Don't let him do animation

Chapter 282 It’s a miracle that I’m still alive

As time goes by, Cells at Work! presents what the audience wants to see, just as Chen Ji said.


This is the latest episode of Cells at Work!, and it is also an experience that all real audiences have had. No matter who you are, you have had wounds on your body to varying degrees.

The content of this episode is about the reaction of cells inside the body after trauma.

At the beginning of the animation, the red blood cell girl is still holding a task list with a worried look on her face because she is lost again.

This time the mission is to go to capillary 34.

By chance, she met a senior from the Red Blood Cells who was also on the way.

"Let me walk with you for a while."

"okay, thank you."

The red cell girl was ecstatic.

Suddenly, a rhythmic whistle sounded outside the corridor window.



The sound was very rhythmic, like neat work being done.

The two cells looked out through the window and a group of little girls wearing blue baggy T-shirts and white hats appeared.

The little girl in the lead was holding a heavy basket in her arms and whistling constantly.

The little girls at the back were struggling to carry the goods together, making the sound of "Hey, hey!"

At this moment, many animation fans opened their eyes wide.

Platelets are so cute.

Even cuter than Chang Tan.

After watching it, most girls' hearts will explode quickly.

The little girl in the lead tried hard to lengthen the sound of the whistle, opened her mouth, and the whistle fell and was hung on her neck by a thin rope: "Everyone stop."

Even the voice is so nice that it makes people want to take care of it.

Platelets are one of the components of blood cells. When blood vessels are damaged, they will gather together to block the wound and stop bleeding.

In front of the little girls was a very difficult flight of stairs.

They walked down the stairs slowly and carefully, being extremely cautious, which made the red blood cell girl who was still watching from afar swallow her saliva and feel worried as she followed the female senior.

Fortunately, they walked down the stairs safely.

"We walked down."

A group of little girls cheered happily.

They continued to perform their duties, but suddenly, an object called coagulation factor rolled out of the basket in the arms of the leading little girl.

"Help me pick it up." The little girl said helplessly.

The red blood cell girl appeared and helped her.

"Red Blood Cell Sister."

"Here, here you go."

After expressing their gratitude, the platelets wash the fibrin in a nearby river, forming a pink network structure.

The two red blood cells looked at each other for a while, their eyes filled with warmth.

The two cells delayed for a while and went to work. They came to an overpass, and the senior red cell warned: "Don't be careless when you go to this area."

Red Cell Girl: "Why?"

"The blood vessels in this area are very close to the skin, so the slightest collision will have a particularly big impact."

Suddenly, a strong earthquake shook the mountains, as if the whole world was shaking.

"What just happened?" The red blood cell girl was still in shock.

Senior Red Blood Cell: "The skin is easily stimulated by the outside world, but fortunately it didn't suffer too much damage."

"The damage you are talking about is..."

"for example"

Before he could finish his words, an explosion occurred.

The red blood cells in the nearby area fled in panic.

A huge explosion occurred, like a rising fireball, appearing in the red blood cells' field of vision, sweeping across the surrounding facilities.

"Ah~" the red blood cell girl screamed in horror.

After the explosion of the fireball, a terrifying bottomless abyss appeared. It seemed to be staring at these red blood cells. There was an indescribable strange power, and the powerful suction pulled many red blood cells into the abyss.

Among them are the Red Blood Cell Girl and the Red Blood Cell Senior who has always taken care of her.

"Ah~ I'm going to be sucked in."

When she was about to fall into the abyss, suddenly a big hand stretched out from the broken wall beside her and grabbed her tightly.

Looking up, I saw the white blood cell that worked together to kill the pneumococcus.

"meet again."


The white blood cell pulled her into the ruins.

The red blood cell girl fell to the ground, gasping for breath. The red blood cell senior who was rescued on the side was not much better off, and was extremely panicked and terrified.

"What's going on? What happened?" asked the red blood cell girl.

"As you can see." The white blood cell was explaining when another scream of fear was heard from outside. The white blood cell reached out again to save a cell.

"Due to external impact, the outer wall of the blood vessel was damaged and the blood cells were sucked away."

"Just a scratch."

Abrasions are injuries caused by friction and refer to injuries that only damage the epidermis.

Many cells are like frightened birds, screaming and fleeing to safety.

White Blood Cell: "If you fall from that wound, you're done for. You can never come back to this world again."

Red Cell Girl: "This is a big deal, we need to deal with it quickly."

The white blood cell signaled her to be quiet, indicating that the wound would be treated soon, but before that, there would be trouble, that is.
He suddenly stood up, pressed down two red blood cells, and his blade-like tentacles pierced the wall behind him.

Smoke and dust rushed in and were quickly absorbed by the wound.

White Blood Cell (angry): "Damn bacteria."

After the wall was broken, a group of very random-looking creatures floated above the abyss.

They are bacteria that enter the body through wounds!
“Is this a human body?”

"Just as the rumors say, it's really suitable for breeding."


The leading bacterium is a golden female bacterium, like a tumbler, small on top and thick at the bottom, with a tail blade on the back.

The screen immediately displayed the bacteria's information.

Staphylococcus aureus: A bacterium that exists in the skin and pores all year round. It is highly toxic and can cause epidermal infections and food poisoning, pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis and other diseases after invading the body through trauma.

After reading these messages, the audience in front of the screen felt that their cerebellum was about to atrophy.

Trauma, commonly known as a wound, is an experience that everyone has. This animation should have a scientific basis, so it is a miracle that they can survive until now!
"I got a little scared suddenly because of the scratch."

"I was so scared that I didn't even dare to bleed."

"I didn't know I would be injured so badly."

"I'm sorry, my cells."

“It’s really hard for me to be alive.”

If it weren’t for Cells at Work!, who would have thought that a cut on the body could be so serious?

And in the animation.

Staphylococcus aureus ordered a group of its bacterial minions to take action, and immediately two ugly bacteria pounced on the cells.

The white blood cell looked serious and told the red blood cells to run away quickly, while it stayed behind to kill the bacteria.

The dagger flashed with a cold light, and the white blood cells were extremely strong, so he chose to fight hard.

Before the red blood cell girl left, she did not forget to say, "White blood cells, lead them over here to fight, otherwise you will be sucked away by the wound."

White blood cell: "Don't worry about me, just go."

The red blood cell girl hesitated for a while and was reluctant to leave, but finally her reason overcame her impulse. If she stayed, she would only be a burden to her white blood cells.

Alarms rang loudly in the area near the wound. Many red blood cells were still unaware of what had happened, only that their blood vessels had contracted, slowing down the rate at which blood flowed out.

The red blood cell girl and the red blood cell senior ran over from the wound and shouted, "Oh no! There's a big scratch on the opposite side, and dense bacteria are running in through the wound."


“It’s bacteria!”

The red blood cells became even more panicked and fled into the distance.

'Boom!' The wall collapsed.

Bacteria are chasing us.

"We have conquered this world!"


Streptococcus pyogenes, which lives in the throat, digestive organs, skin and other places, is one of the most common resident bacteria and can cause a variety of diseases.

Another green bacterium that looked like a snot monster arrived: "Red blood cells that transport nutrients, line up over there."

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one of the most representative resident bacteria existing in the natural environment, can cause Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in the human body.

The two bacteria were very rampant and they launched a ruthless slaughter on the defenseless red blood cells.

The red blood cells fled in panic, but the road ahead was blocked, blocking countless red blood cells shouting for help.

The venous valves have closed, preventing blood from flowing back, so that the blood flowing in the veins is transported in one direction to the heart.

"Help, help." The red blood cells cried out for help.

The bacteria from behind have already caught up.

"go to hell."

The tentacles on top of the head of Streptococcus pyogenes were like the sickle of the god of death, easily grabbing a red blood cell woman.

"Ah~ I'm going to die." The red blood cell woman screamed.

Streptococcus pyogenes (rampant): "Hahaha, didn't I tell you that if there are no red blood cells that transport nutrients, they will be killed."

Suddenly, there was a 'ding dong' sound.

It's the sound of the white blood cell sensor.

One white blood cell wielded a dagger and killed Pseudomonas aeruginosa with one strike, while two other white blood cells attacked Streptococcus pyogenes from both sides and killed it.

The scene was quite brutal.

The rescued red blood cells were stunned for a long time before they realized that it was the white blood cells.

The expressions of several white blood cells were ferocious and terrifying.

White blood cell A (crazy): "Where are the bacteria?"

White Blood Cell B (Insane): "Kill them."

White blood cell C (madness): "Where is the scratch?"

The red blood cell girl pointed out the direction with a dull expression.

White blood cell A (normal): "Really? Thank you."

Then he went crazy again, leading a group of white blood cells behind him, and rushed towards the wound with strange roars.

For a moment, it was hard to tell who was the villain.

the other side.

White blood cell U-1146, the same white blood cell that had encountered the red blood cell girl several times, was fighting a desperate battle with a group of bacteria.

However, he had a very difficult fight, facing a swarm of bacteria.

"Hahaha, take this from me."

An ugly bacterium successfully attacked the white blood cell, and the dagger in its hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound. However, he was a veteran after all, so he grabbed the opponent's tentacle and smashed it against the wall.

"Quickly trap him."

The other bacteria started to attack.

The body of a bacterium is like a dead tree and a cockroach, with branches extending out to nail white blood cells to the wall.

"Okay, now this white blood cell is doomed. Go find other white blood cells."

The other bacteria left, leaving only the dead tree-like bacteria.

Dead Tree Bacteria: "Hahaha, I'm surrounded by knife-like thorns and can't move!"

"Go to hell!" The white blood cell suddenly exerted force, broke off a branch, used it as a dagger, and swung it forward.

The bacteria died.

White Blood Cell leaned against the wall and gasped for breath.

"It's strange. These bacteria could have escaped deeper into my body without fighting me."

There is weirdness.

Before I had time to think about it, a voice came from the intercom.

Other white blood cells are struggling and need support.

The white blood cell immediately rushed to the battlefield where his colleague was, while still wondering what the purpose of the bacteria was.

He quickly rushed to the battlefield.

It was the edge of the wound, which was also the area with the most concentrated bacteria. In comparison, the number of white blood cells was pitifully small.

There is only one white blood cell, U-4989, protecting two red blood cells, and the situation is extremely critical.

Fortunately, white blood cell U-1146 (the male protagonist) arrived in time, swung a dagger to kill a bacterium, and successfully rescued his colleague.

"Sorry, you've been a big help."

"It's okay. You're welcome."

The golden Staphylococcus bacteria floating above the wound (taunting): "You are very good at fighting, but how long can you hold out?"

"There are still a lot of bacteria coming in from outside."

Countless bacteria continued to pour in from the wound.

At this time, more than a dozen white blood cells also hurried to support. It seemed that the two sides were about to fight a tough battle, but in fact, the white blood cells were at a disadvantage.

Due to the influence of the geographical environment, the wind from the wound is too strong. If you are not careful, you will fall into the wound and leave this world.

Unfortunate No. 4989 was so unlucky that he fell into the abyss in panic and disappeared from the sight of all the white blood cells.

On the other hand, the bacteria are not affected at all. They can fly and appear behind the white blood cells, forcing them into a desperate situation with a cliff behind them.

Staphylococcus aureus mocked again: "Your partner is really unreliable."

This bacterium is extremely powerful. With just the tail blade on its back, it can attack three white blood cells at the same time and gain the upper hand.

The white blood cells could only keep waving the dagger in their hands and resist continuously. They had nowhere to retreat.

"How pathetic! You must be very tired."

"Hahaha, the neutrophils are so pitiful."

"You fight every day to protect other cells, but when you are in crisis, no cell comes to save you."

Staphylococcus aureus destroys the fighting spirit of white blood cells.

White Blood Cell U-1146: "You don't call us white blood cells anymore, but neutrophils. It seems you have some knowledge."

"Of course. After all, I heard that a certain pneumococcus invaded without proper prior investigation and ended up being killed. I have thoroughly investigated all of you in the immune system."

Neutrophils, white blood cells, will be the first to respond to invading bacteria, and strong guys like macrophages and monocytes will arrive later, and finally the army called lymphocytes will come even later.

Staphylococcus aureus has a thorough understanding of the immune mechanism, so as long as it kills these neutrophils now and cuts off their connection with the subsequent cells, it can then conquer the world at will.

Staphylococcus aureus attacked again, its tail blade like an unclear, indistinguishable afterimage, continuing to attack.

The white blood cell has been unable to withstand the attack so far. After a few exchanges, white blood cell U-1146 was hit hard in the abdomen. His body retreated uncontrollably, and his right foot was almost hanging on the cliff behind him.

A piece of rubble fell into the abyss. White blood cell U-1146 looked back, gasping for breath, his body heaving violently.

Staphylococcus aureus: "Take my fatal blow."

The tail blade was as fast as lightning, but was blocked by a dagger.

Staphylococcus aureus couldn't believe where this white blood cell got the strength from.

What is going on? Is there still fighting spirit?
White blood cell U-1146 finally figured everything out. No wonder these bacteria were not in a hurry to escape deep into the body.

However, this tactic is too crude.

White blood cell U-1146 (full of fighting spirit): "You seem to have overlooked the key cells, not the macrophages, not the monocytes, not the killer T cells, and not the B cells. You have overlooked our powerful helpers, the professionals who can reverse the current situation!"

"Beep~" a whistle came from a distance.

"Who is it?" Staphylococcus aureus was horrified. Could there be immune cells that it didn't know about? (End of this chapter)

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