mysterious forerunner

Chapter 35 Good Seedling

Chapter 35 Good Seedling (Third Update)

Liang Zimian smiled: "Okay, let's start voting."

The students wrote down their candidates on the ballot papers and handed them to Liang Zimian. Liang Zimian asked two classmates to count the votes, and he took chalk and wrote the names of the candidates on the blackboard.

After reading the vote, he wrote a stroke after the candidate's name.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Qingxiang’s name was followed by four and a half characters for “正” (正).

There were thirty-seven people in the class, and Zhang Qingxiang received twenty-five votes.

Liang Zimian put down the chalk and still smiled: "Congratulations to Zhang Qingtong for being elected monitor."

There was a round of applause below, with the students from the original city cheering the most enthusiastically.

Several students from Heshi City around Dai Yuxing muttered unconvincedly: "This is not fair at all. There are eleven people in their original city."

Dai Yuxing said nothing and his face turned darker.

"Okay," Liang Zimian said, "Everyone, take a break. In twenty minutes, the first lesson of our training class will begin."

The first class was taught by a man from Yihangdao, and the content was "Several Classifications of Mysteries on the Ghost Side".

Tian Mingkun and Peng Shuangjie sat in the front row, listening carefully and taking notes.

The two of them were surrounded by several students from the lower counties and cities. During the break, everyone went to the corridor outside to smoke together.

Many of the students were former security guards and were heavy smokers.

One of the students smiled and said: "Teacher Yihang taught it very well. This knowledge will have high reference value when we go on missions in the future."

The other one also nodded and said: "The teacher is knowledgeable and easy to understand, and his attitude is modest and polite, which makes people feel like spring breeze. He is really the style of a master."

Tian Mingkun was also puzzled: Isn’t the Yihang Taoist I know like this?

What about your aloof, arrogant, cold-hearted, superior persona?

The Yihang Dao people were also pretending to be tired, but Zhang Qingxiang was sitting below, so I didn’t dare to show off.

The first class in the afternoon ended, and Yihang Taoist's teaching ethics were already well-known.

Zhang Qingxiang was responsible for communicating with the teacher about the course and announced to everyone: "The next class is in the gymnasium next to it. Teacher Wang Changyong will teach you ancient martial arts training. Let's go there together."

The former City Public Security University also attached great importance to this training class and designated a special area. This teaching building and the gymnasium next to it were only open to students during this period.

Wang Changyong changed into sports clothes and walked into the gymnasium with his hands behind his back after the bell rang.

"Let me ask before class, has anyone practiced fighting?"

"Sparring, boxing, wrestling, they all count, raise your hand."

More than half of the students raised their hands.

Wang Changyong nodded: "Okay, let it go."

Then he asked, "Who has a place in the competition?"

Only three people raised their hands this time, including Dai Yuxing.

Wang Changyong asked: "What competitions are they all in and what are their rankings?"

Dai Yuxing said loudly: "National security guard competition, champion of Lingxi Province in the fighting group and eighth in the country."

When the other two heard this, they retracted their hands with a swish and said, "No way."

Wang Changyong nodded again: "Okay, you go out."

"Yes!" Dai Yuxing strode out, and Wang Changyong also came to the opposite side of him: "Wen Wu is the first, and martial arts is not the second. You won't be convinced if you just say it but don't practice it. Come on, let's show off."

Dai Yuxing frowned: "Teacher Wang, is this... inappropriate?"

Wang Changyong grunted: "That's not right. Monitor, put on protective gear for this classmate." Zhang Qingxiang took a full set of protective gear from one side and handed it to Dai Yuxing: "Teacher Wang, you..."

"I don't need it." Wang Changyong was indifferent, but full of confidence.

Dai Yuxing's face darkened, feeling slighted.

He threw away the protective gear: "I don't need it either."

"You need it." Wang Changyong said unceremoniously: "You are all the treasures from above. I'm afraid I'll beat you to death."

The students exploded with a buzzing sound. Wang Changyong glared and shouted angrily: "Quiet!"

Dai Yuxing's face turned dark red. Wang Changyong didn't even look at him. He walked to a bucket-thick wooden target next to him. He didn't have any energy left. He punched randomly and the wooden target exploded into pieces with a pop!

The faces of the students changed.

Many of them have fused with the source material, and their physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, but they ask themselves that they cannot break such a thick wooden target with such a light punch.

Wang Changyong turned around and came back, pointing to the protective gear that Dai Yuxing threw on the ground: "Put it on!"

Dai Yuxing's face turned even darker, but he still put on the full set of protective gear silently.

He stood opposite Wang Changyong and clasped his fists: "Teacher Wang, please give me some advice."

Wang Changyong nodded and raised his left hand: "Let you attack first."

Dai Yuxing put on a standard free fighting stance, reaching out with his front hand to control the distance between the two sides. He moved flexibly with his feet and quickly moved forward and backward to test.

Most of the students quietly clenched their fists and secretly encouraged Dai Yuxing.

Even if Wang Changyong is the instructor, the young and energetic students cannot accept such a powerful start.

Looking forward to Dai Yuxing's counterattack, some of them even unconsciously took on the role of Dai Yuxing.

Ye Yousheng is undoubtedly the most indifferent among the students.

What has it got to do with me?
Teacher Wang seems to be very powerful? As long as he doesn't hit Brother Qingxiang.

Hehe, he definitely can't beat Brother Qingxiang.

The students in the original city were all convinced by Yanei, but almost no one was around Zhang Qingxiang because there were people sitting next to him.

But the upright Tian Mingkun was just a fool, so he pushed his way to Zhang Qingxiang's side and said excitedly: "Yameni, this Dai Yuxing has something good."

Zhang Qingxiang also watched with great interest: "How can you reach eighth place in the country without something?"

In the venue, Wang Changyong remained still, with one hand slightly raised in front of him and one hand behind his back. He had a bit of the grandmaster demeanor of Superstar Li in the movie "Once Upon a Time".

Dai Yuxing moved around Wang Changyong and tried a few jabs. He felt that he had an advantage in pace, and suddenly a combination of punches came out.

However, Wang Changyong dodged and disappeared from Dai Yuxing's attack range!
Dai Yuxing secretly shouted something bad, and quickly retreated and turned around. Before he could complete the movement, he heard a student from the same city exclaim: "Be careful——"

Dai Yuxing felt a huge force coming in, and he flew more than five meters away!

However, he was wearing a full set of protective gear and was not injured. Instead, he twisted bravely in the air, flipped twice in a row, and landed firmly on the ground. He roared and quickly rushed up to attack with heavy punches.

This time, Wang Changyong refused to dodge and allowed Dai Yuxing's heavy punches to fall on his head and body like hail.

Tian Mingkun had already made up his mind about the outcome and asked Zhang Qingxiang for his opinion: "Yameni, what do you think?"

Zhang Qingxiang's eyes were shining with excitement visible to the naked eye: "What do I think? I think this Teacher Wang is worth training!"

"...Huh?" Tian Mingkun looked confused. I can't keep up with Yameni's thinking. What I want to discuss with you is whether Dai Yuxing has any tactics that can use his strengths and avoid weaknesses to defeat the big devil, Teacher Wang. You can just name the big devil. Worth cultivating?

Wait, what the hell is worth cultivating?

 Sapo asks for votes.

(End of this chapter)

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