mysterious forerunner

Chapter 34 Class starts

Chapter 34 Class starts

That night the secret case team sent out the police four times.

There are more mysterious incidents happening throughout the original city, and many of them have no time to report.

The secret case team operates in batches. Zhang Ruiqian is already trying to combine everyone into complementary teams based on everyone's different abilities, but it has not been fixed yet.

During the busiest time, Zhang Ruiqian even handled the case himself.

We were busy until almost dawn, and the phone finally stopped ringing. The team members were extremely tired.

"Let's close the team." Zhang Ruiqian gave the order: "Go back and take a rest. We have a day off this morning."

"Those who are participating in the training class will report at ten o'clock. Don't oversleep."

In this night's action, Zhang Qingxiang deliberately cultivated the abilities of his team members, basically holding back the formation without taking any action.

The mysterious rewards are just some ordinary materials.

The two went back to Ye's house to rest together. They woke up at nine o'clock. After breakfast, the family's car took them outside a wetland park in the east of the city.

Surrounding the Wetland Park is the new university town of the original city.

The location of the training class is in the former City Public Security University.

Taking their ID cards, the two found the registration office and successfully completed the procedure.

Only one morning of reporting time was left, mainly because students from other places still needed to be allocated dormitories.

The training class was originally planned for thirty people, but the final number was thirty-seven.

A brief opening ceremony was held in the afternoon. Zhang Qingxiang felt it was magical. He had just completed the withdrawal procedures from the former City University of Science and Technology a few days ago, and now he was sitting in the Public Security University?

Ye Yousheng has been a bit socially anxious recently. When there are many strangers, she sticks closely to Zhang Qingxiang.

She and Brother Qingxiang were sitting in the back row. She looked up: Hey, there are two acquaintances on the podium!

A Taoist man, Monk Jingyuan, was sitting upright.

In the middle is a vigorous old man who looks familiar, as if he had eaten with his father...

Zhang Ruiqian also attended the opening ceremony. Judging from the seating arrangement, naturally the tall and handsome old man was the most important. Next is Zhang Ruiqian.

The person who presided over the opening ceremony was Liang Zimian, the office director of the "committee", who will next become the class teacher of this training class.

Taoist Yihang and Monk Jingyuan are the main teachers of the next training class.

Taoist Yihang had long known that Zhang Qing was coming, but Monk Jingyuan didn't.

Such a powerful person is sitting below and I am giving lectures above?
Amitabha...sin, sin, sin.

Who can teach whom? The little monk can’t speak.

Monk Jingyuan was very troubled throughout the opening ceremony. Fortunately, there was no class for him in the afternoon. He waited for the opening ceremony to end and then went to ask Mr. Guo to resign.

One afternoon was enough for them to hire another master.

Mr. Guo is a tall old man and the secretary-general of the committee. Yesterday I went to the hospital to secretly observe Ye Shumin's surgery.

The first class in the afternoon was with Yihang Daoren, and the second class was with Wang Changyong.

Wang Changyong is the thin middle-aged man sitting to the left of Taoist Yihang.

He glanced through the list of students in his hand, then glanced at the audience and nodded secretly.

There are dozens of students, and almost half of them can be seen from their body shape that they have been trained. They should be security guards and have practiced grappling, sparring and boxing.

They are all empty shelves.

No one can practice "internal breath".

Wang Changyong is the successor of the famous internal boxing "Wang's Liuhe" in Lingxi Province.

In the past ten years, various martial arts and ancient boxing techniques have become increasingly difficult.

As soon as he got into the ring, he was beaten in all kinds of modern fighting styles.

Coupled with some scum who cheated and cheated in the name of martial arts, the reputation was completely ruined, and the ancient martial arts boxing gyms were closed one by one.

Wang Changyong's family still has some foundation, otherwise he would not be able to eat.

There was a wave of reflection within Chuanwuxing: Why can’t we defeat him?

Various reasons have been found, but it still cannot be defeated in the short term. But just a few days ago, Wang Changyong suddenly discovered that he had developed inner breath!
He punched the wooden fist pile as thick as a bucket and exploded it to pieces. At that time, he was stunned.

How many years have passed, my inner breath... That is a "legend" passed down orally from our ancestors! He actually reproduced it in his own hands!

Wang Changyong felt that he was the chosen one for the ancient boxing technique, and he was bound to revitalize Chuanwu in his own hands!
Wang Changyong was preparing to "come out" and ask for the world's boxing heroes - Mr. Guo happened to invite him to be a teacher in a training class at this time, so he agreed.

Since ancient times, martial arts practitioners have been extremely useful in expanding their network of contacts in law enforcement agencies.

The brief opening ceremony ended quickly. The leaders were very busy. Mr. Guo and Zhang Ruiqian were the first to leave.

Liang Zimian smiled and said: "Let's choose a squad leader first."

"Time is limited, so let's just ask everyone to nominate themselves. Students who are willing to take the initiative to take responsibility can come up and give a speech of no more than five minutes."

"Then the students vote."

"The squad leader will work for three days. If he is unqualified, everyone can propose a new election."

Liang Zimian seems to be gentle and considerate.

As soon as he finished speaking, almost all the students in the original city looked at Zhang Qingxiang: "Yameni is doing its job."

"I'm participating in the election." Suddenly a loud voice sounded, and a dark-faced, burly male student stood up with his hands raised and strode onto the stage: "Teacher Liang said that time is limited, so I won't give in. Let me tell you first. conditions of."

"My name is Dai Yuxing, from Heshi. I am 27 years old. I graduated from Huaxia Public Security University. I have been the Communist Youth League Secretary during my college years and have been the president of the student union since my junior year.

After graduation, I have six years of working experience in the Gudao District Branch of the Heshi Public Security Bureau. I have served as the captain of the Second Squadron of the Public Security Brigade for one year. I believe that I have the ability to be a good squad leader.

If I can be elected, I will cooperate with Teacher Liang to solve all difficulties in study and life for everyone. "

He has a loud voice, a confident demeanor, and is concise and concise, expressing his advantages in the shortest possible language.

After speaking, he saluted Liang Zimian and then stepped down.

Liang Zimian smiled and nodded, seeming to be very satisfied with Dai Yuxing: "Are there any other students who want to recommend themselves?"

Two more students came on stage, and they both said in their resumes that they were young and promising.

However, these three people all came from the lower counties and cities. The provincial capital had the largest number of students, but none of them came to the stage.

Not only was Liang Zimian a little strange, but the students from other places were also puzzled.

Dai Yuxing kept paying attention to the local students with sharp eyes. The two people who came on stage just now seemed to him no threat.

If there is really no competition among the local students, this squad leader will definitely be his own.

Dai Yuxing is ambitious and is the monitor of the first training class, which is an extremely important qualification.

The straight man Tian Mingkun lost his temper and quietly called Zhang Qingxiang: "Yamen... Qingxiang, come up."

Liang Zimian asked again: "Are there any other students who want to run for election?"

Zhang Qingxiang then raised his hand: "Teacher Liang, I want to give it a try."

"Okay, come on stage."

Zhang Qingxiang walked onto the podium with a steady pace. First, he looked around at all the students, showed a smile, and then said: "Everyone should be able to foresee that a new era is coming, and the situation in the future will become increasingly severe."

"Since the original city's secret case team was established, I have participated in four mysterious incidents. The team members who followed me into the mysterious scene all came out alive without any injuries."

"I believe in everyone's ability. There are no difficulties in study or life that require me to run around like a nanny to solve them for everyone - I won't do that."

“What I want to do is work with everyone to maximize our strength in the shortest possible time.

At the end of the training course, there will definitely be practical courses.

I hope everyone will give me a chance so that I can lead everyone to finish this training class alive! "

Zhang Qingxiang bowed slightly and stepped down: "My name is Zhang Qingxiang, from the former Municipal Secret Security Bureau."

Tian Mingkun immediately took the lead in applauding. Who are those people in front of them? Do they think they are selecting class presidents in the university? After talking for a long time, there was no truth at all, and Yanei was still domineering.

Dai Yuxing frowned, stood up and asked, "Are you Zhang Ruiqian's son?"

Zhang Qing was unmoved by his allusion to his nepotism and shrugged his shoulders: "Doesn't this just prove that I have a wider network of contacts and can serve everyone?"

Dai Yuxing stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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