LOL: It’s so happy to be a Chinese aid in LCK

Chapter 202 I'm kicking Lei Ou! Pick up the lantern! The lantern! Oh no! God is red again!

Chapter 202 I'm kicking Lei Ou! Pick up the lantern! The lantern! Oh no! God is red again!

Seeing SKT playing like this, Letme was furious.

He came down to support this time, and although he handled the minion line very well, that required no one to interfere, and he and Lee Sin had to stay in the bottom lane the whole time.

But now?

SKT switched lanes smoothly, completely avoiding their edge and concentrated fire, and directly paralyzed them.

It's like playing with them like monkeys! Like chickens! They are completely in the palm of your hand!
"SKT's operation is... a bit exaggerated."

On the LPL commentary booth, Colonel Guan's scalp tingled. After a pause, he gave his analysis in a helpless tone, "They are sure that RNG will not give up Uzi, so they dare to play so recklessly and make this wave of operations so smooth."

wAwa didn't say anything, but on the barrage, the people who were on the opposite side of Yan fans and others, especially the GSLs, suddenly became furious!
What words?

What does this mean?

Between the lines, is this implying that Uzi has become RNG's breakthrough point and a drag?

Haha! I laughed my ass off!
"Guan Zeyuan, please get lost! Don't let him come up to commentate anymore. He knows nothing! He's a complete Korean bastard. Get lost!"

"No, he has a grudge against Uzi, right? Anyone can see that Uzi is the leader of RNG. Listen to what bullshit he is talking about."

"Guan Gou, go show your respect to your Samsung daddy, and stop barking at RNG. It's hilarious. If you can't explain, shut up!"

"No, I'm just wondering if a normal person can say such a thing? What did Uzi do wrong? It was obviously the stupid teammates who were too slow to support. If they had arrived earlier, Uzi would definitely be able to operate!"

"This is how the dog manager is, it's brainless. I suggest everyone just block the official commentary, or just watch Uzi's first-person perspective, you can learn a lot! /Soldier/Soldier"

This is not the first or second time that the commentators have criticized Guan Zeyuan. Since Guan Zeyuan is the only LPL commentator who openly supports the LCK team, he is often the first to be criticized by the commentators.

While criticizing Guan Zeyuan, they had to grit their teeth and admit that SKT's operation this time was disgusting!

Some Royal Trash and GSL were furious and posted comments mockingly: "SKT just doesn't dare to fight RNG head-on, right? Laughing."

Even if he didn't flaunt his identity, everyone outside could tell at a glance what he said.

Apart from Huang Za, no one else would post a comment with such a high content of stupidity. Between the lines, there is nothing but anger and frustration.

However, SKT actually found an opportunity to fight next.

After Xu Junyan went to the middle lane to take over two waves of lines, and Xiaohu followed the team's arrangements and went to the top lane to find Faker's Tsar, Xu Junyan went straight down.

After clearing the wild monsters for a while, Xiao Hei, who had regained his health, also came to the lower half and took his position. This made Letme, who had just arrived in the middle lane like a dog being walked, instantly realize that something was wrong. His face changed and he shouted a warning: "Uzi! They go down again! Maybe they want to pass you again, retreat quickly! Retreat directly!"

"Oh shit!"

Uzi's face became redder and redder, until his entire face was visibly red.

He was so annoyed that he almost exploded. He cursed the person on the other side a hundred times in his heart, saying that he must be sick! He hated Xu Junyan to the core.

After all, each of these waves of rhythm was initiated by Xu Junyan, and every time it started, it was to disgust him.

This one was originally a C!
The first blood costs 400 gold at level 1, and he is playing a Kaisa, which makes him invincible. He doesn't even have to worry about the long-range threat of the policewoman in the lane because of this 400 gold.

But! That bastard Xu Junyan! !
Uzi was so popular, but he had to retreat quickly. He didn't dare to continue to kill soldiers in the front, so as not to repeat the last time he was double-killed.

"I'm here! Uzi, you can retreat first. They don't dare to cross, so lean back quickly. Why do they dare to continue crossing in a 4v4? It doesn't make sense." Mala Xiangguo said immediately.

"I'm leaning on it, I'm leaning on it! I'll be there soon, Uzi just needs to be careful not to get kicked." Letme was also annoyed.

He found that he had been completely in a daze for the past few minutes and had no idea what he was doing, just wandering around!
Except for a brief moment of comfort when there was no one on the line at level 1, after that TP, he was outsmarted by Miss Fortune and went to the top lane, and then was disgusted by Lee Sin on the line - in fact, he was just a coward, thinking too much about playing it safe and not daring to fight.

Then, Lee Sin came to the bottom lane. After he returned home, he had to come to the bottom lane as well to protect Kaisa. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the bottom lane, SKT switched lanes smoothly. Tsar went to the top lane, and Lee Sin went to the middle lane.

He had nothing to do in the bottom lane, so he could only go to the middle lane. However, as soon as he reached the middle lane, he saw Lee Sin go to the bottom lane.

He has to go and protect it!
He has to protect Uzi. What if Uzi gets killed again? Thinking about the quarrel between Mala Xiangguo and him just now, he will only get an advanced version of Red-Warm Cybertron language abuse.

Besides, if he doesn't protect Uzi, it's useless to steal a little development for a while, and he can't be the C...

So, he came back again!
Thinking back carefully, he hadn't touched the minion line for more than a minute, and in a little over 6 minutes, his level barely reached 5.

Of course, there is good news, Lee Sin is also level 5. Oh yeah! How does Lee Sin kick people at level 5?

Letme felt that he was a little dizzy after playing so long, and hurriedly reminded: "Blind man is level 5!"

Uzi had already retreated, and was about to come out again after Olaf and Shen arrived.

Although his purification and flash have recovered, he has begun to suffer from psychological trauma due to SKT's four-on-two attack.

When I thought about SKT going four on two, although I was still mostly angry and annoyed, I was more panicked and started sweating all over.

However, when Uzi heard Letme say that Lee Sin was only level 5, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned even redder.

This is not anger, but rather a bit of an amusing element, because it contains an element of shame and annoyance for being looked down upon.

"Fuck! You're so stupid, is it okay for you to target me like this? You're not even level 6, if you can kill me, I'll take your last name! Even if I stand still and let you kick me, can you kill me, clown!"

When Uzi heard this from Lee Sin at level 5, his defense was broken. His face turned blue and red, and he muttered something foul. He stopped retreating at that moment.

He has flash and purification, so why would he be afraid of a level 5 blind man?

it's so funny.

Xu Junyan looked down on him a little too much.


He was extremely ashamed and angry.

Even the fear that had arisen in his heart just now appeared on his red face with shame and anger.

He, Xu Junyan, was just a person that the entire RNG team decided to abandon half a year ago, as a discarded pawn, and...

"Blind Monk replaced Purification..." Such a murmur came out of Xiao Ming's mouth.

Even on the LPL commentary booth, Colonel Guan was wondering: "What is SKT going to do again? Lee Sin hasn't reached level 6 yet. He was able to leap before because Kai'Sa and Thresh didn't have dual skills, but now they have them! How can he leap again?"

The next moment, the situation changed.

Without any signs, the policewoman Bang in front of the tower hit a cannon cart and severely damaged it. Then, Wolf used his E skill [Killer's Roar] to knock the low-health cannon cart away.

The destination was Xu Junyan who had just reached the edge of the wall. The soldier fell to the ground with only a little blood left, and Xu Junyan smashed out with a basic attack.

The gun carriage is dead!
A holy light fell, and Lee Sin reached level 6! "Oh my god! He's level 6!"

Xiao Ming, who was still reading the information about Lee Sin changing his skills in the chat box half a second ago, didn't even finish reading it when he suddenly saw Lee Sin in the eye position reaching level 6. His face changed drastically with shock.


Uzi's face suddenly changed, and his first reaction was to use flash because he had a strong warning in his heart.


Xu Junyan is coming!
Come to get him.

But, in reality, Xu Junyan's flash was faster than his!

Today in season 8, many hero gameplays have actually been studied very thoroughly.

Especially for a hero like Lee Sin who is very popular in the arena, it is basically a hero that every professional player must practice, and everyone has studied it very well.

There are countless combos like eye-touch and spin kick, R flash, QQ eye-touch and R flash, Q eye-touch and E flash, RQ and so on.

Everyone felt that after being researched to this point, Lee Sin had reached perfection and there was no way to research him any further.

But! W flash!
This approach has disappeared in S8. Not only has no one used it, but no one has even proposed the concept.

Perhaps if things continue to develop normally, by the time the S9 season comes around, a blogger on Bilibili will have a sudden idea and propose the possibility of this style of play, and then put it into practice, bringing Lee Sin's W flash into everyone's field of vision for the first time.

But, things are different now...

The moment Xu Junyan reached level 6, he used his ultimate skill, and then, with his eyes flashing, he used R! He suddenly closed the distance of 1000 yards, and kicked Uzi, who was about to use flash, away.


In the LPL commentary booth, Colonel Guan was suddenly shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes and cried out in surprise.

"No! What the hell is this?" wAwa, who was thinking about how to take over the colonel's words that SKT couldn't cross the tower this time, got stuck in his throat and suddenly widened his eyes.

On the LCK commentary booth...

"Oh! Shit!" Smeb was caught off guard and couldn't help but blurt out a curse in horror.

CT explained, but he could control himself from swearing, but he couldn't control his shocked expression. He shouted in disbelief: "What is so fast?"

"WTF?! OhMyGod!!!" This was the roar of the LCS live English commentators, both of them said in unison!

quick! too fast!
Lee Sin’s kick was too fast!
His move was totally against common sense. He passed by in a flash, and then Uzi was kicked out by him like a ball.

Even the professional players who were playing in the game, Mala Xiang Guo, Letme, and Xiao Ming exclaimed "Wow". Even Xu Junyan's teammates, Bang, Wolf, Xiao Hei, and a certain introverted mid laner who did not want to reveal his name and was playing Xiao Hu as his son without any pressure and observing the bottom lane, were all dumbfounded.

Although as teammates, they all absolutely trust Xu Junyan, and Xu Junyan said he would get Kaisa out, he would definitely do it, but that didn’t make you so handsome?

As for Uzi himself, his head was buzzing. He had no idea what had just happened. How come he was gone in the blink of an eye before he even had time to use his flash?


A bad premonition suddenly burst out, and his face suddenly turned red! He hurriedly wanted to find a way out.

However, Purification was not as important a priority as Mercury's Treads. Mercury + Flash could 'resolve' the knockback, but Purification + Flash could not, so he did not act impulsively at the first opportunity.

At the same time, although they were shocked, as professional players, the operations of the players on both SKT and RNG were not slow at all.

The moment Kaisa was kicked out, Xiao Ming used E [Pendulum of Doom] to knock Xu Junyan away, and then threw a lantern slightly in front of Kaisa.

Xiao Hei's spider stabilized [Cocoon], controlled Uzi, and then placed a ward on the lantern.

Wolf's Sion also quickly placed a true ward on the lantern, then charged up Q, [Brutal Critical Hit]!
Bang's policewoman then sandwiched and followed up with a basic attack!



In the commentary booths of each major competition area, the commentators finally recovered from their shock with difficulty but quickly, but fell into even more agitated and continuous shouting.

The LPL commentary booth saw that the knock-up effect of Blind Monk's ultimate finally disappeared, and Uzi used Spider's [Cocoon] as soon as he landed, purified it and instantly resolved it, while flashing forward at the same time, and barely avoided the attack range of Sion's charged Q.

Wolf is greedy!

He was greedy and tried to use the highest damage Q to knock up, but he didn't expect Kaisa's purification and flash were also very fast, so his wave directly became fw.

And he didn't help to deal the damage, only the policewoman and Spider joined in the fight, and the damage was visibly not enough!

wAwa was immediately excited and yelled hoarsely: "Uzi's reaction is so fast! It seems that he can still survive this wave! He is showing off! He is still showing off Uzi!! Pick up the lantern! Pick up the lantern! Xiao Ming's lantern is also very good! If Uzi picks up the lantern again this time, it will be a perfect response!"

However, after Sion's Q missed, when Uzi was walking back and trying desperately to find an angle to light the lantern, a [Sound Wave] suddenly hit him.

Immediately! As if there was a roar of "Leo", the blind monk who was hooked by Thresh after E was seen under the tower, with clear water splashing on his body.

This was a foreshadowing that had been laid earlier.

After the 8.8 version changes, the first chance to replace the summoner skill of "Unsealed Cheats" can be used at the 5th minute of the game time.

(Version 8.8 is used in this MSI event)

Now, the game time is 6 minutes and 08 seconds!
Xiao Ming actually discovered this point very early on. He had read half of it, but the situation was urgent at the time, so he didn't finish it and forgot about it afterwards.

Now it has become a foreshadowing. Xu Junyan did not use the meaningless purification when he was knocked into the air by Thresh, but when he was hit by Thresh's Q again after landing, he directly solved it and then Q Kaisa, all in one go!

In the LPL commentary booth, wAwa's voice gradually became lower and weaker.

Uzi, who was hit by Q, suddenly had a face that turned completely red, even his entire body turned red, the temperature was incredibly high.

When he was kicked back by Blind Man's second stage Q and Leo's flying kick, there were only these few words left in his mind:

He can’t pick up this lantern!

No! There was another voice, Xiao Ming's: "Uzi, zoom in and pick it up!"

That's too late.

The blind man has been kicked out.

The damage is extremely high.

Kai'Sa! Die!!
(End of this chapter)

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