mysterious forerunner

Chapter 93 Water Tumor

Chapter 93 Water Tumor
The newcomers outside are quite confused now.

Originally, their first choice was definitely Yanei, but Yanei's crotch-stretching performance last night... made them hesitant again.

Zhang Qingxiang was not anxious at all.

Of course he wanted to keep Feng Lintong and Tian Mingkun in his own group, but Feng Xiaoxian would definitely send Wang Changyong to Wang Changyong, who was too weak and needed to be balanced.

There is also a channel man.

The Taoist priest definitely wanted to follow him, but Zhang Qingxiang wanted to send him to his father.

After all, I still don’t worry about my biological father.

Coincidentally, Zhang Ruiqian, who was sitting in the office at this time, was also thinking of sending a Taoist to Zhang Qingxiang.

During the heated discussion, Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan, one on the left and one on the right, were like guardians, surrounding Uncle Zhong as they walked in.

"What tasks will there be tonight?" Du Jinpeng asked calmly, but showed a strong confidence.

There were two missions last night. The first one was resolved through negotiation, so the mystery automatically receded and there was no reward.

The alchemy laboratory in the second game was actually cracked through combat.

Zhang Qingxiang's role in the battle is negligible, and the reward is only a bottle of [Alchemy Potion], which has a very strange effect, it is "super lubrication".

Isn't this thing just a bottle of lubricant?
But Uncle Zhong’s reward is very good.

It was a second-level secret object, the Alchemical Creation Helmet—Uncle Zhong took the initiative to give it to Du Jinpeng.

People of his sect cannot use any other means except to worship the Great Immortal, otherwise they will cause the Great Immortal to be dissatisfied.

Why, do you think I am not good enough?
Moreover, Uncle Zhong also understood clearly that he was employed by the Du family, so of course everything gained during the employment process belonged to the employer.

From the end of the mission last night, Du Jinpeng has roughly figured out the function of this secret object:

After using this helmet, mental power can spread out and mentally control all targets lower than yourself!

What a powerful secret weapon! Du Jinpeng was extremely happy. Sure enough, in the mysterious era, the best treasures were hidden in mysterious scenes.

It's just that Du Jinpeng hasn't figured out yet the cost of using this secret weapon.

But after getting a powerful secret weapon, and with Uncle Zhong sitting next to him, Du Jinpeng's already strong self-confidence swelled again. He didn't dare to say that he was arrogant, but he must have drifted.

The expressions of the detectives darkened. No one would look down upon an outsider who came to show off his power on his own territory.

They did perform well last night, and there is nothing much to say.

Zhang Qingxiang looked unhappy and replied: "Who knows now? Just wait for the call in the evening."

Du Jinpeng was scolded and was not angry at all: trash like you can only be incompetent and furious.

He took out his helmet and fiddled with it in his hands: "Uncle Zhong, let's take this time to study the cost of using this powerful secret weapon."

Uncle Zhong smiled and said, "The cost of using this high-quality secret weapon will not be too high."

The agents all made excuses and went out, not wanting to stay here and watch them show off.


But in fact, Zhang Qingxiang really knew what kind of task he would have today.

After six o'clock in the evening, the red phone kept ringing as usual, and Zhang Qingxiang refused to answer the task.

Ye Yousheng followed her brother, holding a drawing board in her arms.

When her brother didn't accept the task, Ye Yousheng just painted with peace of mind.

Ye Yousheng looked innocent and childish, but the drawing board always turned his back to Du Jinpeng and the others.

The three of them all thought she was practicing painting to kill time, but in fact, when a task came, Ye Yousheng quietly turned to the next page. Below was a map, and she marked the location of the task on the map.

The task is marked with a red pen, and there are several points on the map marked with yellow and purple respectively.

Zhang Qingxiang plays with his mobile phone from time to time. In the friend list, several directors and captains of the Public Security Bureau who have added each other as friends are feeding Zhang Qingxiang real-time information.

These are all friends added in previous missions.

At around nine o'clock, the red phone rang again, and only Zhang Qingxiang's group was left.

Du Jinpeng has been impatient for a long time. He won two games in a row last night and he has fallen in love with this feeling.

Du Jinpeng suddenly stood up: "Captain Zhang, is it time we took action?"

Zhang Qingxiang could only nod: "Okay, let's go."

Wei Guoyan couldn't help but sneered: "Why don't we go up and you shout cheers on the side?"

Zhang Qingxiang gave him a hard look, which was very funny.

After getting in the car, Ye Yousheng marked the location of this mission, turned over the drawing board and showed the entire map to his brother.

Zhang Qingxiang looked at those points and thought for a moment: "This should be it..."

Zhang Qingxiang took out his mobile phone and sent the address to Shi Luo.

"lets go."


This is an office building. The location in the original city is not very good, and the rent is not high.

In the era of economic downturn, more and more migrant workers stayed after get off work every night and "took the initiative" to work overtime for free.

If business is not easy to do, the boss can only further "exploit potential internally."

Xiao Chen had just graduated two years ago and was dug a bit hard by his boss's shovel. The young and beautiful college student two years ago has turned into a dull workplace social beast.

In the past two days, her relatives had come, and she was not feeling well, and was forced to work overtime. When it was almost nine o'clock, she was really sleepy, so she went to the shared pantry on the floor to make herself a cup of instant coffee.

Holding the warm coffee cup in hand, I took a deep breath of the coffee's taste, which lifted me up a bit.

She turned around and went back. As soon as she sat down at her work station, she suddenly saw Fatty Liu at the next work station. His already chubby body was bulging up more like a balloon, and then he was growing rapidly. Sarcoma like a blister!

This made Fatty Liu look like a bunch of giant fleshy grapes.

Xiao Chen wailed and rubbed his eyes: "You hard-working migrant worker, I am so tired that I have hallucinations..." But Xiao Chen opened his eyes again and saw Fatty Liu still looking scary!

Xiao Chen's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, but it seemed as if some monster had strangled his throat and he couldn't make any sound.

Fatty Liu just sat at his workstation. His two eyeballs had completely protruded and swelled into two huge black tumors!
Purple nerves hang behind.

All the hygroma continued to grow, and the outer skin became translucent. Xiao Chen could vaguely see that something seemed to be pregnant inside.

A water tumor exploded, and a soft-bodied monster the size of a puppy fell to the ground along with a piece of amniotic fluid.

Puff puff……

Explosions continued, and the water tumors broke one after another. The soft monsters squirmed on the ground for a few times, and then immediately rushed towards Xiao Chen!
They're a bit like the facehuggers from the movie "Alien," but even more disgusting and terrifying.

Several of them jumped up suddenly, opening the mouthparts on their abdomen, revealing densely packed sharp teeth.

He bit Xiao Chen's neck with a pop, and blood spurted out.

"Ah -" Xiao Chen screamed miserably, and the coffee cup in his hand fell to the ground, with fragments and coffee liquid splashing everywhere.

Colleagues who worked overtime with Xiao Chen were startled by his screams and stood up suddenly to look around.

What greeted them were densely packed soft monsters jumping quickly between the grid workstations, like flying fish out of the sea!

Screams and exclamations came one after another.

All the hygroma on Fatty Liu's body had been shattered, leaving only the black hygromas formed on his two eyes.

But soon, his "children" came back dragging corpses one after another.

Fatty Liu slowly opened a huge mouthpart in his abdomen and swallowed all the corpses, including Xiao Chen's corpse with wide eyes.

After replenishing energy, the body expanded several times, and more water tumors were born.

What mistake did the poor migrant worker make to deserve such a disaster?
The soft monsters quickly spread from this office to the entire office building, looking for new prey.

Outside the building, I don’t know when it was firmly wrapped in a strange black film-like substance!


Du Jinpeng drove quickly and arrived at the office building first.

Wei Guoyan stopped the car and immediately ran to the back of the car and opened the door for Uncle Zhong.

"Uncle Zhong, Master Du, let's go straight in."

Du Jinpeng crossed his arms and shook his head: "No, wait for Zhang Qingxiang. Let him try it first and let him give up, lest he make excuses after losing that we don't give him a chance."

"Hehehe!" Wei Guoyan smiled evilly: "Listen to Mr. Du."

Uncle Zhong acted like he was doing his job honestly and obeyed his employer.

Zhang Qingxiang and his detectives arrived a few minutes late, and the on-site security bureau was led by a branch chief.

He didn't know who Du Jinpeng and the others were. When Zhang Qingxiang arrived, he hurriedly came up to them: "We have never encountered such a situation before!"

He was talking about the black film covering the office building.

"I'm afraid the weirdness this time will be even more terrifying!"

The branch chief looked at the secret case team expectantly: "Is there anything you can do? There are at least two hundred people inside..."

Zhang Qingxiang felt pain in his heart, green light flowed from his hand, and [Tiger General's Spear] appeared.

Zhang Qingxiang strode towards the office building and shouted to Du Jinpeng: "Let's do it together and save as many as we can!"

Du Jinpeng frowned. He originally wanted to wait for Zhang Qingxiang to be defeated, and then ask Uncle Zhong to take action, just like last night, enjoying the pleasure of defeating Zhang Qingxiang.

When Zhang Qingxiang shouted, Du Jinpeng looked around: the detectives of the secret case team and the security guards all had recorders on them.

If he refuses, if a video is circulated in the future, it means that he is indifferent to human life and refuses to do his best to rescue.

If there is a serious public opinion incident, with the vast power of netizens now, they will definitely reveal the details of the Du family.

It will seriously affect the reputation of the Du family.

"Hmph!" Du Jinpeng snorted coldly: "Uncle Zhong, let's go."

Uncle Zhong did not respond, but his body gradually changed, his face gradually turned into a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheeks, and a sharp and harsh voice came out of his mouth: "Young men, follow me closely."

Uncle Zhong got down on all fours and flew towards the office building.

Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan followed closely behind.

Arriving in front of the building, Uncle Zhong stretched out his front paws and scratched the black membrane open a long opening, and Uncle Zhong and the others got in.

Zhang Qingxiang waved his hand and led the detectives to get in through this crack.

In the office building, Du Jinpeng felt relieved when he saw Zhang Qingxiang coming in from here.

This kid obviously doesn't have the ability to tear off the membrane, so this time we have to rely on us!

Du Jinpeng didn't want Zhang Qingxiang to take credit for his work.

There are rewards for mysterious scenes.

Du Jinpeng whispered in Uncle Zhong's ear: "Great Immortal, can you get rid of them?"

"Easy." Daxian responded sharply.

Then Uncle Zhong stood up, picked up the backs of Du Jinpeng and Wei Guoyan with his two front paws, kicked off his legs, and rushed up to the wall on the side, and then turned into a gray shadow between the walls on both sides. Continuous ejections, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

As for whether Zhang Qingxiang and the others would suffer heavy casualties without the protection of the Immortal, Du Jinpeng didn't care at all.

Zhang Qingxiang was confused: I was worried about how to get rid of these three guys, and they actually ran away on their own!

But the detectives behind him were panicking.

They saw the confused look on the captain's face and thought that the captain was not sure about solving the mysterious scene in front of them.

Thinking back to the captain's performance last night, I feel more and more that it will be difficult to get out this time...

(End of this chapter)

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