mysterious forerunner

Chapter 69 [Ghost Money]

Chapter 69 [Ghost Money]

Zhang Qingxiang recalled his previous life in his mind.

Cultivation stars such as Feng Xiaoxian in the early period and Guan Xuanbai in the later period squeezed the living space of these entertainment stars.

As the world becomes increasingly mysterious, entertainment stars are treated less and less well.

They are pretty good, but the ones that have the biggest impact are those Internet celebrities on the short video platform who have become popular with their beauty cameras and butt twisting.

In the era of pan-spiritual practice, the most viewed content on short video platforms is various "mysterious" content.

There was a period of time when many entertainment stars paid high prices to purchase source and secret objects in an attempt to transform into spiritual stars, but very few succeeded.

Zhang Qingxiang speculated: The queen must also have this kind of mentality.


The committee's offices are located on an upper floor of the Provincial Office of the Public Security Bureau.

The [Evil Quicksand] previously contained, as well as various secret objects collected over the past month, are stored in several safes in the basement of the building.

Security is extremely tight - but that's for ordinary people.

After Zhang Qingxiang came in, he shook his head secretly. If there were really cultivators and criminals rushing in, those pistols and micro-chargers would probably be of no use.

When taking in [Evil Quicksand], Zhang Qingxiang suggested to Mr. Guo that he should build a mysterious prison and be responsible for it.

But there is no follow-up, Guo Lao must still have worries in his heart.

Under the leadership of Teacher Liang, the students passed through various security checks. After entering the basement, Teacher Liang opened the safe and took out all the secret objects inside.

"Starting from the first and second levels, everyone chooses first."

The students said "Wow!" and rushed forward with their eyes shining.

But it’s not bad to look at this and that.

Many students could only choose the same thing, and they suddenly had difficulty choosing.

They were still struggling, but Tian Mingkun had already arrived in front of Zhang Qingxiang with several secret items suitable for him: "Squad leader, which one should I choose?"

The room was filled with first- and second-level secret objects, which meant they were of low level and were suppressed and did not dare to resist, otherwise something would definitely have happened.

Zhang Qingxiang glanced at it and gave Tian Mingkun an opinion: "This."

Tian Mingkun gave up the others without hesitation: "Okay."

Everyone was immediately inspired, yes, we can’t choose, the squad leader can.

A group of people rushed to Zhang Qingxiang: "Monitor, my good monitor, help me choose one..."

Ye Yousheng was pushed aside and rolled his eyes in anger.

After helping them choose the secret objects, Zhang Qingxiang clapped his hands vigorously, attracting everyone's attention: "Do you know how to conquer the secret objects?"

Everyone responded together: "I know, [Shen Feeding Method], squad leader, we have all read the article you posted on the mysterious forerunner."

"What I know now about mysteries is basically learned from reading the squad leader's articles. In fact, I didn't learn anything useful in this secret training class..."

Taoist Yihang and Monk Jingyuan coughed a few times, and the students said, "I forgot that the teacher is here."

The two teachers were even more speechless. It would be better if you didn't say this.

Liang Zimian adjusted his glasses and said: If you can't learn anything, what does it have to do with me, the class teacher? Find the teacher, there are two here!

Zhang Qingxiang was satisfied that the "mysterious forerunner" had begun to work.

Next, you need to be careful when choosing third-level secret objects.

If the control is not good, accidents will occur.

Taoist Yihang and Monk Jingyuan appeared at the same time - they were entrusted by Liang Zimian to suppress the third-level secret objects.

What these two people were thinking was: OK.

After all, we can't leave Zhang Yanei to do everything, so we can help with some chores.

This time, neither Dai Yuxing nor Feng Xiaoxian were very coy, so they took the initiative to ask Zhang Qingxiang for help.

Not to mention Ye Yousheng.

Zhang Qingxiang helped her choose a silver hairpin.

[Secret weapon: Dust-breaking needle (broken)

Level: Level 3. Efficacy: Armor-piercing, evil-destroying.

It was supposed to be a fifth-level secret weapon, but it was missing the key pendant bead.

It has a strong suppressive effect on ghost monsters below the fourth level. If it is damaged at the cost of itself, a "sacrificial blow" is enough to cause serious damage to the ghost monsters of the fifth level.

Facing non-ghost-type weirdness, it is just an ordinary third-level secret weapon.

Side effects: After each use, the holder needs to wear the full attire of an opera actress, wear the secret weapon on his head, and bask in the sun for an hour on a crowded street at noon to replenish yang energy and counteract yin energy. 】

The little girl's [Painter] professional skills are very domineering, but currently her level is not enough and she lacks the means to attack difficulties.

Zhang Qingxiang chose the one with the strongest attack power among the secret objects available for her to choose from.

As for the price, it's a bit shameful... I'll tell the little girl after she uses it.

Not to mention, I am quite looking forward to the little girl wearing a costume.

After everyone had chosen, only Zhang Qingxiang was left.

In fact, Zhang Qingxiang had no choice, because the committee only had one fourth-level secret item so far.

[Secret Weapon: Ghost Treasure Shell

Level: Level 4.

Efficacy: Money can make ghosts grind, and you can hire any ghost below level four.

Every morning, a drop of [yin dew] will condense in the shell, which can be used to feed ghosts and irrigate plant-type secret spirits.

Side effects: expensive, extremely expensive!
Condensing [Yin Dew] will cause continuous loss of qi and blood to the holder. If the holder's realm is lower than the fourth level, he will be in a state of yin deficiency and anemia for a long time. 】

Because he had no choice, Zhang Qingxiang had no hope.

The higher the level of the secret object, the better. High-level secret objects often come with a heavy cost of use.

You also need to consider whether it is suitable for your own attributes.

But this one is actually quite suitable. Among other things, one drop of [yin dew] is born every day, which is just used to water the Buddha's belly begonia.

It is the "yin deficiency" in this price that makes people fearful!

It is still necessary to raise one's realm to the fourth level as soon as possible.

Zhang Qingxiang put away the secret object, smiled at Liang Zimian and nodded: "Thank you to the committee."

"Okay." Liang Zimian clapped his hands: "There is still one hour left before the duty starts. Everyone, hurry up and collect the secret objects."

When everyone left, Zhang Qingxiang reminded Liang Zimian again: "These things are definitely not safe here."

Liang Zimian just smiled.

He couldn't make the decision, so he could only make suggestions to Mr. Guo.

Even if he did not mention this suggestion, Liang Zimian would habitually consider it carefully for a long time.


Another busy night.

Dai Yuxing was unlucky. This was their last day on duty in Yuan City, and it was "voluntary help." As a result, he and two other companions from He City were seriously injured while dealing with a mysterious scene.

It takes at least a week to recuperate in the original city.

At dawn, Zhang Ruiqian walked into the big office and said to all the agents: "Everyone comes back early today. At two o'clock in the afternoon, we will send Xu Shanling off together."

Everyone looked sad and fell silent.

The original city had a dedicated cemetery to bury public officials who died in the line of duty.

Most of those sleeping inside are security guards and firefighters.

After the eight people in Xu Shangling died, their pensions were quickly received. They were also rated as martyrs and received various benefits after their death.

In the afternoon, Xu Shanngling and his ashes will be sent back to their hometown. Two of the eight people were natives of the original city, and their ashes were sent to the cemetery for burial.

Everyone goes back to rest first.

 There is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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