LOL: It’s so happy to be a Chinese aid in LCK

Chapter 201: 1. Ultimate heroism, 1. Ultimate cooperation and win-win, what exactly is he implying?

Chapter 201: A pair of ultimate heroism, a pair of ultimate cooperation and win-win, what exactly is he implying?
"How do you rate it?"

CT looked directly at Smeb and asked what the professional top laner thought about this situation.

"Hmm," Smeb thought for a moment, frowned, and said, "In my opinion, this Twilight Eye was a bit cowardly."

CT: “Oh?”

"He could have just gone up and exchanged blood with the blind man."

"Although there are many soldiers around Lee Sin, he is only half-health. We can't let him push the line back home so comfortably. Once he pushes the line back home, Lee Sin with two kills will buy equipment and come back. How can you fight him?"

"I can't fight anymore."

Smeb said bluntly, pointing out that Letme was too stable and used to being stable, "and the hero Twilight Eyes also has a sword array, which can obviously block the basic attack."

CT nodded repeatedly as he listened, until finally, he said with a smile, "Anyway, Silence must be very happy now."

"Yeah, look at his gear," Smeb pointed out.

Everyone's attention subconsciously turned to the blind monk who walked out of the fountain again. He had only one piece of equipment on him, a serrated dagger!



It was clearly Smeb who asked everyone to watch it, but after watching it, he was surprised and said in disbelief, "Are you talking about a blind man with a burst of killing skills?"

The current version of Lee Sin, especially the ones that can be used in competitions, basically have the red jungle knife, and then directly switch to the Knight's Oath, and at most add a Tiamat or something like that, and the rest are all meat equipment.

But this time, Xu Junyan actually took out a 1100 armor-piercing weapon first!
"I still underestimated him."

Smeb laughed. "I thought he would play a pure tanky Lee Sin and stir up trouble in teamfights. I also thought he would first build Tiamat to quickly clear minions, and then play a normal warrior build with Greed and Black Cleaver... But he actually planned to play an assassin build!"

"This kind of blind man is very fragile, and this kind of blind man still can't fight against Yaozi in the late game, but wait!!"

As CT was talking, he suddenly cried out in surprise and glared, "Isn't there something wrong with the route he took out of the fountain?"

There's something wrong.

After Xu Junyan came out of the spring, he went straight to the bottom road.

After fighting over the tower in the bottom lane, he went back home and farmed from top to bottom. Then Xiao Hei, who had been hanging in the bottom lane, waited until he met Xu Junyan.

After the two met up, Xu Junyan took the lead and Xiao Hei followed closely behind Xu Junyan, and the two of them made an arc and started to walk towards the dragon pit.

The director gave a profile from RNG's perspective, which immediately caused another commotion.

Because RNG had set up vision in the lower triangle grass and the lower river grass, but the movements of Lee Sin and Spider completely avoided these vision areas.

"OhMyGod! What a thief~!"

The English stream commentator of LCS started screaming.

Of course, if they continued to move forward and walked towards the triangle grass, they would inevitably be discovered by RNG's vision.

But it doesn’t matter. By this time, it’s too late for Uzi and Ming to discover them!
After all, his name is Uzi.

Loyal GSL fans love to brag that the greatest advantage of their 'God' is his strong laning ability. He can always put pressure on anyone he plays against.

This is just like Letme mentioned earlier, who is used to playing steady. He won't compete with others in the offline world, but once he has to compete, he will consider a lot and worry about gains and losses. No matter he is right or wrong, he will choose to continue playing steady in the end.

Uzi is used to being strong in laning, and he can't change it, otherwise, Zzitai would not have said the classic line "It's easy to fight Uzi, just gank him at level 2 and it's done."

The same applies to this game. Although Bang chose a policewoman, his support was a Sion. All in all, the suppression power of the duo was neutralized a lot.

In addition, although Bang dealt a lot of damage in the team battle just now, he didn't get any kills, so he didn't establish much of an advantage.

Uzi must be very angry about this, because he got the first blood and lost 400 gold, and he is most famous for his laning ability.

After several rounds of fights with Bang, he was able to hold his own and was not pushed under the tower by Bang's policewoman.

But this also gave Xu Junyan and Xiao Hei enough opportunities, because Uzi stood on the line, so when the eyes of the triangle grass finally found them emerging from the shadows, it was useless.

Uzi cursed "Fuck!" with an ugly expression on his face, and hurriedly followed the support Thresh to retreat along the wall.

Theoretically, is there a chance if we go this way?

But this theory must come from the fact that Xu Junyan and the other four did not want to cross the tower, they just simply wanted to try to kill if they could and not kill and run away.

In reality, Xu Junyan and Xiao Hei didn't go down at all, but went straight forward, blocking Uzi and Ming's retreat.

"Ah! Uzi is in trouble this time. He is about to be bypassed again. Mr. Guo is behind. Do you dare to come to support?"

In the LPL commentary booth, Colonel Guan’s voice was urgent.

In a flash, Bang and Sion easily pushed the line without any hindrance.

Olaf of Mala Xiangguo stood behind the stone beetle, motionless, still struggling over whether to go up or not.

His jungle performance was already very bad this time. He started the game alone in the jungle and died once. He was already far behind Spider in level. If he died again...

"Liu Shiyu, are you blind? You can't see the other side is covering up. Are you crazy standing there without moving?"

Uzi's face had turned visibly red when he saw Xu Junyan and Xiao Hei coming. Now that SKT had crossed directly but Olaf didn't come over, he broke through the defense and roared angrily.

Xiao Hei takes action first!
A Q skill [Neurotoxin] hit Kaisa, attracting the hatred attack of the defense tower first.

Bang directly open the point.

Xu Junyan and Wolf both pushed forward.

In this kind of four-on-two strategy, as long as Uzi and Ming don't have dual skills, it is basically impossible for a miracle to happen.

Unless SKT makes a mistake themselves and something goes wrong with the resistance swap.

But obviously, this problem does not exist. Xu Junyan even played a trick on Thresh. After focusing fire on Uzi and killing him, Xiao Hei immediately flew into the sky. Xu Junyan was the first to attack Thresh, and Ming's hook, which had been dormant for a long time, was immediately hooked out. Unfortunately, Xu Junyan was prepared. After the attack, he used [Golden Bell Cover] to touch the policewoman directly, resisted the defense tower, and left directly.

Next, the policewoman took over the tower, killed Thresh, and then used the E skill to step back and move away from the tower.

From Spider to Lee Sin to Caitlyn, it was another perfect exchange of resistance.

Although this game has only been played for five minutes, SKT has shown a completely different style from the first time it faced RNG.

If we talk about the last match, SKT showed more of a kind of personal heroism. After all, Jayce's 17 kills in 13 minutes was really cool.

In this game, SKT showed more of a team spirit, an unparalleled cooperation and coordination among teammates!

[Pfft! He seems to be mocking something.]

In the barrage, Leon appeared again, and his opening words were full of sarcasm, pointing the finger directly at a certain club and certain fan groups.

Leon's words immediately stirred up a thousand waves. Many Yan fans, Ke Fan, and even LPL passers-by who watched the whole process of Xu Junyan and RNG's feud, all seemed to be a little confused. Then, countless comments poured out.

"Damn it! I wouldn't have realized it if this brother hadn't said it. There's actually such a thing going on here."

"Jayce got 17 kills in 13 minutes, showing the ultimate heroism. He told RNG and the Royal Family how strong I am, and slapped the faces of the Royal Family and RNG executives who mocked him for being a loser!"

"Now, he has done a tower dive with his teammates in perfect coordination, which has shown those who slandered him for causing disharmony in the team how well he and his teammates can coordinate and work together in a different team!"

"So everyone is bad at RNG? Kind of funny, so I won't say whose fault it is~/黄豆流汗"

"After these two rounds, whose face was the most swollen?"

"It's a very unique way of proving oneself. To be honest, I admire it. He used this method to prove himself again on the field... It's amazing. I was even a little moved and wanted to cry."

"This is Silence. He is strong and has a tough personality. If other mediocre or weak players were targeted by RNG and cyberbullied by Huangza, I can't imagine what would happen to him."

"Damn! I kind of like this Silence, but I'm afraid of getting expelled from my nationality. What should I do?"

"RNG, Royal and GSL, every one of them is a pure LPL poisoner!!"

Finally, along with Leon, the unprofessional anti-bar pioneer version of Wayward, the public opinion on the barrage continued to expand...

More people completely expressed their dissatisfaction with RNG.

This kind of dissatisfaction is not created in a day or two, but has been accumulating for a long time.

In the past, people thought it was unnecessary, or they wanted to protect their nationality and avoid being called a Korean idiot - after all, just because you like LPL doesn't necessarily mean you are not a Korean idiot, but if you don't like RNG, you must be a Korean idiot, instantly!
In short, it was because of these reasons that everyone did not want to vent, but at this moment, Xu Junyan actually charged forward like this, which made them no longer afraid and completely exploded.

The emperors were dumbfounded.

They could never have imagined in their dreams that Xu Junyan could diss this part of their history on another level just by participating in a competition.

How dare he? !
They were already a little upset when Uzi was killed again, and now they were even more anxious and madly attacked in the barrage:

"Stop yelling! Stop yelling right now, you stupid Korean bastard!"

"Yan Xiaozi is going all out again, right? Go away! If you like South Koreans so much, go back to South Koreans!"

Leon immediately grasped the weakness of the Korean bastards and asked, "When did Brother Yan become a South Korean? In the past, Kefen liked Faker, and Daxiao liked Ruler. It was fine for you to call them Korean bastards, but now liking Brother Yan also makes you a Korean bastard?"

bad! !

The biggest secret of the Royal Trash in the laning phase is that if you are not happy with RNG and there are South Koreans on your team, you are a Korean Trash...

Now, Xu Junyan is not from South Korea!

Although Xu Junyan had already been unilaterally expelled from his nationality by them and had to go to South Korea, but! Damn it! !
For a moment, the royal bastards were extremely angry and ashamed, and they all emphasized angrily that if they liked Xu Junyan, they liked SKT, and if they liked SKT, they were not Chinese, and they were right to scold him.

At the same time, another person started cursing in the team voice chat.

Uzi! !
As soon as the last wave died, he cursed at people in the voice chat: "Fuck you, Spicy Hotpot, are you a idiot? I've told you so many times that they want to cross, they want to cross, and you're standing there motionless, you're just staring blankly. If you don't want to fight, just click it, don't disgust me!"

Spicy Hotpot said unhappily: "I'll die if I go, what's the point? My development is already poor, how can I play if I die again? Can you play if I give it to you?"

"You don't know how to operate it? You can't operate 4 over 3? Are you kidding me?" Uzi's face turned even redder when he saw that Mala Xiangguo dared to refute him.

"Okay, okay~, 666, I'm a bad boy, I'm a bad boy, okay?" Although Mala Xiangguo admitted to being scared, his tone was full of yin and yang.

Uzi's face suddenly turned even redder!
These two are basically the two with the worst tempers in RNG, and they are both very opinionated when playing games, and neither of them thinks they are wrong.

It's still the same logic. If RNG keeps winning, even if there are conflicts between them, they will be easily covered up by winning games.

But once they lose the game and are stuck in a disadvantageous stalemate, and the two of them start to clash with each other, it's simply unbearable! A quarrel is inevitable.

"What should I do if the blind monk doesn't come back?"

Seeing that something was not right and the atmosphere in the team was tense, Letme quickly interrupted and said something, while feeling secretly annoyed in his heart.

He can't help but be annoyed!

If these two people start arguing now and get red in the face, there is a high probability that this battle will be lost again.

The shame he lost to Xu Junyan can't be recovered, he is unwilling to accept this!

After losing the last game to SKT, he checked Weibo and saw that there were indeed many people reading his history books. He immediately became a clown.

If he can't beat Xu Junyan, he's really finished!
Letme's interruption was somewhat useful. Although Uzi's face was very red, it was scary, but he also wanted to win the game, so he didn't continue arguing.

After all, this is not an ordinary LPL league. If he is unhappy, he can just give Mala Xiang Guo a Lucian jungler to annoy him to death. Wouldn't that make both of them disgusted? No one can have a good life!
It's not like he hadn't done that before.

But not this one.

The opponent in this game is Xu Junyan!

The grudge is obviously deeper and bigger than the spicy hotpot!
"Then come on! Come straight on! If he keeps pushing the bottom lane like this, I won't be able to play anymore. How can I play in the later stages?"

Uzi cursed as he came online with a flushed face.

"I'll go."

Letme just had to go home, so he gritted his teeth and recommended himself.

Because Xiaohu couldn't get out of the middle lane at all, he was suppressed by Faker in the middle lane and couldn't move at all.

In theory, Karma is actually pretty good against Tsar. At least Karma pushes the line very fast in the early stage. At worst, she can fight 55- against Tsar, right?
However, Faker had two kills in his hands, and in the previous support, he controlled the minion line better than Xiaohu.

And the most important thing is that Faker is better than Xiaohu, and Xiaohu is a stable player! He is as timid as a dog in foreign wars.

This has led to the current mid lane matchup.

Mala Xiang Guo stopped arguing with Uzi, his face looking extremely bad, but he also wanted to win, so he went to the middle lane to gank a wave.

But Karma and Olaf are quite effective in small-scale teamfights when playing 2v2 in the mid and jungle, and they really can't catch anyone!

After seeing Olaf, Faker moved upwards directly until he found that Olaf was following him. Karma gave him E to continue following, and after a [Countercurrent Throw], he used WEQ to escape through the wall in an arc.

At that time, bottom lane!
“Still pushing! Still pushing! Uzi has resurrected, but there’s no way to get to the tower. Waiting for Thresh… Thresh is here, but he still doesn’t dare to go. Letme…”

"Shen is here too!"

In the LPL commentary booth, wAwa's anxious voice continued to sound. Finally, with Shen's arrival, Uzi also dared to show up.

But! At this time, Faker Tsar, after the big drift, went directly to the top lane.

After seeing Shen coming, Xu Junyan used the little dragon as the midpoint, sent Tianyinbo down to the dragon pit, and then went to the middle lane.

Perfect line change processing!

(End of this chapter)

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