Don't let him do animation

Chapter 281 Sneeze No. 1, Launch

The pneumococcus has gone into hiding, causing the white blood cells and T cells in the big world of the body to begin a vigorous search.

The red blood cell girl also entered the elevator of the left lung. When she reached the lung, she saw many red blood cell colleagues.

Even so, she did not take it lightly because it still had to pass through the capillaries to reach the alveoli.

Suddenly, she saw various words written on the door embedded in the wall.

Capillary 061
Capillary 062
"Hey, this is a capillary, and that is also a capillary."

Capillaries are small blood vessels that connect arteries and veins.

The house numbers ranged from 062 to 052, which made the red blood cell girl dizzy, as if there was no end at all.

“There are so many capillaries!”

The red blood cell girl almost collapsed.

Finally, thanks to the guidance of a senior from the Red Blood Cell, she basically figured out where she was going.

Capillary 096 was the room she went to.

According to the map, she groped her way to the end of the mission. Under the house number of Capillary 096, there was a notice carefully posted.

[To all red blood cells, since the capillaries are thin, please enter one by one and follow the rules, one person at a time! ]

"Follow the rules and do it one person at a time."

The red blood cell girl turned the handle, pushed the door open and walked in with the cart.

Inside the room are the alveoli of the human body, which is where gas exchange occurs between air and capillaries. There are about 3 million alveoli in the two lungs.

I heard it's such a huge number.

Many viewers in front of the screen were numb. They never expected that there would be so many organs in the body, reaching a terrifying number.

If it weren’t for Linlang Animation, few people would know about the complex structure of the human body.

“Wherever the pneumococcus goes, it goes.”

“Hopefully I won’t run into it.”

The red blood cell girl was worried because the bacteria might come to the lungs.

Suddenly, a tearing sound came from the front.


The red blood cell girl looked in the direction of the sound and saw that the cardboard box on the cart was cut open from the inside by a sharp blade.

She took a few steps back in fear, and a trembling sound came out of her mouth unconsciously.

Then, the box was cut open, and the pneumococcus stood up from it, with the tentacles on its back spreading out like a giant spider.

Streptococcus pneumoniae (rampant): "Thank you so much for sending me here."

"Ah~" a shrill scream.

The red blood cell girl almost subconsciously rushed out the door: "He's here."

"Where are you running, idiot?"

The tentacles were like steel spears, nailed to the door.

"What a fool! He didn't even notice what he was transporting."

"I finally got to the alveoli. This is a great place to ambush the red blood cells that transport nutrients."

"Fill your stomach first."

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a hemolytic bacterium with extremely high nutritional requirements, which means that red blood cells that transport nutrients are the primary attacked cells.

The red blood cell girl was unwilling to sit and wait for death, so she turned around, twisted the handle, and quickly went out. Just then, two red blood cells passed by leisurely, and seemed to be walking towards here.

"Sorry, there's someone else inside." The red cell girl quickly closed the door again.

"Idiot!" Another tentacle nailed to the door like a steel spear.

The pneumococcus stood behind him like a demon, baring its fangs and claws: "Do you think you can protect your companions like this? It's a waste of effort. Next, there will be a large-scale massacre."

"You can call for help."

After the operation, he did not forget to kindly remind: "The blood vessels are blocked, and the people who rescue you may not be able to come."

"I'm going to be killed, someone come." The red blood cell girl leaned against the door frame with her eyes closed.

Suddenly there was a loud 'clang'.

The ventilation grille in the room was violently kicked open.

The white blood cell that had been accompanying the red blood cell girl jumped out.

"You are so lacking in knowledge."

"We white blood cells can 'swim' along the blood vessel walls to where the enemy is."

White blood cells belong to the body's immune system and can move freely in tissues.

"How did you know I was here?" Pneumococcus was angry.

White Blood Cell held the dagger in front of him (explaining): "Not long after I separated from the Red Blood Cell, my sensors stopped responding. I didn't expect you to be hiding in the cargo that the Red Blood Cell was transporting."

Streptococcus pneumoniae: "I have finally come here, how can I be killed so easily by you."

The bacteria and white blood cells were in a stalemate, and the former was the first to be defeated. The tentacles on its back instantly tied up three cardboard boxes to confuse the opponent, and then quickly fled.

Red Blood Cell Girl: "White blood cells, that guy said he wanted to attack the red blood cells that transport nutrients."

White blood cell: "I know."

Bacteria and white blood cells rushed out one after another.

At the same time, a shrill alarm sounded in my lungs.


There are still many red blood cells in the lungs busy working and have not yet reacted to what is happening.

Streptococcus pneumoniae suddenly appeared, like a ghost in front of a red blood cell, and its claws that were as sharp as blades were revealed.

"It's you. I'm going to kill you."

From behind, the white blood cells came quickly, and just when the pneumococcus was about to kill the innocent red blood cells, he suddenly threw out two daggers and used them as hidden weapons.

Two "puff~" sounds.

Pneumococcus was hit in the waist, fell to the ground hastily, and looked back.

The white blood cell held a dagger in his hand, like a spy in a spy war, and the attack came as expected, slashing forward.

The pneumococcus immediately took precautions, and the tentacles on its back pulled up a large white transparent net that seemed to be made of steel and could actually resist the attacking dagger.

The two sides were in a stalemate for about two seconds. The white blood cell jumped back and distanced itself from the opponent. The dagger in its hand was stained with yellow juice and emitted corrosive smoke.

"White blood cells." The red blood cell girl chased out from the alveolar room.

"Back off quickly." The white blood cell stared ahead, taking precautions.

“Is it the capsule?”

"Capsule, just now."

"It's different from the one used to confuse people just now. It can be used directly as a shield. It has a stronger membrane. With such a strong membrane, there's nothing you can do to him in close combat."

Hearing what the white blood cell said, the red blood cell was shocked and almost collapsed, reminding: "You can't tell Streptococcus pneumoniae."

Streptococcus pneumoniae also cooperated very well: "I see, I heard something that is good for me."

The next moment, he became even more rampant: "Change of plan, I will kill you first before invading your whole body."

The tentacles behind it were like deadly flying knives, attacking the white blood cells one after another.

The white blood cell held the dagger and fought hard, dissolving the sharp blades at the tips of the tentacles and sending them flying in all directions, some of which pierced into the wall and some into the floor.

The situation became out of control at one point.

Many red blood cells were so scared that they ran away, while the red blood cell girl collapsed and shouted: "What did you tell him?"

"Sorry." The white blood cells seemed to be at ease in fighting against the pneumococcus, but they were always in a passive situation.

The red blood cell girl held her head in her hands, tears streaming down her face, "It's no use, white blood cell, leave an idiot like me alone, just run."

"Ding Ding Ding ~"

After fighting again and again, the white blood cell knocked away the tentacles of Streptococcus pneumoniae, and when it took a moment to catch its breath, it said to itself: "Should I use that?"

He led the red blood cell girl to fight and retreat, retreating towards the bronchus. After a while, the two cells came to the respiratory mucosa, and the pneumococcus followed closely behind, breaking through the wall and entering.

The smoke cleared.

Streptococcus pneumoniae (confident): "Jumping around."

He pressed forward step by step.

The white blood cell and red blood cell girls slowly retreated.

"Back off, back off."

"Stay back a little further."

Two cells exited at the foot of the red carpet.

Streptococcus pneumoniae sneered: "Are you going to surrender? You have no other tricks? It's really boring. Didn't you kill all my companions? I want you to have a taste of having your companions killed."

"go to hell."

Streptococcus pneumoniae lunged forward.

The red blood cell girl held her head in fear, prepared to die, but the result was that the pneumococcus jumped to the red carpet in front, and suddenly, an alarm sounded in the respiratory mucosa.

Streptococcus pneumoniae is confusing.

Snowball silently pressed the red button of a machine on the side, and two robotic arms appeared, one in front and one behind, aiming at the pneumococcus and spraying white mist to form a transparent prototype sphere to trap it.

【Successful capture of bacteria】

[Next, start removing bacteria]

Electronic sounds are heard from the machine in the respiratory mucosal area.

Streptococcus pneumoniae was still in a state of confusion: "Hey, wait a minute, what's going on."

The white blood cells took the red blood cells to a rest area nearby and ignored the bacteria that had been so arrogant just now.

Streptococcus pneumoniae (angry): "Hey, listen to me."

The white blood cell turned his back to him and explained, "It's useless. You can't break this capsule from the inside. Besides, this is a bronchial tube. Do you understand me?"

Streptococcus pneumoniae: "Asshole, what the hell are you doing? Aren't you ashamed of using such despicable means?"

White blood cell looked away: "I don't think so."

Streptococcus pneumoniae: "You're lying. If you can, don't look away."

The white blood cell ignored him and turned to look at the bewildered red blood cell girl beside him. He spoke to her in a low voice as a senior and took a cup of tea to reward her.

The sound of pneumococcal disease is like the buzzing of flies.

"Hey, don't ignore me."

"You bastard, are you kidding me?"

"Hey, both of you tell me something."

Suddenly, two more robotic arms appeared, holding the sphere containing the pneumococcus and slowly rising into the air.

"Ah~" His scream was still heard in the air.

The white blood cell invited the red blood cell girl to sit on the chair and watch the next grand scene together.

The respiratory mucosa area looked like a huge automated factory, with gears rotating and many unknown objects being transported to unknown destinations on conveyor belts.

And of course there is the impotent rage of Streptococcus pneumoniae: “Stop playing around, where are you taking me.”

Soon, the pneumococcus was in darkness, as if it was passing through a deep tunnel.

"Could it be. Could it be?"

It suddenly occurred to him that this was the bronchus.

Despair overwhelmed him, and the sphere that trapped him fell through the tunnel into the interior of a rocket.

There are four big words written all over the huge rocket: Sneeze No. 1.

Sneeze: A passive reaction that expels foreign matter such as dust or viruses attached to nasal particles. It can also occur in allergic reactions, when the nose is scratched with a piece of paper, when inhaling pepper, when looking at the sun, etc.

"No, stop it!" Streptococcus pneumoniae lay helplessly in the transparent cover.

【Countdown begins】


The Sneeze-1 rocket ignited successfully and flew into space, disintegrating and scattering at the invisible end, causing a violent explosion.

All the cells in the body are watching this wonderful scene through the monitors of various organs.

Sneeze No. 1 was successful and the pneumoniae was finally successfully resolved, which made many cells feel unprecedented relief.

The white blood cell watched for a while and knew that it was time to leave.

Red Cell Girl: "Are you leaving?"

White Blood Cell: "Yes, I still have work to do."

Red Blood Cell Girl: "That. White Blood Cell."

White blood cells turned around.

"Will I be able to see you again?" The red blood cell girl looked just like a girl who had fallen in love.

The white blood cell was silent for a while, and lowered the white hat on his head: "No, there are thousands and thousands of white blood cells."

The red blood cell girl also suddenly realized that there were more red blood cells.

It is like looking for a needle in a haystack for thousands and millions of cells to meet each other again.

White Blood Cell: "But we work in the same world, we will meet again one day, bye."

"it is good."

The episode ended quickly.

But the animation fans in front of the screen looked as if they were still not satisfied.

The animation itself is nothing remarkable, but with the addition of a body cell, it becomes very interesting.

This allows people to have a sense of empathy, as if similar things are happening inside their own bodies.

In addition, this animation can also let people know what is happening in the body, what cells are there, what functions these cells have, etc.

The microscopic world is so beautiful and intoxicating.

Netizens in the animation circle are even discussing the issue of pneumococcus.

"It must be the snot that is trapping the pneumococci."

"One thing is certain at this point: all the cells in the body are very active."

"Definitely snot, and then it comes out in the form of a sneeze."

A group of people speculated and even felt that it should be so. After all, it was in the bronchi and the respiratory mucosa, so what else could it be except snot?
Some people who have studied biology thought about it for a while and realized that it was not snot at all, but lysozyme!
There are even more people who hope that in the future there will be some content that is closely related to daily life, such as trauma, colds, allergies, heat stroke and other common conditions, so that they can easily know how the cells in the body will react to these conditions.

On the same day.

The education department has taken notice of Linlang Studio's animation of Cells at Work!

“This is a perfect example of educational entertainment.”

If you show textbooks to primary school students, they will find it boring because they can only hear what they hear without seeing it. However, if it is presented in this wonderful animation form, it will definitely be remembered by the students.

"Let's play animation in the next biology class. This is the best biology class!"

Linlang Studio is always bustling with activity.

In order not to delay the broadcast schedule of the animation, working overtime has become commonplace.

Chen Ji came back from the work area, sat on a chair and drank some water to moisten his throat, and also saw the messages from animation fans on Weibo.

I hope to see episodes that show how cells react when common situations occur in the human body.

[Thank you for the love of the audience. Linlang Studio has always adhered to the concept of creating happiness with heart. We will do our best to satisfy the content that the audience wants to watch. Please look forward to it. We will never break our promise.]

He issued a latest statement.

After a few hours, the information continued to spread, and many people who saw the latest statement issued by Linlang Studio were completely disdainful.

Just a joke, Linlang Studio will do everything it can to satisfy the audience?

Even if Chen Ji said this, he might not believe it! (End of this chapter)

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