mysterious forerunner

Chapter 92 Let you have fun for a while first

Chapter 92 Let you have fun for a while

Of course Du Jinpeng would not explain to others that these carefully selected big white-feathered roosters were just "snacks."

The real price is that every time they take action, the Du family sacrifices a living person to Uncle Zhong’s immortal!
It is difficult for others to complete this transaction, and it will be traced by the Public Security Bureau.

To the Du family, it was nothing.

Death row inmates and terminally ill patients can all be arranged - it's not that ordinary people can't be arranged, but it's unnecessary and will leave hidden dangers.

The two teams of newcomers in the distance were filled with confusion and loss.

Yanei... doesn't seem to be as powerful as rumored. A ghost hitting the wall makes him act like a clown, "performing" a farce in front of his competitors.

The faith in the hearts of the newcomers seemed to have collapsed. They subconsciously believed that Yanei was "one of their own." If Yanei acted like he was pulling his crotch, they felt extremely uncomfortable but could do nothing about it.

My abilities are just not as good as others, what can I do?
Some people speculated: "Maybe the yamen's ability is mysteriously restrained by a ghost or something like that?"

"I heard that this kind of ability restraint among professionals is very common. Yanei may also be able to restrain other professionals."

Zhang Qingxiang had already led his detectives to rescue the survivors in the building and arranged for ambulances to be sent to the hospital.

Then the cleanup team came in.

Uncle Zhong had already devoured the dozens of live chickens. He was gently scratching his belly with his little paws. His face was full of chicken blood, feeling comfortable and satisfied.

Du Jinpeng crossed his arms and raised his chin towards Zhang Qingxiang: "Our work is done, and you will handle the rest."

Du Jinpeng took Uncle Zhong and Wei Guoyan away.

Although the second generation didn't say anything sarcastic, his attitude said it all.

We have done the most difficult work, and those of you who are incompetent must of course take action and clean up the tail.

Before Du Jinpeng left, he saw Zhang Qingxiang's facial features twisted together, and he was obviously very unhappy.

That's right, if you are unhappy, I, Mr. Du, will be happy.

After the three of them got in the car, Du Jinpeng finally couldn't hold it in anymore and burst into laughter.

Ye Yousheng stood aside from the beginning to the end. Even when Brother Qingxiang was "beating the wall", she didn't even think about going up to help.

Zhang Qingxiang led people behind him and rushed into the residential building to save people, but she followed him quickly.

The detectives present still didn't know them well enough.

If any of Ximen Ye, Feng Lintong, Tian Mingkun and Peng Shuangjie were at the scene, they would all be suspicious: There is obviously a [Spiritual Eye] in the office?

Hmm... Tian Mingkun might not have thought of it.

This is why Zhang Qingxiang asked them to form a team alone tonight.

I'm afraid these guys' acting skills aren't up to par.

What if there is a flaw and Young Master Du sees through it?
It's great now. Young Master Du is very happy, so let him be happy for a little longer.


Du Jinpeng returned to the secret case team. Feng Xiaoxian and others had completed their respective tasks and came back first.

Everyone knows about the competition between Yanei and Du Jinpeng, and is very concerned about the final result of the two going on a mission together.

Who played the key role? Did any dangerous secret objects that needed to be contained be captured?

Now that Du Jinpeng is back first, everyone wants to know the result, but they are not familiar with Du Jinpeng and don't want to get close to him.

Du Jinpeng took a quick glance and understood what everyone was thinking, and became arrogant: Hey, you guys don't ask? I won’t tell you, I’ll choke you to death.

Du Jinpeng sat down with Shi Shiran, his expression was cheerful and high-spirited, and he almost told everyone openly: Master, I won.

Everyone saw it and were unwilling to accept such a result. They still harbored a trace of luck and became even more entangled in their hearts.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Qingxiang and the others came back. Everyone swarmed around them. Zhang Qingxiang said frankly: "Thanks to Du Jinpeng for this mission."

"Alas -" everyone sighed.

Du Jinpeng snorted proudly.

I just like how you can't stand me and can't do anything about me.

Feng Xiaoxian winked, quietly left the big office, and caught a newcomer who followed the yamen out: "Tell me everything about your mission."

The newcomer said oh and said listlessly.

Yanei lost, and the newcomers were also very unhappy.

But the more Feng Xiaoxian listened, the more he felt something was wrong!
You told me that the yamen is trapped by a "ghost wall"?

Am I stupid or are you stupid?

No, it’s Du Jinpeng who is stupid!

Newcomers are very strange. Why is this senior still excited as I talk?

Yanei lost, we are all very sad, why can't you empathize!

Feng Xiaoxian waved his hand: "Okay, it's okay, you can go."

Feng Xiaoxian walked back to the big office with his hands behind his back. He kept reviewing the operations in the office in his mind, and nodded secretly in agreement:

If you want to advance, suppress it first!

Learned another trick.

Let the person being hit be arrogant for a while.

Lost your studies!

Soon, the climax of the second wave of mysterious arrival tonight arrived, and each group quickly dispatched.

The mission Zhang Qingxiang received was the arrival of an alchemy laboratory.

In the laboratory, all kinds of terrifying and weird creations were refined.

There is a will-o'-the-wisp motorcycle with crazy sound and light effects, and the saddlebags on both sides open and close wide, trying to eat people; there is a strange baby with wrinkled skin, covered with sticky whiskers, and can fuck things in the air; there is a zombie that is full of putrid odor. The cat, with its eyes dug out, can escape into the void at will...

This time Zhang Qingxiang tried very hard to "show off" and personally smashed four mysterious creations one after another, but was eventually trapped by the fifth one.

It was Du Jinpeng who asked Uncle Zhong to take action again.

However, the mystery in the alchemy laboratory cannot be communicated at all.

Uncle Zhong judged that the alchemy laboratory was a foreign thing and he couldn't understand the language of my family.

In the end, the Great Immortal took action and tore the entire laboratory to pieces.

The immortal was so exhausted that he ate forty live chickens in one go.

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan respected Uncle Zhong more and more. After this wave of climax passed, everyone returned to the secret case team tiredly.

Tian Mingkun's first reaction was to cover Feng Xiaoxian's mouth: "Stop talking nonsense."

"Everyone is very tired tonight, and we really can't bear the third wave of climax."

That's weird. Feng Xiaoxian stopped talking nonsense. There was still more than an hour until dawn, and it passed peacefully.

Du Jinpeng said to Uncle Zhong: "You have worked so hard. Let's go back and rest."

"We have prepared what we agreed upon. Please go back and enjoy it."

Uncle Zhong smiled, followed Du Jinpeng into the car, and drove away.


Mr. Guo was thinking about the competition between Zhang Qingxiang and Du Jinpeng, and he didn't want to sleep last night.

He stayed up until past twelve o'clock, and Liang Zimian forced him to take medicine and fall asleep.

Mr. Guo woke up at around seven o'clock in the morning.

Immediately afterwards, he received two videos from Du Jinpeng.

They are all scenes of Zhang Qingxiang "making a fool of himself".

Liang Zimian had been accompanying Mr. Guo and saw these two videos. The two of them were speechless for a while.

Liang Zimian said angrily: "I called Zhang Qingxiang, what did he do?"

Mr. Guo stopped him: "Forget it, the child has worked hard all night. If he loses... he feels bad. Let him rest first."

Liang Zimian put down his phone bitterly.

Mr. Guo thought for a while and said: "If Zhang Qingxiang loses in the end and the mysterious prison falls into the hands of the Du family, we must make second-hand preparations."

Liang Zimian asked: "What do you always have in mind?"

Guo Laodao: "Please invite Master Jingyuan to come over and discuss it. Although I feel a little wronged to him, I can only rely on him now. Ask him to join the mysterious prison to check and balance the Du family."

"it is good."

Master Jingyuan was invited here early in the morning, knowing that there must be something important.

When Mr. Guo mentioned the matter, Master Jingyuan was of course unwilling.

The prison is not a good place, and when you enter, you will be surrounded by people from the Du family, so you will be restrained everywhere.

However, Mr. Guo immediately told what happened last night, and Master Jingyuan blinked: "Chu Ma Xian?"

Mr. Guo nodded: "After the mysterious arrival, the strength of these Immortals has skyrocketed. I know it is a bit difficult for the master, but there is really no other way..."

"Little monk is willing!"

Master Jingyuan agreed wholeheartedly.

Mr. Guo and Liang Zimian were stunned, and then smiled happily: "As expected of a master, he understands righteousness."

Master Jingyuan felt ashamed in his heart, but his face was filled with the perfect Buddha light of "If I don't go to hell, who will?"!

Master Jingyuan's first reaction was: In the competition between Yanei and Du Jinpeng, Du Jinpeng wants to win Yanei with the help of a trickster?

Mr. Guo actually thinks that Ma Xian can win?

Oh, it turns out that Yanei’s acting skills are very good, so that’s okay.

Master Jingyuan was unwilling to go to prison as an undercover agent, but since it was impossible for Du Jinpeng to win, Xiaoseng agreed, and he could also gain a good impression in front of Mr. Guo at no cost, so why not?
Master Jingyuan took the two videos over and watched them carefully over and over again.

Mr. Guo earnestly told him some things to pay attention to after entering the mysterious prison, and constantly assured him that he would give him the greatest help, so that Master Jingyuan could feel at ease.

Liang Zimian was also on the side, adding a word or two from time to time.

Master Jingyuan listened very carefully. In fact, it went in one ear and out the other. It was useless to memorize these things for whatever purpose.

Master Jingyuan has been studying the two videos, and then he admired in his heart: Yanei is really outstanding, his mysterious strength is unfathomable, and he has such profound attainments in acting skills. The young monk can't see any flaws!


Zhang Qingxiang went to work today and arrived a few hours late. He didn't arrive at the entrance of the small courtyard of the secret case team until after four o'clock.

He called Shi Luo at the door before entering.

Zhang Ruiqian and others had almost arrived, and they clapped their hands and said, "Please pay attention, the group will be split into three groups. Everyone knows about this.

It has also been decided in the past two days that there are three office spaces, which will also be retained here.

After a while, I sent the locations of the other two locations to the work group, and everyone first chose which group to go to.

Finally, we will coordinate and balance. "

After Zhang Ruiqian finished speaking, he left, so that everyone would not have trouble discussing with each other when the big boss was around.

Soon several messages appeared in the work group one after another.

There are two other office locations, one in the north of the city and one in the southwest. They are also independent office environments.

Originally, this small courtyard was in the southeast direction, forming a triangle, radiating the entire original city.

Zhang Ruiqian personally sits in the north of the city. As the headquarters, it is said to be the strongest.

The leader of the southwest group is Wang Changyong, and the students in the secret training class are more familiar with him.

However, after Wang Changyong accepted Zhang Qingxiang's recruitment, he followed the agents on missions every night during this period. Others also recognized Teacher Wang's strength.

Moreover, after Wang Changyong received Zhang Qingxiang's "Essence of Chuanwu - Practicing and Fighting Forty-Seven Hands", he really became enlightened and his strength improved significantly every day.

The agents were also impressed with him.

Facing the tyrannical mystery of the physical body, Teacher Wang is now a big killer.

Zhang Qingxiang had already discussed with his father that he would stay in this small courtyard.

For the Secret Spirit Vine, of course.

Overall, the office environment in the small courtyard is the worst. Zhang Qingxiang's nickname is "respecting the elderly."

One of you is my biological father, and the other is my teacher. Of course, I will give you a place with good conditions.

The detectives of the secret case team had no hesitation, and many wanted to follow Yanei.

However, the number of people in the three groups must be even. Many people know this in their minds. The yamen must choose someone, and we may not be able to choose them.

(End of this chapter)

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