mysterious forerunner

Chapter 394 [Ark of the Covenant Latch] and [Transmitter]

Chapter 394 [Ark of the Covenant Latch] and [Transmitter]

Joe Hart and Cheryl arrived a day and a half early and had already fought for several rounds.

Cheryl is a [cowboy] and Joe Hart is a [lawyer]. The lawyer's professional skills are even more bizarre, and he uses the strategy of using softness to overcome hardness when dealing with the [cowboy] who has a straightforward fighting style.

But Cheryl's rich combat experience makes up for her professional shortcomings.

The two can be said to be well matched, and deep down in their hearts, they both have a little bit of appreciation for each other.

This kind of appreciation is based on one's own extreme narcissism, and the general idea is: This guy must be something since he can actually tie with me.

Both of them were waiting for the arrival of "Bablair" and then a decisive battle would begin.

But I didn't expect that this arrogant and stupid guy would want both of us to assist him as soon as he showed up!

Cheryl remembered what her superior said before leaving: Those guys in the Mysterious Bureau are just a bunch of self-righteous idiots!

Do you think the mysterious era is the era of your mysterious bureau?
How ridiculous!

Joe Hart is undoubtedly more sophisticated, but facing a guy who is inferior to him in every aspect, he feels there is no need to show his "grace".

So the two people standing in front of the two doors looked at each other and immediately reached a tacit understanding and temporarily cooperated from being opponents.

Let's team up and teach this bastard a lesson.


If it were in China, the means might be secret squeezes, sabotage, assignment of the most difficult and dangerous tasks, etc.

But in North America, they are very direct.

Cheryl took a step forward and raised her pretty chin towards Zhang Qingxiang: "If you beat me, I will assist you!"

She further challenged, “Don’t even mention assisting you, if you can really win, I’ll accompany you tonight!”

The structure of this safe house in the Pentagon is somewhat similar to the motels that are very popular in North America.

There is a large parking lot in front of the door, with a two-story building covering it. There are a total of twenty rooms. The rooms are very similar to single dormitories in China. The conditions are simple and can only meet basic living requirements.

Joe Hart and Cheryl's room is on the first floor and is slightly larger.

Both of their subordinates are on the second floor.

At this time, the five soldiers under Cheryl were all wearing the sand-colored tactical pants and tactical boots of the North American Army, and a slightly lighter round-neck tactical T-shirt on their upper body. Each of them had a muscular body with overnutrition, with bulging muscles on their chests, and they leaned on the railing in front of the door with their strong arms to watch the joke.

After hearing Cheryl's second sentence, the group of soldiers who were eager to create chaos blew their whistles together and shouted with laughter:

"Hey, arrogant guy, I like you, come on, come on, our commander is very powerful!"

"She could break your back sitting on it."

"I joined this team because of the captain. She told me the same thing. Unfortunately, I never got to sleep with her."

Cheryl fiercely raised her middle finger behind her and said, "My promise is valid at any time. Whoever can beat me, I will sleep with him!"

Joe Hart secretly stared at Cheryl's attractive figure and swallowed quietly.

Behind him on the second floor, three of his men also shouted, "Captain Cheryl, is this promise valid for us?"


"That's great! I have the motivation to strive again!"

Cheryl raised her eyebrows at Zhang Qingxiang again provocatively: "How about it? Do you want to try it?"

"Okay." Zhang Qingxiang looked arrogant and indifferent, shaking his hands: "Where are we going?"

Cheryl pointed to the huge parking lot in front of the door: "It's right here."

"So what are you waiting for? Let's get started."

Zhang Qingxiang did not show any overwhelming strength, that would have been too suspicious.

He only showed the strength of the seventh level, but this is like the training of Xiao Liu and others in the [Battle Ring]. Even if the opponent's strength is suppressed at the same level, the high-level opponent has combat qualities and vision far beyond yours.

The fight lasted thirteen minutes, and Cheryl felt as awkward as she could be. She clearly felt that her opponent was as strong as her, but for some reason, she could not bring out her true strength.

No matter whether it is a secret item or a secret technique, one will always be inexplicably restricted by the opponent one step ahead.

It’s as if the opponent is always lucky and always inadvertently prevents his performance.

She is a combat genius trained by the Pentagon, and she gradually realized that this could not really be "luck".

She was even more shocked because she was confident in her combat experience, but her opponent's performance showed that he had more combat experience!
Cheryl became very gloomy when she knew she couldn't win.

damn it!
This guy looks so annoying, and I have to sleep with him?!
Her five subordinates stood on the second floor watching the fun. At first they were quite happy and just thought they were watching a show.

Because the captain is sure to win.

In their minds, Chief Cheryl is the most capable woman in North America.

If you expand that to "everyone," all they know is that Hughes and Joruus can beat Cheryl.

So when the battle started, they shouted loudly and exaggeratedly, but as time went on, their arrogant voices gradually disappeared.

That's not right. The commander seems to be suppressed.

how so? !

Where did this guy come from? He is of the same rank as the superior, yet he can always get the upper hand.

They all really wanted to sleep with Cheryl, but they didn't want other men to sleep with him.

In the first three minutes, Zhang Qingxiang silenced these arrogant North American soldiers.

Thirteen minutes later, no matter how unwilling Cheryl was, she still lost.

Joe Hart was also surprised and a little gloating.

Cheryl stood in the parking lot and reluctantly admitted to Zhang Qingxiang: "I lost."

The soldiers under her command stopped making a fuss and asked the captain to go and accompany "Bablair" tonight.

However, the men behind Joe Hart started whistling and were about to say something sarcastic when their boss turned around and glared back at them.

After Cheryl admitted defeat, she turned back without saying a word.

When she passed by Joe Hart, she paused and whispered, "Leave it to you."

"If you beat him, I'll come and keep you company tonight."

"Don't let me down, I really hate this guy."

Joe Hart had little confidence at first, after all, he was not completely sure he could beat Cheryl.

But with Cheryl's encouragement, Joe Hart was determined to give it a try.

Cheryl finally said: "Your profession restrains him."

Joe Hart immediately stepped forward.

And Joe Hart also thought of another favorable factor: Bablair had just fought a big battle with Cheryl and was tired, so he could take advantage of her.

"I'm the same as Cheryl," Joe Hart said, "If you beat me, I'll help you."

Then, without waiting for Zhang Qingxiang to reply, he immediately attacked and killed him.

If I give you a chance to speak, what if you say that your rotation system is immoral and let me take a break?
Joe Hart felt that he had to protect his greatest advantage, so he took direct action.

But Joe Hart found that Bablair just smiled and easily resolved his first professional skill.

Cheryl folded her arms, watched from behind with a sullen face and a huffy look, but her eyelids twitched at the first round.

Bablair didn't look tired at all.

Cheryl's heart skipped a beat and she thought to herself, "No way?"
But things turned out to be the direction that Cheryl least wanted to see.

Joe Hart launched three attacks and after a fierce attack, there was nothing he could do to Bablair.

Bablair's foul mouth broke out again. While dealing with Joe Hart with ease, he said, "Hey, hey, hey, you're a man, but you're not as good as Cheryl."

“I’m not even sweating.”

"Can you do it? Why don't you let Cheryl fight me again for you? I think she has a better chance."

"Hey, this secret technique is quite good. You almost touched the corner of my clothes."

"No way? You only have a secret item of this rank? I thought the White House would give you a better secret item. Is it that the White House doesn't have one, or are you too bad that they don't want to give it to you?"

Joe Hart was upset by his scolding. He was already far inferior to his opponent in strength, and now he could not hold on any longer. He only played until the ninth minute, when he was trapped by Zhang Qingxiang and could no longer move.

Zhang Qingxiang walked up to him leisurely and patted his face: "You lose."

Joe Hart's face turned red and he couldn't utter a word.

Cheryl was furious and cursed, "Waste!"

She turned and was about to leave, but Zhang Qingxiang shouted in that nasty voice: "Don't leave, since you are here to assist me, just listen to my orders."

Cheryl stopped with a sullen face, and Zhang Qingxiang asked, "Where is my room?"

The rooms on the first floor were larger and better, but Cheryl and Joe Hart had agreed to move Bablair to the second floor.

Now the two of them don't dare to do that.

This guy is strong and has a foul mouth. If this arrangement is made, who knows what he will do.

Cheryl no longer discussed it with the good-for-nothing Joe Hart, and took "Bablair" to a room on the west side of the first floor on her own initiative.

After entering, Zhang Qingxiang signaled Cheryl to close the door and treated Cheryl like a maid.

Cheryl gritted her teeth and had to do as she was told.

Joe Hart's face was still red and he couldn't say anything.

Zhang Qingxiang sat down comfortably on the sofa in the room, then pointed to the coffee machine and said, "Make some coffee."

Cheryl hated Joe Hart for being a loser and said viciously, "You go."

I just closed the door, now it's your turn to be ordered around.

"I don't know how to use it..." Joe Hart said with a sad face, he was telling the truth.

Before becoming a professional, Joe Hart was a real lawyer. He came from a wealthy family and had servants to serve him since he was a child.

When he grew up, he worked in a key organization under the White House. Although he was successful at a young age, he was always served by others and didn't even know how to use a coffee machine!

"You——" Cheryl looked as if she had eaten shit: "You are such a loser!"

The man and woman who had admired each other before suddenly began to dislike each other.

Cheryl made coffee helplessly.

Zhang Qingxiang had no intention of drinking, he just wanted to act more like a North American and PUA these two guys.

"You can't even make coffee?" Zhang Qingxiang frowned: "You are really useless."

Joe Hart was furious. I am a rank 7 lawyer, I have extensive connections in the White House, I am highly regarded by the commander-in-chief, I am wealthy, handsome and elegant, how can I become a waste in front of you? !

Do you have vision?

But he dared not speak out.

After Cheryl had prepared the coffee, Zhang Qingxiang held it in his hand and said, "Okay, now let's make some professional arrangements. I think before I came, you must not have considered how to complete this mission."

Although it was unpleasant to hear, Cheryl and Joe Hart remained silent and could not refute it.

Zhang Qingxiang was right. Before, they were only thinking about fighting for power and how to subdue each other and become the leaders of this action.

How to complete the task? They really didn't have time to think about it.

"I knew it." Zhang Qingxiang showed an expression of as expected: "In this regard, our Mystery Bureau is indeed more professional."

Cheryl gritted her teeth and said, "Just tell me your plan and stop talking nonsense."

"Haha." Zhang Qingxiang sneered: "It seems that our little mountain lion is still not convinced. Remember to come to this room tonight."

Cheryl was speechless.

And she really disliked this damn guy and jokingly called herself a "little cougar".

Zhang Qingxiang did not tease her and said, "Everyone knows the content of the mission. There is a mine in the mountains behind, where we can open a road to the future world.

Have you brought everything you need?"

The mine had been abandoned long ago, and due to the mysterious arrival, some abnormal situations often occurred in the mine, but it was not a mysterious scene.

The Mysterious Bureau was the first to discover this place, and after research, they found that it might be a weak point in space.

Then the mysterious bureau sent an agent to stay here to monitor its changes.

As the mystery deepens, this kind of weak spot in space appears frequently all over the world.

Most of the time, they are simply transformed into a mysterious scene.

But the agent sent by the mysterious bureau to stay here was a member of the human traitor organization. After careful study, he found that this place was different from other weak points in the void.

So he lied to the mysterious bureau, saying that everything was normal here, and at the same time he asked "his own people" for permission to conduct in-depth research here. Sure enough, they found a way to actively communicate with the [Secret World]!

However, this method requires two special secret objects, neither of which the Mystery Bureau has, while the White House and the Pentagon each have one.

Or to be more precise, only one of the secret objects is needed to contact the [Secret World].

But if they want to accomplish their "big thing", they need another thing.

Joe Hart and Cheryl looked at each other and didn't answer.

They absolutely did not want to hand over those two things so easily.

In that case, the initiative of this operation will completely fall into the hands of "Bablair". From now on, they can only follow Bablair's orders and will no longer have any bargaining chips.

Zhang Qingxiang held the coffee and sniffed the aroma, pretending to enjoy it. Then he became more and more gloomy, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he looked at the two people unkindly: "You are still not convinced? If you are not convinced, you can call your men in and besiege me together!

See if you can kill me.

If you can’t, I will kill you and this tripartite cooperation will end.”

Joe Hart and Cheryl didn't have the courage.

They all understood that even if they really besieged and killed "Bablair", they would be severely punished by the organization for disrupting the operation.

Joe Hart said angrily: "For this cooperation, the Pentagon provided Madison's radio transmitter, and we provided the Ark of the Covenant latch. These are all key things. What do you have? Why do you have to take up a place as a partner and lead this operation?"

Joe Hart is a [lawyer], and finding excuses and loopholes is what he is best at.

Cheryl nodded immediately after hearing this: "That's right. Even if you are stronger, without our secret item, this cooperation is out of the question."

Qiao Hart said, "So this cooperation should be led by our two companies, and you should be responsible for assisting us."

Cheryl hesitated for a moment before following up with, "That's exactly what I should do."

The two of them went from competing for dominance to cooperating to suppress Bablair. Even if they succeeded, they would have to discuss everything together, which was not very convenient.

But it's better than the two of them obeying Bablair.

Zhang Qingxiang sneered and said, "Okay, since you think so, our Mystery Bureau can withdraw from this cooperation."

Joe Hart and Cheryl were stunned. You are going too far. We can talk slowly. How can you just overturn the table?
Zhang Qingxiang pointed at Qiao Hart and said, "Where are you going to insert the [Ark of the Covenant Latch]? If you insert it in the wrong place, you won't be able to find where the [Secret Realm] is."

Then he pointed at Cheryl and said, "You can't connect to the secret world. Who can your [Madison's Transmitter] contact? You can send a message directly in the Earth world. The one who responds to you may be Zhang Qingxiang from China, hahahaha!"

When the name "Zhang Qingxiang" was mentioned, Joe Hart and Cheryl's faces changed unconsciously.

Then Cheryl had an inexplicable prediction that by activating [Madison's Transmitter] in the Earth world, she would actively contact the most powerful creature in the world - that was really Zhang Qingxiang!
When the time comes, he will respond to me... I simply cannot imagine it.

Cheryl shuddered and asked Joe Hart in a low voice: "Don't we just need to enter the mine, start the ceremony, and then directly insert the [Ark of the Covenant] into the void?"

Joe Hart frowned and replied, "When I came here, the higher-ups told me that this was indeed the procedure, but they also said that the Mystery Bureau knows more about the situation here, so I should listen to their opinions on anything."

Zhang Qingxiang sneered: "If we didn't hide something, we would be in this situation now, being excluded by your two families. Do you think our Mystery Bureau is so stupid?"

Joe Hart and Cheryl gritted their teeth. They didn't dare to take any risks.

Unlike Zhang Qingxiang, they are just people who carry out the mission, and the big guys behind them are waiting for news.

If they mess up, their fate will be miserable.

The seventh level was indeed rare, but as the mystery deepened, high-level professionals were no longer as rare as they were at the beginning.

"This time, you can take the lead." Cheryl made a prompt decision and acknowledged Zhang Qingxiang's status with gritted teeth.

But she immediately said: "But I can't give you [Madison's transmitter]. This secret object can only be operated by me."

Joe Hart immediately said: "Me too, this is our bottom line."

Zhang Qingxiang shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: "You have completely misunderstood what I meant. I am not as greedy as you think. Of course, your secret objects are kept by you. I just want to ensure that this cooperation goes smoothly. So..."

Zhang Qingxiang dragged out his voice before continuing, "You two signed this contract. Only in this way can I guarantee that you will cooperate with me at the critical moment."

Both men frowned.

Zhang Qingxiang took out a secret item from the contract.

In the eyes of Joe Hart and Cheryl, these two yellowed pieces of ancient paper are "secret objects", but in fact they are some kind of formation temporarily arranged by Zhang Qingxiang.

There are only six levels of formations.

Cheryl and Joe Hart had originally decided not to accept it, but when they saw that it was only level six, they checked the contents of the "contract", which stated that under reasonable circumstances, they needed to cooperate with "Bablair" to complete this mission.

It was also specifically noted that Bablair could not use the "contract" to make excessive demands on the two.

The two felt slightly relieved.

Zhang Qingxiang said: "All I want is your attitude. This secret object is only of the sixth level, and it is unlikely to really bind you. But if you violate the contract, you will still have to pay a certain price."

Joe Hart and Cheryl looked at each other and signed their names on the "Secret Contract".

Then neither of them felt the binding force of the contract on themselves.

Then the two of them understood in their hearts: the sixth-level secret object really cannot restrain us, and they felt relieved.

Zhang Qingxiang smiled secretly, thinking that people without education are easy to be deceived.

These two men were native North Americans and had never seen or even heard of China's formations.

It has been almost two years since the advent of mystery. The greatest achievement of global cooperation on mystery is He Xu’s Academy of Nations.

There is a serious lack of communication among everyone.

If it was the middle or late stage of the Pan-cultivation era, they would not be fooled. Professionals in the East and the West are well aware of each other's mysterious methods.

"Alright," Zhang Qingxiang clapped his hands, "I wish us a happy cooperation! Everyone go back and rest. At twelve o'clock tonight, we will set off for the mine."

Cheryl and Joe Hart leave.

After going out, the two of them communicated privately and formed an "offensive and defensive alliance."

He, the mysterious bureau, wants to have complete control over this operation, but he’s dreaming!

After dark, Zhang Qingxiang and Cheryl were actually very scared.

Cheryl was afraid that there would be a sudden knock on the door, and then Bablair's annoying face would appear outside the door, asking her to fulfill her promise with a lewd smile.

To be honest, Cheryl wouldn't mind having sex with someone she likes before the big move.

Release some stress ahead of time.

She used to do this all the time.

It cannot be said that Bablair is really that "unpleasant to the eye". In fact, he looks quite good, but he and Cheryl are in a "conflict of interest" relationship. Cheryl will feel uncomfortable and unable to let go if she has in-depth communication with such a person.

That is not a release of stress but a painful experience.

If Bablair really came, Cheryl would not be able to break her promise, so she was very nervous.

And Zhang Qingxiang in the other room was even more frightened than her.

What should I do if Cheryl knocks on the door and wants to fulfill her promise?
Refusing would surely arouse Cheryl's suspicion.

Just obey... Absolutely impossible. Zhang Qing has no interest in this kind of bus and even finds it a bit disgusting.

In another room on the first floor, Joe Hart was also struggling.

He still had some covetousness towards Cheryl, so he pricked up his ears and eavesdropped on the noise outside.

I was terrified to hear either Cheryl's or Bablair's door open or close.

And I’m very confused. If I hear the sound of the door opening and closing, then what happens next... should I continue to listen?
I don’t know why, but deep down in Joe Hart’s heart, he actually wanted to keep listening!


Fortunately, we waited until midnight and nothing happened.

The three people on the first floor exhaled at the same time.

Zhang Qingxiang and Cheryl breathed a sigh of relief, while Joe Hart felt a little regretful.

The sound of a door opening was immediately heard, and people from the first and second floors came out and gathered in the parking lot in front of the door.

The five soldiers under Cheryl wanted to tease their superior in a playful manner, asking him whether he had gone to talk to Bablair... Cheryl gave them a fierce look and made them all behave themselves.

If they really piss off their superiors, they won't have an easy time.

This action team has lost three people in the past few months.

Not all are “accidents”.

After Zhang Qingxiang saw that everyone was gathered, he nodded and said, "Very good, let's go now."


This mine in the back mountain was once a very famous open-pit coal mine.

Originally the land here belonged to the Indians, and then they were driven away from their homeland by various so-called "acts".

Those who refused to leave became corpses.

When North Americans first established their country, this place was extremely bustling. However, decades later, all the coal was mined out, leaving only an extremely huge mine pit.

There are still many houses around the mine that were left over from more than a hundred years ago.

Some of them were built of wood, which had already decayed and collapsed, and the rest were made of brick and wood, which were also crumbling.

Zhang Qingxiang walked in front. There was only one house with lights on around the entire mine, so the agent from the Mysterious Bureau stationed there was easy to find. Zhang Qingxiang walked near the house, and the person inside heard the noise, opened the door and came out.

He had an unkempt beard and a palm-wide leather belt around his waist. On his left hand was an old large-caliber revolver, and on his right hand was a Bowie knife that was more than 40 centimeters long.

Both of these things exude a mysterious aura and are two secret objects.

Most people, seeing how well-equipped he was, would guess that his main secret weapon was the Bowie knife, but in fact, the information that Nie Luotong gave to Zhang Qingxiang indicated that this guy was being clever, as he was left-handed, and his real main secret weapon was the revolver.

It is said that the thing was the gun of a famous cowboy in the Western era.

After the advent of the Mysterious Age, it became a powerful secret object.

He put his hands on the gun and knife respectively, and looked at everyone vigilantly. Zhang Qingxiang came forward and exchanged secret words with him, and then he let go of his hands: "Were you sent by Benita?"

"Yes," Zhang Qingxiang said, "I was always with Europa. Fisher, you did a great job, and we will all remember your contribution."

Fisher is only at the fourth level, but he is very talented in occult research.

When Zhang Qingxiang saw the name "Fisher" in Nie Luotong's information before, he felt it was familiar. When he saw this face, he remembered that he was one of the three famous mystics in Miloslach Castle in his previous life!

These three people are known as the "Mysterious Three" in North America and are one of the most important advisory groups to the North American top leadership.

Such a person is actually a traitor. No wonder North America finally chose to betray China!

Zhang Qingxiang remained calm on the surface, shook hands with Fisher enthusiastically, and then introduced Cheryl and Joe Hart to him.

The two were very cold to the fourth-level Fisher.

Such a person does not need to be taken seriously, as he will not play any role in the subsequent actions.

He found a way to contact the secret world, and his value has been exhausted.

Fisher was dissatisfied, so he trusted and relied on Zhang Qingxiang even more: he had to have someone reliable.

"Okay," Joe Hart said, "Let's start now and don't waste any more time."

Fisher did not take action, but asked, "How are my interests protected?"

Fisher had previously proposed that he must ensure that he could rank in the top three and communicate with those "great" beings in the mystery.

He is not stupid. He needs to show his face in front of his future boss to ensure that he will be valued in the future.

Joe Hart and Cheryl frowned: "We will definitely do what we promised you."

Fisher was not satisfied: "You are all higher in rank than me, and there are three level sevens here, who will give me the chance? I helped you connect to the secret world, but I'm afraid you will kick me aside immediately."

Cheryl said angrily, "What kind of guarantee do you want? Our words are our guarantee to you! You are simply seeking death by questioning the Seventh Order!"

The pressure of her rank pressed down on Fisher like a tidal wave.

Fisher took several steps back, but still said stubbornly: "With your attitude now, I dare not trust you even more!"

Cheryl yelled at Zhang Qingxiang: "Control your people!"

Zhang Qingxiang raised his hand to stop Cheryl from exploding, and said to Fisher, "They both signed an agreement with me. This time, the operation will be led by our Mystery Bureau."

Zhang Qingxiang took out the "Secret Contract" and Fisher took a look at it, confirming that there was no problem.

Cheryl and Joe Hart laughed secretly. This low-level idiot couldn't see the trick at all. Bablair was not a good guy either. He cheated his own people.

Zhang Qingxiang continued, "I promise you, I am the first one, and you must be the second one. They both have to listen to me. We are family, and I will not lie to you. If I lie to you, you can also report me to the higher authorities."

Fisher thought about it again, and there was no better way. He nodded: "Okay, come with me. I have prepared a lot of things, all in the house, help me move them over."

(End of this chapter)

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