Silver Wolf looked over in surprise when he heard that.

But he didn't answer his question, just sneered and said: "You are interesting. The way of Shengwu Hall is indeed not suitable for you. As for which path is suitable for you, you should find it yourself. I am not responsible for recruiting members. It is none of my business whether you come or not."

He glanced at the direction Xu Tianlong was coming from, and with a sneer, he punched through the air. Tons of force were added and the black spot was knocked out on the spot.

After beating the silver wolf, he strode away without looking back.

As for the other people in Shengwu Hall, no one dared to stop them.

Guan Wenjian stood where he was and did not chase after him, but was thinking about Silver Wolf's words.

Three breaths of time.

Xu Tianlong rushed to the scene in a dishevel. Looking at the Chunyu Wutong that had become ruins, his face turned pale and he looked at Guan Wenjian.

But Guan Wenjian ignored him completely.

"Where are the people from Wanxiang Palace?"

Xu Tianlong spoke.

"…They are all gone, Palace Master. We were unable to keep them."

The person who spoke was not Guan Wenjian, but someone else from the Shengwu Hall nearby.

Xu Tianlong's expression became even uglier. He looked at Guan Wenjian and said, "Why don't you kill them? Do you know what their departure means to our Shengwu Hall?"


Guan Wenjian looked at Xu Tianlong, and when he saw Xu Tianlong's paused expression, he lowered his head and looked at the broken bamboo sword in his hand: "Back then, I promised Master that I would protect you. In half a year, the day when the agreement ends will come. Xu Tianlong... We are not the same kind of people. In other words, the current Shengwu Hall is completely different from the previous Shengwu Hall. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xu Tianlong paused, wondering where he got so angry.

There was a bit more gloom in my heart.

But the anger on his face disappeared.

"When you came into the mountains, I treated you as my own brother. Over the years, how could I have looked down on you? Do you have a share of all the resources? Wen Jian, you are not in my position, so you have no idea how much responsibility I shoulder! So many brothers have followed us through life and death, and I am responsible for them!"

Guan Wenjian fell silent.

Xu Tianlong walked up to him, the anger on his face dissipated, and he patted him on the shoulder gently: "In troubled times, we have to survive... I can be shameless, but I can't forget my responsibilities. There are some things that I have no choice about, I hope you can understand."

Turn around and leave.

After returning to the meeting hall.

Xu Tianlong immediately ordered: "Arrange for people to withdraw from Huoyan Mountain. In addition... notify Xuanyin Sect. They know what to do."



Hundreds of miles away from the Flaming Mountain.

In the ruined temple.

Pei Daoye gave everyone a bottle of elixir and thanked them for their rescue.

It was at this moment that Huai Shu realized that the seniors in the organization appeared here not because of the mission of the Seventeenth Palace, but were invited by "Jian Jiu".

I felt very touched all of a sudden.

Wait for those seniors to leave.

He looked at Pei Daoye.

"Brother Ninth..."

Before he could finish, Pei Daoye waved his hand and said, "Alright, stop talking about sentimentality. Go back and take good care of yourself. I'll contact you if you have anything else. I'll also be in seclusion for a while."

After saying this, he said hello to Silver Wolf and flew away on his sword without any delay.

Only Silver Wolf and Huai Shu were left in the ruined temple.

The former looked at the latter's somewhat moved expression and said: "Huai Shu, if you want to repay Jian Jiu, then practice hard. With your current realm, it is still difficult to help him."

"I understand! I am also very grateful to Senior Silver Wolf for his help today!"

"Haha, no need to thank me, Jian Jiu has already thanked me. This kid is really generous. I don't know how many people's treasures he has robbed."

Silver Wolf chuckled and walked away with a swagger.

Only Huaishu was left standing in the dilapidated temple, not knowing what he was thinking.


Pei Daoye did not return to Xuanshan Gate.

Instead, he went straight to where Taoist Huo Rong was.

For him, if he could get the House of Earth Fire, it would mean that he could refine a large number of god-level elixirs!
When he thought of this, Pei Daoye couldn't even suppress the excitement in his heart.

Of course, it would be even better if Taoist Huo Rong was willing to exchange the House of Earthly Fire for the life-saving elixir in his hand.

Pei Daoye asked himself, he was not a combative person.

Is there anyone in this world who is kinder than him?

He doesn't believe it anyway.


Yue State, Wulian Mountain.

A shrill scream was heard from Lianxu in a cave somewhere.

After a full stick of incense.

The screams gradually subsided.

As the magic circle was removed, the true scene inside the door finally emerged.

Taoist Huo Rong's face was pale as he lay on the bed. He had lost two sizes less weight. The bedding on the bed was completely soaked with sweat and he looked weak.

The white-browed old man standing beside the bed shook his head with a look of regret: "It still won't work. You've been poisoned by the third-most poisonous poison in the world, the Half Moon Powder. Every half a month, the spiritual energy in your body will dissipate, just like a knife cutting thousands of times through your veins...

Huo Rong, I only have two Fire Spirit Herbs left. They can only help you twice at most. You have to think of a solution as soon as possible. If you can't get the Ice Soul within seven days, even the gods can't save you."

"Thank you, Brother Zhongyi."

Taoist Huo Rong spoke with difficulty, and only after the white-browed old man fed him a small red pill did he speak smoothly.

"I have arranged for people to look for Bingpo, but the production of Bingpo itself is very scarce, and now the production site has been occupied by the Sky Demon..."

The old man with white eyebrows naturally understood this principle: "The strange poison in your body will continue to dissipate. The effect of my burning with the Fire Spirit Grass is far less than that brought by the Ice Spirit. Or..."

As the old man spoke, he fell into deep thought.

"Please give me your instructions, Brother Zhongyi." Taoist Huo Rong asked immediately when he saw him express this attitude.

The white-browed old man looked at him with a look of regret, and after thinking carefully, he said, "If Bingpo is really hard to find, I suggest you consider the elixir."

"Magic Pill?" Taoist Huo Rong paused.

"Yes, the detoxification effect of those high-quality elixirs is stronger than you think... Either the elixir has wood attributes, or it is made of ice soul..."

The words of the white-browed old man reminded Taoist Huo Rong of someone.

Back then, he was commissioned by the man from the Seventeenth Palace to go to Tianxiang City and lent the House of Earth and Fire to someone... Now he thought that the guy must have deceived him.

"Brother Zhongyi, I know what to do."

Seeing his serious expression, the old man with white eyebrows probably guessed something and nodded: "I'll wait for your news, but as soon as possible."

After watching the white-browed old man leave, Taoist Huo Rong lay on the bed and fell into deep thought.

Waited for a while.

He whispered a few words using the sound transmission note.

Waited for about two hours.

The person outside the door finally came in, but Taoist Huo Rong did not let the other person go directly into the house. The two began to talk through the door.

"The man you want to track down is called Jian Jiu. I have brought his information..."

"Give me."

Taoist Huo Rong was not polite at all.

The other party passed Pei Daoye's information through the door curtain, and Taoist Huo Rong took it in his hand and began to read it. There was no information about Pei Daoye's real identity on it, only some of his mission information in the Seventeenth Palace.

Suddenly, Taoist Huo Rong paused, a little surprised: "Is this boy already a foundation-building practitioner? Did he break through recently?"

The other party calmly replied: "This is still unclear. All we know is that he was selected as the gold medal killer by the Seventeenth Palace four months ago."

Taoist Huo Rong narrowed his eyes. It seemed that he was the only one who knew that this boy could make pills.

This kid was only at the Qi training stage at the beginning...

It is not ruled out that he has concealed his true level of cultivation.

But after all, I wasn't a gold medal killer at that time...

Since he has become a gold medal killer... he must have used the elixir to improve his skills so quickly.

"If my guess is correct, he must have a top-grade pill recipe!"

"If I can get it..."

Taoist Huo Rong's heart finally began to waver.
"Right now, this Fire Spirit Herb can only relieve my injuries for two weeks at most... Without Ice Spirit and high-quality spiritual medicine, Zhongyi will be helpless."

Taoist Huo Rong began to feel anxious.

"Perhaps, I have some news that you are more interested in." The man outside the door spoke again.


Taoist Huo Rong’s words are concise and to the point.

The man replied, "The relationship between the Thirteenth Palace and Jian Jiu is not good. This is not only because of the Seventeenth Palace. As far as I know, the Thirteenth Palace and the Seventeenth Palace have mediated many times because of Jian Jiu."

"Because of Jian Jiu? What on earth did this boy do?"

"The Thirteenth Palace's Golden Eagle died at his hands. Afterwards, someone from the Thirteenth Palace wanted to avenge the Golden Eagle and attacked him during an operation, but was killed instead... If it weren't for this person's great contribution, the Seventeenth Palace would not have been able to protect him at all."

Taoist Huo Rong had a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect that the young man "Jian Jiu" would be so bloodthirsty.

"So, his cultivation level is more than the first level?"

"Not only that, the Thirteenth Palace speculated that this person's true strength should be at the fourth level."

"Fourth Heaven..."

Taoist Huo Rong felt a sinking feeling in his heart.

If he were still in his prime, he would naturally be able to suppress Pei Daoye just by taking action himself.

But unfortunately, he was now poisoned and his strength was only half of what it was, so it was a problem for him to defeat this guy.

Previously, a witch had protected Jian Jiu, so it was difficult for him to take action.

But now he heard that the witch was in seclusion... and had not come out for half a year. Perhaps she had already gone possessed and died.

Pause for a moment.

Taoist Huo Rong said decisively: "Do something for me... I think the Thirteenth Palace will agree to my request."

"Aren't you afraid that the Seventeenth Palace will attack you?"

"It was the Thirteenth Palace who killed people, not me." Taoist Huo Rong looked cold, and he did not mention a more important reason.

You are already dying, why bother with so many things?


One night.

A lone boat was sailing across the sea.

Pei Daoye slowly opened his eyes and let out a breath of air.

A smile on his face.

"Finally a breakthrough."

His cultivation naturally broke through to the fourth level of foundation building.

In addition, because he had been fighting with others continuously in recent days, his daily proficiency in "The Thunder Breaking Evil Sword Formation" was also abnormally high, so he successfully broke into the fourth level.

"So, for skills like swordsmanship, formations, and soul seals that require participation in performance, if they are used in actual combat, they will gain more proficiency!"

After Pei Daoye confirmed this idea, he looked even more surprised.

Before the settlement panel was upgraded, the basic proficiency of all skills was only "1", but it is different now.

The more skills he was involved in performing, the more likely his basic proficiency would reach "1.5" or even close to "2". Adding on the coefficient increase, the excess proficiency gained from this actual combat would be equivalent to ten days or half a month's proficiency.

"That is to say..."

"If the level continues to rise, the settlement panel may be able to unlock other functions!"

Pei Daoye counted his improvements along the way, and found that the settlement panel would indeed unlock some wonderful functions after the level was increased.

This also gave him more motivation.

“It seems that it is not so easy to go to Taoist Huo Rong’s hiding place this time.”

According to the memories provided by Taoist Snake, Taoist Huo Rong had three hiding places.

This time he went to the nearest place.

If it didn't take some time to break through, I would have found it by now.

Although it took some time, he was very satisfied with the result.

After his cultivation reached the fourth level, both his combat capability and recovery effect were greatly improved. This was an all-round improvement, and it also gave him greater confidence.

Even when he used the Seventh Layer Formation to fight against Snake Taoist, who was a disabled person of the Fifth Layer, his body suffered a great backlash.

If he didn't have enough elixirs in his hands, and the "Hunyuan Sifang Jing" and "Guben Shenzhao Jing" could heal injuries, he wouldn't dare to come to Taoist Zhao Huo Rong so rashly to do business.

After putting away the boat, Pei Daoye immediately urged the Mo Lingzhou in the air and left quickly.

The sky was pitch black at this moment.

When he arrived at Taoist Huo Rong's first hiding place, he activated his Qi technique to avoid being ambushed by the old guy.

To show your attitude.

He specifically contacted Silver Wolf and asked him to help pass on a message, saying that he was willing...

But before he could finish his words, he saw a figure covered in a black robe appear in the yard.

After looking around, the other party activated the formation, tore the void in front of him, and immediately disappeared.

Pei Daoye felt inexplicably warmed by this method.

"This formation is really to my liking. I must ask for your advice someday."


He looked into the courtyard and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I think... Taoist Huo Rong is here."

"I really found the place."

In case.

He approached quietly...


[You mean Jian Jiu killed the Snake Taoist yesterday? How did he become so strong... It's really hard to kill him. ]

[I don't believe he wasn't injured... Just follow what I said, after the matter is done, I will grant you the magic pill... OK, I'll wait for your news.]


"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

As soon as Taoist Huo Rong put down the sound transmission talisman, he started coughing violently.

I finally took a breath and was looking forward to the next beautiful dream, but I never thought -


The whole house shook violently, and the two huge iron doors were blasted open as if by a tremendous force, flying out like two iron leaves and cutting into the master bedroom with unstoppable force.

In the huge vibration, the Taoist Huo Rong was startled and his eyes twitched. He looked in horror and saw a figure rushing in with murderous intent.

"Master Gou! I am sincere in making a deal with you, but you actually want to harm me!"


(There is one more chapter, please vote for me!!!) (End of this chapter)

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