance to breathe, he wanted to say something to buy himself some time.

But unfortunately...

Pei Daoye stretched out his hand and pressed it on his head... "Bang!"

The entire mountain wall was covered in blood.

The storage bag on the headless corpse was torn off casually, and Pei Daoye left without looking back.

He is most experienced in killing this kind of Tribulation Cultivator.

However, the birth of the divine elixir made too much noise, so he had to leave as soon as possible.

After a while, people started to chase after them.

Most of them are foundation builders.

To be precise, those Qi-cultivators were just afraid and did not dare to step forward. They could only watch these Foundation-Building Practitioners rush into the area where the purple thunder had gathered before.

"Thunder rumbles in the sky, as if some strange thing has descended upon the world."

"Foreign object? That's clearly a rare treasure!"

Suddenly, a strong wind blew and many monks could not resist it, so they retreated to avoid it.

After they reacted, someone exclaimed: "It seems to be Master Le!!!"

"Master Le? He has been in seclusion for fifty years, and he has come out?"

"This old senior has actually come out of seclusion!!!"

"Back then, he spat out a flying sword from his mouth and slashed the celestial demon of the eighth heaven with it. Has he reached the golden elixir stage now?"


Another sound of breaking through the air was heard, and a red light flashed in half of the sky.

As soon as an old man with long blood-red hair arrived, the smell of blood hit them. Countless monks fled frantically, fearing that they would be targeted by him.

"Cannibal Ancestor, if you kill innocent people again, I will never let you go!" A stunning figure came from a distance.

The sword is full of energy.

The red-haired old man laughed heartily: "Today is a good day. I have met Master Le and you, a stunning guest."

When the three powerful men gathered, some high-level foundation builders present retreated three miles away.

"You also sensed it?" Master Le looked over.

The Man-Eating Ancestor narrowed his eyes and said, "It's at least a divine spiritual object. It seems that both of you old friends are just one step away from entering the Golden Core stage?"

Jinghongke sneered at his temptation, but Master Le kept silent.

The next moment, the Man-Eating Ancestor stomped away, exposing his golden elixir aura, and laughed loudly: "In this case...what can you use to compete with me!" (End of this chapter)

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