mysterious forerunner

Chapter 393 Assist Me

Chapter 393 Assist Me

Riddick Bowe was having a very comfortable time these days.

Because the pain caused by someone was so great, he even had the illusion that he hadn't had such a good life for a long time.

But in fact, only two years have passed since the spiritual wave impact and the mysterious arrival to the present.

The North American Secret Service was established only a year and a half ago.

So the total time that someone tortured him from beginning to end was actually less than half a year.

But when you are in pain, time always seems to pass longer.

If it weren't for the fact that he had left too many "holes" in his position as director of the mysterious bureau and was worried that his successor would not cover up the problems for him, he would have even thought about resigning.

Suddenly during this period of time, that guy disappeared!

The clouds cleared up in Riddick Bowe's world.

Then over the past six months, the Mysterious Bureau's strength has grown significantly, and it finally has its own ninth level!

Van Dean, who was highly expected by the Mysterious Bureau and Riddick Bowe, finally reached the pinnacle of the [Transcendental Realm] through silent hard training and lonely adventures in mysterious scenes!

That rude guy Joruus was also promoted to the eighth level.

The only thing that made Riddick Bowe unhappy was that the untrustworthy Hughes was actually ahead of Joruus and was promoted to the ninth level.

But it doesn't matter. Just leave that guy Hughes at base 184. Out of sight, out of mind.

In the past six months, the refreshed Riddick Bowe has made sufficient preparations to achieve a major achievement, prove his ability to the President, and strive for another promotion in six months.

So there was the big operation in Japan yesterday.

North Americans were very wary of the local faction in Japan before the mystery came.

North Americans have always been wary of Japan.

No matter how submissive the Japanese appear on the surface, they will always tighten the leash a little more when necessary.

After all, if someone threw two big mushrooms at you, you would probably hold a grudge against them forever.

The local faction of professionals is considered a greater threat by North Americans, so they cannot be retained.

Although there are many doubts about the Yamanakako and Nagatomo family incidents, the North Americans' determination to wipe out the Neon localists will not waver.

This time, Riddick Bowe went even further and directly sent agents from the mysterious bureau to fight deep into Neon territory.

Of course they said "arrest".

We were requested by Japan's [Special Affairs Investigation Department] to support their efforts to capture professional criminals.

Although the losses were somewhat heavy, the results were gratifying, and almost all of Japan's local professionals were captured!
But he was only happy for a few hours before a new argument emerged on the world's largest professional social platform, Mysterious Pioneer:
“The North Americans were already weak during the Mystic Age, and their all-out attack only resulted in a miserable victory.

The fear of North Americans has been broken, and more and more Japanese professionals will become localists in the future!"

This APP is not installed on Riddick Bowe's mobile phone, but there is a special department within the Mysterious Bureau that monitors all comments on "Mysterious Pioneer" at any time.

But now this social platform is not theirs, so they have no way to restrict any speech on it.

They even organized hackers to try to break through the firewall of this online social platform, but failed after several attempts.

When this statement came out, Riddick Bowe felt so disgusted as if he had eaten a handful of flies.

He felt so uncomfortable precisely because he knew that the argument was correct.

And Riddick Bowe also understood that this operation was only "superficially glamorous" and the so-called "results" could only be used to brag to the President in exchange for his own political bargaining chips.

Even if no one reminds them, it won't take long for the Japanese to react.

In the mysterious era, North Americans gradually lost the ability to continue putting a leash around Neon's neck.

"Who is this bastard?" Riddick Bowe was furious and complained to Benita: "Damn it, can't he let me be happy for a few more days?"

Benita thought about it and gave a suggestion that seemed to be highly "feasible": "We can't control the [Mysterious Pioneer], but I can think of a way to find someone to open a channel inside China to bribe some staff members of this platform and ask them to help delete this post."

Riddick Bowe rubbed his brows and waved his hand, saying, "No, I don't have time..." He suddenly stopped, thought for a while and said, "You can do this. If you can get through this path, there will always be opportunities to use it in the future. It would be best if we can reach a fixed agreement with the other party. In the future, no matter what the post is, we will pay him a fixed reward for deleting it."

Benita nodded: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

Do shit.

The money called "lobbying" on the bill was actually bribery money, which was transferred to several accounts and eventually ended up in Benita's pocket.

It's also very expensive to associate with those human traitors.

Benita has been in the mysterious bureau for a year and has become proficient in various means of making up excuses and enriching herself.

After Benita came out of Riddick Bowe's office, she went to write an application for funding.

By the afternoon, the millions of dollars had been transferred into a separate account and handed over to Benita for "operation".

After get off work in the evening, Benita returned to her residence - a big mansion that was bought by the real Benita.

After Nie Luotong replaced Benita's identity, she did not make any modifications to the house in order to avoid arousing suspicion.

But she used a secret object to clean the entire place to ensure that no eavesdropping methods would remain.

Now she has several valuable secret objects in her hands, all of which actually come from China, and Zhang Qing has spared no effort in supporting her.

Cleaning up the secrets of wiretapping is one of them.

The method of giving the secret object to Nie Luotong is actually very simple.

Whatever Nie Luotong needed, Zhang Qingxiang would send it from China and hand it over to the local intelligence personnel, who would then plan a mysterious event and put the secret object inside.

The mysterious bureau will definitely send a team of detectives to handle the incident.

After they receive this secret object, there is a 50% chance that it will be handed over to the warehouse, and then Nie Luotong will use his position to directly claim it.

There is also a 50% chance that this secret object will be taken away by them.

Nie Luotong would also use his position to directly interrogate the entire group and force them to tell the truth.

Everyone in the group will suspect each other: Who betrayed me?

Nie Luotong successfully dug out the human traitor in the mysterious bureau because he discovered relevant clues during this time, which opened up a breakthrough.

After returning to her residence, Nie Luotong logged into a famous North American photo-sharing platform and saw the secret code Director Zhang left for her.

"Director Zhang has arrived!"

Zhang Qingxiang left a code word for the meeting as agreed.


Last night, the four members of the "Master's Sect" were thrown into a super-large scene by the teacher.

It was a county town in the mountains of the southwest region. The entire county town, with a population of hundreds of thousands, was mysteriously trapped.

The mystery is quite cunning. This super-large mysterious scene was arranged based on the ghost legend about the "Spider Lady" in the mountains that has been passed down by local mountain people for thousands of years.

The teacher did not take any action. It was very difficult to deal with one level eight and three level sevens.

As the mystery deepens, the strength of the "final boss" in each mysterious scene is also constantly improving.

Fortunately, the four of them cooperated well and finally worked together to kill the monster in the Domination Realm.

Although the four of them have not yet reached the [Realm of Domination], they have quite a few secret items of the Realm of Domination on them.

The Southwest Affairs Bureau was very enthusiastic and wanted to let them stay for a night, but Zhang Qingxiang simply refused and returned to the capital via the [Four Seas Straight Road] overnight.

Then they dispersed on the spot, and the junior sister drove Xiao Liu back.

This is the last time Xiao Liu rides in someone else's car. In recent months, because of the frequent field trips, Xiao Liu received a lot of allowances. He saved enough money to buy his own car and will pick it up tomorrow.

It’s not as luxurious as the cars of my junior brothers and sisters, but mine is more convenient.

I actually passed the driving test a long time ago, during the summer vacation before college started.

The next morning, the four disciples gathered at the [Battle Ring] at 8:30 on time. There was also a long queue of agents waiting for training, but the Battle Ring was not opened.

Everyone waited until after nine o'clock and became a little anxious.

At ten o'clock, Director Hu came in person and explained to everyone: "The [Battle Ring] needs some modifications. We plan to restart it in half a month. I'm really sorry that you made a wasted trip that day. Everyone go back first."

The agents were of course dissatisfied, but since Director Hu came out in person to apologize, who would dare not give him face?

So the detectives dispersed, and Director Hu waved to Xiao Liu and the other three, "Follow me to the office."

When we arrived at Director Hu's office, the secretary made tea for everyone. Director Hu said, "Director Zhang is not here at the moment, so I'll ask you to..."

Xiao Liu's head buzzed, and he could no longer hear anything Director Hu said afterwards.

Finally, this day has come.

The moment he learned about Zhang Qingxiang's identity, Xiao Liu knew that this day would definitely come and that it would not be too far away.

He is the golden-winged Roc above the nine heavens and will not be trapped here for too long.

But every day Xiao Liu hopes that the separation will come later.

I felt sad and wanted to cry, but I didn't want to cry in front of so many people.

"Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu?" Director Hu called her several times before Xiao Liu suddenly came to her senses: "Huh?"

Director Hu handed over a box. "He left something for each of you. He also tailored a training plan for each of you. He told me to supervise you and to evaluate you when he comes back."

Director Hu handed the box to the bewildered Xiao Liu, and then looked through the records on his mobile phone.

Xiao Liu scratched his ears, afraid that he had heard wrongly: "Teacher Hu, are you saying that he will come back?"

Director Hu smiled and said, "Of course. He is the pillar of our Secret Security Bureau. He just went out on a secret mission."

Xiao Liu suddenly felt less sad and less jealous, and quickly opened the box. Inside was a powerful [Realm of Domination] secret item and several bottles of secret medicine.

Director Hu pulled out his own records and said, “The goal Director Zhang has set for you is that before he comes back, Xiao Liu, you must be promoted to the Command Realm, and the other three of you must at least be promoted to the ninth level.

Oh, Director Zhang will give you a little incentive: if any of you three can surpass Xiao Liu when he returns, he will have a special reward. "

Xiao Liu pouted, and her cherry lips drew a beautiful pink arc: "He is biased, why don't I have an extra reward?"

Director Hu laughed a few times.

The other three were also very excited. There was no doubt that this was the teacher officially recognizing their identities and including them in the sect!

From now on, they can openly say to others, "I am Zhang Qingxiang's student!"

[Battle Ring] Actually, there was no problem. It was just that Zhang Qingxiang was gone, so many agents who came here for training couldn't pick suitable opponents.

Zhang Qingxiang had foreseen this situation long ago. After all, he couldn't stay in the [Battle Ring] forever.

He copied the design of the General Administration in his previous life and gave Director Hu a set of formations.

The formation can achieve the same effect by combining it with several high-level secret items from the General Administration.

The effect is even better than when Zhang Qingxiang is in charge.

Not only can it suppress the levels of monsters and secret spirits, but if danger arises during a fight, the formation can directly pull agents out.

The formation master at the headquarters is not yet able to complete this formation, so they have to wait for Taoist Yihang to come.

But Xiao Liu and the other three don’t need that. They are of high rank and can choose suitable opponents in the [Battle Ring].

They were still training in the [Battle Ring] during the day. During the lunch break, Xiao Liu dragged Qu Miao along to drive the car back.

Xiao Liu thought that since he had never driven a car after getting his driver's license, he might become a new road killer, but after holding the steering wheel, he was very calm.

Although I was a little unfamiliar with the operation, I drove back to the office safely.

Many problems of novice drivers are actually caused by panic, but Xiao Liu is now experienced and calm as the sea.

After get off work, everyone went home, and Xiao Liu even drove Qu Miao to her doorstep.

After the other three brothers arrived home, they reported today's situation to their families as usual.

When everyone in the family heard that Zhang Qingxiang had passed away, they were very sad.

"It's okay, the teacher said he will come back."

The elders of the family had a higher vision and shook their heads, saying, "Even if I come back again, I can't take you to practice for such a long time like this time. At most, I can meet you and give you instructions on future practice."

At the He family, He Zhen's father carefully inquired about what had happened in the past few months, then frowned and asked, "Is there anything you didn't tell me?"

He Zhen's eyes flashed: "No."

"Tell the truth, little boy!" "That's right, the senior sister has some feelings about the teacher, and we..." He Zhen told the story.

This was something that a few of these young people did on their own and planned secretly without reporting it to their families.

At the time, they felt that what they did was a bit unkind and a bit like bullying Xiao Liu, and they were afraid of being criticized when they told their families about it.

When He Zhen's father heard this, he was so angry that he was about to slap him.

But halfway through, there was a turn and it fell on the table.

This is his biological son, and a son he had in his old age. Both he and his wife love him very much and can't bear to beat him.

His father is the cousin of He Xu's father, but He Zhen is younger than He Zuo.

"You are really - stupid!" His father scolded: "Your elder brother He Xu has a good relationship with Zhang Qingxiang. His family doesn't have to do anything and will be guaranteed to be rich and powerful in the future.

He Zuo has an older brother named He Xu, who is from the same lineage as Zhang Qingxiang. He also went to Southeast Asia with Zhang Qingxiang and they have established a relationship.

What about you? What about our family? Our relationship with Zhang Qingxiang is only the unsound teacher-student relationship with you!
The three of you were forced upon Zhang Qingxiang by your respective families. Don't you understand this?
That little girl likes Zhang Qingxiang, you should find a way to help her! She is the senior sister, the strongest bond between you and Zhang Qingxiang!
Once she gets promoted - or even just secures a position next to Zhang Qingxiang, your relationship with Zhang Qingxiang will become unbreakable, and Zhang Qingxiang will always think of taking care of you if anything happens in the future!
She is your senior sister, you have to rely on her to improve your relationship with the teacher!"

He Zhen was speechless. Although his father's statement sounded like pimping, it was indeed true.

He was very regretful and could only say that the three of them were still immature and did not have a long-term vision.


Zhang Qingxiang met Nie Luotong at a pizza shop outside a roadside inn, which is very common in North America.

Nie Luotong drove along this road alone today because it led to her farm outside the city.

Nie Luotong bought the farm after coming to North America.

The purchase of this farm was largely due to the funds from lobbying the insiders of the Mysterious Pioneer.

Nie Luotong asked for leave from the Mysterious Bureau today, saying that there were some important matters on the farm that she needed to deal with personally.

Even if someone were to investigate this matter, they would not find any flaws.

The farm was attacked by coyotes last night, a big hole was dug in the fence, and more than a dozen cows and three horses were killed.

This was a serious loss of property, especially for the three horses, all of which were racehorse pedigrees, and each batch was worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The farmer must be present in person to handle insurance matters.

The cowboys and farmers on the farm are completely unaware of all this and are worried that the farm owner will hold them responsible.

All of this was done by a mysterious spirit lurking in the woods outside the farm.

This secret spirit also belongs to Nie Luotong.

With such a perfect excuse, Nie Luotong stopped to rest, have a cup of coffee and eat a piece of pizza on his way out of town to the farm because he was tired of driving. It was very reasonable, right?
Nie Luotong's behavior at this time was the same as that of most strong women in the North American legal world. She drove a black Chevrolet Suburban, wore a dark smart suit, tied her hair into a simple ponytail, and wore dark sunglasses. She would never let anyone see her eyes.

Her "skin" also had some light brown spots, like that of a middle-aged North American woman.

She parked her car at the door, pushed it open and walked into the pizza shop, her whole aura full of energy.

There were a few idle guys in the store, sitting in a corner by the window, planning something illegal.

When they saw her come in, they all lowered their heads, then secretly glanced at her lower back. There was an obvious bulge, which was undoubtedly a gun.

Several people slinked out of the pizza shop with their tails between their legs.

There was also a rascally little gangster at the bar, who was harassing a big bear waiter with a playful look on his face.

The waiter was very impatient, but obviously did not dare to offend the other party too much.

"Benita" grabbed the gangster's dreadlocks from behind and threw him away, causing him to crash into several chairs.

He jumped up, cursed a few words, and pulled out a dagger from his waist.

Benita lifted the hem of her suit, revealing the badge of the Mysterious Bureau on her belt.


These days, the mysterious bureau is much scarier than the FBI or DEA. The gangster turned and ran away. Benita said coldly, "Leave the weapon behind."

The gangster dropped the dagger.

Benita waved her hand and said, "Go away."

The gangster quickly pushed the door open and ran out, got into his shabby second-hand car, stepped on the accelerator and drove a few kilometers before he breathed a sigh of relief: "What the hell!"

Inside the pizza shop, Benita was thanked by the big bear waiter and given a cup of coffee.

Benita and Zhang Qingxiang, who was disguised as a North American redneck, sat at adjacent tables, but they were back to back and seemed to know each other.

"Very impressive." Director Zhang joked.

Nie Luotong said: "You can't be weak when facing anyone here."

"Thanks a lot."

"Director Zhang, you don't have to be polite to me." Nie Luotong continued, "That group of guys recently had a big operation. I made a plan to let someone sneak in, but I didn't expect you to come in person."

Her voice softened when she said the last sentence, because she knew in her heart that Director Zhang really valued her.

Zhang Qingxiang: "I can do that too. What do I need to do?"

"I can't stay too long. I wrote everything down here." Nie Luotong handed over a small notebook from under the chair, and Zhang Qingxiang took it immediately.

The two had already confirmed that there were only two cameras in the entire store, one at the door and one facing the cash register.

Nie Luotong finished the pizza in a few bites, picked up the coffee and drank it all in one gulp. Before leaving, she said to the owner behind the bar, "If you make better coffee, business will be much better."

Zhang Qingxiang waited for another ten minutes before paying the bill and leaving.

Back in the car, Zhang Qingxiang drove for more than ten kilometers, parked the car on the side of the road in a wilderness, and took out his notebook.

Everything in the notebook was handwritten, and Nie Luotong left no traces on any electronic device.

Among this group of human traitors lurking within the mysterious bureau, Nie Luotong can confirm the identities of only three people.

However, she further discovered that they had companions not only in the mysterious bureau, but also in the White House and the Pentagon.

The number of people in this organization and the scope of its involvement exceeded Zhang Qingxiang's expectations.

"Benita" was originally a member of this organization, but after Nie Luotong replaced Benita, he kept a low profile because he knew nothing about this organization.

After a long time, he finally figured out the identities of several "companions" in the mysterious bureau and obtained the code words used by members of the organization to contact each other.

Recently, this organization needs to recruit good people to carry out a plan.

If the plan succeeds, they can establish a connection with some supreme beings in the [Secret World]!
Then when the secret world invades the earth in the future, they will be the first group of guides to surrender, and will definitely be valued by the mysterious hands!

Nie Luotong made a plan to send an agent to participate in the operation under the name of "Benita".

Given Benita's current position in the Bureau of Mystery, with her endorsement, the agent will most likely not be suspected.

Nie Luotong just didn't expect that Zhang Qingxiang would come in person. She thought it would be Tian Mingkun, Ximen Ye or others who came.

Zhang Qingxiang memorized everything in the small notebook and then set it on fire.

Then Zhang Qingxiang got in the car and prepared to go to a city in the central region as planned.

Suddenly, several motorcycles roared over, and bikers wearing riveted leather jackets circled around Zhang Qingxiang's car.

The bearded man in the lead looked at the car with admiration: "My friend, your car is really beautiful."

Then, like a magician, he pulled out a large-caliber revolver from his arms and pointed it at Zhang Qingxiang's head through the driver's window.

"It's mine now."

"Get out of the car."

"I don't want to get this little treasure dirty, but my patience is limited!"

Zhang Qingxiang bought this car from a second-hand car dealer at a high price using fake documents.

Then Zhang Qingxiang stuffed the [Steam Engine Core] in.

This secret object can also be integrated with various machines to greatly enhance the power of the machines.

But [Auto Engine Core] is a little vain and can't stand the "ugly appearance" of this second-hand car.

Even in the vague thoughts that the [Engine Core] conveyed to Zhang Qingxiang, it felt that the appearance of this second-hand car looked very "cowardly" and "timid".

So [Steam Engine Core] made some modifications to the car, just like the Cybertronians.

So this ordinary second-hand car was transformed into a gorgeous antique muscle car.

Zhang Qingxiang sat in the car and said to [Steam Engine Core]: "Look, you just like to show off, and you got into trouble."

The bearded man already had his finger on the trigger, his expression becoming grim: “Looks like I need to clean this little darling’s seat.”

His accomplice whistled, got out of the car, walked to the front, and touched the hood: "Boss, this thing can be sold for at least 70,000 US dollars!"

The hood suddenly popped up, like a clean uppercut, and hit the accomplice accurately in the chin.

Only this time it was even more terrifying than the uppercut of the world heavyweight champion.

The accomplice flew backwards seven or eight meters with his head raised, and fell to the ground with his whole body twitching. His entire jaw was shattered, and the powerful force directly shattered his brain. Blood quickly oozed out of his mouth, nostrils, eyes, and ears.

All the bikers were shocked at how the hood could bounce with such a great force. Suddenly, more than a dozen folding mechanical arms stretched out from the engine under the hood, each grabbing a biker and lifting them high into the air.

Including their leader, Big Beard.


The bikers screamed, and the [Steam Engine Core] threw them to the ground, smashing them all to pieces.

[Steam Turbine Core] Use two robotic arms to clap their hands, indicating that the problem has been solved.

Zhang Qingxiang laughed and stepped on the accelerator. The car returned to normal and rushed onto the road with a rumble.


The puppet army is definitely not united. The traitors are either afraid of death or blinded by greed and want to join the mysterious forces, so there will definitely be an "unequal distribution of spoils" among them.

The master will only throw out one meat bone, it is impossible for every dog ​​to have one.

A bone can actually ensure internal competition among the dog pack.

Therefore, the surrender faction in North America is currently divided into three main factions: the White House, the Pentagon, and the mysterious agency.

During this operation, some signs of open and covert fighting had already appeared when personnel were gathering.

The White House has the broadest resources, and the Pentagon has an exceptionally deep foundation.

The professional headed by the White House, Joe Hart, is a seventh-level [Lawyer], and there are three fifth-level ones.

The captain of the Pentagon is a seventh-level [Cowboy] named Cheryl. Her team is the most successful among the Pentagon's secret forces.

She has five level five subordinates!

On the other hand, from the Mysterious Bureau, only Zhang Qingxiang came this time.

The identity that Nie Luotong arranged for Zhang Qingxiang was a secret agent of the Mysterious Bureau in Europe, named Bablair, who was trained by Benita and had no problem with his loyalty.

However, Nie Luotong announced to the public that Bablair's rank was seventh.

Also at the seventh level, Bablair of the Mysterious Bureau is a loner. Joe Hart and Cheryl both look down on him.

Both of them felt that in this operation, the Mysterious Bureau should only play a supporting role, and the two of us must be the main force.

However, who will take the lead will still require a lot of fierce competition.

Joe Hart's strength is slightly inferior, so he very much hopes to join forces with Bablair. He believes that unless Bablair is particularly stupid, he will definitely accept the olive branch he extends.

If he supports himself, he will be the second-in-command of this operation and have a certain say.

What's the point of relying on Cheryl? It's just icing on the cake. Cheryl won't give him the chips that satisfy him.

But Cheryl has her own ideas. She wants to conquer Bablair.

The correct choice is to join his team. If they join forces with Joe Hart, their strength is only slightly stronger than his, and victory may not be guaranteed.

Zhang Qingxiang drove a high-profile and dazzling car and arrived at the house in the round-up. This is the "safe house" of a secret department of the Pentagon.

Zhang Qingxiang got out of the car, closed the door easily, and opened his arms to Joe Hart and Cheryl who were standing at the doors of two different rooms. He laughed and said arrogantly: "Are you all here to assist me?"

Joe Hart and Cheryl both changed color, then looked at each other and sneered secretly: It seems that this ignorant guy must be taught a lesson!
(End of this chapter)

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