mysterious forerunner

Chapter 68 Big Stars in the Mysterious Era

Chapter 68 Big Stars in the Mysterious Era

Dai Yuxing took the lead, and dozens of students happily exited the teaching building. A bus was parked downstairs to take everyone to the committee's office.

Zhang Ruiqian was walking behind, and several students from other places were exchanging contact information with him.

At the entrance of the building, several cars stopped. A few bodyguards got off the first car and quickly protected the car in the middle, staring at the students vigilantly.

Dai Yuxing felt strange for a while. Who was in the car?

This is the Public Security University. If you are a "leader", the person getting out of the car in front should be a guard rather than a bodyguard.

Dai Yuxing stretched his head and glanced inside. Several bodyguards immediately crossed their arms and blocked him, shouting loudly: "Back off, back off!"

Dai Yuxing and his classmates looked puzzled: "Who is he?"

Feng Lintong went to the car and looked at the license plate, and said with certainty: "No."

"Then what are you crazy about in the Public Security University?!"

The bodyguards were not afraid at all and still looked fierce: "Do you know who is sitting in the car?"

The car door was quickly opened, and a graceful figure came out.

Wearing an elegant black dress that fit perfectly, her skin was as cold white as the snow on higher mountains.

There are no extra decorations on her body, only a delicate diamond pendant around her neck, which is cleverly embellished. The platinum chain is slender, not ostentatious but elegant.

Feng Lintong screamed in disbelief: "The Queen of Heaven Bai Qian——"

Bai Qian didn't have the airs of a star, but was a bit down-to-earth. Her mother-in-law scolded her bodyguard: "Who is sitting in the car? There is a beautiful woman in her 28s and unparalleled charm sitting in the car."

"Please give me some peace of mind. I'm just a singer and filmer. I only think I'm beautiful. I never think I'm anything special."

"Why do you always think I'm a nobody?"

"Please, this is the Public Security University. We can't choose this place even if we want to be a big name."

"I might get beaten up by the security guards..."

Dai Yuxing, Feng Xiaoxian, Tian Mingkun, Peng Shuangjie... all the males present suddenly became nervous.

Feng Xiaoxian quietly used the front camera of his mobile phone to look in the mirror, his palms stained with saliva, and fixed his hair.

"Ah -" Feng Lintong screamed, jumping up and down in front of Bai Qian with excitement: "Sister Bai, I am your fan!"

Bai Qian was also happy: "Little girl, you are so discerning!"

Feng Lintong is a social K-B terrorist. When he finally meets his idol, his eyes immediately light up and he starts gossiping: "Sister Bai, what are you doing in the original city?"

"I understand! It is said on the Internet that you are filming "Eight Feet Sea" directed by Mou Mou?"

"Is the scandal between you and the leading actor Chu Weilun true?"

"Let me tell you in advance, I will not consume this CP..."

Bai Qian nodded seriously: "Just don't take it. I don't like Chu Weilun either."

"Hehehe." The two women laughed together.

Bai Qiancai said: "I came here specifically to thank Zhang Qingxiang of the secret case team."

"Look for the squad leader." Feng Lintong turned around and saw Zhang Qingxiang and three others coming out: "Over there."

Liang Zimian also saw Bai Qian and immediately quickened his pace: "Ms. Bai Qian, hello. We have contacted Liang Zimian from our city committee before."

Bai Qian's agent cut in at the right time: "Teacher Liang, I am Miss Bai Qian's agent, we were contacted before."

"Oh." Liang Zimian was a little embarrassed, but quickly pushed Zhang Qingxiang out: "This is the hero who saves you, Zhang Qingxiang."

Bai Qian stepped forward, gently pressed the collar of the dress with one hand, and bowed half-bow: "Thank you, Agent Zhang, for saving my life."

"On behalf of all the survivors of the crew, I came here to express my gratitude."

Bai Qian took another red envelope from her agent and handed it to Zhang Qingxiang with both hands: "This is a gift prepared by the crew for you: our movie "Eight Feet Sea" will have its premiere in Yuan City in three months. This is the VIP admission ticket for the day, please come and enjoy it.”

"Well...actually you are too polite, it's just my duty." Zhang Qingxiang took it politely, thinking that this time the "publicity mission" was completed.

But the big star has no intention of leaving just yet.

Liang Zimian and his agent both seized this opportunity and asked Zhang Qingxiang to take a group photo with Bai Qian, and then asked Bai Qian to take a group photo with the whole class.

When Zhang Qingxiang and Bai Qian were taking a group photo alone, the manager skillfully moved Ye Yousheng aside, who refused to get out of the way.

Ye Yousheng's temperament suddenly became cold.

The originally clear and bright eyes slowly began to look deep and mysterious.

It's a pity that although the "yen pressure" switch was turned on this time, it was not turned off...

Spring flowers and autumn moon, half a catty and eight liang.

Bai Qian's agent arranged interviews with several reporters, and the questions they asked were all discussed in advance.

They are all about the tragedy that happened to the crew, and they also mentioned the bravery of the secret case team.

What surprised Zhang Qingxiang was that Liang Zimian also arranged for two to remember it!

Zhang Qingxiang is keenly aware that the attitude of the higher-ups towards mysterious propaganda has changed. After today, all kinds of mysterious reports should be liberalized.

Zhang Qingxiang was not interested in cooperating with Bai Qian to promote the movie. However, the propaganda is mysterious and Zhang Qingxiang is willing to promote it.

The sooner people know about the mysterious existence, the better. They can learn how to protect themselves sooner, and more people can become practitioners as soon as possible.

It wasn't until about four o'clock in the afternoon that I was finally done.

The agent deliberately looked at his watch and then reminded Bai Qian: "There is a very important business event later..."

Bai Qian reached out to the assistant beside her: "Mobile phone." The assistant immediately handed her mobile phone over, and Bai Qian waved her hand: "My personal one."

The assistant quickly changed to another one. Bai Qian took it and showed a smile like a spring breeze, and said to Zhang Qingxiang: "Agent Zhang, let's leave your contact information. I have a hunch that in the future, movies about mysterious themes will be a big hit. Yes, if I have any questions about the role, I would like to ask you for advice."

Zhang Qingxiang couldn't find a reason to refuse, so he took out his mobile phone and added each other as friends.

"Then let's go first." Bai Qian waved goodbye to everyone: "Goodbye, Agent Zhang."

"Goodbye, Teacher Liang."

"Goodbye everyone."

Dozens of males felt that they were saying goodbye to themselves, so they raised their arms and swayed vigorously.

Bai Qian specifically said to Feng Lintong: "Goodbye, my beauty."

Feng Lintong excitedly waved goodbye to his idol.

The car was far away, and Feng Xiaoxian and others reluctantly looked away.

"She truly deserves to be the national goddess. She has a good figure, good skin, and a good personality."

"Sister killed me!"

"No wonder people are so popular."

Liang Zimian snorted: "Okay, everyone put their eyes back and set off."

Dai Yuxing and others got on the bus. Everyone had a tacit understanding not to take the two seats behind the driver in the front row, leaving them to the squad leader and his wife.

As soon as Zhang Qingxiang sat down, his cell phone ding-dong-ding-dong kept ringing, and several WeChat messages came in.

The little girl next to her sat upright, not even bothering to turn her neck.

But the two big eyes had already reached their limit in squinting.

It's indeed Bai Qian!
"It's really disturbing today."

"I really want to thank you."

"I'm very tired of using the deceased and you, the hero of the secret case team, as a gimmick to promote the movie, but the investors insist on doing this, and I can't handle the capital."

"I sincerely apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"There will be a mysterious movie later, and I have been cast as the female lead. I have an official investment background. I may really need to ask you for some advice then."

Bai Qian's fingers were flying, and messages were sent out one after another.

The broker stared on the side, feeling helpless: "The investors will be unhappy if they know you said this."

Bai Qian relaxed her whole body, slumped on the seat, threw her phone aside, and took the time to close her eyes and rest: "I've always judged people very accurately. Agent Zhang has a very good character. When you talk to someone like him, you don't need to beat around the bush."

The agent believed her.

This man has been fighting in the field for more than ten years. He has always been popular and has almost no black material. Bai Qian relies on this skill.

The agent sighed: "Forget it, using this kind of gimmick for publicity is indeed unreasonable, and it may be backlashed by public opinion in the future.

When the time comes, we will secretly leak the record of your chat today, and fans won’t be able to blame us. "

Zhang Qingxiang replied: "You're welcome, Miss Bai. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you don't have any tasks, I will answer them carefully."

Bai Qian immediately cheered up and sent a series of expressions of thanks, bows, and hugs.

Agent: "You are very enthusiastic about this kid."

After Bai Qian replied with his expression, he quickly sent a message: "I am also from Yuan City. I will treat you to a meal alone next time I come back. Thank you!"

Then, she slumped down to rest again, her beautiful eyebrows raised slightly, and she hinted at a smile: "I didn't expect that my savior was a handsome young man."

The agent rolled his eyes speechlessly.


Ye Yousheng remained reserved for ten seconds before he couldn't hold it any longer.

What? I have to eat alone with Brother Qingxiang!

Zhang Qingxiang was preparing to reply to the last WeChat message when a small head stretched out from his side and gradually completely blocked the phone screen.

Zhang Qingxiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm such a big star, so I'm just being polite."

Moreover, it is obvious that the main reason why a big star made a special trip to become friends with an "ordinary" agent is actually the propaganda and the change of attitude towards "mystery".

Ye Yousheng pursed her lips hard, and her pink and orange lips turned into two stubborn curves.

From an angle that his brother couldn't see, he rolled his eyes.

The old woman is just greedy for my brother’s body!

Ye Yousheng suddenly became a little angry: It's all Teacher Liang's fault for telling me to dress more handsomely today!
I spent so much time dressing him up, but the old woman took notice of him.

I'm so...

Ye Yousheng was secretly angry, and quietly stretched out her sinful little hand from the side, grabbed a button on her brother's suit, and pulled it off with force.

"Hey——" Zhang Qingxiang said with heartache: "That's tens of thousands of people."


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(End of this chapter)

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