"It's you!!!"

When Taoist Huo Rong first heard Pei Daoye's voice, he didn't react until he saw the familiar mask.

He felt ridiculous.

He was still investigating Jian Jiu's whereabouts, but he already found himself in front of him.

How could this be possible!!!
The only people who knew his location were those he trusted.

and many more!

Snake Taoist!
Could it be that he sold himself out in order to survive?
Taoist Huo Rong only thought of this possibility, and he couldn't help but feel furious.


The soil fragments crumbled.

The bed where Taoist Huo Rong was sitting collapsed with a loud bang. Fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Deal? Wait, Jian Jiu, we can sit down and talk. This is all just a misunderstanding."

Taoist Huo Rong was secretly annoyed.

What happened was completely beyond his expectations.

Shouldn't it be the Thirteenth Palace that lured Jian Jiu into a trap, and in the end he got the elixir recipe, making it a win-win situation for him and the Thirteenth Palace?

How did it... become like this?

Nothing could make Taoist Huo Rong so embarrassed, frightened and angry as he is now.

When you plot against others, the other party can hear it clearly.

He was really annoyed why he didn't set up a formation.

Originally, he should have set up the formation immediately after the subordinate he recruited left, but thinking about contacting the people from the Thirteenth Palace, he thought that it would only take a dozen breaths and nothing would go wrong.

As a result! Big trouble appeared!

Taoist Huo Rong rolled and crawled to his feet from the ground, not caring about the unusual tearing sensation in his dantian, and hurriedly summoned his magic weapon.

Because on the opposite side, the sword in Pei Daoye's hand had already torn through the air and rushed towards him.

Taoist Huo Rong's magic weapon is a palm-sized blue token. After activating it, a rain curtain immediately appears in front of him.

Pei Daoye's sword intent came crashing down, but it seemed to be absorbed by the rain curtain.

Seeing this, Taoist Huo Rong heaved a sigh of relief, and his palpitations disappeared. He sternly rebuked, "Jian Jiu, do I need to explain more about your grievances with the Thirteenth Palace? They have already found me, and I can't possibly offend the Thirteenth Palace for you. But since you already know about this, I don't need to hide it. What's wrong with telling you openly? Don't make the mistake!"

"Misunderstanding? Are you saying that the people from the Thirteenth Palace took the initiative to find you and want to kill me?"

Pei Daoye seemed to really believe what he said. He half-believed and half-doubtedly restrained his sword intent, stared at Taoist Huo Rong behind the rain curtain, and asked in a deep voice: "I have no grudge against you!"

"That's what I meant! Before you came, I also tried my best to persuade the Thirteenth Palace that it was not unfair for the Golden Eagle to die on his own. There was no need for your two families to go to this extent!"

Taoist Huo Rong followed Pei Daoye's words but refused to remove the rain curtain, as if he was worried that Pei Daoye was pretending to be convinced but actually harbored murderous intentions.

"But you shouldn't have helped them. Couldn't you have refused?" Pei Daoye looked distressed. "When you were willing to lend me the Earth Fire House, I have always been grateful. I regard you as my guiding light. I have never forgotten your help. You really shouldn't have aided the evildoers!"

Taoist Huo Rong's expression froze slightly, and he suddenly wondered if he was making a big deal out of nothing.

Maybe I shouldn't have resorted to the stupid method of killing people from the beginning.

It is entirely possible to trick the other party into giving you the recipe for the elixir.

He couldn't help but reveal a guilty expression, and the rain curtain shook a little: "Jian Jiu, I know this matter makes you very uncomfortable. I apologize to you. As a senior, I really shouldn't have done this. It's just that you don't know that I also have my own unspeakable secrets..."

As he spoke, his face suddenly changed slightly. He felt an extremely intense tearing sensation in his dantian and blood immediately flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Pei Daoye acted like a junior caring for his elders, and hurriedly asked, "Senior, are you... injured?"

He put away his sword, his face looking anxious.

Taoist Huo Rong had been paying attention to his actions. Seeing that he had put away his sword, he knew that his injury had relapsed and it was not easy for him to forcefully activate the magic weapon. So he put away the rain curtain, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a wry smile:
"So, do you know why I agreed to the Thirteenth Palace? I need to get the healing elixir from them. Of course, my original intention was not to harm you. I originally planned to take responsibility and protect you secretly. After the witch came out of confinement, I would tell her about this and let her come forward... All grudges will have a final outcome."

"It turns out that I misunderstood you, Senior." Pei Daoye took out a magic pill from his storage bag: "This is a healing pill, Senior, please take it quickly."

Taoist Huo Rong didn't dare to answer it.

Pei Daoye looked at him dimly: "Senior, do you not trust me?"

The air froze for a breath or two.

Taoist Huo Rong forced a smile and said, "How could that be?"

Pei Daoye placed the elixir on the table and took a few steps back.

Taoist Huo Rong was silent for a moment, then he stepped forward and said, "Jian Jiu, it's enough that you have this intention, but this elixir... I'm afraid it's useless to me. What I need is a magical elixir!"

"Senior, you may want to give it a try. I got this elixir from an ancient ruin. I once fought with a strong man and my life was hanging by a thread. If it weren't for this elixir, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand in front of you today."

When Taoist Huo Rong heard this, he became interested: "Do you have a recipe?"

Pei Daoye showed hesitation, but as if he was sure of something, he said in a deep voice: "Senior, I can give you the recipe, but it is best to refine it today. I need to watch and learn from you."

Taoist Huo Rong's eyes flickered a few times, he shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "You don't know, I have already lent the Earth Fire House to someone else. If you want to refine it, I'm afraid you have to wait a few more days."

"How many days?"

Pei Daoye showed disappointment: "I can wait for a few days, but can the Thirteenth Palace wait for that?"

Taoist Huo Rong almost forgot what he said, and said with a serious face: "Don't worry, it won't happen."

"It's useless for me to guarantee you, senior. You might as well tell the Thirteenth Palace now to avoid any misunderstanding." Pei Daoye said calmly.

When Taoist Huo Rong heard him say this, he nodded.


He pretended to take out the sound transmission talisman, thinking about what he should say.

But he never expected that the moment he took out the sound transmission talisman, Pei Daoye moved.

The six-layer formation is unlocked!

The Thunder Breaks the Evil Sword Formation, start!

A blazing light flashed across the air, and under Taoist Huo Rong's stunned gaze, the sword light had already destroyed the stone table and wooden chair in front of him, and rushed towards him with great momentum.


Taoist Huo Rong dodged quickly.

Hit the wall.

"Asshole! How dare you!"

"After all, you still don't trust me!"

An angry roar was issued.

In his hand was still holding the elixir that Pei Daoye had given him earlier. He felt the huge spiritual energy contained in it, and with a ruthless heart, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Pretend to take out the blue token.

But before he could move, Pei Daoye had already clamped his wrist...with no expression on his face, looking down at him.

Accompanied by a "click" sound.

The blue token fell silently.

"I really can't praise your acting skills, senior."

Pei Daoye sneered.

If the rain curtain could be broken, why would he put on such a show?

A scream came from Huo Rongdao's mouth.

At the same time, swallowing the elixir brought him considerable spiritual energy...which also made him very happy.

I thought Pei Daoye was not lying, but who knew that at the same time as the spiritual energy exploded, the spiritual energy destroyed his meridians like countless small swords in an instant.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Taoist Huo Rong’s face was filled with horror.

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

He really underestimated the ruthlessness of the boy in front of him.

He never expected that his anger was part of this kid's plan.

"Is this still a human being?"

"It's a monster!"

With a look of despair, Pei Daoye cast a soul seal.


After being dragged into a mysterious space, Taoist Huo Rong looked in astonishment at the huge figure falling from the sky.

"Is this... the immortal god?"

Puzzled, unwilling...

Only no resentment.

Because facing such a vast and invincible divine presence, he could not feel any resentment at all.

Pei Daoye pressed down with one palm.

Soul Devouring! ...

Pei Daoye saw the woman's back again from Taoist Huo Rong's memory, and he felt more and more familiar with her.

But I just can’t remember.

It seems like there is still a feeling of being moved.

This made him feel very confused.

"It can't be that I have lost some memory?"

Compared with the back of this mysterious woman, he cared more about the House of Earth Fire in front of Taoist Huo Rong.

His eyes were fixed on the House of Underground Fire, and he wrote down every move made by Taoist Huo Rong when he was performing the technique.

The memory scene stopped abruptly.

The moment he returned to reality, Taoist Huo Rong's soulless body was covered in blood and he collapsed powerlessly.

Pei Daoye took off the storage bag in his arms without caring about the blood on it. After breaking the mental restrictions on it, he saw a lot of foundation-building pills in it.

There were also many empty boxes... I guess because he was seriously injured, all the elixirs inside had been eaten up.

This made Pei Daoye a little annoyed.

“It’s too late to know!!!”

"Otherwise these will all be mine!"

Fortunately, he saw the House of Underground Fire in his storage bag!


"You old man was just deceiving me!"

"What do you mean by giving it to others? With his temper, how could he be willing to hand over his most valuable possessions to others?"

It was a great joy for Pei Daoye to obtain the House of Underground Fire.

There are two pill recipes left.

Looks like good quality.

This also made Pei Daoye even more surprised.

“Although it’s not a healing pill, this Thunder Tempering Pill… seems to be of great benefit to my sword intent!”

"The other one..."

Before Pei Daoye could flip through the pages, he heard a noise outside the door. He flipped his hand and threw the storage bag into his inner world.

A man in black robe strode in.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He hurriedly tried to retreat.

But Pei Daoye had already stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly.

Suddenly, sword beams appeared and shot out.

The black-robed man's expression changed.

"It was you who killed Taoist Huo Rong!"

But unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, the words were drowned out by the explosive sound of the sword passing through.

Like the sound of a tsunami, the man in black robe let out a long roar when he was stunned. His aura suddenly exploded, and faint rays of light appeared in front of him, faintly resisting Pei Daoye's swordsmanship.

But unfortunately...

He didn't understand Pei Daoye at all.

When he is unable to judge the strength of his enemy, he will immediately use his strongest moves.

The ninth level of the formation defense is unlocked! Open!

The man in black robe thought that he would be safe and sound if he could withstand Pei Daoye's vicious sword intent.

But who could have imagined that when Pei Daoye took a step forward, the power of his sword and strong physique would burst out like a wave.

In the faintly emerging thunder lake, it seemed as if every ray carried a tremendous force, which slammed heavily into the body of the man in black robe, suppressing his thoughts and tearing his will apart.

As the black robe exploded inch by inch.

The skin also felt tearing pain.

When his mind was almost frozen, the man in black robe roared again, bit his tongue, and forced himself to wake up with the stimulation of blood and severe pain.


The powerful internal energy began to activate, and the light of the spell became dazzling.

But at this moment, Pei Daoye had already rushed in front of him with a murderous aura.

The man in black robe began to tremble wildly with palpitations.


It seems like it's simply too late.

He has no choice.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and activated a secret technique, mobilizing all his body's strength.

The power that had been suppressed by Pei Daoye's terrifying pressure erupted again. As he took a step towards Pei Daoye, the air in front of him was torn apart.

He had no way to retreat and could only charge forward!
The narrow road meets the brave to win!

This time, either he dies or he lives!

Pei Daoye thought so too!
He ran head-on into the magic beam that the black-robed man blatantly unleashed, and let it hit the blood armor on his body...

The sword in his hand had already cut through the surrounding strong winds and slashed down like lightning. He even freed up one hand and clamped the black-robed man's shoulder!
tear to pieces!

Hug and throw!


The ground at the entrance seemed to have been hit by a force of thousands of tons, and countless cracks spread out in all directions.

The rolling dust waves collapsed the cave.

The black-robed man's head was pressed into the ruins on the ground. He tried his best to struggle and activate his magic formula... but he didn't understand that Pei Daoye was not only good at swordsmanship, but also -


The strong physique suppressed it.

The man in black robe widened his eyes, his eyes full of disbelief.

He never thought that his ferocious fighting style of risking his life for another's would scare Pei Daoye, but he never thought...

This guy with an unrealistically strong physique was more direct than him!

The boundless power was like a tide that made it difficult for him to breathe. The terrifying power pressed down on him and he was completely powerless to resist!
why! ! !
"I can not be reconciled!!!!"

A roar filled with sorrow erupted from the man in black robe.

But just in the moment when the sound spread, the hand that Pei Daoye pressed on his head had formed a soul seal and fell down with a bang.



It was as if all the pain had never occurred.

When the black-robed man's soul was dragged into this mysterious space, his distorted expression had not even disappeared... but he also showed astonishment.

"Where is this?"

Then he looked up and saw a huge figure towering into the clouds.

The majestic light seemed like an endless and towering mountain pressing down on his heart, and his knees bent involuntarily and knelt on the ground...

next second.

The soul... turned to ashes.

Pei Daoye "digested" his last memory.


In the picture of his memory, he saw a small mountain village at dusk...

The hunchbacked old man led the child's hand into the yard, several dogs were walking in groups, and there was the faint sound of children's laughter...

A huge celestial demon suddenly appeared in the peaceful and ordinary scene, ruthlessly eating people... Everything was like the Nine Nether Hell.


Pei Daoye was a little stunned.

He didn't expect that the killer from Wanxiang Palace who followed Taoist Huo Rong in killing people like crazy would have this as his most precious opportunity.

"Sometimes, human hearts... are quite ironic."


(Eight thousand two, please give me a monthly ticket, thank you) (End of this chapter)

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